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Topic: How to make school fun

Good morning to the chairperson, honorable judges, respected time keeper and the audience.

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is indeed an honor to be given the chance to stand here in front of you, the audience. My task today, is to
show you how to make school fun.

According to New Oxford Dictionary of Second Edition a school is a place where children go to be educated
whereas fun means amusing or enjoyable. In other words, our topic today will show you the ways to make our
presence at school an enjoyable one.

First, boring classroom lessons should be replaced with other teaching strategies like experiential learning or
discovery learning that equipped with multimedia experience. Subjects that require observation like science
should be given ample time for real observation. Students should not be spoon fed with its theoretical aspect
while its fun part, the real experience of observing facts in motion is missing. I mean, where have all the fun
go? Certainly planting and watching a tree grows is a lot more engaging than reading facts about it in a book.

Second, make school building and its compound a fun place for students and teachers. Provide activity rooms,
students centre and cafeteria instead of just a canteen. Build an environment that makes all feel welcome and
comfortable. Students would certainly love to come if their school looks like a resort or a theme park and not
just dull blocks of building. Imagine spending recess between classes in a students centre furnished with sofas,
indoor games and computer booths. Its better than staying home!

Third, reduce the number of students in a class. The ideal number of students should be around 15-20. This
has long been the practice in prestigious school overseas and schools in developed countries. Students get
better attention from teachers and whatever learning theories in practice would be carried out successfully.

Fourth, teachers should be encouraged to be creative and produce engaging lessons. Of course it is easy for
teachers to produce lessons full of facts and information, but to make students realized why they are doing it is
another matter. Teachers, who are the beacon of hope for students must give thought provoking lessons that
generate students desire to learn. A lesson that touches heart would provoke students inner selves and instill
in them the craving for success.

Fifth, abolish examination and replace it new set of assessment which put more priorities on attitude and cocurricular activities. After all, we are only human who are made not just with flesh and blood, but a biological
creature with feelings and faith. It is a known fact that many who are not successful in government examination
become successful in life later on, simply because they do what they love to do. And sitting for an examination
is not one of it! So, my understanding here is, less examination equal more fun!

Ladies and gentlemen.

Sixth, reduce the number of subjects a student need to take up. This will reduce the weight of their bags. Dear
parents and education officers, have you ever tried carrying your sons or daughters bag all the way from your
car to the classroom? I can tell you that it is very heavy. I remembered an article in the newspaper stated that
heavy school bag would strain students back bone and affect their health. Going to school is not much fun
when you have to carry a heavy bag all the way from home.

In conclusion,

School can be a long, daunting process. The key to make it lasting and memorable is to have fun with it. If you
are going to be sitting in different rooms for nine or tn months, why not make these months hilarious and

Thank you for listening.

I love school. It is a place where I am preparing for my future. It is a place where I

interact and engage with people who are employed to educate the next generation of
learners. I love it. However, some of my peers do not. I always wonder why. Is it
because they have to take some classes they don't enjoy? Is it because they
sometimes feel lonely? As clich as it sounds, the only way to make school fun and
entertaining, is to simply make school fun and entertaining.
What does it mean to make school more bearable and enjoyable? The image of a
class clown comes to mind. The class clown is generally someone who focuses
more on making the class the laugh, than on their English reading. For me, my goal
is to both thrive academically and comedically in a classroom setting. I seek to make

the class more tolerable and enjoyable for both the student and the teacher. I believe
that if you can still get high grades on the work in class, why not make the class more
interesting and stimulating? As I've grown from a petrified freshmen to a comfortable,
confident, high school senior, I've begun to realize that the amount of laughter and
silliness in a class depends on the teacher. If you have a strict teacher, focus on
making intellectual comments, not relating your English book to the latest Beyonc
song. If your teacher makes jokes, or sarcastic comments, then by all means,
channel your inner Tina Fey or Seth Meyers. Try to make the class laugh, but in a
witty, intelligent way. Do not make irrelevant comments just to be funny. The key is to
be funny, while relating your class discussion to popular culture. The one rule: The
extent of the joking in class is entirely dependent on the teacher and classroom
As my friends would kindly say, math is not my forte. Math is a class that I take in
high school because I must do so in order to graduate. I've learned proofs, parabolas
and more throughout my years. Though math is difficult for me, I attempt to keep my
complaining to a minimum. I understand that math is a required subject and I must
take it to advance to further endeavors in my life. What keeps my spirits up, is that
(hopefully) after years of spending time finding the domain and range of a cubic
graph and solving for x, I will have more liberty to choose my classes in college. I
have worked for many hours solving the pythagorean theorem, the distance formula
and much more in order to attain high marks in math classes. Just because you do
not enjoy the class, does not give you an excuse to slack off and not do the work. As
someone who loves the humanities, I love reading and asking questions about the
assigned passage. Yet, I must also take pride in classes where I traditionally
struggle, such as the sciences and mathematics. I must strive for the highest grades
in these classes as well.
Socially, freshman year was a challenging year for me. I had a tough time adapting to
a new school environment. As someone who loves sports, I used them as a vehicle
to get closer to my new classmates. By sophomore year, I was in a fantasy football
league with a group of my classmates, and have continued to participate in it for all of
high school. Though it may seem challenging, if you have an optimistic, friendly
attitude you can make friends. I've made some of my closest friends from my cross-

country team and from some basic conversations in my classes. Even if people
aren't always directly interested in the same hobbies as you are, you can find some
School can be a long, daunting process. The key to make it lasting and memorable is
to have fun with it. Make some jokes in your classes, get to know your teachers, try
hard even in classes that you do not enjoy and meet some new people. If you are
going to be sitting in different rooms for nine months, why not make these months
hilarious and memorable?

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