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South Junior High School

2320 South St.

Anaheim, CA 92806
(714) 999-3667

Business Tech Curriculum Letter

Length of Course: 1 Semester

Teacher: Mrs. Slusser


Objective: Business Tech is a semester long course designed to introduce

students to basic computer concepts as defined in the California State
The students will learn how the computer operates: become familiar with
basic computer vocabulary, develop extensive keyboarding skills, basic
online research skills, construct letters in Publisher, learn about Internet
Safety, and participate in activities involving computer applications
including Microsoft Office, Google Drive and Paint. This is a hands on
course intended to prepare students for more specialized computer
concepts introduced in the eighth grade.
Materials: All textbooks and skill-building software will be provided to each
student for use in the classroom only. It will not be necessary for students to
take these materials home.
Classroom rules:
Arrive to class on time
No food, drink, gum, etc.
No personal grooming
Be prepared to work on assignments
Turn in assignments on time
Treat other students and teacher the way you want to be treated
Please sign, cut and return just this portion to class
Student signature:___________________________________________

Parent Signature

Grades: will be based on the following: assignments, quizzes (vocabulary

and keyboarding) and projects.
A+ = 100% or higher
A= 90-99%
B= 80-89%
C= 70-79%
D= 60-69%
F= 59% and below
Keyboarding Speed Grade:
A+= 30 or higher WPM
A= 26-29 WPM
B= 20-25 WPM
C= 16-19 WPM
D= 10-15 WPM
F= 9 and below WPM
Classroom Rules:
Arrive to class on time
No food, drink, gum, etc.
No personal grooming
Be prepared to work on assignments
Turn in assignments on time
Do not be disruptive

This Curriculum Letter is for you to keep at home.

Attendance: I, _______________________________________________ (print name)

understand that attendance is EXTREMELY important! Since most

assignments are completed in class it is important that I attend class. If I am
absent, I will check the Google Calendar or Aeries to find out what I missed.
I understand I am responsible for all work even if I am absent.

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