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Administrative Stuff

Quiz 4 Is Friday, November 4, 4:30-5:45, CW101-102103.

The laws: Biot-Savart, Ampere, Faraday, Lenz; plus
displacement current and Maxwells equations.
Review will be Wednesday evening, November 2, 7:30
PM, CW 102.
A progress report consisting of your range of possible
points in various categories has been posted.

Electromagnetic Induction
If we:
Move a magnet towards or away from a coil, or
Move a coil towards or away from a magnet, or
Rotate a coil about a magnet, or
Rotate a magnet inside a coil, then:
A current flows in the coil, implying that a voltage difference
develops around the coil.

Faradays Law
The summary of this is Faradays Law: the
voltage difference around a closed loop, often
called the EMF E, equals the negative rate of
change of magnetic flux through the loop.
d B

E E d dt dt B

Flux reminder
The flux of B through a surface is FB=BdA over the
surface, where dA=dan is a little piece of surface area da
with the unit vector n pointing at right angles to the
If B is constant in direction, and the surface is flat then
FB=BAcosq, where q is the angle between B and n. Note
that changing B, A, or q will result in an induced E.
In Faradays law, the flux is computed through an open
surface, not a closed surface as is the case for Gausss
Law for the E-field.
What is the magnetic flux through a closed surface?

Lenzs Law
Changing FB produces a voltage, and the voltage can
cause currents to flow. Which way do they flow?
Lenzs Law: Induced currents always flow in the
direction that results in an effect that resists the change
in FB.
If the induced currents were to reinforce the change in
FB , then generators could run themselves!

Lenzs Law example

Suppose the resistor R is slides to the right between

conducting rails at constant v as shown below. What
kind of current will develop through R.
A. No current (no battery).
B. Top rail to bottom rail.
C. Bottom rail to top rail.


Lenzs Law 2

Which way, if any, will current flow in the loop as the

magnet is pulled away, as viewed from the right?
A. Clockwise.
B. Counter-clockwise.
C. No current will flow.

Lenzs Law 3

Which way, if any, will current flow in the loop as the

magnet is moved towards the loop, as viewed from the
A. Clockwise.
B. Counter-clockwise.
C. No current will flow.

Eddy Currents


The diagram represents a magnet (red circle)

sliding down a conductor that is separated into
pieces (blue squares). The north pole of the
magnet is facing you. What direction will the
eddy currents flow develop in each square as
the magnet slides down?
Opposite direction of motion of magnet.
Parallel to direction of magnet motion..
Clockwise around squares.
Counter-clockwise around squares.

Spectacular, but subtle

A conducting ring is place over an iron
core coming out of a solenoid, with the
solenoid initially off.
When the solenoid is turned on, the ring
jumps up.
This is consistent with Lenzs law. The
induced eddy currents in the ring act to
keep the flux close to its original value of
The subtlety: the field is very small
outside the solenoid. Furthermore, only
the radial component of B can do

Diamagnetism Redux
Lenzs Law gives a qualitative
explanation for diamagnetism, the
phenomenon wherein induced magnetic
fields oppose external fields.
The opposition comes about as the
internal field is turned on. Currents
change (or, better, magnetic dipoles flip)
so as to keep FB from changing. These
changes produce fields that oppose the
external field.
This effect can be spectacular in a
superconductor, which is a perfect
diamagnetic. The relative permeability is
mR=0, as the induced field completely
cancels the external field. B=0 inside a

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