Emerging Health Leaders Nova Scotia Newsletter - January 2017

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Winter Newsletter

Engaging Today for a Healthier Tomorrow

2015-2016 Re-Cap
Engaging Today for a Healthier Tomorrow: Working Together to Achieve Better Health
Outcomes for Nova Scotians April 13th
Thank you to Steve Ashton (Vice President of People and Organization Development, IWK Health
Centre), Dr. David Anderson (Dean of Medicine, Dalhousie University), Lindsay Peach (VicePresident, Integrated Health Services Community Support and Management, NSHA) and Dr. Robert
Strang (Chief Public Health Officer, DHW) for participating in this panel to discuss the current challenges
and opportunities that exist in the Nova Scotia health care system.


Partnership and collaboration.

Health is about more than care
acknowledge and understand the
social determinants of health.
Embrace change Nothing changes if
nothing changes.
Education and mentorship. Embrace
life-long learning and dont be afraid to
ask questions. Be empowered to ask

Be Bold - this is not about incremental change.

Make Evidence-informed Decisions You cant manage what you
dont measure.
Engage patients, families, staff, physicians, volunteers, learners,
researchers, community partners.
Prioritize and Allocate Resources Accordingly if everything is
important, nothing is important.
Learn how to Lead and Support Change Learning how to lead
and support change is one of the most important skills
/competencies for emerging leaders.

Patient and Family Centred Care Why should it matter to me as a leader? October 27th
Tim Guest (Vice-President, Integrated Health Services Program Care & Chief Nursing Officer, NSHA) was
the first speaker as part of the EHL Nova Scotia Lecture Series and choose to talk about a very important
topic across the Nova Scotia Health Authority.


Patient and family centred care.

Patient experience.
Patient engagement.
Accreditation Canada.

Patient and family centred care requires understanding the

experience of care from the patients perspective.
Co-design and partner with patients where possible.
Patients are the best judge of whether an interaction is patient
Patient and family engagement takes time.

The Hook: A skills workshop for Emerging Professionals who want to be wanted November
Thanks to Wayne Marsh (Independent Facilitator) and Gail Boone (Executive Coach and Owner

at Hold Them Big) for facilitating the first session as part of the EHL Nova Scotia Workshop
Series. The workshop series is intended to support the attainment of leadership and technical
skills that are essential for todays emerging leader.



The types of listening

The elevator pitch
Open ended questions

Its important to be comfortable with silence, dont feel

compelled to fill the air.
Critical to the elevator pitch is having a clear and practical
understanding of what you are saying practice. What are
your key messages?
Know your audience.

Changes to EHL Nova Scotia

2016 saw a lot of exciting changes, new leadership and activities for EHL Nova Scotia. The EHL Nova
Scotia Executive welcomed and said goodbye to a few members. We would like to thank Karen McNeil
and Stacey Lake (previous Co-Chairs) for their dedication and leadership to EHL Nova Scotia. New to the
team is Erica Adams acting as Chair, Laura Toole acting as Chair Elect and Ian Westhaver acting in the
role of Events Director.
2016 has also welcomed some new advisors to the Advisory Council. Evelyn Barkhouse is the current
Chief Operating Officer for United Way and will be the advisor to Erin Christian our Finance Director.
Lindsay Peach is the Vice-President, Integrated Health Services Community Support and Management
for the Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) and will be the advisor to Laura Toole. Robert Zed has also
joined the Advisory Council and will be supporting Ian Westhaver in events.
Thank you to previous Advisory Council members Allan Horsburgh and Carla Anglehart for their
leadership and support to EHL Nova Scotia.

Upcoming Events
As part of their Coffee House Lecture and Networking Series, Emerging Health Leaders Nova Scotia is
excited to offer the upcoming session titled: "Who is experiencing homelessness in 2017? You
may be surprised!" The session will be led by Linda Wilson who is the Executive Director for Shelter
Nova Scotia and Laura Toole, Social Worker with the Nova Scotia Health Authority. The event is
January 25th from 4:30 to 6:00pm at Just Us! Spring Garden Coffeehouse. Please feel free to sign up
through eventbrite or simply show up to participate in the conversation.

Do you have an idea for a future event?

Do you want to get involved?
Send us an email if you would like to discuss
your ideas for a future EHL event!

Become a Member of EHL-NS Today

Visit our website: www.emerginghealthleaders.ca and sign up to become a member today.
To learn more:
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