Berkeley ESPM 161 Paper 4

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Isaac Meyer

Discussion 103
October 24, 2016
Paper 4, Week 11 Question 1
Ecofeminism draws a link between feminism and ecology primarily through the relation of
the struggle of woman against man and the struggle of nature against man. In ecofeminist theory,
both the of these relations suffer from a system of domination by males and are therefore strongly
The links between these struggles can be seen by many examples in the world. Merchant
lays out many of the historical examples in Chapter 8 of Radical Ecology. These movements can
be seen across the world, but in the US. one particular striking example lies in the Love Canal
incident. In 1978, it was women who led the charge that discovered the affect of toxic chemicals
on their reproductive systems in the housing community of Love Canal. Reproduction is a very
important part of the ecofeminist link to nature. In the piece by dEaubonne, she describes the
access to reproductive rights as a tool that women should have in fighting overpopulation that
leads to a degradation of the environment (E Ch. 16). In this way, dEaubonne uses the role of
women in reproduction as a cogent argument for the cause of ecofeminism.
The grounds for the connection between women and nature lie in these twin systems of
oppression but also within essentialist claims of physiological and psychological connections.
Sticking to a Cultural Ecofeminist frame, there exist connections between women and nature that
can not be removed from the description of a woman. On a physiological level, it is women that
have the organs used in the reproduction of life. It is argued that these faculty for reproduction
grants women a stronger connection to nature and nurturing because this is the role they must
fulfill in nature. On a psychological level, it is argued that this requirement of raising youth gives
women a stronger emotional intelligence while on the other hand men have enhanced ability to
deal with the abstract. This emotional ability provides women with a connection to mother Earth.
Transitioning to the theory of Liberal Ecofeminism, the differences in psychology are less
profound. In Liberal Ecofeminism, both men and women can be equally rational and the
development of a dominant male society arose from millenia of oppression rather than innate
differences in abilities. While Cultural Ecofeminists embrace the image of a Goddess and Gaia
theory, Liberal Ecofeminists see the solution to current ecological crises in the form of reformist
efforts (i.e. better science, better laws, and better management). While Liberal Ecofeminism may
disregard essentialist arguments in some aspects of their approach, Social Ecofeminists actively
criticize essentialist arguments. In the opinion of Social Ecofeminists, using the argument that
women have a special connection to nature and are therefore more natural caretakers of the planets
cements the systems of oppression that they are seeking to cast off. The other point of contention
among these groups is the question of the future economic system. Under Liberal ecofeminism, as
stated earlier, it is believed that most environmental problems could be solved using the current
system of capitalism. On the other hand, Social Ecofeminists see a link between capitalism and the
patriarchy in what they call the capitalist patriarchy. They advocate an overthrow of this system.
Although the grounds for a connection between the causes of ecology and feminism can be
clearly seen, many disagree on their application and some even on the nature of the connections

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