ArshaVani February 2016

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AArsha Vani

(Voice of Sanatana Dharma)

February 2016

Volume: 2 Issue: 01

Sarva Devaatmaka Sri Aditya

Upcoming Pravachanams

A deep dive into Indian sages profound philosophical comprehension, modes of

worship, divine teachings, and vast
literature of scriptures, treatises, hymns,
and mantras reveal that Sun i.e. Aditya is
the epicenter of this gigantic spectrum of
Sanatana Dharma. At a physical level, Sun
is a blazing inferno. Scientifically, He is the
primary source of direct and indirect
energy and nerve center of all the life in
all creatures. But, scriptures describe
Aditya as the effulgent supreme light i.e.
Supreme Parabrahman. Many creatures
originate deriving their life from Sun.
Hence, He is termed as Brahma. Because
of His expansive nature, He radiates
brilliant light spreading energy all around.
So, He is known as Vishnu. He is also
called Rudra, because He torments with
His tremendous heat. He is known as
Siva, the auspicious one. Other
descriptions such as Kaala Karta creator of the Time, Ruthu Karta creator of the
Seasons, Karma Saakshi Witness of all the Actions, Sabda Maya Repository of all
the Sounds - give insight into the thoughtful reflections that our ancient Sages made
about Sun. Suns rays are laden with the power to bestow good health. The Mantra
Dhyeyaha Sadaa Savitru Mandala Madhyavartee means that our prostrations to Surya,
who is worshipped as the Narayana (Lord Vishnu). In that Aruna Red light of Sun,
Karuna compassion is visualized and is worshipped as Arunambika Sri Lalita Maha
Tripurasundari. All the wealth in this world is due to the cosmic energy from the Sun.
Hence, solar energy is worshipped as Lakshmi and Para Shakti (The Supreme Power).
Sun is the repository of all forms of knowledge. He is worshipped as Gayatri, Savitri
and Saraswati. All other celestials are transformations of the qualities present in Suns
rays, such as Mitra stickiness, Poosha provider for all, Varuna tenderness or
moistness and so on. In Aditya Hrudayam hymn, Aditya is described as Yesha Brahma
ca Vishnusca Siva Skanda Prajapati:..Sarva Devaatmako Hyesha: Tejaswi Rasmi Bhavana:
... Hence, our sages instituted the noble practice of worshipping Sun both at dawn and
dusk. Lets all worship Aditya devoutly reciting Aditya Hrudayam with concentration
and attention to obtain His grace here and hereafter.

Date: Jan 20- Feb 3, 2016

Topic: Sri Mahabharatam
Venue: Tyagaraja Bhavanam, Bhimavaram
Contact: Bonda Subbarao - 9246633676
Date: Feb 5-7, 2016
Topic: Hanuman Chalisa
Mahima Vaibhavamu
Venue: Y.S.R.Kalyana Mandapam,
Contact: Gumma Nagesh - 9440195735

salutations, that is series of prostrations to Sun performed at dawn and dusk facing the
rising Sun brings you divinity, wealth, health, position and ultimately Moksha.
Swami Sivananda, Divine Life Society.

Praying Cakumati Devi residing

in Suns orb reciting the sloka below
removes eye disorders and increases
intellectual capacity.
caku: tjmaya pupa
kanduka bibhratm karai:
raupya simhsanrha
dv cakumatm bhaj
r bhagavat sryya dityya
aki tjas nama:

Date: Feb 8 12, 2016

Topic: Siva Mahima Vaibhavam
Venue: Raanipeta Village, Parlakimidi.
Contact: Rehamatulla - 9866970816
- 9337848258
- 9439646409
Date: Feb 13- 17, 2016
Topic: Sri Adi Sankara Vijayam
Venue: Rice Millers Association Hall,
Tadepally Gudem
Contact: Vogeti Krishna - 9949269632
Date: Feb 22 - 28, 2016
Topic: Aditya Hrudayam -Surya Aradhana
Venue: Gayani Samaja, Bangalore
Contact: V.A Sastry
- 9845025121
Radha Krishna
- 9845043927
J.V.R.Prasada Rao - 9871015704
Pati Sridhara
- 9341214797
(For details visit Event Calendar )


Scriptures prescribe the worship of

Divine Mother venerated as Bhanu
Mandala Madhyasta from Magha
Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma. Suddha Padyami to Magha Suddha
(Adapted from multiple sources)
Navami for nine days known as Gupta
(undisclosed) Navaratri during Pradosha
Sadhu Vachanam
Rigveda declares that Surya is the soul, both of moving and unmoving beings. Sun to obtain marvelous results.

In Varanasi, each of the twelve Sun temples was located in such a way that it
indicated the movement, speed and the intensity of the light during the apparent
movement of the Sun across the twelve signs of the Zodiac. It is a mystery how
the ancient Indians had fixed the sites for these temples, either by mathematical
calculations or through intuition and meditation. "
- Prof J.McKim Malville.

Spiritual Quest
(Answers by Sri Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma)

It is becoming difficult to have Concentration on God in Puja all the time. On top of that, there is no experience of
fulfillment or bliss. Is it not futile to do such worship?
Doing Puja is an external action. Those who can do their entire Puja with utmost Concentration are really blessed.
However, this is not to be expected or guaranteed. Just as we eat food every day to satiate our hunger though we do not
relish completely every time, we should still continue to do Puja every day irrespective of our concentration. Engaging our
body thus in Lords worship ripens after some time and we become worthy of Gods grace.
Samarasya is Sanatana Samanvaya is Bharateeyata

Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma

Ratha Saptami
The seventh day of the lunar calendar in the bright half of Magha month is
called Ratha Saptami. Worship of Sun on this day grants immense merits
equal to the worship of Sun for one complete year. Giving Arghya to Sun in
copper pot, worshipping with red sandalwood and red flowers, offering rice
pudding cooked with cow milk using cow dung cakes as fuel are prescribed
scriptural stipulations to be observed on this auspicious day.
Need to recite the below sloka while taking bath:
namast rudra rpya rasn patay nama:
aruya namaststu hari vsa namstut
yadyajjanma krta ppa may janmasu saptasu
tanm rgan ca kan ca mkar hntu saptam
tajjanma krta ppa yajjanmnta drjita
man vkkyaja yacca jt jt ca y pn:
iti sapta vidha ppa snnnm sapta saptik
sapta vydhi samyukta hara mkari saptam

Sri Panchami
Saraswati Puja

Goddess presiding the Saptami Tithi is propitiated with the following sloka.
Janani sarva lkn saptam sapta saptikau
sapta vyhrti k dvi namast srya maal
Worship of Sun with red sandalwood and red flowers in lotus drawn with eight
petals containing Ravi, Bhanu, Vivaswata, Bhaskara, Savita, Arka, Magha Suddha Panchami is celebrated as
Sri Panchami. Goddess Saraswati
Sahasra Kirana and Sarvatmaka on each petal is efficacious.
manifested on this auspicious day. Devi
Bhagavatam and Brahma Vaivarta
Worship of Sun is prevalent since times immemorial. Sun is worshipped as Puranam extolled the significance of this
one of the six principal deities. Akshi Upanishad, Aditya Upanishad and day. On this day, Goddess Saraswati is
Soura Aruna mantras describe the worship of Sun in great detail. Ramayana worshipped. Saraswati is the embodiment
of all forms of knowledge, arts, music,
mentions about Sage Agastya teaching Aditya Hrudayam hymn to Rama in
wisdom, intelligence, speech, dexterity etc.
the battlefield, when Rama was contemplating about the war with Ravana. Hymns extolling Saraswati are found
Rama recites this stotra devoutly and thereafter kills Ravana. Infact, Sun is the extensively in Vedas, Puranas, and other
originator and presiding deity for Ikshvaku race. Mother Sita also worships scriptures. One should reflect upon the
Diwakara and obtains mental peace after seeing the illusory slain heads of philosophy of Saraswati. Her form is an
indication of the philosophy. She sits in a
Rama & Lakshmana. Hanuman venerated Aditya as Guru.
white lotus. White denotes purity, clarity
Mahabharata mentions about Yudhishtira getting blessed with Akshaya (ever
and lack of confusion. Lotus denotes
bountiful) pot upon worship of Sun. Draupadi prayed to Sun who sent an
blossoming. Hence, knowledge should
Invisible Power and protected her from Keechaka. Story of Syamanataka always be clear and holistic without any
jewel obtained by king Satrajit upon the worship of Sun is popular. Krarnas misperception. She sits on a swan. A swan
devotion towards Sun is well known. Krishna tells Arjuna that just the darshan extracts only milk from a mixture of milk
of raising Sun itself removes all obstacles and grants success. Worshipping Sun, and water. Hence, an intelligent person
Lord Krishnas son Samba was cured of leprosy. Bhishma did Suryopasana on should exercise discretion and discriminate
between good and bad (purposeful and
the bed of arrows while waiting for Uttarayana. Matsya, Kurma, Vamana and
purposeless) in this world. Swan in Sanskrit
other Puranas contain stotras of Surya.
is called Hamsa. Hamsa represents our
Historic evidences establish that Sun worship was major in Hindu rituals in breaths i.e. inhalation and exhalation.
Fourth century during the Gupta period. Poet Mayura gained good health Speech is dependent upon breath. Hence,
after venerating Sun God with one hundred verses popularly known as Surya Saraswati is the presiding deity who
Satakam. Worship of Sun is essential for entire mankind. Those who want to controls the speech. Brahma Vaivarta
have health, knowledge, wealth and good life should worship Sun Purana mentions that Goddess Saraswati
Herself told that She would come down to
irrespective of caste, creed, age and gender. Surya is easily pleased with
earth as a river and would go back to Her
prostrations (Namaskara) and offering water (Arghya). Pure water mixed with celestial abode shortly after the beginning
blades of grass (Durvankura), rice with turmeric (Akshata), red flowers, red of Kali Yuga. Recent satellite pictures and
sandal wood powder (Chandana) in a copper vessel is good for Arghya. One following research corroborate this fact
should kneel down, hold the copper vessel with both the hands above the that there existed a river called Saraswati
forehead & offer Arghya or do prostrations reciting the twelve names of Aditya in India during Vedic times and became
extinct around 5000 years ago. Om Sri
1. sri mitrya nama:
2. sri ravay nama:
3. sri sryya nama:
Saraswatyai Namaha.
4. sri bhnav nama:
5. sri khagya nama:
6. sri p nama:
vidypradna samay aradinduubhr
7. sri hirayagarbhya nama:
8. sri marcay nama:
lakm pradna samay navavidrumbh!
9. sri dityya nama:
10. sri savitr nama:
vidva vargavadaanca tamlanl
11. sri aryya nama:
12. sri bhskarya nama:
dv trilkajanan araa prapady!!
Everyone should recite Aditya Hrudayam at the time of both twilights.
Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma.
-Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma.

(Adopted from multiple discourses)

Samarasya is Sanatana Samanvaya is Bharateeyata

(Adapted from Mugurammala Vaibhavam discourse)

Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma

Varanasi Sun Temples, Locations, Cosmic Order and Religious Merits

Kind courtesy: Dr. Rana P. B. Singh (b. 1950), MA, PhD, Professor of Cultural Geography & Heritage Studies at Banaras Hindu
University, is the Founding President of the Society of Heritage Planning & Environmental Health, and of the Society of Pilgrimage
Studies. He has been involved in studying, performing and promoting the heritage planning and spiritual tourism in the Varanasi
region based on ancient scriptures and puranas such as Kashi Khanda from Skanda Purana, Devi Mahatmyam etc. for the last three
decades as researcher, teacher, promoter, collaborator, guide and organizer.
Source: Sun Images: Ordering, Cultural Astronomy and Worship
Samarasya is Sanatana Samanvaya is Bharateeyata

Dr. Rana P. B. Singh (b. 195 0), MA, P hD, Profes sor of Cultural Geography &

Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma

Surya and Siva

ditya ca iva vidyt sivamditya rpia
bhayrantara nsti dityasya ca ivasya ca
- Bhaviyttara pura
Siva Purana also mentions that worship of Sun and Siva is same. 'Magha' is made up of two words - 'Ma' (No) 'Agha' (Sin) No sin. Every tithi is auspicious in this month like Kartika. Any act of worship, however small, bestows great merits just like
a seed harvested in the right season. Worship of Sun as the embodiment of all Gods or worship of Siva during the entire
month confers multitudinal benefits. In the month of Magha, Sun rays are empowered with specific cosmic energy. Those
who perform ablutions before Sunrise and worship Sun attain everything here and hereafter. 'Namaskara Priyo Bhanu:' Sun is most pleased with salutations. Therefore, the famous hymn 'Rudra Namakam' extolls Rudra, another form of Siva.
A story in Puranas describes about the request by all Gods to Siva for the most efficacious method to worship Him. Lord
showed them His effulgent 'Supreme Form' in the center of Suns orb, pervading the entire cosmos across the spectrum of
galaxies, stars, and planets and completely bedecked with all kinds of jewelry holding a lotus in one of His ten hands. This
radiant sphere is the first vision of Jyotirlinga. Inspired by the Lord Himself, all sages and Gods offered Arghya to Siva with
water mixed with blades of grass, gems, vermilion, and flowers reciting the
following sloka.
sindhravarya sumaalya suvaravarbharaya tubhya
padmbhantrya sapakajya brahmndranryaa kraya
nama ivya ntya sagaydihtav |
rudrya viav tubhya brahma sryamrtay
pradattamdya sahmaptra praastamarghya bhagavan prasda
All men and women can offer Arghya every day during the twilight time reciting slokas above.
Skanda Purana mentions that Goddess Maha Lakshmi worshipped Siva in the form of Linga made with clay. In Vidyeswara
Samhita of Siva Purana, it is mentioned that women can also worship Siva Linga with mantras and stotras mentioned in
brhmaa katriy vaiya dr v pratilmaja| pjayt satata liga tattan mantra sdara|
ki bahktna munaya strmapi tathn'yata | adhikrsti sarv ivaligrcan dvij

Starting from Ekadashi till Pournima is known as Bhishma Panchaka Vratam.
Observance of Bhishma Panchaka Vratam
Offering arghya to Bhishma on all these days grants virtuous progeny and their subsequent victory.
satyavratya ucay ggyya mahtman | bhmyaitad dadmyarghyamjanmabrahmacri
vaiyghrapadagtrya skrtapravarya ca | aputrya dadmytadudaka bhmavarma
vasnmavatrya antanrtmajya ca| arghya dadmi bhmya janmabrahmacri
Continuous recitation of Madhava on Ekadasi day and fasting.
This Dwadasi is also called Tila Dwadasi or Varaha Dwadasi. Recitation of Varaha Swami stotram confers merits
equal to performing all Yagnas.
Worship Siva and Vishnu with sesame seeds on Dwadasi day.


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was
explaining about the compassion of God.
He said that every soul is bound to get
attracted to God, because of Lord
Almightys indescribable and boundless
compassion. He gave the example of iron
filings getting attracted to the magnet.
Someone questioned the Master, But, O
Sire! I see some disconnection here. My
mind is not getting attracted to God, do
what may. Sri Paramahamsa humbly accepted the gentlemans proposition and
said they both are right. The questioner got confused and asked how both could
be true at the same time. Sri Paramahamsa explained, Just as iron filings covered
with mud are never attracted by the magnet, those minds immersed deep in
mundane affairs and are covered with the mud of Agnana (Ignorance) are never
attracted towards God. It is essential to purify oneself to get attracted by God.
(February 18th is Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa birthday)

Samarasya is Sanatana Samanvaya is Bharateeyata

Major Festivals
Suddha Chaviti Feb 11, 2016
Lighting lamp with sesame oil grants
good health. Worshipping Siva with
jasmine flowers is auspicious.
Suddha Panchami Feb 12, 2016
Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi with
jasmine flowers and offering sweet
made with sesame and jaggery bestows
Ratha Saptami Feb 14, 2016
Bhishma Ashtami Feb 15, 2016
Bhishma Ekadashi Feb 18, 2016
Varaha (Suddha) Dwadasi Feb 19, 2016
Maha Maghi (Pournima) Feb 22, 2016
Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma

iva jna
Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma.

brahma murri surrcita liga

Part 4
This effulgent Linga (Agni Linga) is not that Fire which is one among the Five Elements. This is the basic form of radiance
for the Five Elements. Of course, there is a tradition
to worship Lord Siva in the form of Light Linga
(Jyotirlinga)! Here Agni literally means one who is at
the pinnacle (agramu). This is Kalaagni Rudras great
form i.e. Devourer of Time.
The rationales to comprehend the limits of space and
time are symbolized here as boar and swan.
Everything we observe is queried to know the
beginning, span and end. But, truth is unlimited. It
shall not be within the reach of space, time and
Past is infinite as well as Future is infinite too.
Present is the current center. Even this is also a part
of the infinite. Though these three past, present &
future are mentioned for the sake of comprehension,
really the infinite time is not bound by any of these
three. Space and time are relative. Our ability to dig
into the past is symbolized as boar whereas our ability of imagination to fly into the future is symbolized as swan.
But, future cant be reached even with greatest imagination. Similarly, the unfathomable past cant be understood. The
power of the infinite time can be comprehended only at the center.
We can grab water from any part of the flowing perennial river. Similarly, the consciousness of time should be understood
only from the present times. Past is a memory; Future is always an imagination and only present is the truth. Within the
current state, meditation is the concentrated way to visualize the infinite power of the Supreme Lord. Unbroken
consciousness without beginning and ending is the real form of Maha Kala (Great Time). How many states of creations
and sustenance have merged into this! Sadasiva is that form of Infinite Time into which these merged. Many waves rise,
stay and merge again into the ocean. These are three actions that occur within the same ocean. Similarly, this universe
manifested many times as creation, sustenance and dissolution within the infinite cosmos (Brahman) and disappeared.
(To be continued)

Mahabharata Gaadhalu Bodhalu pravachanam at Kurukshetra from March 6 12, 2016.
Everyday 11:00am to 12:30pm and 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
For details, visit

Chandi Rudra Yaga sahita Siva Parvati Kalyanam, Mar 28 - Apr 1, 2016, Sringeri, Karnataka. Interested
people can perform Kalyanam. For information, contact PV Sasi Kumar 8886371773 & ASP Sarma 9908233893
For details, visit

Sri Vallabha Ganapathi Devalaya

Prathama Varshikotsava Brahmotsavam
Konthamuru, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh February 18-20, 2016

Brahmasri Yanamandra Venugopala Sastry garu

Brahmasri Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma garu

Feb 18th & 19th, 2016 - Program
8:45 AM: Vighneswara Puja, Punyahavachanam, Maha Sankalpam, Matruka puja, Rutvigvaranam, Deekshaa Grahanam, Japatapadyanushtanamu.
10:00AM: Panchamruta Abhishekam, Tattvanyasa Kalanyasa, Kunda Mandapa Samskara, Agni Pratishta & Brahma Kalasa Sthapana.
03:00PM: Ashtadravya Sahita Sahasra Modaka Homam
08:00PM: Neerajana, Mantrapushpa & Tirtha Prasada Viniyoga.
Feb 20th, 2016 - Program
Pratyeka Abhisheka Homam
11:30 AM: Maha Purnahuti and Maha Kumbhabhishekam
For details contact: Sri S Srirama Sastry 9542122189
Dr. TV Narayana Rao 9393939379
Sri DV Hanumantha Rao 9949705166
Sri K Varaprasad
Sri VS Subrahmanyam 9177207167

Samarasya is Sanatana Samanvaya is Bharateeyata

Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma

January 2016 Events

Sri Guruvugaru taking part in Chandi Homam at Bhimavaram

Sri Guruvugaru at GVIT Engineering College

Sri Mahabharata Pravachana Maha Yagnam, Bhimavaram

Traditional Bhogi Celebrations at

Sri Vallabha Ganapati Temple Konthamuru, Rajahmundry

Rushipeetham Book Stall

Vijayawada Book Exhibition

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Samarasya is Sanatana Samanvaya is Bharateeyata

Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma

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