Justice Vs Revenge

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Justice Vs.

By: David Hopper

What is Justice, or revenge? Why do people resort to that when the feel
wronged or misjudged. Why does is make people from their biased viewpoints
feel better, and why people feel revenge is just. First in order to understand what
these things are let's define them. First revenge defined as: the action of
inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands,
or to: inflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong done to (someone
else). Justice Defined as: just behavior or treatment. Also could be defined by:
doing something with a purpose to bring back supposed equality. When people
feel wronged, they are frustrated and want to right what they have been wronged
with much like in the book of Counte de Monte Cristo. The Counte or Dantes
was framed by Villefort. After he served his time he went on a quest to right
everyone who had wronged him.
Is one more acceptable or noble in society?? According to James Mace
Only remember this: to seek justice is a good and noble thing, to seek revenge
out of hatred is something that will devour your very soul. The reason why he
said this is because justice can be defined as fair consequence for all. This
means if you kill somebody, you would get the same punishment as somebody
else for killing somebody. But the only problem is what is actual equality? It could
be defined as fairness, but what really is fair? Everyone has a different paradigm
which is how we see the world or your own personal point of view. If everybody
has a different perspective on something true justice will never be achieved.
However as stated in section four of the article don't confuse revenge with
justice Revenge is about cycles; Justice about closure therefore some forms of
justice may be achieved, but will never be perfect, because of the flaws of every
living thing. This quote by Dean Koontz really supports that statement Those
who wish to punish the current and future generations for the inequities of a
generation long gone, and who equate justice with revenge, are the most
dangerous people in the world. So you decide are you going to go around
plotting revenge on everyone who wrongs you or just bring justice to it. Justice
can be served in several ways shapes and forms. The more you use it the better
and closer you are to true justice.

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