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Dear Pride Committee,

Today the citizens of Toronto found out that Toronto Police Services has been
banned from Pride. And, today many people have been outraged, saddened
and conflicted over this decision.
The core values of Pride are;
1. Inclusivity We welcome everyone and want everyone to be welcomed.
2. Diversity We celebrate the uniqueness of all voices while bringing people
together as one community.
3. Creativity We inspire our city and the world through education, art,
Many of us, and myself included feel this decision goes against the very
fundamental values of Pride. Although, we understand the committees view
and its desire to protect the community. The act of banning Toronto Police
Services defies the value of inclusivity, quite simply exclusion is not
inclusion. Pride values state that we welcome everyone and want everyone
to be welcomed, how can the committee make such a decision that acts
against this very value? In banning the Toronto Police it will only further add
a divide and hostility between the two groups. The act itself not only seems
rash but also immature. Issues with the police need to be dealt with, not
ignored by pushing out the police. Furthermore, there are many LGBQT
officers that deserve and have the right to walk in the Pride Parade. Many of
whom may have been prosecuted for their gender identity just as non-police
LGBQT people have.
Diversity is yet another value this decision defies. In having Toronto Police
present, we are celebrating a variety of LGBQT people working in a
conservative and traditional profession. We are showing people yes, we can.
Yes we can be LGBQT AND be police officers. In having Toronto Police present
it will also promote awareness of the LGBQT community within the Toronto
division. It will hopefully foster understanding of the community for officers.
The stronger the relationships Toronto Police Services has with the Pride the
better off the community will be.
Lastly, this very decision also defies the value of creativity. This decision is
not creative by any means. Its a simplistic bully tactic that mislabels an
entire group and does not give any consideration to the LGBQT police officers
or those that support the LGBQT community. It sets a bad president and
does not resolve the actual issues between Pride and Toronto Police services.

I ask you, what value is Pride setting forth with this decision and is it one
thats truly best for the community? I believe not. I also believe Pride failed
to be creative with its relationship with Toronto Police Services. Rather than
simply banning the police, I would like to respectfully suggest a police LGBQT
community liaison team. This would be the go to police team for the
LGBQT community. A team of police officers chosen by the Pride committee
and LGBQT community that will champion for them, and help handle LGBQT
community issues/ emergencies. I believe this is a better alternative to the
ban and will strengthen the relationships between Toronto Police services and
the community. I would also like to suggest Pride offer further awareness
training to Toronto Police Services. Perhaps this training could occur in the
519 community centre and give the police officers a first hand look into the
I, and my fellow citizens of Toronto ask you reconsider this decision and
instead consider a more creative long term solution.

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