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The Depression and New Deal

The Election of 1932

Republican Nominee - Herbert Hoover
Democratic Nominee-Franklin D. Roosevelt
The 1932 Campaign
FDR - Loved campaigning - Crowds cheered him.
A very general plan Didnt need to get specific.
Hoover - Often booed and heckled.
If FDR elected - Destroy American free enterprise and American system of govt.
The Results
FDR won by a landslide.
Democrats also won majority in the house and senate.
FDRs Brain Trust
FDRs group of academic advisors.
Had the important job of making policy during this time.
Lame Duck Period
FDR - Elected in early November; took office in early March.
In the time between Nov. and March, the current (outgoing) President is known as a
lame duck.
20th Amendment - Changed oath of office to January 20.
Depression Connections
Stock Market Crash October 1929
Buying on Margin risky bank loans.
Depression Connections:
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
Increased tariffs as much at 50%
In response, foreign countries increased tariffs the result was stifled exports.
Dust Bowl
Dust bowl grips the Midwest.
Drought cripples farms; many go out of business and seek employment elsewhere.
Large Cities

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