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*Title of the book: Airport

*Author Name: Arthur Hailey

*Genres: Fiction, Drama, Disaster
Publisher Name: Doubleday
Every organization, every business is a tough cookie to crack. There
is no job in this world that comes easy. Passionate workers do their
jobs no matter what hurdles they face; in fact, the more roadblocks
the more challenged they are and the better they perform. Arthur
Haileys Airport is about a set of passionate men and women who
perform their job sincerely come what may.
The novel begins with the hero of the story; the Lincoln International
Airport, Illinois. The story is set in the midst of winter when airports
face the maximum problems due to bad weather and complaints.
Mel Bakersfeld is the General Manager of the airport and the book
shows him dealing with the various problems encountered by the
airport. A terrible snowstorm that wreaks havoc on the airport, a
plane that is stuck on an important runway, another plane that is
having its own emergency on air, the complaints of the residents
near the airport, and Mels own personal problems are a few of the
disasters that he faces one night at the airport. On a separate side,
the story also talks about Mels brother Keith.
The book is wrought with one disaster after another and by covering
all of them Arthur Hailey has effectively managed to make us know
the running of an airport; not merely the airport in general, but
every tiny little job that makes an organization the big machinery
that it is. A must read for any book lover.
*Rating: 3.75
Tags: Airport, Arthur Hailey, Mel Bakerfeld, Keith Bakersfeld, Joe
Patroni, Fiction, Drama, Disaster

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