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Day trip to Colonia:

Three main Ferry operators: Buquebus, Seacat and Colonia Express.

The third one is ussually the one that offers the best prices, but it sails
from a different port, near La Boca, so its a little harder to reach (you
have to go to Plaza de Mayo and from there take a taxi until Pedro de
Mendoza 330).
Seacat and Buquebus (the second one is the most well-known) sails
form Puerto Madero, in Antrtida Argentina 821. You can get there
with the B line of the Metro, getting down at the last stop: Leandro N.
Alem. From there you have to walk straight to Puerto Madero area and
turn left in Av. Eduardo Madero and walk about 500 mts north until
you reach the terminal.
The three companies offer day tours option with tickets, guide, bike
trips in Colonia and lunch included.
Prices go from USD40-USD50 for just the ferry round-trip up to USD
80-100 with guide and day-tours options.
Bike rental:
We found out by social networks and newspaper articles that theres
this bike rental service that works all right. Its called Che bikes, its
in Palermo, you can check it in Tripadvisor. They have different pick-up
stores in Palermo.
Their number is +54 9






Prices go from around: ARS250/day to ARS 500/three days and offers

more discounts for more days.
They speak English.

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