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Edmonton's Infill Roadmap

Progress and Achievements

That the January 18, 2017, Sustainable Development report CR_3981, be received
for information.
Report Summary
This report summarizes the progress and achievements of Edmontons Infill
Roadmap over the last two years, and shares lessons learned to carry forward
and support the ongoing implementation of infill.
Edmontons Infill Roadmap has provided a shared path to support more and better
residential infill in Edmontons mature and established neighbourhoods. Two years later,
it is time to reflect on the work that has been accomplished and the changes that have
been made as a result.
The Infill Roadmap was designed as a two-year work plan for the City that consisted of
23 action items, including eight priority actions, all of which Administration committed to
starting before August 2016. The actions in the Infill Roadmap were the product of a
robust eight month public engagement process called Evolving Infill, through which
Administration heard from a wide spectrum of residents and industry through a variety
of avenues including in-person events, online forums, workshops and discussion
guides. A mid-point progress report was published in September 2015.
Now, two years after Edmontons Infill Roadmap was released, all 23 actions have been
initiated. Of these actions, 15 have been completed, while implementation efforts
continue on the remaining eight.
Some actions required multiple projects or steps in order to truly fulfil their objectives.
For example, Action 16, to support more row housing in the RF3 (Small Scale Infill
Development Zone) is dependent upon the results of Action 17, the Mature
Neighbourhood Overlay Review. Another example is Action 23, more clear and
effective notification and consultation. Administration has undertaken numerous
initiatives to improve how the City communicates and engages with Edmontonians on
infill issues. However, due to the nature of this action, ongoing continuous
improvements will be made as work to support infill continues. Additionally, this work will
continue to be refined over time in alignment with the Council Initiative for Public
ROUTING - Urban Planning Committee | DELEGATION - L. Balone/K. Anderson/P. Ohm
January 18, 2017 Sustainable Development CR_3981
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Edmontons Infill Roadmap Progress and Achievements

The last page of the Infill Roadmap indicates: If other needs or opportunities to support
infill come up along the way, we may act upon them too! To date, Administration has
completed, is working on, or has plans to deliver 30 supplementary actions to support
great infill in addition to the initial 23 actions identified in the Infill Roadmap. These
supplementary actions are known as the detours. These additional detours have been
instrumental in promoting better infill practices and, as a result, better relationships
between neighbours, builders and the City. The identification of, and commitment to act
upon, these detours demonstrates the continuation of a meaningful infill conversation.
These detours also demonstrate the commitment that Council, Administration and
Edmontonians have shown, and continue to show, toward supporting great infill in our
mature and established neighbourhoods.
Lessons Learned
Implementing the actions in Edmontons Infill Roadmap has been a learning process for
Administration, for our communities and for our development industry. A few key
lessons are provided below:
Infill is a complex challenge and a coordinated approach is required for
implementation to be successful. Administration has changed how it works in
order to better address this complexity, and will continue to adapt and learn.
The lived experience of residents is essential to identifying how best to support
great infill in our mature and established neighbourhoods. This was most
apparent when Administration began to advance solutions for infill construction
There is a need to be fluid in how action items and priorities are approached,
including a willingness to make key changes over time. Successful
implementation of some actions has demanded some flexibility in approach in
order to best respond to the current context, including the order in which actions
are implemented so that their work might build on each other.
Proactive communication is essential. Administration is implementing a revised
communications and marketing strategy focused on sharing information about
residential infill, community change and how to better balance city growth in ways
that support citizens as they move through their lives and build a sustainable
future for the next generation.
Evolving Infill - Next Steps
Edmontons population grew by 21,521 people between 2014 and 2016, a 2.5 percent
increase. It is important that as our population expands, there are opportunities for
these new households, families and individuals to find the right homes in the right
communities. The Infill Roadmap contributed to Edmonton becoming a more
sustainable city by working to enable a broader diversity of housing options. Continuing
this work is critical to Edmontons growth and resilience as a community. Next steps will

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Report: CR_3981

Edmontons Infill Roadmap Progress and Achievements

include identifying more strategic and targeted infill opportunities in order to support an
Edmonton that is truly for everyone.
This report is supported by policies in The Way We Grow, Edmontons Municipal
Development Plan, Bylaw 15100:
Policy Encourage a minimum of 25% of city-wide housing unit growth to locate
in the Downtown and mature neighbourhoods and around LRT stations and transit
centres where infrastructure capacity supports redevelopment.
Policy Ensure a combination of single family and multi-family housing
development potential is available for the next 30 years.
Policy Support redevelopment and residential infill that contribute to the
liveability and adaptability of established neighbourhoods which are sensitive to existing
Policy Promote the development of family oriented housing and walkability in
established neighbourhoods to support existing school and institutional infrastructure.
Policy Support revitalization, redevelopment and infill that contributes to the
livability and adaptability of established neighbourhoods.
Policy Optimize the use of existing infrastructure in existing neighbourhoods.
Policy To assist in long term community building, a minimum of 25% of family
oriented housing units should be part of large residential infill site projects within the
Mature Neighbourhood Overlay.
Policy Ensure neighbourhoods have a range of housing choice to meet the
needs of all demographic and income groups and create more socially sustainable
Metrics, Targets and Outcomes



As of August 2016, all

23 actions have been
initiated. 15 out of 23
actions are complete
and work continues on
the remaining eight.

All 23 actions in the Infill

Roadmap initiated by
August 2016.

Improvements in
communication, City
processes, and general
understanding support
better residential infill in

An additional 30
projects, or detours,
have been started
between 2014 and

Additional needs or
opportunities identified
as a result of
implementing the Infill
Roadmap will be acted

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Improvements in
communication, City
processes, and general
understanding support
better residential infill in

Report: CR_3981

Edmontons Infill Roadmap Progress and Achievements

Percentage of new
dwelling units in mature
excluding core
neighbourhoods in
2015: 8%
Percentage of new
dwelling units in core
neighbourhoods in
2015: 5%
Percentage of new
dwelling units in
developing and
neighbourhoods in
2015: 87%

A minimum of 25% of
city-wide housing unit
growth to locate in the
Downtown and mature
neighbourhoods, and
around LRT stations
and transit centres.

The City achieves
residential densification.
Neighbourhoods have a
range of housing

1. Edmontons Infill Roadmap - Two Years At-A-Glance
2. Edmontons Infill Roadmap - The Detours
Others Reviewing this Report
C. Campbell, Deputy City Manager, Communications and Engagement
R. Smyth, Deputy City Manager, Citizen Services

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Report: CR_3981

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