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Ethan Felizzari

1st Term, Section 10

Angela Nahigian

Movement Personal Practice Worksheet

Specific Areas to Work:
Release: More leg release and pelvis release
Strength: More core strength to active more movements from the core or lower region of my
Stretch: Flexibility of Legs & arms

Name of Activity: Sun Salutations

Target Areas: Spine, pelvis, tailbone
Notes: In order to truly find release, I found myself using this to undulate my spine more and
make more of a head to tailbone connection. I find myself having trouble doing that at times.

Name of Activity: Leg Swings

Target Areas: Pelvis, lower body, legs
Notes: I use these a lot to get more grounded and feel more release in the lower part of my
body. I feel as though I sometimes tense up there or I dont have enough strength there. This
helps me with release of my hip creases.

Name of Activity: Wide Arm Swings

Target Areas: Spine, pelvis, arms
Notes: I use these to help me with my energy of the spine and to feel more of a sense of up with
the spine while going both down and up. It also helps my breathing become stronger and more
free and my focus point be stronger.

Name of Activity: Pelvic Clock

Target Areas: Pelvis, lower body

Notes: In order for my body to find more of leg and pelvic release I like to work on pelvic clocks
multiple times in the day. I have found that this helps me with release and also with relaxation. I
feel like I am less tense and more relaxed during this clocks and feel very ready to stand
grounded and released after them.

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