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Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Chapter 1

Fox, McDonald & Pritchard

Main Topics
Definition of a Fluid
Basic Equations
Methods of Analysis
Dimensions and Units

Fox, McDonald & Pritchard

Definition of a Fluid
When a shear stress is applied:
Fluids continuously deform
Solids deform or bend

Fox, McDonald & Pritchard

Basic Equations
We need forms of the following
Conservation of mass
Newtons second law of motion
The principle of angular momentum
The first law of thermodynamics
The second law of thermodynamics

Fox, McDonald & Pritchard

Methods of Analysis
(or Closed System)

Control Volume
(or Open System)

Fox, McDonald & Pritchard

Dimensions and Units

Systems of Dimensions
[M], [L], [t], and [T]
[F], [L], [t], and [T]
[F],[M], [L], [t], and [T]

Fox, McDonald & Pritchard

Dimensions and Units

Systems of Units
SI (kg, m, s, K)

British Gravitational (lbf, ft, s, oR)

English Engineering (lbf, lbm, ft, s, oR)
Fox, McDonald & Pritchard

Dimensions and Units

Preferred Systems of Units
SI (kg, m, s, K)
British Gravitational (lbf, ft, s, oR)

Fox, McDonald & Pritchard

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