Delaz Fleet: Zaku II 5x Dom 3x Gouf 1x

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Delaz Fleet:

1x Gwaden Gwazine-class ,
Musai x 15,
(Zaku II x 63,
Rick Dom II x 31,
plus Dra-C 49X )
1x AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra 1x AMX-002 Neue Ziel 1x MA-06 Val
Walo 1x
MS-14B Gelgoog High Mobility Type 6x
Camouflaged Ferry Ship 9x 30x Gattle
11X transport and supply ships

Cima Fleet:

Lili Marleen Zanzibar II-class , Musai x 8,

MS x 30 (Gelgoogs )Zaku II 6X Gattle 9x
5X transport and supply ships

Midnight Fenrir Corps

zaku II 5x
Dom 3x

Gefangener GM 4x
Gouf 1x

earth independint
Class: lvl7I Jukon II (
Position: Hidden
Current Action: Unknown
Ship Status: Damaged 2
1x lvl5I Panzergrenadiers
1x lvl4 Prober (D)(S)
1x lvl4 Acquy (S)
1x lvl4 Hygogg
Class: lvl7I Jukon II (
Position: Hidden
Current Action: Unknown
Ship Status: Damaged 1
1x lvl5I Panzergrenadiers
1x lvl4 Prober (D)(S)
1x lvl4 Acquy (S)

Class: lvl7I Jukon II (Marina Nimue)
Owner: Gene Krabbe
Position: Hidden
Current Action: Unknown
Ship Status: Damaged 4
1x lvl5I Panzergrenadiers
1x lvl4 Prober (D)(S)
1x lvl4 Acquy (S)
2x lvl4 Hygogg
1x lvl4 Z'Gok E
Class: lvl7I Jukon II (Marina Nimue)
Owner: Ben Hargon
Position: Hidden
Current Action: Unknown
Ship Status:
1x lvl5I Panzergrenadiers
2x lvl4 Acquy (S)
1x lvl4 Z'Gok E

Invisible Knights
MS-05B Zaku I
MS-06F2 Zaku II F2 Type 9x
MS-06JC Zaku II 3x
MS-08TX/N Efreet Nacht 1x
MS-14B Gelgoog High Mobility Type
Gefangener GM 5x
Vehicles and Support Units
Wappas 6x
Jeeps 12X
Magella Attack Tank 9x
Gatling Truck 33X
offroad cars/trucks civilan 27x
Gaw 5x
hilo attack 7x
hilo civ 2x
H.L.V. 7x
Samson 21x


Axis forces
2x musis 1x

Gwanban-class 9x transport 67x mobli suits

1x proto types 13x new moblesuits Gattle 12x

Zeon remint other space

unknown +
Zeo remint other land
Bought on black market
jeeps 60x, Gatling Truck 13xDepagg 32x weak arachnopad walker eff
,Type 61 23x , Civilian Heli - 56x 93x Heavy Transport Cargo
Airliner 1x
,Ball - 26x Booster Bed - 10xSaberfish 6xGattle 5x
Fly Manta 4x tin cans 9x Zaku II F - 7x zaku I 3x GM 3x
Dom/Rick Dom - 2x
19x Shuttle Civilian Transport Craft 8x Heavy Lift Vehicle /
Ginga,hvLs 7x
Space Freighter all upgraded with small wepions
17xSodon 12xJicco-class 5x

Axis vollinters

the Gwanzan, eight Musais, and ten transport and supply ships. 60
ms suits 2x prototypes

The palace of thorns

Description: Zeon Remnants Space Stronghold

Terrain & Class: Heavy Shoals Space Station Fortress

Base Commander: Delaz Fleet
A rickity and small space station, the Garden of Thorns was
pieced together from a number of destroyed colonies and other
related debris in Side 5. It is little more than a spacedock and
repair facility, with almost no liesure areas or even living
It is soley designed to be a repair base for Delaz and his fleet.
While the Federation knows Zeon has a base in Side 5, they are
not very sure what or where it is. The thick shoals of Side 5
combined with other varied Federation problems have kept the
Garden alive up till now.
HQ Bunker
Comm Tower
M Particle Emitters
Station Walls
Repair Bay
Non-Combat Add-Ons
Listening Post (D)
12x Combat Add-Ons
Space Minefield
Asteroid Rocket Cluster Defenses (45x)
42x 20mm AA Machinegun Turret
11x 180mm Cannon Turrets
Infantry: 8/10
Vehicles: 38/40
MS: 15/25
MA: 0/5
Infantry & Support
6x lvl3 Marines
2x lvl4 Covert Ops (S)
5x lvl3 Shackles
1x lvl3 Tugboat
1x lvl2 Zaku Worker
16x lvl3 Gattle

MP-02A Oggo 21x

GM Ball 8x
18x lvl3 Dra C
Mobile Suits & Mobile Armors
2x lvl3 Zaku I A
6x lvl3 Zaku II F
1x lvl5 Zaku II S
4x lvl3 Rick Dom
1x lvl3 Zaku II E (D)
Docked Ships

Jicco-class 7x
Class: lvl3 Musai Final (A)
Ship Status: OK
1x lvl2 Marines
Class: lvl3 Musai Final (A)
Ship Status: OK
1x lvl2 Marines
Class: lvl3 Papua (R)
Ship Status: OK
1x lvl2 Marines

Kimberlite Bace
Description: Zeon Remnants Terrestrial Stronghold
Terrain & Class: Underground Mountain Fortress & Spaceport
Base Commander: Neuen Bitter
The abandoned diamond mine of Mount Kimberlite was one of the
only Earth bases actually built by Zeon. An underground facility,
the Federation has never been able to learn its true location.
During the war it was Zeons South African headquarters, and at
the end of the war Bitter decided to take his men into hiding
rather than surrender to the Federation.
Following the war the EF's eyes have been in space and on the
Marina fleet, and this has allowed Kimberlite to remain hidden.
Even still, the bases supplies are dwindling, and it only has a
limited ability to assist the Delaz forces in Operation Stardust.
HQ Bunker
Comm Tower
M Particle Emitters
Access Ramp
Repair Bay
Non-Combat Add-Ons
Reinforced Buildings
Mine (diamonds)
Combat Add-Ons
Defenses (40)
12x 20mm AA Machinegun Turret
6x StA Missile Launcher
18x 180mm Cannon Turret
4x Artillery Howitzer (A)

Infantry: 10/10
Vehicles: 28/40
MS: 25/25
MA: 5/5
Infantry & Support
8x lvl3 Marines
4x lvl3 Wappas
1x lvl4 Covert Ops (S)
3x lvl3 Jeeps
1x lvl2 Zaku Tank Vehicles
8x lvl3 Gunship Heli
1x lvl3 Magella Eins
1x lvl3 Magella Attack Tank
2x lvl3 Weasel
4x lvl3 Dodai II Mobile Suits & Mobile Armors
4x lvl3 Zaku II J
3x lvl3 Zaku II D
2x lvl4 Zaku II K (A)
1x lvl3 Xamel (A)(L)
2x lvl4 Dom Tropen
4x lvl4 Gouf Custom
3x lvl4 Gelgoog Ground Type
1x lvl6 Zaku II F2 S (Neuen Bitter)

Astroid baces small 3x +1x

3x zakus2 1x other per bace Gattle 4-8x
turrets 4-12 x per MP-02A Oggo x4

+ missle posds 4-11x and mg gun

Astrod bace in astriod belt same arms + 6 doms and 22 ZAKU 2+ AND 1X
Gullug + 4x Gattle MP-02A Oggo 12x

Hidden jungle bace by jabboro


zaku 2

Gefangener GM x1

Cannery Row

Class: lvl3 Modified Floating Dock (Pergamino)

Position: Side 6 (Outer Perimeter)
Current Action: None
Ship Status: OK
Special: Pergamino will repair ships at Side 6 at a rate of 100 SP per
2x lvl3 Militia
2x lvl4 Zaku II F

4x lvl3 Gattle
4x lvl3 Ball

MP-02A Oggo 7x

eta Gundam:
In Tomino's
a reference
Gwadans and
started out

novels, Char estimates the total strength of the Axis fleet at three Gwadan
and more than fifteen "enhanced Musai cruisers," which we can probably take as
to the Endra class. The aforementioned Newtype magazine chart lists three
twenty Zanzibar cruisers. And the 1/144 Ga Zowm kit manual says that Axis
with 250 Gaza C units, of which 80 survived the battle at Gryps 2.

During TV episode 50, the Argama's bridge display shows a token force of six Axis
warships, led by the Gwanban.
Gundam ZZ: Neo Zeon
The Neo Zeon invasion of Earth appears to be fairly small in scale. In TV episode 19, we
see nine ships departing Axis, including the Sadalahn but not the Sandra. Of these, only
the Sadalahn, Sandra, and Mindra actually descend to Dakar. (We see an additional Endra at
Dakar after they land, perhaps part of the advance force, and there's an Endra waiting at
Kilimanjaro in episode 32.)
According to Newtype magazine, the final battle between Haman's and Glemy's forces
involves about ten ships on each side; Haman has about 500 mobile suits, and Glemy about
300. In episode 44, however, we see at least 15 Endra cruisers in Chara's fleet. The
following episode, this fleet is joined by the Endra II, as well as the Sadalahn and 2-3
escort ships. And as Gelgoog Jager keeps pointing out, in episode 46, a tactical display
represents Glemy's fleet with 11 blips and Haman's with 24.
The overall size of the Axis/Neo Zeon fleet, then, is pretty hard to estimate. It seems
clear that there are at least 20 warships, and probably more than 30, which would make
this the largest of all the Zeon remnant groups and a match for the peak strength of the

small zeon baces,citys,towns,

bunkers earth 23x
deffences add
ms and veicls add
Grades total 558
Newtype 19 more come from recruts
A 13
B 93
C 195
freash meat new pilots 238
Recruts 53-80 a year

allys ,reminents not loyal to

us,republic of zeon(people within)
Mars, astroied belt populations
being produced
11-12x new ms 1 capitl shp every 4-6
palice of thorns 7-13 retro fits a mounth + [posiablity of

Bought on black market

jeeps 60x, Gatling Truck 13xDepagg 32x weak arachnopad walker eff
,Type 61 23x , Civilian Heli - 56x 93x Heavy Transport Cargo
Airliner 1x
,Ball - 26x Booster Bed - 10xSaberfish 6xGattle 5x
Fly Manta 4x tin cans 9x Zaku II F - 7x zaku I 3x GM 3x
Dom/Rick Dom - 2x
19x Shuttle Civilian Transport Craft 8x Heavy Lift Vehicle /
Ginga,hvLs 7x
Space Freighter all upgraded with small wepions
17xSodon 12xJicco-class 5x
MSC-07 Albion x1
RX-78GP02A Gundam "Physalis" 1x
RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" 1x

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