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Act, 1940.3 .
(Rrceivecl the arseybt of the ~ o u e m o r - ~ e n e ra
i l the 11th
J(muarj) 1941; first pubtisltcd i n the'Fort St. George
Gnzefte on the 20th Jn~auary 1941.)
An Act t o amend the Indian Medical Degrees
Act, 1916, in its application to the S[State of

Tamil Nadu] for a certain purpose.

WHEREASit is expedient to amend the Indian ~ e d i c a l

Degrees Act, 19 16, ,in its applieqtion, to the 3[State

of Tamil Nadu] for the purpose'hereinafter appearing;
~ [ l ist hereby enacted as follows:-]
1. This Act may be called the Indian Medical short titleo
Degrees ('[Tamil Nadu] Amendment) Act, 1940.
2. In the long title and in the preamble 10 the Jndinn Amendment
Medical Degrees Act, 1916 (hereinafter referred to 1 3
tile said Act), f ~ the
r words "of such titles", the n'ords preambleto
&.ofsuch tit lcs and of title.; implying qualifications in Central Act
VII of 1916.
01 her systems of medicines" shall be substituted.
Insertion of
3. After section 6 of tlie said Act, the following nawsecti6-A id
seclioll shall bc inserted, t1:lrnr ly:Ccntral Act
"6-A. ( I ) No pcrson shall add lo hi:, name any VII 0r1916.
title, dtscription, Isttess or abbreviations which imply hnajtyfor
that he holds a dcg. re, diploma, licence or certtficate
as his qilalikation to pr:+ctise any system of medic in^ ,tc.implgng
qualifi(a) he actually Jlolds such degree, diploma,
--- or certificate ;and
1 These words were substituted foi the word "Madras" by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by
the Tamil Nadtt A d a ~ l a t i o n of Laws (Second Amendment)
Order, 1969.
. n .')I ,




&Themwords were substituted fdl.

enacting formula and the paragraph
section 5 of the Tamil Nadu Recnadi

1948 (Tamil Nadu Act VII of 1948)'


8 . 4 Indian Medcat Degrees [ 1940: T.N. Act XX

(TamilNu& Amendment)


(b) such degree, diploma, licence or certifi-

(i) is recognized by any law for the time

heil1.g in force in '[*(India) or in any part thereof 1; or
(ii) has been conferred, granted or issued
by an authority referred to in section 3 ; or
(iii) has been recognized by the General
Council of Medical Education s f the United Kingdom;
(iv) in cases not falling utider sttb-clause
ti), sub-clause (ii) or sub-clause (iii), has been
conferred, granted or issued by an authority
empowered or recognized as competent, by the '(State)
Government to confer, grant or issue such degree,
diploma, licence or certificate.
(2) Whoever contravenes the provisions of
sub-section (1) shall, notwithstanding anything contained in section 6, be punished in the case of a
first conviction, with fine which may extend to two
hundred and fifty rupees and in the case of a subsequent contiction, with fine which niay extend to five
Ilundred rupees.



fat as this Act applies to the added territories, for the words,
figures and letters "any part of lndia which, immediately before the
1st day of Novenlber 1956, was comprised in a Part A State or Part C
State" the words "lndia or in any part thereof" were substituted by
section 4 of, and the Second Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Added
Territolics) Extension of Laws (No. 2) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 39
of 1961).
% T h eword"InEia"was substituted by section 4of and the Third
~ c w u l ato, tho Tamil NaUu Repealing and maa ad in^ Act. 1957
(Tamil Nsdu Act XXV of 1957) for tho words "any Part A State or
part c State" which thdmselvcs were substituted for the words
"Britbh bdia", by tho Adaptation (Amandmaat) Orda of 1950,
a This word was subetituted for the word '
Adaptation Order of 1950.

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