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2 0 W I N G S - M I X N M AT C H

2050 N. Kansas Ayr Lanes @ Billys 620-626-4400


SUNDAY March 27, 2016
Take up thy cross and
follow Me, I heard my
Master say, I gave My
life to ransom thee,
surrender your all today


Employment rate still trails in 10 states Page 6A



Leader & Times
Though she has been in and out of church her whole life,
with grandparents and her mother taking her as a kid, Tammy
Heronemus has always had a belief in God.
Ive always known that there was something bigger than me
out there in the universe, she said. When my children were
younger, we went to church all the time.
In more recent years, Heronemus experienced divorce and
moved away from the church.
I made my own decisions, made my own choices, she said.
About four years ago, Heronemuss daughter began begging
her to go to church with her. That was also the year
Heronemus lost a part-time job and found herself, as many
people do, in a desperate spot in which they either find God or
turn back to Him.
I had some personal things happen that drew me back to
church, she said.
In March 2012, Heronemus began attending Liberals
Trinity Faith Church on a part-time basis,
but by July
o f

that year, she found herself attending

every week.
By September or October, I was really
nailed in, she said. I was starting to help out
with Discovery Kids, our Wednesday night
program. I was able to help with vacation
Bible school that year.
In late June, Heronemus is going to Haiti
for some mission work.
We will do vacation Bible school at two
different orphanages, she said. One is
Divine House. They have about 13
children. The other
one, Im
n o t
s u r e
h o w
m a n y
t h ey
have. Well do
vacation Bible school in the
morning at those two orphanages.
Heronemus will likewise visit a womens hospital,
which is basically a hospice, and a childrens hospital.
At both hospitals, our job there is just
to visit,

O n G o o d F r i d a y, N e w B e g i n n i n g s C h u r c h i n
L i b e r a l i n v i t e d p e o p l e f r o m t h e c o m m u n i ty f o r
t h e c h u r c h s f i ft h e d it i on of t h e C r oss W a lk .
C h i l d r e n s p a s t o r A a r o n Hi r t s a i d t h e w a l k w a s
op e n t o s e v e r a l l oc al c h u r c h e s , w i t h g r ou p s of
p e o p l e t ak i n g t u r n s c ar r y i n g t h e c r o s s u p a n d
d o w n K a n s a s A v e n u e f r o m W a l ma r t t o B e s t
Ma r k e t . H i r t s a id t h e w al k h e lp s l oc a ls s h ar e t h e
lo v e of J e s u s C h r i st a n d r e m e m b e r w h a t H e d i d
f o r u s . A d a m G a r z a ta k e s h i s t u r n d i s p l a y i n g
w h a t J e s u s d id f or h i m i n t h is p ar t i cu l a r p h ot o.
Courtesy photo

Page 3A

Liberal Lions to SCCCs Titus, McLemore earn international notice

Their contributions to
host pancake feed community
are result of
Special to the Leader & Times

extraordinary work

The Liberal Noon Lions Club will host its SemiAnnual Pancake Feed
from 5 to 7:30
Tu e s d a y,
April 19 at
t h e
House in
a r e
in advance
member or at the
door. Tickets are $7 for
adults and $4 for children ages 10 and below.
Proceeds will benefit local projects.

Trinity Faith to offer Easter

egg hunt following
morning services

Courtesy of Seward County Community


Theyre good at what they do because

they love it. And it shows.
Seward County Community College
recently selected faculty members
Jamie Titus and Larry McLemore for
the NISOD Excellence Awards, which
recognize outstanding commitment
and contribution to students and
colleagues. The two honorees will reap
the rewards at the NISOD International Conference on Teaching and
Leadership Excellence in May. Pewter
medallions and public acclaim are welldeserved, said SCCC Dean of
Academics, Dr. Todd Carter.
Jamie is the consummate
community college faculty member,
said Carter. The Medical Laboratory

Technology instructor invests deeply in

student success through individual
tutoring, Carter noted:
You will find Jamie in the lab,
working with students one-on-one, or
teaching online, and also participating
in important campus decision making
Larry McLemore, division chair of
the Industrial Technology Division, is a
practitioner of appreciative inquiry and
whole systems thinking, Carter said.
He uses these tools to foster and
support positive change by helping
others recognize and develop the
strengths they have as individuals which
then contribute to the strengths of the
In alignment with the most innovative national trends, SCCC has
expanded its outreach to area high
school students, many of whom are able
to earn certificates and early college
credits through concurrent enrollment.

N See SCCC/Page 3A


I use these quotes almost every day: it is

through an alignment of strengths that our
weakness become irrelevant, from Peter
Drucker, and people move in the direction of
the questions asked, by David Cooperrider.

There is a national shortage of qualified

laboratory personnel. This is what inspires me
to teach in the Medical Laboratory
Technology and Phlebotomy programs. Our
online format makes formal laboratory
education available to students who would
otherwise not be able to receive training.

The hunt is on as local children gather Easter eggs

Special to the Leader & Times

Trinity Faith Church will host

an Easter egg hunt with fun
and prizes on Sunday at 2264
S. Kansas.
Coffee and donuts will
be served at 10 a.m.,
services will begin
at 10:30 a.m.
hunt will
t h e
P r i z e s
include a $50
Visa gift card,
$100 gift card
and an 8 GB

AB OV E LE F T: C hi ld r en s eek ou t so me o f the m an y E as te r eg g s i n t he bac ky a r d o f Li ber a l Goo d Sa m ar i t an F r ida y a t t he fa ci l it y s E a st er e gg hunt . L&T

photo/Robert Pierce
AB OV E RI GH T: A y o ung l ady wa i ts a s he r c o ll ec ti o n o f E a st er eg g s i s ch ec ked f or pr i ze eg g s F r i day m or n ing a t a hunt at Ar ka l on Pa r k. L&T photo/Janie Pierce

Vol. 130 Iss. 294 22 Pa ges

Liberal, Ka nsas

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