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Page 1008; 7 Mi. Thompson and Mr, Haycock tht it was a close case? 8 A Definitely, 20 jury that it was 2 close case, ho 11 @ And in legal parlance, what do we mean 19 was a close case? 20k Yes, 20 Pe tage Mt RADI That's ll the questions Thave, a1 }22 Judge, Thank you, laa 23 THE COURT: Anything further? 24 MR Gms: Yes, Condensclt™ . ss Sondenselt™ 1 T guess the best example of that was the prea? 3 Er / | ? sereement was reached, tentatively reached between the 3 ctr witnesses xd other circumstances fought up but 2 Site when Mr. Whiteley was supposed to gots 4 [would have to Say Tie wa art, to answer is, ‘ -—__E 5 yes. ¢ inf Me. Whiteley recants and revokes the agrement 6 Q (By Mr, Radin) Would you agree with 6 And my impression from Mr. Thompson a thet 8 to happen, ‘Things like that, ‘That's what I mean when 9 I say, hard to handle, 1} Made every effort to cope with those situations and 1} deal with them in a professional manner, 1 mean, he 13 didn't — 4 that it boiled down to credibility and who was wll 14 : js Semis ieyearwner Wm is. A MTom 16 or were they going to believe Silvia Canide, 6 professionally and Page 1010 Q (By Mr. Higgins) Did it appear that he 4 Mr. Thompson, in my experience inthis wpson handled himself very 8 A Inthe Courtroom, 3 9 aware, OY. Were you aware of any — were you 10 aware ~ did you have an impression as to 1 Mt. Thompson's efforts in dealing with his client? 13 fo that question. 1 thnk that does open the door as 13 ig 10 what efforts or ~ I'm not sue if Judge Smuth ie rg Sware thet be didn't interview the witnesses that were 36 put om the stand, eit pen et COURT: Well, be can ask the question as H8 it pertains to what be observed in the Courtroom, ho 21 Mr. Whiteley was a difficult client and that a1 2 Mr. Thompson did a professional jo in trying to re eengeeat~ Professionally represent Mr. Whitley and of fandle the case as best he could, By saying, hard to 4 25 tandle that's something that a ligatr understand, bs bs lps Page 1009) Page 1017 1 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 1 RECROSS EXAMINATION 2 BYMR micas: 2 BY MR RADON: 3 Q You also participated in all the 5 eg 9 Me Sith, lt me ask you, you have 4 pretrial proceedings? f Sed a number of tials yourself in your practice? SA Yes,Idid. SA Yes 5 ie. 10, Did vou observe the relationship between 5 at 2 HME YOU ever pat witnesses onthe stand 7 Mr, and his client? 7 that you had never even talked to? 9 appeals as well, Mr, Radin? 1p Ge major civil cases. Would i be a regular practise 12 otto speak to witness before they take the sand? 18 objet. This is beyond the scope of direct in that be ns fected on what Judge Smith observed inthe Courtroom, 20 tw him, : vo P22 direct, I guess, technically. Although, Mr. Redin 23 could call bim as his own witness. ‘A Are we talking about small claims .Q We are talking about major felony eases MR. HIGGINS: Your Honor, I'm going to ‘THE COURT: Well, itis beyond the scope of 111 allow him to ask the question, THE WITNESS: Do you want to repeat that, Page 1008 = Page 1011

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