Regarding The Pain of Others

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Enerolisa Paredes

English 11
Professor Bryant
Exercise #3
Regarding the pain of others
1.-Sontag describes the role of television in American war-making as a gadget that
distorts the reality, whose access is limited by government controls.
2.- She mention the rights of a relatives as one argument, and the second to
protect the people suffering through images.
3.- Sontag review the abundance of photos recording military conflicts since the
mid-nineteenth century, highlighting the imperative changes in innovation, style,
and belief system. Regarding the Pain of Others pores over representations of
monstrosity from Goya's The Disaster of War to the photographic documentation of
the American Civil War, Nazi concentration camps, to current day pictures of Bosnia,
Serbia, Rwanda, and New York City on 9/11
This work concentrates on war photography and particularly on our
response to those photographs.
Regarding the Pain of Others is a persuasive examination of the complexities
required in review other individuals' agony.

Exploratory writing
I agree with Sontag that cameras can catch but words can say. The photograph
itself is capable of speaking for itself only so much but It requires an interpreter.
Photographs do not assist in the comprehension of a situation that is up to writers
to create narratives that help in understanding.

Essay writing
When we get to be accustomed to seeing savagery in our ordinary life it is difficult
to reestablish the stun that we once may have felt when taking a gander at it
surprisingly. Sontag puts this nicely by writing No Committee of Guardians is going
to ration horror, to keep fresh the ability to shock. And the horrors themselves are
not going to abate..

The final chapters of this book explain that war photography is art. Her writing
becomes even more passionate while closing up the final chapters of the book. War
photographs are very powerful and mean a lot but what we have to understand and
remember is these images reveal real people. We will never understand what they
really go through no matter how long we stare at these images. These people
shown in these war photographs had a life and family. I feel like sometimes people
just look at these images as a whole and don't really understand the meaning
behind these photographs. This book really has shown me to dig deeper in
photographs, especially war images. There is more behind the hurt soldier or dying
child. These people were in pain. We can not take these images and photographs
that we have for granted. We are lucky to have the memories and history of the war
through these photographs. These photographs allow us to think about what
happened in the past. We can not remember because we were not there fist hand,
but we can look back and be grateful that we know what happened during these

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