In Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements For The Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

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In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Mechanical Engineering

Submitted to : Engr. Ronnel Nombrefia

Submitted by : Milarpez, Marvick A.

December 5, 2016

Table of Contents
Experiment number:1

Simple Vapour Compression System

Experiment number:2

Hermetically- Sealed Refrigeration


Experiment number:3

Various Control Used in

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Experiment number:4

Evaporator and Condenser of a

RACT System

Experiment number:5

Determination of Air Properties

Experiment number:6

Performance Test of Cooling Tower

Experiment number:7

Design of an Ice Plant

Experiment number:8

Performance Evaluation of an Air

Conditioning System

Experiment number:9

Computational Performance, Heat

Balance and Efficiency for Diesel

Experiment number:10

Preparation Heat Balance Sheet for a

Given Boiler

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