Varga Project1 CreativeBrief-1

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By Halley Varga
Haiku Project Motion I
February 4th, 2015

Background and Overview:

To create a motion design piece consisting of six haiku's using movement, images, and sound. With the
descriptions of the haiku's, the idea is to create a motion and animated design using a stylistic look with
a horror like feel to the design.
To introduce the understanding of lm editing tools and video editing skills. In addition, the process of
storytelling through traditional animation with a stylized format of design will be explored.
The professor and students of Motion Design I, family, friends, and whoever wants to see such a

February 4th, 2015

Deliverables: N/A
The Night Haiku reveals the storytelling through motion and stylized framing of the night and what
lingers within the shadows of the mysterious time of the evening. Using different themes of night, the
viewer will see the style of creepiness and horror in a fun loving way.

The piece will be consisted of greys, black and whites with few, no more than one main color. The
piece will have continuous frames of silhouettes with different colors to show depth and space, along
with camera movements of fade in and outs with different camera effects. The project will also consist
with little animation to give some movement of the characters and objects.

Story Boards

Shot 1:
Title appears
on image on
the right.
The sounds of
grass moving
through wind
will be playing
in the
The title will
fade out as
rustling and
breaking twigs
will be hear.

Shot 2:
With sounds of
breaking twigs
and branches,
trees will break
through the
ground as they
set themselves
inside the
scene, creating
a dark forest

Twisted shadows creep

Into yards and fertile minds
Autumn moon on trees

Shot 3:
With grass
moving side to
side along with
the sounds of
the wind
blowing, a
movement of
the moon will
rise up to the
top from
behind the tree

Hard falls the dark night

Sister moon ascends the heights
Moonbeams filter through

Shot 4:
With the moon
high, a camera
shot will fade
towards the
moon until the
frame is
covered with
the yellow of
the moon.

Shot 5:
will turn black
as the yellow
circle as a
black circle
form from
within. A blink
will occur as
the camera
fades back out.

Shot 6:
A mid fade out
shot reveals an
owl in the
trees. Using
the idea of
wind, a feather
will fall as it
floats above
the image
towards the

With golden eyes, bright,

He sees with the finest
guard, till day's light.

Shot 7:
The shot shows
an image of the
night sky with
stars scattered
around as the
within as a new
form appears
and swirls to
the bottom and
out of scene.
Cold and mysterious,
All the while, its alluring,
To our very eyes

Shot 8:
The swirl falls
to the ground a
little different
background as
it takes a form
of a creepy
spirit like

The mist swirls cloaking

Shadowy figures phantoms
from the haunted woods

Shot 9:
The spirit
moves within
the grass as it
turns and
stretches out
towards the
trees on the left
and falls,
within the

Shot 10:
The form
moves back up
as it takes on a
new form of a
wolf. The wolf
moves along
the grass as it
lays down
under the

I am the wolf who

Lives in your dreams and nightmares
Feasting on your fears

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