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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000} comererner Security Information 7 ys FOIAb3a oF LAX THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA This document contains classified Special Intelligence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - Blst Congress Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Special Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence Sanitized - Approved For Release * CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information FOIAb3a 42/52/TOPSEC/CIA, D/Z. SC No. 04455 51 Copy No, To: SOVIET UNION MILITARY-ECONOMIC REPORT ‘Translated from the German Report 10/4 Dated: 19 April 1943 (iiis DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITEDSTATES WITH- INTHE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.G., SECTION 793 AND 794. SEE ALSO PUBLIC LAW 513, 618T CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION, ITS TRANSMIS- SION.OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 15 PROHIBITED BY LAW.7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports Strategic Division Sanitized - Approved For Release ° C1A-RDPS6S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information Distribution; External: FOIAb3a Copy Nos. 1 - 38 ia: dissemination Internal: Distribution L(4) ‘Top SECR) Sanitized - Approved For Release : CiA-RDPS6S00492A0001000800065-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 TOP SECRET Security Information PREFACE During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Control Center of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Ser- vice (HNW, LNA) issued a series of reports to show the USSR military-economic situation as reflected in Russian internal plain language traffic. These reports appeared at short, ir- regular intervals, usually six per month, for the period Oc- tober 1942-March 1943 Eight{QWee@anf these reports have been translated and issued by It is planned to issue a complete set of translations of the reports beginning with the most recent ahOMbang backward, but omitting those already translated by ‘The numbering of the items was added by the translatoF @iAb3a ROIAbSanans did this only in the last eighteen reports, MMM xclusive. Since the original material was in Rus sian, an effort has been made when translating the German to determine the original Russian term wherever possible. This is facilitated by the Russian fondness for abbreviations. In these translations into English the probable meaning of the abbreviation will be given in parenthesis the first time it occurs in each report. Sanitized - Approved For Rejease * CIA‘RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005- TOP SECRET Security Information 19 April 1942 ‘The Soviet Union Military-Eeonomic Report 10/4 (Based on domestic radio traffic) Individual Messages 1.) Food Situation (2). In the first quarter the Fish Sales in Tiflis and Baku are behind in their deliveries; for example, 35 tons of fish products are still to be delivered to the Chief Directorate for the Tea Industry, (2) The oii mills in Tiflis received 207 tons of sunflowers as of 9 April. 13) The manufacture of the following is planned by the Wine Directorate for May: 80,000 liters Liqueurs 35,000 liters wine brandies 100,000 liters grain schnapps 30,000 liters cognac. 3, 000 litere 100, 000 liters wunfermented grape juice grain aleohol (4) A lack of flour apparently prevails in Ordzhonikidse, for the Food Industry could not produce any.macaroni or bakery products in March. For April the production of 120 tons of macaroni and 35 tons of bakery products is scheduled. (5) In May the following is to be delivered to the Transcaucasus: 3 carloads butter 10 carloads ‘ewe's cheese 5 carloads milk products (6) The Transcaucasian Front is to receive 70 tons of macaroni and 20 tons of butter. (7) From 6 to 10 April the Food Industry in Kafan shipped 166 tons of honey products. (8) In May stud bulls will be shipped from Erivan to North Osetia. For this purpose 25 railroad cars have been authorize: (9) ‘The Road Directorate in Exivan requires the following for sowing: 0.3 tons maize 0.005 tons sunflowers 5 tons barley Sanitized - Approved For Release (A-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 TOP SECRET Security Information (10) 25 tractors arrived at Prokhladnaya Station. However, the NK for Agriculture in Nalchik could only accept 13 since the remaining tractors lacked magnets and other parts. (il) In April, horse transportation is being permitted by the Oil Industry in Makhach- kala and Grozny}. For this purpose two tons of feed must be delivered by the Grain Procure- ‘ment Office of Makhachkala and twenty tons by the Grain Procurement Office in Grozny). (12) Im the second quarter the offices of the River Fleet received the following food allocations: Meat Fish Butter Sugar Animal Fate Vegetable Fats Bakery Products (Amounts are given in tons) Ust Usa oe = = 0.2 0.2 : - Kirov 3 - 06 0.6 : - Molotov 57 - rere e - Uta 48 55 4.6 zz 2.3 3.9 Novosibirsk 20.4 15.2.8 = 34 3 Uralsk 4260 17 LS 06 1 3 Ulan Ude 5 5.6 2.9 26 0 34 2a 44 Blagoveshchensk10 ieee 43004 38 ar Yakutek 1400137 = 67 65 6 8.2 (13) In addition Raznezhe received 1200 liters of schnapps and Astrakhan 1500 Kters of alcohol. (14) 50 tons of seed potatoes must be procured by the NKRF Directorate in Krasnoyarsk i Supply (15) For the second quarter the following deliveries are scheduled to the offices of the River Fleet; Gorkij 68 tons motor oil 2 tons viscosin machine oil 5 solido! avtol Stalingrad auto gasoline petroleum Ligroin gasoline petroleum (additional for the sovkhoz) diesel fuel TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 TOP SECRET Security Information Uralsk 500 tons oil 7 diesel fuel Semipalatinsk cylinder ofl viscosin machine oil motor oil solide avtol Paviodar viseosin machine oil motor oil solide! avtol (16) Transporting oil during April and May will be carried out more extensively by Astrakhan, Water routes are to be used first of all. The smaller part is to be transported by railroad, The following are to be received: Gorkij 10, 000 tons mazut Kamuste 45,020 magut Ulyanovsk 900 mazut Kujbyshev 4,200 Saratov 3,000 Molotov 1,000 Derbeshke 1,000 Ryazan 1,000 Sheburovo 3,000 Kastrov 1,000 Khimki 2) 600 Saratov 1,785 Karmysh 350 petroleum Durasovo 600 Voskresensk 600 Vetluga 550 Lyskovo 1,080 (17) In March Kujpyshev had the following oi consumption: Supply on 1 March Arrival Consumption Supply on 1 April Mazut 209 tons 207 tons TT tons 405.8 tone ou 47 tons 633.9 tons 49 tons 631.8 tons Petroleum 2.55 tons 4.35tons 3 tons 3.6 tons Gasoline Vton, 3.86 tons 2. 4 tons 3 tons (18) AL ships putting in at Stalingrad during the navigation period are being supplied with lubricating ofl, The office in Stalingrad has to sure the delivery of the oil. (19) Fuel is very scarce in Uralsk, ‘The ships could not be supplied for their first voyage. There is only a supply of petroleum on hand for 10 to 15 days. alge Sanitized - Approved For Reiéaso" EIN-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 : 005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : ClA-RDP56S00492A000100080 Security Information (20) NERF-Chardzhou requires the following oils in May: 8.1 tons diesel fuel 41 petroleum. 0.12, gasoline 0.25 diesel oil 0.45, avtol 3.) Coal Supply (21) The offices of the River Fleet received the following coal deliveris Rybinsk. 1300 tons Gorkij 1300 tons. Molotov. 3305 tons Omsk 1800 tons (22) For the year 1943 Semipalatinsk was authorized a coal quota of 52, 000 tons. (23) Kujbyshev had the following coal consumption in March: Supply on 1 Mareh Arrivals Anthracite 2018 tons Goal 110 Coke 37 Consumption Supply on 1 April 57 tons 1120 tons 955 tons ce o no 34.6 44.1 41.5 4.) Timber Supply (24) In the second quarter the following offices of the River Fleet must deliver the following quantities of piled-up timber to the distribution cente: Umber procurement offices: (25) In addition the following deliveries are being carried out to the following office in addition to their own Gorkij 95,000 cu, meters Kujbyshey 2,000 usa 20,000 Omsk — 190, 000 Khaba- rovsk 36, 000 Blagov- eshchensk 30, 000 Kujbyshev 1500 cu. meter timber Stalingrad 6000 cu. meters building timber (additional) for construction in the harbor for inland harbors 9000 eu. meters timber Kalach 5 carloads timber Lower Irtysh 73,000 cu. meters timber Sani Steamship Agency TOP SECRET \d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information (26) Kujoyshev could fulfill only 60 per cent of the timber procurement plan and only 28 per cent of the transport plan. In the fall and winter periods 55,300 cu. meters were to be transported; however, only 33,348 cu, meters were procured and only 15, 385 cu. meters transported. ‘Transport Situation (27) According to a report from Ordzhonikidze railway troops, special formations and the local population have been called on for rebuilding the railway line. The line is operating once again with a velocity of 30 to 50 kilometers per hour. Traffic could be re- opened on the branch lines to Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk and Neslobnaya. On the other hand, traftic is stopped on other branch lines because of the reconstruction of the large and medium bridges. The Budenovsk Branch Line must be rebuilt by 25 April. (28) A signiticant shortage of railroad care is noticed again and again. For example, 3,419 tons of freight wich cannot be transshipped have been accumulated in Gorkij harbor. Large tea shipments are stowed in Krasnovodsk because of the shortage of railroad car For the same reason, Krasnovodsk cannot receive the allotted 13 carloads of sawn timber. ‘The workers from the Don Kuban Oblast" employed in Ufa cannot be returned to their own areas as scheduled. Likewise, Ulan Ude cannot receive the required railroad cars from the East Siberian Railway. Sanitized - Approved For Release: C1A-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A00010 ee FOIAD3a Security Information sy wT THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM ‘THE SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA ‘This document contains classified Special Intelligence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 ~ Bist Congress Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Special Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence somesonar Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information FOIAb3a 44/52/TOPSEG/CIA, D/Z. SC No 04456 Copy No, 51 To: SOVIET UNION MILITARY-ECONOMIC REPORT ‘Translated from the German Report 9/4 Dated: 16 April 1943 (THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING “THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH- INTHE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C,, SECTION 793 AND 794.SEE ALSO PUBLIC LAW 513, 81ST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION. ITS TRANSMIS- SION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW.7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports Strategic Division TOP SECRET. Sani lease : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 \d - Approved For Rt Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 TOP SECRET Security Information Distribution: External: FOIAb3a Copy Nos. 1 - 38 for dissemination Internal: Distribution L{4) Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA'RDPS6S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information PREFACE During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Gontrol Center of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Ser- vice (HNW, LNA) issued a series of reports to show the USSR military-economic situation as reflected in Russian internal plain language traffic. ‘These reports appeared at short, ir- FOIADSa regular intervals, usually six per month, for the period Oc- tober 1942-March 1943, Elghty-thzee of these repgcts have been translated and isoved 5 iii’ It is planned to issue a complete set of translations of the reports beginning with the most recent ahOIAG@eing backward, but omitting those already translated by| ‘The numbering of the items was added by the translate QIARSA ROlAbSanans did this only in the last eighteen reports, jinclusive. Since the original material was in Rus- sian, an effort has been made when translating the German to determine the original Russian term wherever possible. This is facilitated by the Russian fondness for abbreviations. In these translations into English the probable meaning of the abbreviation will be given in parenthesis the first time it occurs in each report 1d - Approved For Res -RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sani Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 TOP SECRET Security Information 16 April 1943 ‘The Soviet Union Military-Economie Report 9/4 (Based on domestic radio traffic) Individual Messages 1.) Personnel Situation (1) Ina decree of 6 April the Exeeutive Committee of the NK for the River Fleet confirmed the fact that the mobilization of the population for work on ships and landing places is insufficient. Immediate measures are desired for improving the situation regard- ing mobilization. Concerning its execution, reports must be submitted by telegraph each ‘week according to oblast!. (2) The dratt exemption of sovihoz workers of the NERF is extended to 1 July 1943. (3) Water transport bases in Omsk, Kirensk, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk have once again demanded the return of workers who were temporarily as jgned to other organiza- tions. 2.) Food Situation Caucasus (4) In the first quarter-Plant "Generator" (exact location unknown) received: 38 tons meat products 70.5 fish products 0.1 ton butter 15.4 tons vegetable fat 36.4 sugar products 18.9 cheese 27 boxes of eggs (5) "The Georgian Champagne Combine is to deliver four carloads of champagne to the Azerbajdzhan Fish Sales (6) As of 1 March the Armenian NK for theFood Industry received from the sovkhozes for the first quarter: Delivery Allotted. Meat 1.46 tons 2.0 tons Mille 0.25, us (7) 10 the second quarter the Sugar Sales has to transfer 1.12 tons of sugar to the 86 TA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information Chief Directorate for Highways of the NKVD. (8) In the second quarter the Armenian sovkhozes have to transfer: To the NK for Agriculture 180 tons Milk 2.5 Ewels cheese ‘To the NK for the Meat and Dairy Industry 115, 000 enes To the NK for the Food Industry 3.2tons Meat 20.4 Milk 2.05 Ewe's chee: (9) Poti. In March the Food Division of the Black Sea Fleet received 125 tons of canned goods from the eitrus combine (10) According to a message to Stalingrad the River Fleet has to set up its own re- construction sections. They are receiving the same rations as military reconstruction, sections. (il) The Lower Volga Steamship Agency received 1500 liters of schnapps from the schnapps factory in Saratov. (12) The NKRF Directorate in Uralsk requests approval for catching fish in the Ural River and its tributary "Chagan'’, since, as is known, the River Fleet is not being centrally supplied with fish, 3.) Material Supply (3) On 12 March | carload of paper was shipped from Krasnovodsk to the NK for Finance in Armenia (Exivan) (4) "Tkevarcheli Coal" in Akarmara received 10, 000 conveying (?) belts from Moscow. (5) In the period from 5 to 10 April three carloads of paper are to be shipped to Storehouse No. 168 an d 10 tons of writing paper and 20 tons of newsprint to Tashkent. (16) In Volsk eight carloads of cement were shipped by the Directorate of the NRF. 4.) Metal Supply (NE for River Fleet) ‘TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information (17) In April the following deliveries are being carried out to the offices of the NKRF: Svenigovo 18 meters band saws Kujbyshev 1.4 tons steel 40 tons cast iron Saratov 5 tons bar iron Astrakhan 4.5 tons bronze Chistopol 0.07 tons tin Ufa 20 tons cast iron Ulan Ude 402 meters seamless pipe (18) On 1 April Kujbyshev reported 2 supply of nine tons of cast iron and 25 tons of alloyed cast iron. The remainder of 285 tons of scrap metal and 4,256 tons of non-ferrous scrap metal are to be delivered immediately. 5.) O11 Supply (9) For April 0.5 ton of petroleum has been authorized for the NK for the Light Industry. The minimum requirement amounts to 8 tons. However, an authorization of at least 7 tons was requested in order to avoid any work stoppage. (20) For April an additional 1, 000 tons of light petroleum and 150 tons of track gasoline have been authorized for the Armenian Gouncil of the NK in Erivan. (21) For the second quarter the Armenian NK for the Light Industry requires 6 tons of petroleum, 15 tons of truck gasoline and 12 tons of ligroin. (22) For April the offices of the NKRF will receive the following: Gorksj Plant "Teplokhod" 0.3 ton aviation gasoline Plant "Molotov" 0.2 ton ‘aviation gasoline Svenigovo Plant "Butyakov" 22. aviation gasoline Kujbyshev ot gasoline 1s ligroin (for collective gardens) Chistopol 100 motor oil Uralsk 100 mazut 45 petroleum 0.2, gasoline 5 ofl 6.) Goal Supply Tifie (23) The Georgian Brick Works require an additional 1, 000 tons of coal in April. -6- TOP SK Sani CRET. \d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information (24) The Chief Directorate of Goal Supply has to carry out the following deliveries for April For the Georgian Industry of Volatile Oil 500 tons Tkvibuli coal 100 tons Tkvarcheli coal For Oktemberyan 100 tons Tkvibuli coal 100 tons Tkvarcheli coal (25) In April the following coal deliveries for the NKRF are being announced: 2300 tons for Kujbyshev 2300 tons for Ulyanovsk 1300 tons for Ufa (26) The following additional allotments are to be carried out by Molotov in April: 3000 tons of coal to Tikhie-Gory 2000 tons of coal to Kineshma 600 tons of coal to Yaroslavl (27) The NKRF Directorate in Semipalatinsk received a supply of 52, 000 tons of coal for 1943, (28) For April 21, 000 tons of coal are scheduled for the Enisej Steamship Agency of which Krasnoyarsk will receive 14,000 tons. The transportation is to be carried out by rail. Tiss (29) For the second quarter the Georgian NK for the Light Industry requires two tons of cotton cord. (30) In the second quarter the following deliveries of jumel cotton yarn are being carried out by the Hosiery Combine: To the Georgian NK for Light Industry Shoe Factory "Beriya" Armenian NK for Light Industry ‘Azerbajdehan NE for Light Industry Turkmen NK for Light Industry 1 °. °. 0 0, (31) The sovkhozes of the Georgian SSR have to transfer in the second quarter 20 tons of wool including: To the NK for Cattle Breeding 15 tons To the NK for Food 5 SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information (32) The sovkhozes of the Armenian SSR have to deliver 8.71 tons of wool including 5 tons to the NK for Cattle Breeding and 3.71 tons to the NK for Food. 8.) Chemical Supply (83) For April the Armenian Light Industry Supply in Erivan has been authorized 30 tons of caustic soda, 30 tons of fat, and 17 tons of sodium sulfide. (34) In April the Chemical Plant in Kirovakan is to ship 3 carloads of carbide to Astrakhan for the Construction Directorate of the NKVD. (35) The Manganese Trust in Chiaturi is to ship immediately the 300 tons of man- ganese ore made available for April to Plant "Kaganovich" in Gorkij and 400 tons to the re- smelting plant in Klyuchevik. ‘The shipment must be completed by 20 April. (36) The Sulphuric Acid Plant in Alaverdy is to ship immediately to the iodine plant in Baku-Neftechala 50 tons of sulphuric acid for April. The remaining 80 tons of sulphuric acid are to be shipped by 25 April. (97) ‘The NKRF Directorate in Rybinsk received 130 bottles of acetylene from Saratov land the NKRF Directorate in Molotov 1 ton of caustic potash. (38) During April 10, 000 tons of superphosphate are to arrive in Uralsk for the NKRF. Production (39) In accordance with the plan for 1943/44 the following NRF offices are to manufacture spare parts for ship repairs: Omsk for 450, 000 rubles Novosibirsk for 350, 000 rubles Krasnoyarsk for 390,000 rubles Ulan Ude for 290, 000 rubles Khabarovsk for 490,000 rubles Blagovesh- chensk, for 160,000 rubles Irkutsk for 130,000 rubles Yakutak for 150,000 rubles 10.) Transport Situation (42) Evivan, In April 270 care are needed by the chemical plant in Kirovakan for transporting Hime and 600 cars for Plant "Sovpren".. -8- TOP SECRET. ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 (42) Ordzhonikidze. ‘TOP SECRET Security Information ‘The railway lines in Osetia require the following for repair: 3850 meters rails 5600 units sleepers units switches (43) The following are stored along the branch lines of the Ordzhonikidze Railway: Rail Types Kilometers For the NK for Procurement 1-AO 29 3ai/9 AO 713, - 3-AO 981 - For the NK for the Oil Industry Bas 442 2ai/9 3-45 322 3A1/9 a 1a Timber Industry 2-0 344 3a1/9 3-A0 116 - Food Industry 2-al 398 aay SAL 43 -- Fish Industry 1-AO 375 - Meat Industry Lal 50 3au/o 2-A6 80 ~- 3-40 250 = For Local Industry 1-AQ_— 312, Bal/L 2-al 700 _ 3-A0 338 - Shipbuilding + 2: san 2-A2l 987 19 3-A8 150 - NK for Ferrous Metals 2-A4 67 BaL/L - - 9 Trade Union 3-A3 200 3AL/9. Switch Type No. of Units 5 (44) The rails and switches of the branch line Mineralny-Vody, Prokhladnaya and Dzyartkov,which could be used for laying the main line have been completely used up in repairing the main line. also be used. (45) Tugboats are being towed by p: Sani For repair work weaker rail types such as 1-A, 2-A, and 3-A can ‘TOP SECRET. snger ships in Kujbyshev and Molotov. \d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 TOP SECRET Security Information (46) ‘The Military Reconstruction Directorate of the Lower Volga in Stalingrad received 25 new boats. (47) In April the NKRF Directorate in Uralsk has-to carry out a scheduled transport of 3, 000 tons including 1500 tons of bread grain, (48) Chardzhou, Above-plan transports of the NKRF may be carried out in the future only after the complete execution of the planned transports, particularly since fuel is allotted only for the scheduled trips. (49) In April the NKRF Directorate in Uralsk has to carry out the following trans- ports: To Chalysh 500 tons To Khodzhli 1,000 tons To Bashauz 500 tons (superphosphate) (50) In March the Amu Darya Steamship Agency did not fulfill the transport plan, UL) Civil Air Fleet (51) The following units of the Civil Air Fleet were recently identified: Regiment Maguinskij in a message of 29 March. Location unknown. (52) The lth Flight Squadron in a message of 28 March from Kujbyshev to an in distinct radio station. (53) A training Might regiment in Stalinabad according to a message of 7 April. (54) A group Kluson with an unknown location according to a me ge of 27 and 30 March. ‘The group is disposing of its own portable aviation repair workshops: Location cannot be identified, (55) ‘The following were confirmed: 13th Flight Regiment according to a message of 6 April. Location unknown 3rd Flight Regiment with a present location of Stalinabad 8th Flight Regiment with a present location of Ashkhabad. (56) According to a message of 9 April the 3rd and 6th Flight Regiments arrived in Tashkent for assignment by the Uzbek Directorate. It is to be noted, furthermore, that the Uzbek Directorate is also assigning other flight regiments. (57) The following plants were recently identified: -10- S2°ElxtRDPs6S004924000100080005.9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005.9 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information Plant 49 location not known Plant 85 location not known Plant "Ural Energo" presumably in Sverdlovsk Aviation Factory No. 84 in Ashkhabad The latter is assigning one of its own flight sections which will be used either for individual flights or for transportation purposes -n- TOP SECRET. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100080005-9 ee Cs THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE SPECIALINTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA This document contains classified Special Intelligence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - 81st Congress Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Soecial Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be ‘communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence. POROBOREE Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 if Sanitized - Approved Fos.Releaser; G\A/RDP5ES00492A000100110004-6 FOIAb3a 99/53/T0PS80/CIA, 0/2 S80 Wo, 0766 Copy Ho. Tor SOVIET UNION MILTTARY-ECONGHIC REPORT Translated fron the Germin Report Date November igke /THIS DOCWENT CONTADIS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHDN TE MEAIING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TUTE 18, U.S.C., S8CTIGH 793 AND 794. SEE 30 PUBLIC LAW 513, 81ST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION, | TTS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION TS CONTENTS I ANY MANWER 10 AN UNAUTHOR- IZED PERSCH 1S PROHIBITED BY Lav./ CENTRAL TVTELLTORNCE AGENCY Office of Research & Reporte Strategic Division TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET Distribution: External: FOIAb3a Copy Nos. 1 - 38 for Dissemination Internal: Distribution Li4) ae TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION PREFACE During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Control Genter of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Service (HNW, LNA) ianued a series of reporte to show the USSR military-economic situ- ation as reflect&O1ANGasian internal plain language traffic. A total of 145 reports, appeared at short, irregular intervA@IAbGa lly six per month, for the period October 1942,- March 1943, include mostly daily reports for March 1943 as well as a few monthly reports covering the ROMbGart of 1942 wuRacarly part of 1943, ‘The last four reports, ‘summarize Soviet economic activities for periods of three fo nine months in 1943 and 1944. FOIAb3a FOIfhGe three of these reports have been tra:ObibGend issued One hundred reports, fare being translated and issued by Strategic Division of the Office of Research and RG CIA}. The series will be completed with the publication of TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET ‘Dee Soviet tnton Military-Beonsate Report Com: £03 the River ast (Based on donestic radio traffic in Noveubsr 1942) 2. Earscanel Si toa 2) Questions regenting the jonnel shortage within the NKRP generally appeared leas noticeable during Novenber, However, we cannot conclude fron this that. 2 sufficient labor force now exists, ‘The vinter insctivity of the Fleot, in part since the beginning of the month, has crete a free labor force which could be ascigned to other vork—above all to Industry. We cannot yet determine hov far ‘the worker shortage will extend by the reopening of navigation, Hovever, since the NERF is exarted to hold its personnel and inerease its number with new blood, ve ean conclude that the XKRF 1s completely conscious of the reguiranents of the new navi- gation period and does not overestinate the teuporary easing of personnel, requirenents, * (2) Me following tdontAtieutions support the preceding statexonter the NERF of ily refuses to hand over its Inbor force to the Military Confasurtate, Druct exerptions will be cancelled in Limited eireurstaness only on the busts of decrees fron the Coune!l of Peo le's Comissare, eines cucruachiunts WiLL be Snutely pursued by the MELitar: Codasartats und reparations will be forced, (3) Medio totograph decrass of 2! and 29 Nevenbar—-addrensod to BYOM (uatar che HAG@)-corder that ‘transport tases), ZReK (NKRF Flants) and GhReK (offices of rilitary conseripts, up to 30 yoars of age and draft exenpt up to the presoat, are henceforth to be turned over for military cervice: In Molotov oblast! Bod Te Moscow Kil ttary Camu 20 non © South Ural yo" wh Holotor = oink To Moscow HiT itary Oous co" Pur Pe Jo * South Ul" 8 do whe TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION In Kiror - OhRoK ‘To Moscow Military Okrug 15 nen In Svonigovo ~ ZReK "Te Movoow MSLitary Okrug wo" Jn Saratov = ZReK To Volga Military Gcrug so" Ja ask © Bod To Middle Asta Military Garug 25% Tn oak - Bod. To Siberia Military Okrug so" In Tovosibirsk ~ ChRek "fo Siberia Military Okrug 50° In Sonipalatinsk ~ Chek To Siberia Military Ocrug cca Jn Chandahou - CeReK ‘to Midéle Asia Military Okrug 10 * In Krasnoyarsk = Bod To Siberia Military Okrug 508 (4) among other things, the above Glepesition shows that the boundaries of the three Military Okruge of Moseoy, Ural and South Ural ran thra Molotov Oblast'. (5) We teamed fron a fev additional nesgages that voungoters, who would be addressed in the singular for another efx nonths, will now be drafted into military service, (6) the trade schools will be furtter inproved. Care is being taken with req spect to the scheduled carrying out of training and “normal conditions” in accomodations, suprliss, ote. ‘These schools will be designated as "a few ways of f41Ling the labor forces (7) Trade achools for 350 men are to bo set up in Molotoy Oblast", OF these personnel the following are assign: 150 men for Flant "Daershinskij® 508 8 epurlake 300." =" * "Chistopot™ (e) there Se 4 gehool for 100 men fn Kirensky dneludings 20 boiler enithe 30 tuners 430 ship carpontors (9) the following could be Identified ‘he wharf in Ust Koehva paye the Polloving wages: cold 70 kopecks vers n eepeesally heavy vork 30.5 * TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 63 kopacks 38 Qo) Captains of ships with over 100 horsepower who sasist in the winter over= bauldng program vill roceive @ 20% increase monthly. (11) Ships! cereus, which are not in a labor pool, ure to receive 80% of thelr work wages, However, 1f ouch persons work 2-3 dars (per pay poriod) 4n auxtltary enterprises, they will be paid in full. (22) In omer to roms! the labor Fores und oF saga Anereased perforsineas 4 series of measures wil he introduced. In addition to money bonuses, conser goods and food, the verker vho overfulfills the norm will recetve preference with ro- gard to food, i.e, food will be sold to his: without hesitation, On the other band, workers who "stand accused of work negligence and are in the process of working off the erine® will recetve bread retions reduced by 200 grans. 2, Hient quantity Consignor Botyskov est Sron Gorka * alectric welding Stretov seterial Wm, & 6 mm. * ‘Teplokded —"metad Doteryanka ' otal Chormosa "25 Cotebor" bears 22 r= thick Goris 8 Loni, deoteljue chialov Plant i/n rotel 187 tone Yolevor Liven eluctade welding 38 Saratov vaterial 6 rn (2x) Koeysher MRR eset Son Kocogersi " Yontron " Sitron " fiber " . graphite * Stary} Borlek * silver grackite vie (Worotoy) (25) omy or eslosin carhide 33" Moscow, MRP dered, not jolner's glue LS" Geter birectorate yet delivered, petrolew G " ® olay. (fireproot) woe " . brick (firoproof) 15600 unite " " files 300m " -65 TOP SECRET Sani 1d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION KRE Plant metal sav blades 40 units Moscow, MRF . aris 3 T Chier Direc . cutters 30 * ‘orate (08) Saratov" cast tron uuho tons " (Gnetnding 38" : (ena. hoe CD for Metal ‘cast tron we Seles office alloyed tron 1m * 2 (a7) ktrov steam pipe vaste wo" Kana Steamship Agency (28) Molotov Drerzhinskt3 steel plate 0.8" corks " electric velding material 15s Saratov MIG? Plant hoop iron 35x1K0 ive (Kizhnepetrovek : hoop tron KOxis5 oti (Plant "Kalinin" : round iron 90 wot * . Sron Ls? hermosa stary§ Burlak cast iron 50" Berexinkt : * & Nizhntj Tagit 7 alloyed cast tron Bo ‘Teplogorsk 7 Mavfron ou Molotov * Siciron 15" * " electric velding ‘material 3 am ad Saratov (19) Chistopol ARF Plant east tron boo” Kujbyshey (20) Ure “october Revolution” caet iron & Magnitogorsk (21) vet Usa steel plate on” Gorki3 spring steel 0.6" Sheksne (22) charaznow ws pipes a ‘Tashkent (23) Bérnaut ARR Plant east tron 6 Wsghnij Tagit (2h) Semipaiatinsie TARP Plant east tron a Alaa Ata, . cast. chrome nickel © for steel yy" Metal Sales total for fourth quarter “GE . ferro silicon 0.2" . " ‘copper pipes 0.05" Moscow, River cathode copper Pleet Supply " white metal z : white metal 16¢ : : ‘brace plate * * brase Wire : " tin e 7 foal : . soldering metal : + zinced iron Sverdlovsk, River : sereve 9, Fleet. Supply * wire tacks y : " electric welding vire 0.5 * (25) Ousk NRF Plant metal tm ons WES : serap tron goods 7 Sverdlovsk ° volts 0.6 * : rivets ok" . TOP SECRET Sani 1d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET MG Plant nite 9, nate nafle ° rivet 2, ; completely aravn pipes 10 7 Tenarsktj Factory thin-walled steel pipes 250 meters MP Plant copper pipes 0.1. ton - cathode copper 0, " copper plate 8, . ‘orase rode 0, : zine plate ° * tn on * ° * ° . 0 * 8. QeeEe waite metal 164 white netal Mf Waite setal Rt soldering metal (26) Novosibirsk MRF Plant cas tron uv Bobrovel east chrome nickel. ‘steel copper cathode copper copper plate PEER, Mgre Bperes white sectel MN soldering metal zinced. tron tinplate wire tacks comercial vire ‘spring wire rivets °. °. °. °: 5 8 0 °, ° L ° °. 9. °. °: 9. 3. a. on a Giaiaeieatateiesiisise (27) Reasnoyarak RRP Plant tool steel . imported quick- cutting steel tool steel Cospecial steel electro-alloyed tool steel quality-construction- C-eteel os 8 . cast chrome nickel steel ate nuts 0. rivets 8. TOP SECRET Sani Sverdlovsk Moscow, River Fleet supply Pervouralsk © for Metal Seles Office Moseov, River Fleet Supply Alnpaewsk, Movosieirek Moscow, River Fleet Supply Sverdlovsk, River Fleet Supply Moscow, River Fleet Supply Sverdlovek, River Fleet Supply Moscow, River Fleet’ Supply Moscow Wovostbirek, Metal Seles Novostbirisk, chief ‘Sales Orfice for Netal Factory \d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECR: Krasnoyarsk RF Plant screvs 0.51 ton Sverdlovsk, Supply " wire tacks 13° Office of TIF * spring vire 0.02" " " electric velding wire 30" e " copper in pieces oor * . ‘brase in rode kT " tinplate on. * . zine plate 0.32" " " "aks" (2 meter thickness) End Moscow " roofing sheet See Kusbyshey " tron plate} mm. 10.5 7 Kumetok " round iron 36-115 m, 16" Krasnoyarsk, NK for Heavy Industry (28) Teiextske " copper tubes on Moscow, River . cathode copper ou" Fleet Supply * ‘race plate 0.0 " " brace rods 020 : . einplate 166 on : " ‘eimplate Bar : : : tan . . aoe _ . ‘scrap tron goods Irkutsk, 0D for Metal’ sales : steel plate ork * steel plate amir Stal" . galvanized tron 0.32 " Sverdlovsk, River : einplate 0-05 Fleet. Supply " sereve ows zl . wire tacks 1 : * electric velding wire 0.3 * . . spring wire 0.02” . (29) Vien vee * (fourth quarter allocation) " wire 2080 meters = 7 electric welding wire 0.2) 7 e . nails o5 = . untested tron atl via Irkutsk (30) Rhaterovek construction steel 1 ton Kasbarovek, CD for " metal producte Sie Metal Sal * tron girders ios ° . steel havsere 1" Rasbarovek, Industrial ‘Union (32) Biagoveshchensk WEEP Plant veel haweers 208 . " serevs 0.K8 " Supply Office of NERF . commercial tron wire 0.3" * . electric velding vire 11.001 " : : wire tacke vos 7 * iron girders 0.8 " CD for Metal Sales . seamless dravn pipes 0.15" Khabarovsk ” ‘serap iron goods 23" : * tinplate o.or * Sverdlovsk . zine plate o.2k * Supply Office of IRF -9- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET ‘SECURITY INFORMATION Vertous plants delivered the folloving miterial in Novesher: Rajon (32) corey (33) Rajtyshev (34) Saratov (35)-Mototov (36) Kosogorsi. (37) Chusovskayn (38) mizhnt) Tagin (39) Teptogorsk (40) zietoust, (41) Tashxent (42) Ranta tos (43) Baran (sh) mse Sani MRP Plant 3am. and 5 mm. electric welding material 1 5 mm. tegtele weiding material 1 ueptris welding material 0.5 electric welding material 1.2 5 am. Pipe serap 3 7 7 7 32 i * 6 : a > 2 * ay . y : 16 - 6 = 6 _ Yq ra : 6 . YW 1.5 mm. iron plate as (other eizes are still being delivered) cast tron os metals - brass round tron 2 inferior metal 0.05 Base 50 m. matie ok -10- TOP SECRET Plast Material Quantity, - asbestos cord 0.05 ton was 2 ors, 5 ma. sheet motel kot : av iron 60 electric welding material 6" tons Consignee Rujbyshey Chialow ourey Kosogorsk Miaale Volga ‘Steamship Agency Upper Volaa Steamship Agency Suihona Steamship ‘Agency Kana ‘Steazship ‘Agency Base of the Northern Camp wee Kelsk WEP RP vRP Gurev Volgatanker ‘Yaros SRE ARP RP Enieed Sukhona Rotlas Butyakov Linenda, Thysnov-Lenta Tower Amar Steamship Agency Kujoyshev Molotov Southern Regione of MRP Pechora ©D for Sovehores (exception) Irtysh Watervays Oblast" \d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (45) The valance for the fourth quarter amounts to 2 tone in Omsk. (46) The Zelenga Steamship Ageney in Ulan Ude does not have any tool steel. On 10 Tovenber Zurazhevka had supply of 1.00! tons of tool steel. ‘there was @ supply of 2.009 tons of tool steel in Butyakov. (tiscettancous): ‘The following miterial was delivered to various plant Rajon Plant, Material (47) Seretov MERP Plant lacquer "67" Tacquer " ocher (48) MoLetov hemp rope rope band (49) chistopol NERF Plant hemp rope " yhomp bands (50) Uratsk Urals Liquid soap Steanship, ‘Agency, (2) migek TRF Liquid soap (52) Movoesbirek MEF alas (sneimaing recetvea: ‘Directorate of Lover ‘Amur Steanship Agency EnieeJok Tena RF Liguid soap (dnetuding recetvea: ‘Upper Ireyen ‘Steamship Agency Enise Steanship Agency (53) ons cP Liguia soap (58) Tratske Base " (inetud ing delivered to Tena Oblast’ Vatervays Directorate State Lena Liguia soap Steanchip Agency (55) Biagoveshchensk RE ligula soap uantity, 0.6 5 13 "72500 meters 0.9 1250 meters o2 7300 meters ton, ton, ton ‘on 11 Hovember Consignor Gorki3, River Fleet’ Suppy © for Chemical ‘Sales Corky Sverdlovsk Corks Sverdlovak Gorki 3, River Fleet Supply Tashkent, Office of OD for Perfumery Vian Uie Fat Combine, iovoribinsk Ousk Soap Factory ottice of cD gor Vegetable and Tat, Sales Irkestsk Soap Factory Tekutsk Soap Factory Kubarovek, CD for Perfumery (56) Th adattion, the KuJbyshev ORS (Departnent for the Distribution of Goods and Supply) Aelivered the following goods in Novenber: ET ba yarn 12687 mil 656 fabric -n- TOP SECRET 1d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 Sani Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET (51) The following quantities of scrap vere delivered by various plants: (58) (59) Rajon Gorkis Kazan Alma Ata, ‘Type of Plant Serap: oF serap iron Ferrous cast tron Metal Trade ep for scrap tron Metal Sales Collected ——Tneluding to. MKF Quantity: ‘Delivered: Plant : 1.5 tone Senipalatinek . 7 Kajbyshev - 2.5" Semtpalatinsk In addition, various plants collected or vere to collect the folloving quantities of scrap: Rajon Kajtyshev Saratov Kirov Ufa mijek Rybache Triwtek, Plant moe Base B. 041 supply. contectea, Quantity, 495 tons 1s * wr" ue" 15 tone 2 tone Including Delivered 425 tons 3° Le" a tone 19.5 tone Remarks According to plan 925 tons vere tobe collected for the entra quarter cording to plan 350 tona vere So'be cobtected for the fourth marten, Yee tone tron outside offices). hese 107 fone vere collected in October according to plan for the fourth garter. Goulected or Gelivered as of 10 sovenier: Had to deliver 265 tons according to plan. Had to deliver 50 tons according to plan. Bas to deliver 51 tons according to plan by 1 Decenber. Cannot be delivered because of lack of transport facilities. Has to deliver by 20 Wovenber the established amount of 5 tons for the fourth quarter. Delivered 306 tons too few of the third quarter plan. Has to carry out the yearly plan of 610 tons by 1 December. Beoncay measures vith respect to the supply of ofl products were most noticeable. How practicable these are, hovever, cannot be Judged, since fuel consumption decreases tn November because of the season. 758 auto gasoline and 25 diese) fuel for gasoline motors. Sani -e TOP SECRET \d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 One of the’ economy measures used is a mixture of Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (60) The Saratov ofl refineries will be supplied with crude oll from Astralhan. In the region of the Volas-Delta open mines vill be eet up - Bertyul vas mentioned - in Vhich ofl vill be dravn. From there the ray product will be pumped vie a pipeline to Astrakhan where 1 vill f111 ratirosd tank cars for delivery to Seratov. The following fuel allotments could be identified in Hovember: (Various plants and organizations consuned or received the folloving quantities of of1 products:) Tocation Office Puel_~=— Quantity Consignor Remarks (61) cores Base Asesel 01 ton CD for OL Sales (62) maspysnev macut 5978 * Riready consumed in os 2 October from the petrolewn 9.4" Noverter quote msoline has @sesel of 1 war “ofl siate 2000" — Kashpiry WRF- mazut_ 1000 * Final allotment for Plant (500) Noventer in sections. rotor oil 300" Allotuent for Noverber 0") ‘to Kajeyshey petroleu 1. @iese of 0.3" gasoline oa" (63) Saratov mazut 900 Allotment for Noveaber motor oil 150°" petrolam = 1.5 7 @iesel of 0.3" Mititary petroleum 0.1 " Saratov O11 Movember allotment Reconstruc- auto gasoline 0.1" Bales. ‘tion Dept. @iesel ofl 0.3" MRP of product 28:7" 2065 tons of vhich vere given out on 22 Hovenber. mart 3h00* motor fuel “300 * Pinal Noveuber allotrent.. (60) Kirov WRF motor fuel 0.01" 7 Allotment for Novenber: petrolem = 0.3." sasoline oi (65) Rotias Water- turbine of1 3" “Kirov, Rajon Alotted from the IRF vvorks O11 Salee allecstion for Hovember/ office December (65) Morotov mR ment 300" Novenber allotnent. motor fuel 100" petrolem = 5 * @iesel fuel 0.9 * ligroin 0.2 * Kora petroleun =—-15 "Molotov Final Novenber quota. Oblast? Obiast? Watervays diesel fuel 0.5 "O11 Sales Directorate auto gusoline 1" Ee megut 2600" Delivered to individual steamship agencies as follows: Bashkir River Fleet 600 tons, Upper Volga Steamship Agency 3500 tons, Kana Stean~ ship Agenty 300 tons. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Toeation _ofriee (67) cntstopol rae Plant (68) ute Belaya Steanabip ‘Agency (69) chkstov = RF (70) vraise * (12) charaznou Ama Darya Steanship Agency (72) Semtpaiatinsk Upper Irtysh Steamship ‘Agency Base (73) omsic me Base Lover Irtysh (18) ovesttrare Base (75) Krasnoyarsk (716) Tekatsie . (77) Vine We MRE (78) Tatar assr (Ragan) Consignor Renarks 41 Supply Kazan 011 Sales cp for 011 sales Kazakhstan Teninabad, Oi Sales 042 Sauee, Senipalatinsk © for oft Sales Oftice 012 Sates, Onsic op for O81. ‘Sales Office 011 Sates, Omsk © for 021 ‘sales cD for 082 ‘Sales O11 Sares, Irexter TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Fuel Quantity motor ofl 2 barges, ‘trek 0.2 ton gasoline ensoline oe" ee petroleum = 0.1" 7 ee ‘ruck, 03" gasoline Ligroin 0.2" on eo" petroleum 1.5" truck, ob” gasoline petroleum . ob = oft woe . ee Lgroin 1 mixture O.k Alesel ofl O11" ruck ol” gasoline petroleuz 0.3" on 3 ‘ruck, oe" gasoline on 7 mart 200 motor fuel 200" Novenber allotuent. Adastionel Novenber allotment. Aaaitionsl Adastional Novenber allotnent. Aaastional Novenber allotuent. ‘Adaitional Hovenber ‘allotzent Wovenber ellotuent. Allotment in November. Movenber allotuent. Distributed as follows: Tena Steanship Agency 0.3 ton, Zelenga Stean- ship Agency 0.1 ton, East Siberia Steanship Agency 0.1 ton, Buryat Mongolia ‘Timber Bureau 0.' ton. Final November allotment. (19) tm addition, the November quota for truck gasoline wae increased about 800 tons for avigntion and about 600 tons for intustry. TOP SECRET F Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 -w. (80) (a) (ea) (e3) wy) (6s) (86) (87) (88) (®) (90) (a) (92) (93) Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET c. coat suppiy According to existing messages, the coal supply appears to be completely guaranteed. Consequently, ¢ 12 natural to consider that coal coneusption cannot reach the cane Gegree during the vintering of the Fleet as during oumer transportation. Hovever, vevcan aseune that larger reserves, which are to guarantee supply in the eumer, will be procured in the winter months. ‘he following List, which cannot be considered as complete, contains identified coal deliveries and stocks. Toeation office Consumption Kujbyshey AER 25 tons . a? Aktuba * t carey * . Bobrovka " t ‘Tyumen, " 1 Sentyalatinsk " 2000" (ntghest priority consumption) Ship Repair ‘Workstope Omsk RP AS tone Plact "stalin" Krasnoyarsk Bast Siberian Directorate of ‘the River Fleet Inkxtek —-Makarevo Ba jk) Blageveshchensi ena Chana, Ural Tosheht 3 NERP Plant Burashevin Amir Steamship Ageney Mubarovek NIGP Arrival Stocks 100 tons 2037 tons - asia * 2000 6 oo 15556 S In edition, existing reports show the distribution col). The total quota for Moveuber anounts to 8500 tons, broken down as follows: -- TOP SECRET Sani + 1 16 tons (coxe) Remarks Novenber Rovesber allotment. Including 30 tons coke, 30 tons anthracite, 16 tons carbosulphide, delivery from Astrakhan. Including 28 tons coke, 60 tons blast furnace coal. Ship repair work. october (arrival and consumption). ‘The requirenents of the Fleet in Puviodar apount £0 3982 tons. Hoverber quota. From stocks ia Pavlodar From 12 to 20 Movember. For casting vork. Scheduled Novenber ‘allotment. of Ruznetsk coal (high quality 1d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 (ow) (95) (96) in) (98) (99) (200) (ao) (102) (203) (ok) (205) Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Steanship Tocation Coal Quantity: Ship Repair Coal ‘Agency including blast furnace Yard Quantity, ‘coal Upper Volge Gorkt 3 Uso tons 500 tons Butyakov 40 tone (Goris 3) Middle Volga Kajbyshey 300" 100 * Konlanger wo” Belaya Vole Ute, 500" Kazan ho" ‘Upper Intysh Senipalatinsk 3460 " chistopol, wo" West Siberia Movosibirek — 1h60 Linenda, hon (Goris) Cherenihovo 800" Kotlas on Base Camp North Kot ias ho * Senipaiatinsk — 40 Base Camp Sukhona Vologia hoon Omsk ho" ‘Base Comp Sheena Cherepovets M0" Hovoshinak hon Ulan Use ho" Zamise &" Bobrovia 6 Krasnoyarsk 6" Zhinorske 2" ovashino za" Kazan Gblast! 20" In addition, the quota for blast furnace coal for ship repair yards Yoloto 6° ‘Teplokdoa Joo *(2) (orks) D. Timber Supply ‘he People's Comis¢arist for the Timber Economy cannot cover River Fleet timber requirenents because of the conversion of ships to wood firing already carried out in part, the increased lusber requireaents by industry, and the shortage of personnel. Consequently, the People's Comiseariat in Moscow io establishing the folloving tinber- self-procurenent plan for various areas: (ALL aumbers below are in 1000 board meters) ta) Procure for fourth quarter 19h2 ip) Transport for fourth quarter 1942 2a) Procure for first quarter 1943 20) Transport for first quarter 193 3)) otal winter hair year 1942/43 4B) Venictes with drivers we Koni ASsR Odlast* Watervays Directorate Pechora * : orate ren stervorks Project Vychegla : w peenora jee e® hart Wyohegta ‘Total ca -16- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET (106) Molotov obiast* Kana Steanship Agency 3738 BTS tO Kana Oblast’ Waterways Directorate 10 «5S Shipyard Cherdyn eee aeeeeeeaeeeeateaeeeana tea: "Orel, gee eae eter Wace) "Use Borovaya Por ot 2 2 wo Timber Intustry Eeonosy Cherdyn 3 ~ nS us we - di 5 " Bereaniket 86 136 fol 11s 3 a ss (207) tatar Asse Kana Steanship Agency ees Upper Volga Steamship Agency =e Maile" ™ eae) Belaya Steanship Agency one Volgs Oblast" Watervays Directorate = aero : * Pee wera Se (108) Saratov Obiast! Middle Volga Steamship Agency 3 9 B a » 7 Volga Oblast’ Watervays Directorate a 1 1 Ship Repair Yard Saratov y 6 1040 pir a ah (109) Bashitr Asse Belaya Steanship Agency 6 "oblast! Watervays Directorate 1040 Total = 3025 (110) Sverdiovsk Oblast! over Irtych Steanchip Agency eWicuaiie aie Veuaear se) otal = IT (122) Kazaa ASsR Ural Steanship Agency gee eres eee eee as: Upper Irtyoh Steamship Agency 6 oe 9 un » © mM” Oplaet! Waterways Directorate eraeegse see eee eee aeces gugal motel © IOS (122) Ousk obtast* Irtysh Oblast" Watervays Directorate 4 6 40 ieee eee eae eee es (113) Novosibirsk Oblast! Shipyard Baturino aor oro. 2 » Ob Oblast’ Vatervays Directorate iptiie g eeeMsTaeS tere ‘Total Toto (24) Krasnoyarsk oblast’ Enise) Steanship Agency 8% "" Qelast! Waterways Directorate ge | Seer e ae 10 22 Shipyard Pridivinsk 20 0&0 rota, 8 35 ho A a -ar- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET (215) rmnitex oblast? Bast Siberian Steamship Agency en" oblast Waterways Directorate Inna Steanshi Agency " Oblast" Watervays Directorate Total (226) Buryet Mongplia ASR Zelenga Steanahip Agency Bast Siberian Oblast’ Watervays Directorste ‘Total (227) Yakutia ASsR Tena Steazshtp Agency "Oblast! Waterways Directorate ‘Total (118) cnste ostest! Upper Amr Steanship Agency Total (119) masbarovsk Celast! Upper Amr Steanahip Agency wer : ? Amur Oblast! stervays Directorate Shipyard Zurezhevia Tote, otal Sune la eek OTS ieee eeceed eee crete ties GLieidge a ete seCast tg ese Linol eH sec 60 eT oh BT =e 9 30 aT 200 wo on a 6 3 150 a2 3k 20 a 2825, no 65100 ag 3638 TBO Bar 57 has eerste 5uB_ wus. 1113784005, (120) Vehicles and drivers vill be made available to organizations of the NERF vy responsible kolkhoze: "own auxiliary sources" are to be called upon quarter is divided as follows: Te thie ean de partly or not at all carried out, the IKRF's ‘the timber allotuent for the fourth ‘Timber allotment established for the NRF in the fourth quarter. (411 numbers below are in 1000 cube meters) ‘Total establiohed Will be made available Se1f-procurement Authorized Made available Sel?-procuresent (221) To Komi ASSR, TOR By CD for Tiber Sales By IK for Forest Economy, Horthern Sector By NORP (122) 0 Fechora Steanship Agency By CD for Timber Soles By NK for Forest Economy By Pechora Steamship Agency (223) to Northern Steanship Agency By CD for Mnber Sales By NK for Forest Eeonoay = 18 - TOP SECRET Sani \d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET (12h) Obtast* Waterways Directorate Pechora - + + wo - By MK for Forest Eeonoay Est aeeosecerraaeetereeeeetee erate By Oblast" Waterways Directorate Pechora Bese eteeeeeeeees (225) fo Oblast Waterways Directorate Torts ee aeereee By MW for Forest Eeoncay reese eae eoeaeeeaeem aeeHe By Oblast! Waterways Directorate Tors eee eee eee eee eeeeeca (226) To Waterworks Oftice Pechora faecal eee ie (227) 1% Watervorks OPfice Wychegia see acer eee geese EEL (128) te River Technical School Pechora = - = = Dee (229) By oD for Timber Sales es eae deeds aes eee geste (230) fo Kirov Oblast", mmr fete eee eects eee cree eee tee By NK for Forest Beonony, Northern ‘ector Eted go teecatie By me eeeeeeeeeetset Terese eateeees (231) to vyatia Steanship Agency ie By NK for Forest Economy 2 By Vyatka Steanship Agency . To Oblast’ Waterways Directorate = (232) % Mototor Oblast, RE Bee By OD for Minber Seles = 88 Sees By MRP eieae By NK for Forest Economy, Worthen Sector ote ope tees eee (233) To Kane Steamship Agency - ee BS By CD for TMmber Sales Steere eee teeaere By NK for Forest Economy, Northern Bector eee eee eaetee By MO era accede cere (134) 0 cherayn Where ane eeeaestat ass ree rety ea (235) ‘to Orel var se (136) 6 Ust Borovaya Wharf Seer eae eee 9 ere ag (037) fe omtast' Waterways Directorate By NK for Forest Beonomy By Oblast! Vatervays Directorate eo (138) To Tiyanovek Oblast! mE wo. = 2 ee By CD for Pinber Sales epee cetera By NK for Forest Heonomy, Northern Sector Sere Seer eee eee TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET a2 3 4) os 6 (139) mo steanstip Agency Sete eee ee eae gr eee By 6D for Tater Sales See eeete erase eat ora By IK for Forest Beonoay Seeger By Steamship Agency eee eee ee eee (140) To Oblast Waterways Directorate - - - 15 5 fo River echnical School Kuftyshey = >] O43, - By CD for Tinber Sales eee eee igia tte (ht) fo Uiyanovak MRP eens By cD for Tuber Gales Seer eeemneer te (ahe) 1 central Dizectorate of the River Fleet Se ee By Mater Industry Boonoay Bee ieeee Oa (1h3) fo State Institute for Waterways ‘Transport etal : By Taner Industry Beoncay > fof : (14k) To Central Technical School, Construction Buresu = == = 2 By Taher Industry Beonony SieSaes ates eeeetoutesoces (245) to Sarstov obiact", NRF eeeceeeaeeesteeeeeeeateee By CD for Tinber Sales eee ears By MRP ee ms (ANS) ‘to Steanensp Agency rr By Ch for Taher sales ae By Steansnip Agency ee 1 Ship Repair Tard seae eaeaeeseatgys By OD for Timber Seles By Ship Repair Yard See eeete To Oblast’ Watervays Directorate eas as (287) To Kugbyshey Oblast', HIF egpeeses ee eeeeeeaee seu aeeeeeaetees © for Minter Sales peer ane eaten NK for Forest Eeonomy Seeeer ge iteag gee tee creer RP (1N8) to Steamship Agency eae CD for Maber Sales Sees = WK for Forest. Economy eeEEe oes eae eH aeCeeHaEag ae Steamship Agency Sees Getaete B 88e3 gee (189) To Obiast' Waterways Directorate rere eee (50) 20 viyanovak MR Sasa eee eaaaCigseteea (151) ‘te central Directorate of the River Flest Beste Hetora tie By Taber Industry Eeonoay 2 fT ag = 20- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 4 (152) % State Institute for Watervays eee eeeeee eeereeeee Opie eet eeeee ‘Transports By inter. Industry Beonoay eae aeeeneeaaetteeteettt oy atts (153) Central Technical School, aie ate at stp tee Construction Bureau By Tinber Industry Economy eisegeeeeeeeneereeeeerererneg lees ww (15h) to Use Oblast!, MOR eerie aneueeaiet er (055) te Steamship Agency By BY Steamship Agency. ‘To Waterways Oblast’ Directorate : : a (156) to Uralek Obiast', HERP RSS eevee c eeee eed By OD for Tiber Sales : 2 u By NERF a (257) to steamship Agency eee eee ieee ieee By CD for Timber Sales - : By Steamship Agency einai e 3 To Oblast! Waterways Directorate 2 a ee) (158) to sverdioveie Obinet', MRF 10 Seema By CD for Tixber Sales ae Seerecieee By Steanship Agency See eee ee eee ee eee (159) fo Lower Irtysh Steamship Agency eine aneuiae anita eee (160) fo Araisk Oblast’ for Steamship pe ees ee estate Heese eee ‘Agency (162) To Rybache Oblast’ gor Irtysh Opis eee eee eee eee ‘Steamship Agency (162) 0 Onek Oblast" poe eee ceeeeaeeeee anu eee uetieae (163) To steamship Agency By MK for Forest Economy By Steamship Agency {fo Oblast" Waterways Directorate By MK for Forest Economy By Oblast! Vatervays Directorate 4 (164) To Krasnoyarsk Oblast", TRF RENE arse oeeaeserhse erect eereseerers (165) to Baise) Steanenip Agency By CD for Timber Sales By Enise) Steamship Agency ‘To Oblast’ Waterways Directorate (166) ‘fo Irkutsk Oblast', MO Pree aeseisieaeeoeuegry By cD for Tisber Sales ee By MK for Forest Beonoay - By TOR aoe sae TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION +234 5 6 (267) to Bast Sivertan Steamship Agency Se By OD for Tinber Sales Peace eee aes By HK for Forest Zeonomy Sees areca aeeeeagtae By Hast Siberian Steamship Agency = = > SD (168) to tena Steamship Agency Sie By ME Zor Forest Beonoay eee eee ue ae eo uEeE By Lena Steamship Agency Sega eres oeae as (269) % ooiast’ Vatermys Directorate, = = = Be Bact Siteria By OD for Taber Sales See ore teers (2170) to dbiast? Watermys Directorate, = = = Be Tene. By oD for Tisber Sai Stauasarensee 8 uot (271) to Yekutek Obiast', ma ee ee by MOP Seer mae ee seaceae (272) Mo steanship Agency eeeeee eees eee agaesaeeee (273) 0 opiast’ Watermye Directorate = =e (174) to River Technical School see sleeper eeaeseeeee eeecr aaa eae accecracaaes (275) % Bingovesnohensk Oblast', MRF 23 By me for Forest Eeonoay 7 eee eae By IP eee (276) 1 Upper Anur Steamship Agency eee eee epee 3} (277) 1% mavarovste Oblast! NRF eer By MOP Pee placa (278) % tover Aaur Stesnshsp Agency Seeger 33 2. Food Supply (179) For a vetter understanding and closer characterization of the supply situation, 8 decree of the WKRF with regard to food supply may be studied from the beginning. This general order states that, according to a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, all bread-grain-yields rust be delivered to the State, and for it Teed grain Will be made avaliable for distribution. (280) Groats will be allotted in November to all deyartuents of the Distribution of Goods & Supply of the MEW by the Oblast" Trade Departnente. If the quote cannot be de- Livered in full, the @ifference will be made up by potato deliveries: (181) Beisting messages indicate that nev acres and seed sections will be assigned everywhere in order to improve the food situation for 193. Directions concerning ‘this vere lesued by Moscow to Krasnoyarsk, Ulan Ude, Khabarovek, Yakutek and Blagoveshchensk. In addition, “individual” gardens’ evidently allotaent gardens - vill be assigned to personnel of the ERP. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET (182) In epite of the apparent efforts of the MIRF to carry out the food supply satis factorfly, 9 fev discrepancies have appeared as follovs: (183) Te following table, which is a resune of existing messages, presents (188) (185) L In KuJbyshev Oblast! - near Baryshskaya Sloboda Bay, Sursk Rajon - seamen are not being supplied vith bread. ‘The PoloveJkov Sovkhoz in Novosibirsk 1s not supplying Barnaul with food. Employees of the MIR are receiving vegetables only. Milk, ‘utter and meat products are needed in the Kindergartens. In Yakutek Oblast’, the vharf of the NIRF in Osetrovo has no food. For two nontha the food has consisted solely of vegetables: rier survey of increased food sllocations in the region of the Lover Volg: Steanship ‘Agency. 1 2 3: i 5 It Le concerned with the folloving places and regions: Kazan Kajbyshey Saratov Saratov Sarapul Yakutok Watervays (Me following figures are in double centners) 23 4 Greats - mn 9 - - Fish products 2D 5 Meat products - W835 ee Butter, Sieetes secs ceed ereeeeeecet Vegetable of Dow ogy fof ot Fats peeeceneeeee eer Sugar 28 ow ee Sweets a en) Flour ete ee eed Potatoes sees eSE EEE HEE SEE Remarks: Inerenge in Borrowed from Delivered as Premature delivery December Oetover of 10 Noven- for the ith quarter allocation allocation (t) ber 1942 permitted by the mK F. Supplement (tisce1ianeous) ‘To supply food, clothing and tools for employees and work in their enterprises, individual offices are to help thenselves. By way of these measures the folloving Aistribution of goods for a fev regions vas achieved: Tt As concerned with the folloving goods: Sani cotton = Amount of allotment given in rubles oe Siac eee eee noe eee eet yetanee: Se eeecre eee ere Confectionery =" ete Woven Baniages- " "0 See Stockings = 0" "ow Scere #) In two figures the amount of the allotment is given tn cases Instead of in rubles and Is designated by a f 3. TOP SECRET 1d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECR: SECURITY INFORMATION Location office 1ue hos 6 corks mee eae ieeiaue’ deat Saratov Middle Volga 33000 1300 4000 1300 = Steamship Agency Ship Repair Yard 7000 700 2000 700, Kirov Oblast! 440000 4000 13000 $000 158 Urelek 14500 300 1500 “600,20 Rybache 1000 = = of Novosibirsk West Siberia iso00 800 1600 540. a Steanship Agency Baturino Whar? 1000 200 ho ho 5 Inkuteke Bact Siberia, 2900 3900 700 3800 122 = = Steamship Agency Lena Steanahip Nooo 4600 13300 5200 166 = ‘agency. Bvenigovo 1600 1600 5300 1900 th = = General Transport Situation (186) Wien the beginning of the frost, heavy arreare in transportation on rivers could Be noticed. Transportation 1s Festricted to the assignment of ships to vinter ‘derths ani the release of overdue, urgent transports or perishable freight. A, Ship Transports (187) im ataition, the fottowing transport performances of preceding months vere reduced or established in Rovenbert (188) ‘te taitvinter transport plan of the MIRF in Irkutsk was established for the Angara Section vith 2000 tone including 100 tone of flour and Zor the Yalutek jection with 1600 tons including 450 tons of Flour. (289) Kamyshin carried out the transport plan by 106f during the navigation period. (190) Grain transport by the HERF in Senipalatinsk was reduced by 7500 tons and 2,800,000 ‘ton kilonetere. (191) For shtp transports the folloving consumption norms were established for the fourth quarter for a fev offices: Kajbyshey - 100 kg. fuel for 1000 ton kilometers oe af eee careraeeeesee . reaagabfetiake eeeeteocteie ete a : Thrtsk 26 6 7 nw " (192) Im Kaspystey and Ufa it is probably a question of Liquid fuel, while TLijek and Inkitek are presumably operating ships with coal and wood. (193) with the beginning of winter, eargo goods with the following destinations mat Fenain in Gorki) and Kufbyshev: Storage Place Cargo Goode Hesght Destination corks vire, fabric, copper, Linen aebestos 36 bundles 1.2 tons —-Semipalatinek Anetrumenta 1 bundle Linen 1 bundle radio tubes 2 bundles vhite metal, linen 17 ‘banded 0.36 ton Omsk - ah TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 (a9) (295) Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET Storage Place Cargo Goode Weight Destination dork electric motor, lamps 10 bundles ‘copper wire 10 bundles 0.928 ton Krasnoyarsic fabric, tin, special belts 53 bundles 1.8 tons —-Rhaberovsi (2) fabric 5 tates 0.364 ton Thi jek (Bakhash- Tijek Steanshtp Agency) inen 1 bale Rybache-Tssyk Tul Steamship Agency Kujbyshev tron plate 20 tons Uryupeno Plant roof iron Bt Azerbajdzhan heavy tron & Groany3, Plant "erasny) tron plate 20" Arnoliot” auto tires 7132x650 239 sete Tire Plant "Privolshe", ‘Yaroslavl Rajon sheep's ool Astrakhan, Invalid Astociation "Krasny3 "Fakel” BL Air Transports ‘The MRP also uses transport planes of the Civil Air Fleet for the delivery of urgent cargoss (armanents orders). The folloving airlines are mentioned: Kajbysber = Gorkety Seretov = Gorkiy Sverdlovsk = Gorki} Sverdlovsk Rujoyshev Sverdlovsk = Moscow Sverdlovek = Gurev Chelyabinsk - _ Kujoyshev Chelyabinsk = “Moscow Chelyabinsk = Gurev C. Rati Transports After the beginning of the vinter period, rail transport facilities were used ‘by the NRF to en increased degree. It ie concerned with the transport of completed goods from production shops and the transport of rav miterinls to production shops. The folloving transports were identified: From te Product Date Moscow Krasnoyarsk tool steels 15 oveaber corks lover Irtysh Steanship steel plate «15 October ~ Agency 15 Tovember corks Enise) Steamship Agency ieee 25 October = 15 Tovenber corks Teiutek oo. 15 October - 15 Hovenber Gorkiy Ruspystey ale freight 30 Hovenber Kajoyshey Volsk extract wood 5 November Kujtysher 1 39 cars 20 - 12 Novesber ‘textiles = 25 - TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved Pr Release : CIA-RDPSSS00482A000100110004.8 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION From cm Product, Date Kagoyshey Moscow betel 16 Noveuber Kajbyshey Krasnoyars roofing sheet 18 November Kajtyshey omer Sum. sheet 18 Rovenber zetal Kajbyshey Achinsk/Avilovo sheet. tron 22 Novenber Kuoyshey Kazan east tron 25 Novenber Saratov YoLsk extract vot 5 Novenber Saratov ork j manufactured 23 Novenber goods Saratov ork 3 mamfacturea 29 Novesher goods Nototov Kotlas round {ron and 8 November serap iron Molotov/tevshino Kotins/Limenta metals 18 Yovenber Molotov Iover Amur Steanship sheet iron 9 Hovenber Agency Molotov Marxatadte concrete mixer 18 November Sverdlovsk Onsie nate 22 Novenber Sverdlovek Ona scrap iron 22 Novenber products, Sverdlovek Ons scrap iron 26 Novenber ‘products Sverdlovek nse cast. tron 30 Tovenber Sverdlovek Krasnoyarsk serap iron 2h Novenber products Sverdlovek Ure mamifactured 29 Novenber gots Mizhnij Tagil Novosibirsk cast tron 30 Novenber Pervouralsie Onske arava pipe 26 Novenber Alze Ata Semipalatinsk Crlii-cast tron 6 November Tovosibirek Krasnoyarsk ss 85 Rovenber Tovossbirek ‘Krasnoyarsk ‘tool steei 6 Novenner Rowesbirek Krasnoyarsk scrap tron 26 Novenber products Tovostbirsk Charazhox hemp fibres 26 Novesber Khabarovek Blageveshohensk iron products 5 November Mhaberovek Blagoveshcheasi: elassvare 5 Novenber Rhabarovek Blagoveshehens Steel havsers 26 Novenber (296) Novoesbirek recetved the following transports from Kusnetsk Basin: ‘from Kuznetsk coal and sheet fron from Kemerovo lnequer and paint (297) According to messages of 11 Novenber, the following railroaa cars vere reported being mde available for December to various NERF plante and steanship agencies: ‘To Novosibirak Oblast! for shipping armanent products from Cherenoshniks /Zamiee 2ocars to Railroed Car Plant "Kaganovich" Barnaul, 20%) ™ Novosibirsk " Woweibirek 2" rasnoyarsk ey 2" Irkuteke Total 8 * for shipping armanent products. (198) Semipaiatinsk Oblast! received the folloving shipping nora: Total 8 cars including: 3 for metal products 5 tor tinber material ‘The breakiovn is as follows: Sextpalatinsk - 7 cars, including 5 with tinber material for Krivoshchekovo 2 with arsanent metal products for Railroad Car Plant "Kaganovich” Upper Irtysh Steamship Agency - 1 car with metal products for Blagoveshchensk. = 26 - TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET (299) Ons Obinst* (NHKF Plant) is to ship 8 cars of armanent products ie Tura, Destination (200) Krasnoyarsk 1s to shtp 10 cars of metal products as follove: 2 cars with armanent production from Slobino to Ratlrced Car Plant "Kaganovich" Lear’ from Krasnoyarsk via Koper to Eniges 3 cars from Achinsk to Slobino 2 cars fron Kansk to Slobina 2 cars from Kiyukvennaya to Slobino (201) Five cars vill be made available to Irkutek by the East Siberian Railway for ‘transporting timber. (202) In addition, the Bast Siberian Raflvay will make 3 cars available to Ulan Ue vith the following destinations: 2 cars for armnent products from Ulan Ude to Railroad Car Plant "Kaganovich” Lear for mixed cargo from Ulan Ude to Slobino| (203) the Far East Railvay is to make 6 care available to Khabarowek for shipping aruanent producte to BIban. (20h) im adaition, completed production, known ae "help the people of Leningrea", from various plants of the IEF vere shipped by rail to Langache, Kirov Raflvay, Syastroj Branch. (205) Freight trom Saratov to Gorkij is to be routed via Moscow. Praduetion (206) Paratie? with the scheduled vinter overhauling of floating units, in vhich all industrial plants connected vith the NGF are engaged, the most extensive products for alnost all inustrial branches are produced in these plants. Also arsanent orders, which are designated as special orders, occusy a large part of the pro- Guction plan. In addition to this, the Departuent for the Distribution of Goods ‘and Supply of the People's Comissariat for the River Fleet aseims orders to MY plants, according to their functions, for the purpose of mmufacturing work and winter lothing. The following identifications concerning production could be noted ina fev eaces in November: A. NKR - Orders (Industry) (207) te ship repair yard in Nachatino (near Moscow) produces pressure tanks for gxe (208) me MKRF-Plant "Teplokhoa” in Gorki) "learned how" to produce tool steele. The quality still leaves something to de desired, but a total of 20 tons are to be produced in the fourth quarter. (209) Pant "Butyakov" in Sventgovo (near Gorkij) is producing railroad cars and gas generators for motor vehicles (210) Im Limenta (Gorkts Oblast’), besides a shipyard, there is also a testing laboratory for pressure chanber and netele. (212) te plant in Kujbyshey (Tatar ASSR) is producing 400 horsepower gas generators (212) Me NERF plant in Rajpyshey (Mujbyshey Oblast") is producing ratiroad cars. (213) Piant #213 tocated tn Saratov is concerned with building instruments (of1- nanometers, tachoneters, ete). (214) te plants in Astrakhan are concerned vith buflding epare parts for shine. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET. SECURITY INFORMATION (215) the NERF plant in Molotoy is concerned with the conversion of motor vehicles for operating with solid or gneeous fuel. ‘The gue generators required for ‘this are being produced in the plant. (216) Timber processing and forging plants are to be built soon in Cherdyn. (217) Piant #688 in Ufa is manufacturing diving suits. (218) A11 plants of West Oblast’ of the MKRT are being reprizanted, because they refuse to produce spare parte for the Lover Volga Steanahip Agency. ‘The plants are not to consider thenselves “restricted to formal trade”, but are fo renter the "greatest possible help" to ships of this area. (219) tue vater transport base in Ust Usa is to produce wooden ships with its own facilits (220) Mechanical workshops in TLijsk & Burya Tyuba are miking spare parts. (221) From 20 Novenber on a plant in the Ural area is to produce synthetic rubber. (222) Novosibirsk ant Onsk (TKRF plants) are building 1700 ton barges “of a new type". (223) On 5 November the Krasnoyarsk NERF plant reporte the folloving production situation in the making of epare parte: ordered = for 175,000 rubles Including completed =" 23,000" Planned total production = " 708,000" ‘Actual production =" 451,000" Workers = 930 men Stakhanoy workers = joe" 200 workers = hoe Monthly average output of a worker = for 1335 rubies ‘The first special order vas carried out 100f. ‘The secont special order was carried out for 241,000 rubles. The third special order vas carried out 135%. The fourth special onder eelf-cost 2p. (22h) Te WRF plant in Ulan We is being criticized, because it is not satisfactorily carrying out preparations for ship repairs. As of 1 Noveaber, the folloving percentages of production scheduled for repair work had been completed: spare parte 52h tools 5h amanente 1 (225) Ae of 10 Novesber the plant ie to report 100f fulfitinent of these preparations. (226) During the winter MEW Plant #578 in Kasbarovek 1s to convert all steamers - vith ‘the exception of ofl ships - 20 operating with solid fuels. (227) Te shipyard in Zurashevka (Amur Oblast!) is to foree the keel laying of shipe (228) “soctalist competitions” are being arranged in order to increase shipbuilding in the vinter of 1962/13. For example, the Volodarek Shipyard isqued an appeal to WKH plants and their works to build additional (i.e. above-plan) ships during the vinter, and declarea thet it had already built 3 barges of 300 tons each under these Conditions. The plant in KaJhyshev completed a large and smi freight boat on the basis of this appeal, Saratov took on the obligation of = 28 - TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Dullding @ freight boat of 250-300 tons, and Zolotoe launched a boat of 150-200 tons. Tue Osetrovo Wharf (Far Zast) completed the Keel laying of ekifte total- ing 300 tons for the Fish Trust under the eame conditions. B. Armament Ordere (229) work on armament orders was identified at the following plant (230) The MORE plant in KaJtyshey 1s vorking on a special order, in vhich 4 uses tingle pact "Tr." ese are being produced at Plant "Roter Proletarier" (loeationt). (231) Im aaaition, the cave plant has to fulfill order "29". On 25 Novenber it re- ported 100f completion: purchased, ar shipped 265 remainder 32 (recentiy) Inia on stocks 8 lnunched ° (232) On the basis of other messages it could be detersined that these are wooden oats. A more exact specification of individual boat types 1s not possible ‘at the present tine. (233) The me plant in Saratov reports completion of the folloving special orders: order 23: cast as of 16 November 1000 units including treated sf total treated 4061 secepted by technical testing 39" commission detivered to the military wo” representative shipped on remainder ready for shipment 210" cast as of 18 Novesber 100 * ‘eluding trested 90 total treated sil accepted by techntoal testing 3016 * comission delivered to the military as * representative shipped of Fesainder ready for shiysent 3366 * cast as of 23 Novenber wo" including treated 1005 total treated 4950 accepted by technical testing 2" comission delivered to the military 1986" representative shipped oo” 29+ TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRE! SECURITY INFORMATION cast as of 24 Hovenber 220 untts including treated ms" total treated Boe = accepted by technical testing are" ‘commission Aelivered to the military ag representative shippea os Fenainder ready for shipnent 3600" orders 30 and 18: ‘The orders could not be carried out at the beginning of November decause of the lack of dry eavn timber. After the receipt of 550 cubie meters of sava timber, the plant reported: fs of 15 Novenber accepted by technical testing 55 unite commiesion shipped oo Fensinder ready for shipment ™* order 30: of 15 Novenber completed, 325 accepted by technical testing 0 commisnion shippea °° remainder ready for shiysent 200" (234) On 10 Wovenber the NKRF plant in Bobrovia reported thet nothing was produced on Order 12 because of the lack of coke: order 18: completed, 1631 untte accepted oo” (235) spare parts "7" are to be delivered to Oatk by Plant # in Krasnoyarsk. However, ‘the plant is far behind in deliveries. In the third quarter only 300 units Anstead of 2900 units vere shipped. The 900 units designated for October accont- ing to plan have not been delivered for the most part. Ae Ousk NERF plant must cease production. Under all eireunstance @eliver 1800 units to Oak in November. (236) Im addition, the MKRF 1s arranging for money collections vithin the steazship agencies for the butlding of torpedo cutters. The collection was to be com pleted by 15 December. The political organization is responsible for fulfillment. (237) On 20 Novesber IKRP-Moscow reprimanded the NERF plante in Novosibirsk, Bobrovin, & Zamuse, because these enterprises ahov arrears in the fultilinent of apecial orders: ‘These messages indicate that oiting the lack of coke as an excuse in the future will no longer be acceptable, since coke 1a nov stored in sufficient quantity in Barnaul and Cherenoshniit. Tn addition, sufficient fuel may have ‘een delivered in order to make this coke available to individual plants. If coke is actually not available tn sufficient quantity, peat will be mixed with fan additional 306 coke (according to a report of 11 November from the plant in 2am (238) with respect to the fulfiliment of production plans, it could be determined thet Plants, which fulfilled their orders 100f, received the challenge to complete up to 1506 by the next delivery (this applied to MER plants in Semipalatinsk, Krasnoyarsk and Uisn Ue) (239) In general, intercepted messages suggest that the plans must be evaluated from ‘two points’ of view TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET 2. For less important orders, the plan se et as low as possible so ‘thet plants can complete it in excess of 100f. Such Fesulte are ‘to be considered propegandistie. 2. For armnent orders as vell as other important assignents, a completion figure as high as possible ie set so that plants ‘must make the greatest efforts to reach {t, and even in non- fulfiliment requirenents will be covered. "If a plant attains ‘this completion figure, demands will be razed eo that at least ‘the original figure will be guaranteed. ©. Seasonal Orders (20) In Novenber there vere frequent intercepted messages concerned vith orders for ‘the manufacture of warm vinter clothing. Only rev naterials vere delivered. Everything else - such ae tools, personnel, etc. - was to de procured from one's own facilities. The folloving could be identified: (21) Maree tons of vool were delivered to the office in Kujbyshey for the manufacture of felt boots; 2 tons are to be used. The consuzption nora 1e eet at 2150 grane per pair. 465 pair per ton are to be manufactured. Consequently, 930 pair are 0 ve completed. (aha) ‘the oftice in Saratov reports that it received the delivery of 200 pair of felt doots. However, it still needs 400 pair. For that reason Kujbyshev 42 to Geliver 1 ton of wool to this office. In addition, Saratoy ie manizacturing padded clothing. However, the seving is teing delayed since padding ie lacking. (243) Uta received 4 tons of vool for felt boots, and aleo has to complete 1860 pair. (als) Uretsk ts to receive the folloving textites for pros cotton fabric for 6000 rubles wol = * "3000 * mar 3000 (2\5) Hovever, production cannot begin because there 19 stock of these materiale on hhand at’ the Textile Sales office. (2N6) Chardzhou is to complete thru its om supply action 100 wool blankets and 100 pair of shoes. (21) Rovostbirsk received 3 tons of wool (1395 pair) for the maufacture of felt voote. (248) Sentpatatinek received and processed cotton fabric for 2000 rubles ant vool fabric for 3000 rubles. (249) onsk 18 to process cotton fabric for 12000 rubles wol =" "Too sik oo" "3000" Onsk cannot mamfacture felt boots at the present tine, since the wool delivered, for it became frozen in 20 Kilometers from Onsk (250) Krasnoyarsk is to mamufacture felt boots (1395 pair) from 3 tons of wool. (252) Irkutsk received 1 ton of wool (465 pair) for the sane purpose. (252) Barnaui, the sane - 3 tone (1395 pair). -31- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET (253) We can conclude from the otatenente concerning production that, with fev exceptions, the plants have surmounted the crisis of October of this year, curried out the most diverse types of orders, and that attempts are being made to make the IKK "crisis resistant” ant es independent as possible of other economic branches and intustrial enterprises. D. Winter Berthing of the Fleet (25h) Te nost urgent and extensive problen, with vhich the NKR had to deal in November, wae the vinter laying up of the Fleet. Since transport facilities must be tised to the utmost because of the var, it vas concluded that traffic fon the rivers vas to be maintained to the greatest possible lengths. The aigtieulty of bringing the floating units to the anticiyated winter berths under such conditions should not be underestinated. During a mudden change in the weather, the rivers can ~ en actual example is presented beloy - Decone completely frozen over within t¥o days. Hovever, the floating ice presents still greater dangers for the many paddle-wheel. steamers than for ships with propellers. (255) Me folloving conclusions can be established regarding the cessation of navi- gation: On 6 November the order vas given to Gorki) and to Molotoy to @tecontinue vork and within three days bring the entire fleet into winter berths. On 9 November Gorkij received anev the order to complete the winter berthing of the fleet within three days. On 22 Novesber Uralsk reported that within two days the river ‘was trogen over 0 that the entire operating fleet, which ts Aecignated as the "Main Fleet", ie frozen in the navigation channel. The location of the slips will be determined in order to deliver provisions for the erev by horas and truck. On 15 Roveuber navigation on Iake Baluhash vas diecontimed. On the sare day it vas reported that the breaking up of the ee on the Lover Volga had begun. On 21 November reports are desired from Ousk on shipe vaich vere frozen in. On 22 November strong breaking up of the ice prevailed in the Kusoyshey sector. On 23 Novenber Seatpalatinsk reported to Moscow that, because of "netecrological operating conditions”, a part of the fleet ves frozen in vhile under vay. It comprised 32 untts. n 29 Novenber ship traffic on the Ili River vas discontinued. (256) Te danger to ships frozen in during a voyage exists in the breaking up of the ice in the spring, by which - if no countermeasures have been taken - the ship WEIL in all probability eufter damage. In addition, the carrying out of winter overhaul encounters great difficulties Supplying personnel of such ships with food mist Likewise be especially carried out. -32- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 (57) Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Within the sphere of the Middle Volga, the folloving assignment of flosting units to winter berths could be determined. In the folloving table the vessels are shown separately unter the numbered columns: Ships Barges ‘Tankers ‘Total Winter Berth Nighai) Uston "kagbysnew" Bay Tetyushi Maina, Undory Chasovnaya Unyanovsk Kefushi Belys Yor Sengiles/Buereki 3 Poawale Kuinovia, Stavropol Under ined Anchor barges Ys lan. southwest of Kazan 38 im. south of Kazan 76 wm. north northeast of Uiyanovek, 50 im. northeast of Uiyanovsk 30 km. north of Ulyanovsk 5 im. northeast of ‘Uiyanovsk 30 km. south southeast of ‘Ulyanovske 55 km, southeast of Uiyazovek 50/59 im. southeast Uiyanowsk 78 mm. south southeast of Ulyanovsk 60 im. west northwest of Kujoystey 64 ton. west northwest of Rufoyshev Kujeyshey with associated places: Sukhaya Samar Rovaya Cavan Batrakt Alekseev Shirokt) Buerak Rolteovia Balakovo Yolk Saratov Uwe Zolotoe Kanyshin Antipovia Miokhlatekoe Khroshchevis Kabanya Voloshka Kashekevak Zaton Korolevekos Gryasny) Podzhabay Rargulya) 2aton Chuvicht ‘Tabachny} Zaton ewan Sani bm, east northeset of Syzran 31 km. north northwest of Balakan 20 kan, north of Balakovo 21 lm. northwest of Balakovo 11 ke, south of Saratov 80 lem. south of Garatoy 28 im. south Kenyshin Not located on mape of ‘this country ‘otal unite -3- TOP SECRET 1 sity iy - + = tanker =~ 2302 43 eieeee 2 erste 8 eects ota Tw 1 2B ettatiee = 2513 7 25 ae ee - 6 = - 6 5 6 2 - 33 eee Sey aceite =u ar 7 8 - 2 2: 2 a’ earetiee wo: 75° - 5 16 28 16 - 6 a tie - 2 wo 2 3 75 38 2 -2 32 1 2 26 3 M7 - = 50 Dsl memer 2 36 we i a) 201 73 - 3 - 3 98 7 ak lo. - ar} 28 3 23 eats Tanker == 1 5 - 8 2S ft tanker 2 We eaeelete > 1 35 > 8 308 7 = 8 | 1d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 TOP SECRET. SECURITY INFORMATION (258) Im eaastion on 22 Novenber between Ilovatha and Dubovia there were 109 units (25 shipe, 3342 horsepower; T7 barges of 5785 tons; 7 shuttle cutters). (259) If ships on @ voyage to a definite place - unloading or winter berth - are surprised by the frost, frozen in and still loaded, the freight agent must imediately carry out the unloading of the ship or the goode will be mde available to other organizations. (260) Personnel not needed for carrying out vinter overhaul vill be turned over to industrial plants of the MRF and assigned to timber procurement work. Miscellaneous (261) In order that var danages to floating units, plants, shipping facilities, ete., can be eradicated as quickly as possible, the MIF has organized in the Volga, Basin the "Danage and Ship Raising Service" - Chief, a certain Zaveley. The structure of these organizations was laid down along military Lines. Personnel were recruited from anong members of the MIF; hovever, civilians were also arava into the program. The administrative staff for the middle and lover course of the Volga River operates in Saratov, the headquarters for the region below Stalingrad is to be found in Viadimirovea (straight north of the Akhtuba Raflvay Station). In addition to these two organizations, the IKRF organized still another group along military lines ~ the “Military Guard of the Inland Watervays (and Installations of the MCE"). The following dislocation of the unite of these formations have been determined in Novenber: (260) Upper Yonge Gorki Section ~ Damge and Ship Raising Division (a80)4 (Stag? in Gorkij2) (263) Miaaie Vorge Majbyshev/Saratov Section - Dasage and Ship ‘Raising Division 2 (start in Saratov) To this Division belong: Danage and Ship Raising Group 15 21 (in Bykowye Khutora) Recta tity Se eaien ° . " 8B reer Peace Peeisan petite eee - 328 (264) Lower Vorga Stelingrad/Astrahan Section - Darage and Ship Raising Directorate of the Lover Volga in Viadinirovia. let Independent: Diver Battalion in Viadinirovia. ‘To thie fomation belong: Damage ant Ship Raising Group 11 me at Se Panay soe peas aes Petits (265) Uraisk is the location of the 3rd Company of the Military River Guard. = TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 ‘Sanitized - Approved For Rgleage «,C1A,RDP56S00492A000100110004.6 SURETY INFORMATION IDENTIFICATIONS FROM DOMESTIC RADIO TRAFFIC TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110004-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A0001001 10004 Fomerere Security Information FOIAb3a THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM, ‘THE SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA ‘This document contains classified Special Intelli- gence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - lst Congress. Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Special Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence. O i LN = AdOD “wel Toenenes Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 TOP SECRET Security Information FOIAb3a -89/53/T0RS80/CTA, 0/2 80 No, 06545 Copy No. 10 SOVIET UNION MILTTARE-BOONOMIC. REPORT ‘Translated fron the Geman Report Dated: 9 Novenber - 1 Decesber 1942 (/THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING ‘THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF HE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAMS, TITLE 28, U.S.C., SBOTION 793 AND 794. SEE ALSO PUnLC’ LAW’ $13, 81ST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION, ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION (OF TS GoNTENTS IN ANY MANWER TO AN UNAUTHOE ORD PERSON 15 PRORIBETED BY LAW./ CSNTRAL INTELLTGRNCE AGENCY Office of Research & Reporte Strategic Division Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-RDPS6S00492A0001001 10006-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 TOP SECRET Security Information Distribution: External FOIAb3a Copy Nos. 1-28 IB or Dissemination Internal, Distribution L(4) op sEcRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information PREFACE During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Control Center of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Service (HNW, LNA) inaued a series of reports to show the USSR military-economic situation as reflected in Russian internal plain language traffi ‘These reports appeared at short, irregular intervals, usually six _BgTggntin for the period October 1942-March 1945 OBI thres 1638 seports have been translated and issued by It is planned to issue a complete set of translations of the reports beginning with the most recbQAb@aworking backward, but omitting thove already translated a The numbering of the iteme was added by the tr tothe Germans did this only in the last eighteen reports, jinclusive. Since the original material was in Russian, an effort has been made when translating the German to determine the original Russian term wherever possible, This is facilitated by the Russian fondness for abbreviations, In these translations into English the probable mean- ing of the abbreviation will be given in parenthesis the first time it occurs in each report. Sanit Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information 9 November to 1 Decenber 1942 Military-Roononte Report (Based on domestic radio traffic) Fersomel Situation (2) “traveling personnel" of the NERF are exempt fron military service until further notice. (2) Ae of 12 Novesber only 10% of the plan for the fourth quarter for tractor repairs could be carried out in Urnlak because of the shortage of technical vorkors A shortage of workers aleo prevails in other areas, (3) In Erivan 776 wounded have been given vork assignments, 52 are in training for new profes ions, and 11 have been placed in militery hospitals. (4) Th Kustanat work 18 now being performed on a two shifts a day basis. Work is also being performed on Sundays. (5) Im Karaganda an electric povor plant i being buflt which is to be fur ished with vorkers fron Kustanai. This 1s impossible, since « shortage of workers prevails in Kustanat. (6) A ohortage of qualified personnel prevails at the Hatorvays Oblast! Inspection in Kirensk, TL. Hood Situation (7) 1m Gurey there is 6 lack of millet and barley grosts, which cannot be delivered from Alma Ata, There is also ¢ lack of vheaten flour, The mills are 28s boca there 4s no possibility of transporting the grain, (8) As of 11 Novenber 85.26 of the grain was threshed in Uralsk Oblast'. The Aneonplete agricultural work, especially threshing, trector repairs and the like, is to be purmved with speeiai emphasis, The delivery of grain was completed on 18 Noveuber in all but three rajone, where they were in arrea: with insignificant amounts, -4e TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 TOP SECRET ‘Security Information (9) Field cultivation in Uralek Oblast! had to be discontinued on 6 Novenber be- cause of the setting in of frost, the results of field cultivation described up to ‘the present time are unsatisfactory. A part of the sunflover harvest in the Uralsk apd Tustanai Gblasti sould not be brought in because of the weather situation and the shortage of workers, On 14 Novonber, 12 of the millet harvest in Uralsk Oblast! still stood in the fields, The mills are operating well in Urelsk Oblast! and will overfi2l ‘the plan. (210) Threshing vork in Kustanai vas to be completed as of 25 Novenber, the supply of seed grain was guaranteed. (21) Preparations for drying vegetables and potatoes are defective in Kustanai Gsiast!. Moscow refuses the repair or renovation of the drying plants. (22) It 4s taken for granted that the plan in Kustanai Oblast! will be fulfilled dy 20 Decenber. (23) As of 10 Novenber, 64.2% of the plan for breaking up the erable lend vas fuifitied in West Karastan, (24) The delivery of potatoes and vegetables for the Army produced unsatisfactory results in the Aktyubinsk and Uralsk Oblasti, (25) Ae of 23 November, 87% of the sunflover harvest in Aktyubinsk Oblast" was Drought in out of a sowing area of 4057 hectar (16) Only 44% of the scheduled quantity of seed grain in Aktyubinsk Oblast! is on band. (07) Only 33% of the entire plan for tractor repaine vas fulfilled in Aktyubinsk. (18) There ie 2 shortage of food for personnel of the NERF Shipyard in Osetrovo (Lriutek Oblast"). Only a two montha! eupply of vegetabled existe. (29) 00 13 November the performance of the fish cannery in Brivan ancunted to only 46% of the amount scheduled in the yearly plan. (20) In Gorktj, 1.78 rubles for food are being distributed daily to each person in the Kindergarten. This is designated aa @ hunger retion for children. 7 TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 TOP SECRET Security Information (21) the forced slaughter of cattle in Kustanai mst be undertaken to a greater Gogree because railroad cars are lacking for the transport of cattle and a driving of the cattle is not possible because of the veather situation. The sale of fattened voasts by the Meat Combine ie proceeding poorly because of the lack of transportation fucdlities (22) the Hovenber plan with respect to the delivery of cattle was not fulfilled bby Kustarai, Cattle feed is also lacking. (23) sheds are being built hurriedly in Aktyubinsk for the novly arriving eattl 300 head of cattle are to be slaughtered and sent to Moscow as frogen mest. However, railroad cars are lacking for this purpose, (2h) A nerd of 15,000 eves, vaich was evacuated from Volga Oblast! to Aktyubinsl, is being driven on to Cask. (25) On the basis of a governnont order, the rebuilding of the meat processing Plants in Uralsk Oblast! 19 to be hurriedly carried out so that large quantities of neat from slaughtered cattle can be put to good use immediately, Ths meat is to be made into bouillon cubes, The necessary rebuilding will take at least to onthe. (26) Tn Kasaknotan the consimption of meat in individual kelkiozes is to be considerably reduced, Wothing my bo slaughtered without approval. The delivery of cattle by the kelkhoses creates difficulties because mitural products are pre- ferred a9 weans of payment rather than money. II, Industry (27) Sixty-one workers have been dispatched fron the Kotlas water works con- struction project to build lumber and forging plants at the construction project in Cherdyn. (28) the Rubtor Trust or Rubbor Combine ie probably going to be evacuated fron Yaroelavl to Karaganda. (29) 0 17 Novenber, the West Central NIRP reported fron Gorkij that all of the machine tools in the fetory "Lenin™ have been repaired, a now mechaniosl plant has boon organized and is in operation; new repair plants were opened, and @ new factory ‘began operating on 15 Noventer. ‘TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 TOP SECRET Security Information (Go) Winter repaize are progressing very stovly at the ship repair yard in Kujlyshey, Coordinated leadership ie Jacking. (31) A report fron Kojtyshoy to the Contral Vatertal Prce rement Office of the KR tn Moscow states that Order No, 29 has been couplotely fulfilled, 297 were un Loaded, 255 shipped, telance renaining--32, and 8 put in reserve, Whether these mumbors refer to assault boats or other river vessels cannot be determined, (G2) Work on sn amsnents order 1s being delayed due to the 1ack of cast iron, coke, and fireproof crucibles. (03) Tn Ufa, diving ouite ere being ranvfactured at @ Flant "68k (04) In Fustanst, the repatr of tractors and other agricultural mchines a proceeding poorly due to the shortage of spare parte and coal. (95) Tee tamory in Kustanas Se operating nomally but has nore rav sateriale then St oan proces: (06) Te electrification program in Kustanal Oblast! is encountering difficulties eo to the lack of materials and special workers. (97) ‘The snduntriat combine Sn Kostanat delivered only 25% of Ate planned out pute The quality of production is poor, (08) Mortovaker (7) Plant in Aktyubinsk Oblast" puts out one tractor daly, (99) tm Actyubinek the octpat of felt An 2942 bas boon only onenthind of that of the preceding year, (do) Tt ts estimated that in Uralsk the yearly plan for the wool industry can be AuMilled by 15 December and that for felt, 1F flaps, and gloves shortly thereafter. Fur jackets and other goods cannot be produced due to the lack of materials, ‘There a a shortage of cotton, wool, and silk cloth. (4a) Uretek vind fu1ei21 Sts fourth quarter repair plan, stace t tas boon supplied with enough spare parte for tractors, Generally, industrial operations in Noventer are still unsatisfactory in comparison vith Oototer resulte, 1." Buel (42) Aeconding to a decree of the Council of Peoples Connissars, workers are to ‘TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 TOP SECRET Security Information be revanied for particularly economics} use of fuel and heating materials. (43) The offices of the NKRF are to transfer traines-drivers to the servicing of vehicles with gas generator engines. (4s) Hustanas hae been supplied with enough petreleum. However, the petroleum 4 still go bad that it cannot be used for all motors, Extrene econony is to be ob- jerved in the use of fuel. (45) There 4s e lack of fuel at enterprises in Aktyubinsk, The situition is held to be serious. (46) In Uralek only 17% of the quarterly plan for conversion of tractors to gas generator engines bad been carried out as of the middle of Novenber. Since Uralsk is not to receive single gran of ofl" after 1 February 1943, special pressure is being appliod to the conversion of tractors to gas generator engines. (47) The Gusie WRF office Le to test @ mixture of 75f autencbile gasoline and 25% diesel fuel for the gasoline notors of the motor vehicle transport. The ain of thie experiment is to economize on the use of scarce autcnobile gescline, (48) An of2 expedition, probably searching for nev ofl deposits, is active at, the mouth of the Eniees. (49) Acconding to a goverment decree, timber procurenent is to be carried on by organs of tho NKAF in the winter of 194243. As far as possible, kolidozes are to arrange for vehicles and drivers. 1,313,000 cubic meters of tinber are to be procured. (50) ‘the NKRF plant in Kujbyshev lacks coke, In addition, there 1s @ shortage of sulphite, allali and graphite, (52) O11 shale de being mined in Kachpiry (couth of Syzran). (52) Tere Ae @ shortage of firevood and pit-coal in Aktyubinsk, (53) In Uralsk individual consumers have too Little fuel. he mills are also suffering fron a lack of firewood and oan work only a fev houre euch day. (5h) Because of the lack of coke, a mixture of 30% eck and peat is being used for casting in Samuse (Far Zast). ‘TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 . Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information (55) In Bobrovia (Far Bast) an order regarding the lack of coke cannot be carried outs meattic (56) There 1s a transshipment bese of the NKRP at Ranin Nos in Ust Korva, (57) tysstroj 12 protatly the transshipment tase for supplying Leningrad vith food. (58) There are difficulties in the evacuation of factories fron Leningrad, since ‘the railroad hes sent sono transporte to the wrong places. Measures are to be takon to put the situation in orde (59) The folloving have been designated for evacuation from Leningrad: Factory "“Hektrikt, Plant No. "609, Chenioal Plant "hin, Labr. 306%, The evacua~ tion of industrial enterprises 49 to be carried on energetically, A sestion of an editorial office is also going to be evacuated from Leningrad. (60) Due to the freeze in Gorkij Rajon, it is impossible to bring river craft Anto their winter moorings. The craft, particularly wooden ones, are to undergo re- pairs again during the winter, insofer as is possible. (61) Parts of the River Fleet wore frozen in Holotoy and Urwlsk Oblastt before ‘they reached their winter moorings. Measures are being taken to protect the craft from the spring thay, (62) The Volga Tanker Fleet Jo to be distributed among tho moorings of the Widdle Volga Steamship Agency during the winter. (63) In Kajtyshev there 42 a serious shortage of housing fucklities, NKRP per= sonnel have to use tuge stationed there for the winter, ‘There ie aleo a serious Lack of housing in Uralsk. Only Party nesters recoive housing. (64) There Ae @ lack of cars in Gurey for shipping the macaroni urgently needed there, People have been moved fron Garey according to plan. At present (the end of Noven jer) grain end flour are being shipped to Gurev. (65) There 4s shortage of transportation facilities for shipping food to the workers of a construction project in Aktyubinsk. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 TOP SECRET Security Information (6) Tea shigrents: te ie rovodsk vere Giscontimied by the Gasptan Fleet. There fare 133 carleads of tea at the stations in Fai, AdshSkabul, and Wahara, Since the Transeauensus failreat vill not allot any more cars, toa factories are clotted uith finished goods. (67) im tatunt there is a shortare of curs for shipping of products. (68) om the basis of a goverment order, oity transport facilities, especially trucks, in Hazaidhstan are going to be requisitioned for grain shipments. (69) Planned turnover in Tlisk (Wdle Ania) has beon fulEL11ed by only SOK. Laneos (70) tm comnsetion with the uncertain political situation already reported in Kazakhstan Oblest!, a governpent decree has permitted covidozes, evacuated to Kagakhetan, to replace the kollhozes Located there, the latter will be broken up and their workers taken over by the sovkhozes, (TL) A state office in Kustanad Oblast! hae beon ferbiéden to barter any con moéities in cxchange for silk and other goods, Honey mist be usod in the transaction, (72) In Aktyubinsk, 23 mitual protection groups » te formed by the "Wsevatuel® \presnilitary training organizacion) as of 17 November, This indicates the inefti- ctency of thy Vsevobuch, since approxinately 80% of the totel population should have boen included in the mutual-protection system by this time, -10- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110005-5 ex) }100110006-4 FoIAbsa> Rioud Sani THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM ‘THE SPECIALINTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA This document contains classified Special Intelligence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - Bist Congress. Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Soecial Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be ‘communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence. Leiatnineciiie Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release ; GlA-RDP56S0049240001001 10006-4 FOIAb3a 2 98/53/TOPSEC/CIA, D/Z SC No, 07537 Copy No. To: SOVIET UNION MILITARY-ECONOMIC REPORT ‘Translated from the German Report Dated: 20 October - 8 November 1942 fPvis DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING “THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 793 AND 794. SEE ALSO PUBLIC LAW 513, 81ST CONGRESS SEGOND SESSION, ITS TRANS- MISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 1S PROHIBITED BY LAW.7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Ri arch and Reports Strategic Division TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 TOP SECRET Distribution Eaternal FOIAb3a Copy Now. 1-38 RBBF Dissemination Internal: Distribution 1(4) TOP SECRET \d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION PREFACE During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Control Center of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Service (HNW, LNA) issued a series of reports to show the USSR military-economic situ- ation as reflecthOIABGA@sian internal plain language traffic. A total of 145 reporte, (I orcas 2: chert, ere inter vAi@|Abia Ih Depermonte tor the period October 1942, = March 1943, ee: ‘mostly daily reports for March 1903 awellaen few mentity reporte covering thf OMbSgart of 1942 FOlAbSa carly part of 1943. The last four reporte summarize Soviet economic activities (oF pertogs OF three fo mine months in 1943 and 1944 FOIAb3a aa aati reports have Deen traiQlehb3aod issued a One hundred reports, ‘are being translated and issued by Strategic Division of the Office of Research and Ki (CIA), The series will be completed with the publication of TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 TOP SECRET Military-Economic Report (Based on domestic radio traffic from 20 October - 8 November 1942) Personnel Situation (2) in Uraisk there is a lack of personnel for procuring breadgrains and for field cultivation for the purpose of enlarging the tillage area, The defective tractors cannot be repaired in sulficient numbers because of a lack of personnel. ‘There is a shortage of bookkeepers 0 that the rajons cannot complete the required accounting. (2) in Kustanai the using of Komsomol members for field cultivation and the work performed by them is unsatisfactory. (9) In Karaganda the plan in relation to the uae of Komsomel members for field work was fulfilled (4) In Aktyubinek at least 40 percent of the tillage area to be worked for the spring harvest remains untouched becaus of a shortage of personnel (5) ‘The NKRF shipyard in Osetrovo has a shortage of the workers. Mos- cow ordered the shipyard to train young girls as workers. There is no other possibility of procuring a labor force. Workers of the NKRF who distinguish themselves through special performances will be favored with an allotment of all types of food. (6) Workers of the NKRF will not be drafted for military service until further notice (7) On orders from Moscow on 17 September 500 workers and 70 special- 12 were to be evacuated from Ordzhonikidze. Food Situation (8) In Kazakhstan the economic plan (for October?) was by and large ful- filled. The performances of Kazakhstan with respect to agricultural work were indicated as “not bad. " TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (9) In Uraisk the grain harvest went well. ‘The grain delivery plan can- not be adequately carried out because of transportation difficulties. The potato and vegetable harvest was reported completed on 8 November. The potato har~ vest produced a smaller yield than in the previous year, The sunflower harvest was still not completed on 8 November. ‘The field cultivation is proceed- ing slowly, as is the drying of vegetables. (10) In Kustanai st is estimated that the threshing work will be completed in November, They hope to be able to attain 90 percent of the scheduled grain delivery according to plan. Ina few rajone of Kustanai Oblast! erain was delivered ‘with a moisture content that was too high and hence frozen. The vegetable harvest in Kustanai Oblast! is completed. ‘The sunflower harvest is very much in arrears. On 24 October only 9 percent was harvested. The tillage area could not be enlarged to correspond to the plan. (11) tn Aktyubinsk grain cultivation for the Army and the workers progressed slowly because of the poor roads. The farmers'supplied bread grains willingly, but groats and millet were not delivered. Also deliveries of flour and milled pro- ducte were scarce. Threshing work in Aktyubinsk Oblast! ha: , up to now, produced poor results. On 8 November it wai reported that it was snowing in Aktyubinsk, ‘They will still attempt to plough as much as possible. (22) Im accordance with a decree of the Council of Peoples! Commissars, all bread grain is to be delivered to the state. Feed grain is to be partly issued 4n return, (13) tt was reported from Uralsk that the results of cattle breeding were ucceseful. There is sufficient hay on hand, One report stated that in Uralsk Oblast! places for receiving cattle were congested and there was a lack of f¢ It would not be possible to transport the cattle any further because of poor roads land the cattle epidemic. About 100, 000 cattle are to be further transported to Komi where, however, grading and veterinary stations are lacking. Many Bee TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 TOP SECRET emergency slaughterings must be undertaken. ‘The latest reports concerning the cattle economy in Uralsk Oblast! suggest that these difficulties will be over- come slowly. (14) ‘The quantities of meat from the previous years have not yet been removed from the refrigerators in Gurev. As result, the meat shipments arriving from Alma Ata cannot be accommodated and are threatened with spoilage. (15) In Aktyubinsk the acceptance of additional cattle from West Kazakh- stan in refused. (26) Im Kustanai the yearly plan for cattle delivery to the meat combine in Troitsk will be fulfilled as of 6 November. (17) Tiftis reported to Moscow that, because of a shortage of salt, no fish could be preserved for the winter. L_Industry (18) Metal scraps will be allotted to ship repair plants by the NKRF for processing, The NKRF prescribes for its plants the greatest economy with respect to metals; non-ferrous metal, white metal and tin should be especially conserved. Substitute materials are to be used in their place (19) In accordance with a government order, the too little delivered quan- tities of metal scrap with respect to the plan in question will be deducted from the amounts of metal to be allotted to the plants (20) The NKRF Plant “Teplokhod" in Gorkij has to show successful re- sults in tool steel production. The quality of the steel is to be improved further. (21) In Raznezhe (near Gorkij) a new dock is being built. The NERF Plant "Saratov" is working on an especially important order "No. 13."" (22) Packard-motors are being shipped in Kujbyshev. (23) An NERF plant in Molotov is carrying out truck repairs (24) The "Omsk" ship repair yard cannot complete ite special assignment, since there is a lack of rivets and corresponding special worker -6- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (25) In Irkutsk the exterior plate of the cutter is to be fastened with bent nails, since there is 2 lack of rivets and corresponding special worker! (26) Uralsk has fulfilled the October plan for the delivery of woo! and fur coate by 129 percent. (27) Fire broke out in the plants "Red Revolution” and "Karl Marx" in Uraisk (28) In Kustanai Oblast! industry overfilled the plan (for October ?) and has received praise, In Kustanai raw hides and leather were processed, Shoes are manufactured here for the Army. (29) Im Aktyubinsk, because of a lack of sulphuric acid, sufficient felt boots and children's shoes cannot be manufactured. G0) Tashkent delivers motors and dynamo machines to Moscow for the Givi Air Fleet. (31) "Raw leather processing" is carried on in Tiflis 1V._Fuet (32) The conversion of the trucks of the NKRF to using gas generators is to be pursued with empha (33) The Bast Siberian River Fleet r For November an equal amount is anticipated, (G4) The Novosibirek plante of the NKRF suffer from a lack of fuel, (35) In Kustanai a certain number of agricultural machines are to be con- verted to using gas generators. (36) In Aktyubinek industry suffers from a lack of coal. ‘The supply of petroleum is indicated as catastrophic. (37) tn accordance with an order of 23 October from the Transportation Commissariat, the Transcaucasian Railroad is to haul 850 tons of oil daily from Baku to Batum, However, this performance has not yet been reached. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION ‘Transportation (38) To travel from Leningrad, a special permit is needed which is seldom granted, In order to obtain a ticket one must wait over a week. (39) tn Uralok and Kustanai there is a lack of closed boxears for trani porting hides and wool. (40) tn Gurev there is also a lack of boxcar: (41) 0n 30 Cctober it was reported from Uralsk that the last grain trant ports were frozen in the river, (42) In Aktyubinsk the vegetable and potato procuremsat cannot be carried out in accordance with the plan because of 2 shortage of transportation facilities. There i a lack of cars for the neces: wry transport of cattle. (43) On the line from Aktyubinsk to Alma Ata goods transports have been underway for over three months. (44) In Aktyubinsk and Tiflis the situation of the evacuation of the populace is very bad. The same is true in Kurgan. The people have no work and no means of exiatence (45) Special approval is necessary for one trip to Georgia. Vi, Miacellaneos (46) The Economic Department of the Peoples! Commi: Navy is located in Ulyanovsk. (47) The dredgers of the NKRF are to winter in Kirov (Vyatka) for the most part. (48) In the first half of the year the scrap iron collection of the Lower Intysh Steamship Agency brought in only 61 percent of the expected amount. It also appears that the results are leas than anticipated (49) A transport of ferrous metal arrived in Vladivostok from America, (50) In Dzhambul Oblast! fine tea is a valuable means of exchange. One can buy nothing with money there TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 TOP SECRET (51) ‘The political sectors (party organs) will be called upon to support intensely the execution of important economic questions, especially in questions of field cultivation and tractor repairs (52) On 7 November well-known Ukrainian, Latvian, Estonian and Lith- uanian personalities spoke over the Uralsk radio. (53) Offices of the NKRF were ordered to train ski troops as follows: ‘Khabarovsk 1,000 men Novosibirsk 2,000" Ust Usa 1,330 TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110006-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : Cl/ Oxry -RDP56SO, }0100110007-3 SECURITY INFORMATION 5S Rlocy FOIAb3a ‘THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE SPECIALINTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA This document contains classified Special Inteiligence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - Bist Congress. Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Special Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be ‘communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence. rose Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET FOIAb3a 95/53/TOPSEC/CIA, D/Z. SC No, 07484 copy No, To: SOVIET UNION MILITARY-ECONOMIC REPORT ‘Translated from the German Report FPMIs DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.8.C., SECTION 793 AND 794. SEE ALSO PUBLIC LAW 513, 81ST CONGRESS SECOND SESSION, ITS TRANS- MISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER_TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW] CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Re: varch and Reports Strategic Division TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET. SECURITY INFORMATION Distribution: Externa ae FOIAb3a Copy Nos. 1 - 38 for Dissemination Internal: Distribution L(4) TOP SECRET d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION PREFACE During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Control Center of the Staif of the Chief of Army Signal Service (HNW, LNA) isaued a series of reports to show the USSR military-economic situ ation as reflecteBQiAb@asian internal plain language traffic. A total of 145 reports, MMMM appeared at short, irregular intervaFOIAbBally six per month, for the period October 1942,- March 963. MN 2so mony day ceoste for Mach 1943 ag well as a few monthly reports covering theAOIAb3part of 1942 Ff learly part of 1943. The last four reports, ‘summarize Soviet economic activities for periogs of three fo nine months in 1943 and 1944, FOIAb3a FO\ARS@incee of these reports have been tranGGWAbGend issued by One hundred reports, fare being translated and issued by Strategic Division of the Office of Research and paeaas ‘The series will be completed with the publication of TOP SECR. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Military-Eeonomie Report Peoples’ Commissariat for the River Fleet (Based on domestic radio traffic in October 1942) ‘Transport Situation (1) The Peoples! Commissariat for the River Fleet fulfills an important function within the aphere of transportation with the opening of the waterways. The waterways network through the river routes is to be considered the most important method of transportation in the north-south directions. Because of the war and the increased requirements on means of transportation, the NKRF encounters difficulties, for which solutions are sought by centrally directed measures with all available manpower. Among other things, the State Authori- ties of the Waterways Regions are being held responsible for the nonfulfillment of the transport of the new harvest. In addition, they are to avoid ‘"unproductive lay-up tim " of ships, which arige from freight delays, or from non. et-pro- pelled ships waiting for tuge. The chiefs of the offices of the NKRF are person- ally responsible for carrying out this order. (2) In order to reduce the passenger ship traffic in the western region and thereby produce more shipping space, passenger tickets in directions to and from Moscow, can only be issued to pas sngers, who have procured special passes issued by the military authorities, (3) In addition, civilians may take along as baggage the following quanti- ti of food: adults, 16 kilos, children, 8 kilos. Exceptions are: civilians who have their own gardens, kolkhoz members, conscripted workers with natural rewards" and kolkhox members who bring food to the city for market Purposes. All other shipments of food, if not accompanied by a permit from the Peoples! Commissariat for Procurement, are seised by militia groups and "liquidated, " These reductions are applied in all probability as a first priority gainst the hoarders of food. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (4) In spite of the stringent measures, however, there are numerous instances of transport irregularities. In Semipalatinsk many barges had a waiting period of 8-13 days through the fault of various Peoples' Commissariat, who appear as customers. Omsk requires more railway cars than it needs for ite freight. Novosibirsk moves rafts for all organizations, but refused to make tugs available for the Peoples' Commissariat for Defense. In addition, Novo- aibirek refused, because of the lack of fuel, to carry out the transport of grain im the Barnaul rajon. ‘The claim of the shortage of fuel is unfounted according to the view of NKRF Moscow. In Molotov rajon the entire outpat of a plant, 820 tons, wi tored in the open for want of tonnage for transport, (5) On the basis of intercepted messages, similar occurrences cannot be considered as exceptions for one must also consider that, in the Soviet Union even before the commencement of hostilities, similar cases were the order of the day, (6) The extent of transport in the first ten days of October is,according to plan, as follows for a few offic 1. Krasnoyarsk; of NERF: Total: 32,000 tons 21, 000, 000 ton/kilometere Of which: 9,000 bread graine 5,000 " timber (ship transports) 8,000 " sugar beets 2. Semipalatinsk: Total: 25,000 tons 9,000, 000 ton/kilometers Of which: 5,000 "bread grains 2,000 " ealt 10,000 "alumina 2,000 " oil 3. 77, 000 tons 65,000, 000 ton/kilometers 25,000 " bread grains 30,000 " timber (ship transporte) 10,000 " timber (floated) 5,000 " salt 3,000 " oil TOP SECRET Sani \d - Approved For Release CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET ‘SECURITY INFORMATION (7) tmadaition, transports are required to satisfy demands, which are the result of operations by German troops at Stalingrad and in the Caucasus. The principal part of the freight space is allotted to the shipment of raw mater jals which were originally directed to the factories of Stalingrad and other oceu~ pied, vis., threatened districts (8) In particular the transport fleet in some bases was employed as follows (a) Timber transporte: 1. Moscow. For the purpose of shipping timber for Moscow 18 barges were to be made available for the Upper Volga Steamship Agency and 15 barges for the Moscow-Oka Steamship Agency. Four bar; were made available for the Upper Volga Steamship Agency, six are being loaded, and five are still to be made available. The remaining three barges shall be provided by the Steamship Agency itself. In September and in the first half of October 1942 the following quantities of firewood were transported to Moscow in terms of thou- sands of cubic meters: Ships of the Middle Volga Steamship Agency - 144.7 {a) September - 94.1 (b) October = 46.7 (c) intranet = 3.9 Ships of the Moscow-Oka Steamship Agency - 16.4 (a) September - 15.2 (b) October = 1.2 In addition by ships of the Middle Volga Steamship Agency in October - 15.7 2. Gorkij transported sawn timber for the plants and shipyarde of the NERF, 3. Kujbyshev, among other things, is to assure the transport of 25,000 cubic meters of coniferous timber to Volsk and transport 3, 500 cubic meters of construction timber from Belyj Yar to Gorkij (Raznezhe) for the purpose of building a dock. <6. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET 4, Molotov furnished the following amounts, in cubic meters, of floated timber for the purpose of ship construction: Uralsk 1,085 Lower Volga Steamship Agency 32, 750 plus 2,298 Uretek 210 Volgatanker 907 Kama Steamship Agency 21,400 ‘The Upper Volga Steamship Agency accepted 10, 000 cubic meters of this amount for transport by its fleet. Moreover, the Kama Timber Camp had not fulfilled the plan for May 1942. 5. There are 28,000 cubic meters of timber in the Vyatka area, In addition, 14,000 cubic meters were left abandoned. 6. Omsk is to make barges available for the workshops in Pav- lodar for 1,000 cubic meters of floated timber. The timber transport (ship transport) in the Omsk region was reported as unsatis! tory. 7. In the Angara-Enisej Basin 153,000 cubic meters of timber (by ship transport) were to be transported. (0) Food transporte: Products of the new harveat auch ai sugar beets and potato were mainly identified in October, and also fish products and salt. (c) Grain transports: 1, Gorkij was to make available for the transport of bread grains from Stalingrad Oblast’ 10 barges each of 100 to 400 tons capacity. 2. Kujbyshev accepted the following transports of millet: 400 tons from Bannovki to Yaroslavl 300 tons from Zolotoe to Yaroslavl 500 tons from Rovace to Rybinsk 300 tons from Sosnovka to Rybinsk 800 tons from Yablovka to Kostroma 1,000 tons from Barataevy) to Kostroma, Total 3,000 tons and bread grain: 150 tons to Kamyshin 4,000 tons to Nizhnaya Dobrinka 1,000 tons to Hovatka 1, 300 tons to Bykovo 600 tons to Zoleny} Zaton (all probably from Stalingrad Oblast") “7 TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SCURITY INFORMATION 3. Uralak transported up to the end of navigation 3,000 tons of grain from Uralsk to Gurev. 4. Novosibirsk is to transport the grain harvest from the Chulym 5. In Omak the grain elevators are overfilled, the grain lies in the open on the ground. Transport equipment was to be made available immediately, 6. Blagoveshchensk, in order to correct arrears of September, is to transport in October 50,000 tons of grain with 20,000, 000 ton/ kilometers (2) Oit transporte: 1, From Ufa the amount of mazut to be transported away in October will presumably amount to 40, 000 tons. 2, Ulan Ude and Krasnoyarsk were criticized for not having made tonnage available for ofl transports from Slobino and the Selenga. 3. Katanga petroleum has been transported from Khabarovsk I, Production (9) The industrial plants subordinate to the NKRF, principally the ship repair yards and the wharves, are concentrating on military production, particularly the construction of shi 2 on orders of the NK. of the Navy. (10) The wharf of the Volodarsk district is to rebuild the following ships for the N.K. of the Navy: "Decree of 25 October" "Proisvedevennik" "Partkommuna"’ "Turksib" In addition, the wharf assumed ri sponsibility during the winter to build three ber "above plan," each of 300 tons capacity. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (21) The NERF wharf in Raznezhe near Gorkij is to proc 100, 000 cubic meters of timber annvally. (12) The shipyard in Gorodets, near Gorkij, is to accept for wintering 20 f-propelled ships with a total of 4, 136 horsepower, 30 non-self-propelled ships with a total tonnage of 26, 791, and 11 anchor ships (13) The NKRF Plant in Kujbyshev ie accepting the rebuilding of the "Stalinskaya Konstitutsiya."" It is not known whether this rebuilding concerns equipment for hospital ships or river gunboats, (14) On orders of the Chief Directorate of Artillery for the Red Army (GAUKA) gun shields are to be produced as follows: NKRF Plant Quarter Ufa fourth 600 shields 200 per month Kujbyshev " 550" 250 in October and 150 each in November and December In addition, Kujbyshev is to complete 1, 550 shields (15) The shipyards in Borovaya, Cherdyn, Usole, and Orel (all in Molo- tov Oblast!) are to construct barg (16) Shipyards which are situated in Siberia and in the Far East will be utilized principally to repair the fishing fleet and supplement it through new construction. (17) In the production plan of all NKRF planta, quite naturally a large share is devoted to the manufacture of spare parts for ships (stems, rudders, ribs, ete.) (18) The production program continues to suffer from various abuses ‘The Gorodets shipyard completed only 33 percent of Shipbuilding Plan "62" for the first 10 days of October. Ust Usa completed only 27 percent of the plan for the productionof construction parts and 60 percent for motors. (19) In order to assure the completion of the most important armaments orders in spite of all the difficulties, the workers are being spurred on by wage -9- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION incentives. In the NKRF Plant in Saratov the wages for each worker we: increased by the institution of calculations for each work shift on the following scale: for 1 ~ 5% up to 30% increase for 6 -10% up to 60% increase over 10% up to 100% increase ‘The Director, his deputy in supply affairs, the Chief Engineer, the Chief Tech- nologist, and the Chiefs of the Technical Divisions receive on the 100 percent fulfillment of the plan a bonus equal to a month's salary, For every 100 com- Pleted units produced in excess of plan,the plant will be payed 10, 000 rubles as f bonus for the workers. MI, Personnel Situation (20) The personnel tation within the NKRF is likewise strained by the war. Attempts are being made to regulate the situation by increasing the work period, etc. The NKRF for example, stipulates a 66 hour work week for women. Another plan calls for recruiting employees with their families into work outside the regular working time, Since "at this time there is no po: Dility of procuring a labor force under a centralized eystem for the NKRF ship- yards", requirements are to be met by the employment of young girls. Relea will be designated as “suitable” only from Party organs (politically undesirable elements and others) and are only to be carried out if the operation will not be destroyed thereby. The NKRF in Moscow is attempting to correct the labor shortages and states that chiefs of individual enterp: ses are responsible for the workers! pool. However, the NKRF supports them by the promulgation of orders similar to those mentioned previously. Tracing the nonfulfillment of labor plans to the labor shortage was not accepted on principle. However, in order to make a labor pool possible, the workers of the NKRF are exempt from military service. The Peoples’ Commissariat for Defense has, for example, -10- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION -n no indication to induct exempted laborers up to 27 years of age. "Travel- ing personnel," who are installed in other work after the conclusion of navi- gation (this is to be 100 percent completed), were automatically exempt from military service for 1943. ‘The NKRF offices are ordered to refuse the free delivery of such people to the Oblast" Military Commissariats. In addition, Personnel who are doing particularly heavy work receive additional rations for extra work, There are, for example, the workers of the hot metal working divisions who were given a supplemental (non-rationed) hot meal, Each person was given for this: 50 grams of meat (or fish), 10 grams of fat, 50 grams of barley. Firemen, who were on ships with wood firing, received supplemental compensation in the following amounts: 400 grams of bread, 100 grams of meat oF sausage, 20 grams of sugar, 20 grams of tobacco, Ship firemen, who per- form more work by the conversion of the ships from oil or coal firing to wood firing, received a compensation that guarantees them {rom October on, for the next 5 months, a wage increase of 30 percent. (21) Stakhanov schools were organized for untrained and trained workers to raise the quality of work and to create specialis ‘The following are being made available Office Beginners Advanced Krasnoyarsk 220 men 100 men Ulan Ude 30" ra Yakutsk 90 90» Blagoveshchensk 90" 50" Khabarovek 10» 100" (22) In order to make certain of additions to the labor forces, trade schools are being organized in which young workers receive their technical training. Plant "Chapaev" in Uralek has a school with an enrollment of 100 men, of whom 35 were boiler smiths, 30 machinists, and 35 ship carpenters. Biagoveshchensk has 81 men, of whom 24 were shipbuilding technicians, 35 ship pilots, and 22 boiler smiths. ‘The actual success of such schools etill is eu TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION questionable if one considers the following report of Plant "Kirov" in Arkul not as an exceptional case: Arrived, 202 young workers Transferred to the Vyatka Steamship Agency, 53 young workers Called up for military service, 55 young workers Forcibly detained, 50 young workers Total present on I October, 44 young workers Of the 53 young workers transferred to the Vyatka Steamship Agency; enrolled 21 transferred to the plant, 13, forcibly detained, 9 present, 10 TV. Supply Situation (23) On the question of the supply of motor fuel, the main theme con- cerns the conversion of motors and ships to "locally available" fuels, since through the loss of the Don Coal and of the blockading of the Volga neither high grade coal nor oil in any considerable amount could be wupplied. In the course of saving fuel the following measures were ins pated: 1, widespread substitution of gas generators in factories, shipyards and power stations, 2. extensive conversion of ships to wood firing (note to Point 2; The ‘Vyatka Steamship Agency was criticized, because, contrary to all other steamship agencies, it had not completed the full conversion to wood firing), 3. rebuilding of all autos to wood-gas operation, 4, idling of a11 ships using liquid fuels with the exception of the hospital transports: 5, the report for fuel of all types i least 5 percent less for each type. , in comparison to 1942, to be at (24) To the saving of fuel belongs also the measures for the reduction of electricity, which are to be instituted by an order of 22 October. The choice of the measures themaelv is left to the management of the offices. On the other hand there were complaints prior to 22 October of the shortage of electric power. The production of Plant "Burlak" in Molotov was destroyed, since the -- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION electric power was systematically cut off despite the larger limits. The ship repair yard in Omsk has received no electricity for some months although it may use 200 kw. daily. (25) In October the following allotments of fuel were reported: 1, Liguid motor fuel and lubricante: Gorkij 50 tons motor oil 5,000 " maeut ‘Tatar ASSR 5.130" om 1 ton petroleum Kujbyshev 3,900 tons auto gasoline 1,450." petroleum 465." motor oil 3,200 " mazut ‘This allotment was divided as follows: Steamship Agency 1,200 tons auto gasoline 200 "petroleum 450" motor oi 3,200 " mazut Volgatanker 0 ton petroleum Waterways Oblast! Directorate 4 tons petroleum Industrial Timber Economy 2 tons auto gasolone 5" petroleum 3." motor oil Steamship Agency Technical School 0. 1 ton petroleum Central Research Institute of the 0.5 ton petroleum NERF 10 tons motor oil, Auxiliary Industrial Installations 0.4 ton auto gasoline of the NKRF 1.8 tone petroleum Department for the Distribution 0.2 ton auto gasoline of Goods and Supply 0.5" petroleum Saratov NKRF Plant 1.8 tons petroleum 100 mazut Kirov 5.3 tons petroleum 0.5 ton ligroin 10° tons motor oil -13- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Molotov 14.7 tons petroleum 1.2" gasoline 20.5 " Diesel oil 1,300" mazut 450 "motor oil (of which for the plant, 250 tons) Udmurt 0.3 ton petroleum 0.1" gasoline West Kazakhstan 3 tons petroleum 5" oil Gurev Rajon 0.5 ton petroleum Chkatov Rajon Cr Ust Usa 2 tons petroleum Omsk tons Semipalatinsk oa " Pavlodar 5 ” Novosibirsk nen " Altai Oblast! a0 ” Irkutsk 5.0 tons petroleum Khabarovsk 6.3 " auto gasoline 35.2" petroleum 200" ligroin 1.0 ton Diesel motor fuel 2.0 tons motor fuel Ghardzhou 150 tons mazut Gorkij, Kazan, and Kamuste are each to receive, according to an order of 18 October, 150 tons of motor oil on the account of the November quota 2. Coal Kama Steamship Agency total 5 transport trains (of which 3 to Kambarka 2 to Levahino) Lower Irtysh Steamship Agency total 6 transport trains (of which 5 to Kolomsino, 1 to Tyumen) Upper Irtysh Steamship Agency total 4 transport trains (of which 2 to Semipalatinsk, 2 to Pavlodar) - 14s TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET West Siberian Steamship Agency total 5 transport traine (of which 1 to Barnaul, 2 to Novosibirsk, 2 to Cheremochniki) Omsk for the first 10 days of October 6,000 tons (4,000 tons of ‘Cheremkhovo coal and 2, 000 tons of Kuznetak coal). Kubyshev received 1, 000 tons of Kuznetsk coal: a second transport ‘of about the same amount is under way. ‘The NKRF Plant in Semipalatinsk is authorized for the fourth quarter 60 tons of coke: October 15, November 30, December 15 (tons). In the Coal Supply the distribution of coke is particularly difficult, for earlier only the Kuznetsk coal was suitable for coking and the coal from Cheremkhovo is being processed for coke for the firat time. 3. Timber As firewood for ships the following quantiti steamship agencies. were allotted to some Kama Steamship Agency 60,000 cubic meters ‘Vyatha Steamship Agency 40,000 " Chkalov Oblast! (own supply) estimated 2,000 " for October cut (as of 15 October) a Kazakhstan Oblast! (own supply) estimated 2,000" for October cut (as of 15 October) 170 "om Directorate of the Upper Irtysh Steamship ‘Agency from the NK for the Timber Economy for ship rafts (a) September 400, 000 tons (b) October 132,000" for transport of timber by ships (a) September 300, 000 tons (b) October 90,000 Lower Irtyah Steamship Agency (own supply), from Omsk Oblast! of 76, 000 cubic meters which (a) in fourth quarter, to procure 30,000 " to transport 25,000" (b) in first quarter 1943, to procure 15,000 " to transport 17,000 "om For ship construction and for ship repair purposes the following quantities were allotted: (a) Gorkij received from "Cherepovets Forest" 11,000 cubic meters the plant "Ulyanov Lenin" received thereof 3,000 " -15- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET the "Svoboda" sawmill received from the NKRF, Gorkij 5,000 cubic meters and furnished to the Volodarsk 3,000" Oblaet’ and to the Upper Volga Steamship ‘Agency 2,000 " the Upper Volga Steamship Agency re- ceived supplemental from the saw- mills "Respublikanets" and "Krasnaya Zvezda" eon om (b) the Kama Steamship Agency was to be allotted 6,000 cubic meters {c) Ufa furnished the ship repair yard "October Revolution" 450 tons of special wood packing {@) Vologda furnished a total of 1,700 cubic meters including 200 cbm. to the shipyard "Komsomolskaya Pravda," {e) Omsk furnished to the ship repair yarde in ite area 20,000 cubic meters (0) Irkutsk shipped to ships repair at Semipalatinsk 5 cars of ‘wood packing. (g) Atma Ata is to deliver 500 cubic meters of sawn timber to Semipalatinsk (h) Chardshou will receive 11 cars of poles An unplanned use of timber out of the balances of the plant is basically forbidden, Novosibirsk is criticized, since through the exclusive fault of the Steamship Agency the plants in Novosibirsk and Bobrovsk received no timber 4. Food Food was distributed in October to the Department for the Distri- bution of Goods and Supply as follows: (a) barley, (b) fih products (c) meat products, (4) butter, (e) vegetable fats, (f) sugar, (g) sweets - all in dz (100 kilograms) Git Sncaeeh eeteeen assed geet weseeaw aeetey atanstaee Moscow Volga Canal 27 Volodarsk Shipyard 28 Upper Volga Steam ‘ship Agency 499 400 = 16. TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET peer ee ieee ee receee freee ga Gorodets Mechanical 97 10 Plant Gorodets Shipyard 32,40 "Molotov" Ship Re~ pair Yard 3336 Plant "Teplokhod" = 3136 Gorkij Shipyard 236 Plant "Ulyanov- 2936 Lenin Molotov 367 Udmurt ASSR 50 ‘Tatar ASSR 6 4546 Fare esiseattiag Kujbyshey 391445 50831888 Saratov 234-261 25070106 Kirov 60 Gurey 50 Sem{palatinak Ms 665k 8 Krasnoyarsk 150 Rybacke (4th quarter) 1% 4 1 qeaeee Haec@ Plant 38 in Arkul jetables, 3,000 tons 5. Consumer goods Consumer goods received by the individual divisions for Distribution of Goods and Supply of the NKRF for the fourth quarter (in thousands of rubles): (a) Gorodets, {b) Bor, (c) Ufa, (d) East Siberian Steamship Agency, (e) Seleginak, (f) Upper Amur Steamship Agency, (g) Lower Amur Steamship Agency. SS eee eee tee sere eeeeeseg Cotton 4 0 23 4 no37 a Woot 4 0 23 3 36 2 sik 4 2 25 3 35, 48 -i7- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Yarn 1 3 ee Oneegeeeeit Sewing cotton ieee aa Hie eg HEE ns Socks aes R35 Hosiery 3 wk noa 40 Leather shoe cloth 4102 2 389 Laundry soap 2 4 Saeed 4 9 2 Tobacco m2 45 eer = Matches 2 eee 1a ee eee ee eee eer Perfumes ao tenet cerns este Toilet soap 2 8 eee re eee eee ea ea iFole baoeaiipalralitii50-41: @00/a4 Gasien idee an aeeee estas eaetie V. Measures for Wintering the Fleet (26) At the beginning of the month of October NKRF-Moscow issued in- structions on the assembly of the fleet in definite berths for the winter. They emphasized the following points: 1, Remaining work with respect to preparation of subject har- bore is to be conducted under the personal guidance of the chiefs of the steamship agencies in the shortest time possible. 2. Final preparations for accommodating the Fleet is to be re- Ported within ten days, The following is to be carried out. (a) all berths will be equipped with communications equipment, (®) chiefs of berths will be appointed, (c) the berths are to be supplied with fuel, light, provisions and accommodations. (Note: The provisions shall be com- plete for the total berthing period before the cold weather sete in). (27) Personnel who become available through the closing down of trans portation in the winter will be a ‘igned to shipyard, plant, and forest employment. -18- TOP SECRET 1d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, Sani Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, TOP SECRET Individual offices are to assign to this work the following personnel: Office Shipbuilders Timber Cutters Ust Usa 20 360 Pechora Steamship Agency 7 100 Gorkij 250 1445 Kujbyshew 100 1085 Molotov 400 950 Kirov a 340 uta 20 290 Uralsk a 50 Novosibirsk 170 1200 Omsk 120 8840 Krasnoyarsk 250 330 Uian Uae 7 90 Khabarovsk 250 1600 (28) Personne! still remaining there shall be assigned to repair work on ships and to the agricultural enterprises as technicians. The ships themselves are to be given a full overhauling during the winter, -19- TOP SECRET ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110007-3, ; wi ele Sanitized - Approved For aleieaGle ROPSES Aa EO }001 100 Security Information Sk/oce FOIAb3a ‘THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM ‘THE SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA WHLN ‘This document contains classified Special Intelli- gence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - lst Congress Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Special Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence. Zoesone Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION FOIAb3a 92/53/T0PSB0/CIA, 0/2 St Mo, 06868 ory Ho. ee SOVIET UNION MILTTARY-BCONOMIC. REPORT Sranslated from the Geman Report Dated: 7-19 Cotober 1942 /TEIS DOCUENT CONTATNS INFORKATION AFFECTING ‘ME NATIONAL DEFRISE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIOWAGE LAWS, TIME 18, U.S.C., SECTION 793 AND 794. SEE ALSO PUBLIC’ Liw’ $13, €1st covcress, sicomD SESSION, 17S TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATIO# OF 17S GOTENTS IN ANY MANNER 10 AN INAUTHCR ZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW./ CENTRAL IVTELLTORICE AcENCY Office of Research & Reports Strategie Division TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 ‘TOP SECRET Security Information Distribution: External: FOIAb3a Copy Nos. 1-38 MBF or Dissemination Internal. Distribution L(4) ste ‘Tor secRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION PREFACE During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Control Genter of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Service (HNW, LNA} issued a series of reports to show the USSR military-economic situation as reflected QAGA@ian internal plain language traffic. A total of 145 reports, appeared at short, ir- regular intervals, ss month. for the period October 1942-March 1943. include mostly daily reports for March 1943 as well as @ few monthly reports covering the latteF GUAD38 1942 and the early part of 1943. The last four —_—— summarize Soviet economic activities for periods of three to nine months in 1943 and 1944, BQYAbGarree of these reports have been translate QMAbSaued by ‘One hundred reports, FOIAb3a oo Dbeing translated and issued by Strategic Division of the Office of Research and R&SOEADISIA). The series will be com- pleted with the publication of TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 TOP SECRET 7229 Ootober 1942 Be Soviet tnion sary Boon: rt (Based on donestio radio traffic) Forsomel Situation (1) In Uralsk Oblast' personnel are needed for operating tractors, Draft aninale are to be expleyed, for which resson the work will progress much slower. ‘so 4 Fastansi Kongons? nenbors are being called up for feld work, Th Kesathstan, as @ result of the minitary draft, forest and tisber workers ere required. The supply of wood fuel in fustami osnnot be carried cut for that resson, In Siberia the workers of the UKRP ars to be eeplayed An thei free tine for river work, at a 25 to 50% rise in wages. (2) Mossunes are to te effected for the transport of oil workers from Brae to the east by way of Krasnovedsis (2) Workers, who are to be Atrectiy exployed at ofl wella, are nob aubiect to cell to military service, 2. Hood Station (4) im Uralak Ohiast! the harvest work Se Finished, As a result of the exe tmoninarily good harvest of bread grains, & Isck of storage area prevails. (5) ‘he harvest in Aktyubinei (blast! Se Sn general satiafnctory. (6) tm msakhstan, in oncer to assure field oultivation, 40% of all draft fninals fron the kelkhones are to be draw into this work, since there is a shortage of tractors ard fel. (7) te barvest in Georgia has fallen belov plan, The faulty perfemance of tractor stations has remulted in Linited grain delivertes. (6), te repetition of the previous yeirts mistakes in the aunflover and nseed harvest in Amenia would endanger of1 and soap svpray to the front and horeland as 8 result of enemy occupation of important arees. Sani Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56$00492A000100110008-2 TOP SECRET — | (9) the sunflower harvest in Kustanai ts proceeding poorly, Tractor repairs cannot be carried out, Both are the result of a shortage of manpower, (Qo) te tage at sovihozes in Hustanat te unsetiefactory. ‘he level of cultivation bas not increased, (21) In Aktyubinsk the potato harvest 1s endangered by @ shortage of workers. (22) the cattle taken from the western oblasti in Urelsk and Gurey to south Kazakhstan by woy of Aktyubinsk vas to be herded further on, This 4a impracticable since there is a lack of folder in Aktyubinek and Urelek, he cattle are to be @riven as far as possible in Saratov Oblast', and vhere this te not feasible to be slaughtered, Sone of the milk cov end draft oxen have already been slaughtered, Jn Axtyubinsk tn one rajon 4,000 sheep and all the pigs have been slaughtered, because thers 18 no possibility for feddering thea. A part of the cattle were Aoatrozed 4m tranett. (23) For the gift collection for the front, tobacco, biscuite, suger, and canned moat are in top denand. ‘Through an onder of the NKRF of 18 Ootober to all aubordinate offte » the following has been ordered: As passenger luggage adults may carry 16 ktlograne of food, and children, 8 kilograns. ‘he scceptance of express goods and current consignnents of food ty civilians 1 to be discontinued. The authorities have to produce @ permit cortifieste from the NK for Supply. As food the folloving ae in favor: vegetables, potatoes dreadagrains, greats, weat and fish produste, tea, auger, wine and othe 422 food cargoes which vere registered after 1 Cototer are subject to confiscation ani disposal, 3+ Tnduater (14) ‘he plants tn Molotoy cannot fulfili the requirements of the NERF for shtp spare parts, The NERF plant 4n Ust-Usa delivered only 27% of the planned amount of ship spare parts, and 66f of the notors, Ship repairs can, therefore, not be carried outs abe TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CiA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (25) In Yakutsk, airplane workshops and an experinental station of the Civil Air Flest are being butit, (26) tn Kustanes a ougar refinery 42 being bullt. (17) the manfacturing industry in West Kazakhotan cannot fulftl1 the October plan, (28) 15,000 tons of iron metal are to be transported to Krasnovodsk from the Transcaucasus by vay of Baku, by moans of vhich @ metal reserve will insure prom duction in the winter of 1942-43. (29) the Molotov and Kirov offices of the KAP are designated to produce from ‘their om auxiliary resources a largor mumbor of bast shoes, (Kirov 15,000 pair) protably because of a Leather shortage, (20) An Andustrial plant ts being evacuated from Mirmanakc, 4, Bush Situation (21) Lubricating off and grease are to be delivered to the NERF in only about. 25% of the Septenber allocation, Because of a lack of fuel all ships of the NERF, ‘except hospital ships, are to be imediately taken into winter anchoraga and laid up. The NKRF must st121 lay hands on the quantities of fuel allotted for Noveaber, (22) Im Aktyubinak Oblast! there 1s 2 complete lack of fuel. (23) Acconting to the State Plan the industrial entexpris are receiving a fuel allocation reduced by 10 to 15%. (24) larger petroleum and fuel stocks extet in Kmuenovodak majon. (25) "chereakhovo-Coul" was also recently converted to cokes (26) usnetsk Basin has not fulfilled the Septeaber plan for coal deliveries. The Moscow Basin 1s vorking vell, ‘he fuel supply of Moscow for the winter 4s gurartocd (radio broadcast). On the radio and in the press the greatest economy in the use of current and coal 4s called for, 5. Tranaportatton (27) the transport situation 1s causing considerable difficulties. However, attempts are being made to overcome th atftieultios by all available means, -6 TOP SECRET 4 - Approved Far Release" CIA-ROPSSS00482A000100110008-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION (28) Fron Urelsk #11 shipments go to Alma Ata ty way of Gurev, Transport, hosevery connot te carried out becouse only old nen and vouon are available as transport workers. (29) Transport vork--espectally for food trunsport-—is to be carried out by ‘the workers of all plants in thelr free tine. A payment for the overtine completed Stor the good of the Rutherland™ 1e not to be guaranteed, G0) Uratsk ean deliver no grain to Gurer, because there 2 8 shortage of sacks and no possibility exists for ship transport, (01) reek 49 overfloving with eracuses, who are finding no possibility of work, The people mist be sont furtner on tovand Hast Kazakhstan. (32) In Uraisk, evacunted plants and cosplete sovkhozos have arrived, for vhich quarters and supply are causing great difficulties, (33) the Directorate of the Lover Volge Steamship Agency mst be accomodated An Engols instead of in Saratoy bocause of a lack of ron. (34) In Astrakhan the entire population 1s to be evacuated. (35) A road trip fron Gurey to Aktyubinek este coven daye, (96) ‘the trains are not running regularly any longer and are greatly delayed. (37) A trip to and trom Moscow ts only permissible vith a militia pass. 6, Miscellaneous (38) the collection of gifts for the front 4s being carried out with empbaate by the Konaonols 4n Uralsk and Aktyubinsle, (39) tm Balm, taking of motion pletures of vorkers' groups for an exibition 4m Anerica 1s being undertaken. (40) A winter clothing drive 1s to be carried out at present. -7- TOP SECRET. ‘Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100110008-2, Approved For Release 2000/08/03 © PROREREPERS2000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION. : TOP SECRET « THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM ‘THE SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA ‘This document contains classified Special Intelligence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - Bist Congress. Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Special Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/03 -¥@ypmRRRRERL422000100010001-0 (l/d54 «Approved For Release 2000/08/93 EGP RBFFBEbo«920000100010001-0 ‘Scum INrcwianon Fomboa || 4/52/TOPSEG/CIA, D/z SC No. 02619 Copy No.5? To: Se foe A SOVIET UNION MILITARY-EGONOMIC REPORT ‘Translated from the German Report 3/11 Dated: 12 November 1943 [HIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATION- "AL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 793 AND 794. SEE ALSO PUBLIC LAW 513, BIST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION, ITS TRANS- MISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. 7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved For Release 2000/08/03 FOR.R568#S004924000100010001-0 ‘proved For Release 20008: ggpRQPEREAEDAGOOIGOLOOO om PeSenON Distribution External: Copy Nos FOIAb3a 1-38 TER «= bss enination FOIAb3a Approved For Release 2000/08/03 GJA-BQRAES00492A000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/0813 : LAP RBEGREbo4s2A000100010001-0 SEcuRTY INEGRMATION PREFACE During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Con- trol Center of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Service (HNW, LNA) issued a series of reports to show the USSR military-econom~ ic situation as reflected in Russian internal plain language traffic ‘These reports appeared at short, irregular intervals, usually six per month, for the period October 1942-March 194: three FatARBRe renorts have been translated and issued b: It is planned to issue a complete.set of translations of the reports, beginning with the most recett'RR@ working backward, but omitting those alzeady translated aa numbering of the items was added by the WransiRegeinee the Germans did this only in the last eighteen reports, SIMMIME inclusive. Since the original material was in Russian, an effort has been made when translating the German to determine the original Russian term where- ver possible. This is facilitated by the Russian fondness for abbrevia- Gone. In these translations into English the probable meaning of the abbreviation will be given in parenthesis the first time it occurs in each report, Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : TOR -86KGREH0492A000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CAMuSESIRETH482000100010001-0 ‘SECURITY. INFORMATION ‘The Soviet Union Military-Economic Report 3/11 (Based on Domestic Radio Traffic) Individual Message: 1.) The Personnel Situation (1) On 1 November the Turkmen petroleum extraction industry in Nebit- Dag employed 1, 000 men; the Turkmen paraffin extraction industry employed 500 men. Onl November the Plant of the NK (People's Commissariat) for the Shipbuilding Industry in Taganrog had a working force of 910. (2) Krasnodar Kraj announced the following status of medical personnel: in cities 750 doctors, including: 20 Government medical inspectors 16 Epidemic specialists 61 Orthopaedists (2) 6 Malaria specialists; in villages 608 doctors, including: 56 Government medical inspectors 7 Epidemic specialists 62 Orthopaedists (?) 14 Malaria specialists; in cities 860 minor medical personnel, including: 120 Army surgeons 86 Midwives 570 Nurses 37 Dental surgeons 12 Dentists 4 Assistant army surgeons 24 Laboratory assistants 7 Disinfectors. in villages 2,494 minor medical personnel, including: 879 Army surgeons 644 Midwives 792 Nurses 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CTRRD#EE8B5492A000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : TOARIGBRAN482A000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION 78 Dental surgeons 9 Dentists 32 Assistant army surgeons 32 Laboratory assistants 28 Disinfectors (3) The following personnel status will be authorized at the scrap metal collection points at Bataisk and Rostov/Don for the fourth quarter: Bataisk: Number Wag Workers 145, 161, 700 rubles Engineering-Technical Personnel 20 75, 900 rubles Permanently appointed 27 47, 600 rubles Other personnel 24 18, 200 rubles Rostov: Workers 36 41,111 rubles Engineering-Technical Personnel 23 87, 000 rubl ‘Administrative Person- nel 40 82,300 Permanently appointed 28 63,000 (4) The following personnel will be authorized for the Semipalatinsk Ship Repair Yard: 6 30 60 50 50 60 50 30 30 30 50 Ship mechanics ‘Ship machinists Rudder mechanics Mechanics Lathe operators Boilermakers Locksmiths Electrowelders Smiths Shapers Radio operators (5) The Sovkhoz Construction Material Directorate in Krasnodar was not able to fulfill the transport plan for timber because all the workers were inducted into military service on this work. It is intended that as a substitute war wounded will be put Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : UOPRBEGRBEO422000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CDFRSEGREN482000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION. (6) Ratiroad cars with imported goods from Tabriz cannot be unloaded at the Leninakan depots of “Iransovirans" because of a lack of workers. Sixty workers will be dispatched from Erevan. (7) The Chief Construction Board in Rostov/Don had the following re- quirements for workers for the fourth quarter of 1943 and the first quarter of 1944: Mechanics Locksmiths Jobbers Carpenters Painters Insulation workers Stonemasons Welders Oven installers Boilersmith Roofer, Electrical technicians ica 3 (8) The following are needed to reestablish the working force of a mag- nesium plant in Rostov/Don in the fourth quarter: Carpenters Oven installers Boilerworkers Tinemiths Roofers Bricklayers Jobber Welder Locksmiths (9) All workers of a plant of the North Caucasian Heavy Machine Indus~ try in Taganrog have been transferred by the Construction Director to the "An- dreev" Plant, Operations of the plant have been suspended. The plant requests the People's Commissariat for the Shipping Industry to release 170 men, (10) In accordance with the order of the People's Commissariat for Mer~ chant Shipping, the following enterprises shall send porters to Arkhangel'sk while the navigation season is closed: Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CHEDROFEGREV422A000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000108193 : LAP EBEREbo4s2A000100010001-0 Sis fT INFORMATION Gor'kij NERF: 292 men Molotov NKRF: 100 men (Ul) The Kirensk Water Transport Base shall furnish 150 men from transport and shore personnel to the Lena Steamship Agency for wood procurement. (2) In November the Krasnodar Oblast! Committee shall conscript 400 able-bodied workers until 15 February 1944 for the reconstruction of a local instal- lation of the Petroleum Industry, (13) The Rostov/Don Oblast! Committee shall conseript 4,000 workers in October for the North Caucasian Heavy Machine Industry, No workers had been received by 26 October, ‘The Peoples! Commissariat for the Heavy Machine Indus- try shall enforce dispatch of the workers by 10 November. (04) ‘The Peoples Commissariat for Construction in Rostov/Don has con- scripted 1, 500 men, (15) In order to assure maintenance at Millerovo, the Rostov/Don Oblast! Trade Section received an order for 12, 000 conscripts who were transferred on detached duty to enterprises of the Pe oples' Commissariat of Armaments at Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, Sverdlovsk, and Moscow. (16) The Arkhangel'sk Military Okrug received the order to exempt from ‘military conscription all students in the class of 1926 at the River Navigation Tech- nical School. (17) According to the order of the NK for Defense, calling up the military conscripts of the class of 1926 at the Cherdyn Drydock, initiated before 9 May, will be haulted, Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CAR-rSSSHSb0492A000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : EDFRSEGRETD482000100010001-0 ‘SECURITY. INFORMATION (18) According to a communication from the NK for Light Machine Build- ing, military conscripts of the class of 1926 who have qualifications for the Third Category oF higher are not subject to calling up. (19) OF the working force at Plant 65 of the NK for Munitions in Taganrog, 43 persons have been called up. (20) The Azerbajdzhan Work Office in Baku requests that the training plan for apprentices at the Maritime Trade School be approved. 1, 000 men are provided for as follows: 325 Lockemiths 125 Lathe operators 50 Welders 100 Carpenters 50. Smiths 50 Founders 50 Electrical assemblers 150 Boilersmiths 50 Pattern-makers 50 Moulders 21) In North-Osetia 149 men were called up from the Technical School and 61 from the Trade School on 21 October. Calling up in Kabardino-Balkar (ASR) will take place on 24 October. 2.) The Food Situation (22) Threshing grain has not yet been completed at the Novosibirsk and Omsk NKRF. The grain must be delivered to the Government posts not later than 10 November. (23) On 1 October the Tbilisi Grain Procurement (Office) had the follow- ing grain stock: 192 tons Flour 1,406 tons Wheat 54 tons Groats 12 tons Rye -8- Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : E@PRERGBEb04924000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : HOPREEGREIO482000100010001-0 SECURTY INFORMATION Stocks at the mill combine: 2,114 tons Flour 106 tone. Groats 87 tons Rye 668 tons Wheat Stocks at the trade office and bakeries: 439 tons Flour (24) Stocks at the Poti Grain Procurement (Office): 16 tons Flour 132 tons Groat 590 tons Flour 17 tons Groats 710 tons Wheat (25) 2,000 tons barley shall be stored by the Erevan Grain Procurement (Office) for State Reserves. (26) Up to 20 October Makhachkala had procured the following: 1,328 tons Cabbage 1,491 tons Cucumbers 1,335 tons Tomatoes (21) The Kolkhozes of the Rostov Oblast! had procured the following thru 25 October: 612 tons ‘Tomatoes 162 tons, Cucumbers 38 tons Onions 267 tons Preserved vegetables 46 tons Carrots 2 tons Beet roots 186 tons Cabbage (28) In Kazan’ harbor are stored 350 tons of potatoes for the Krasnodar NKVD which can not be transported farther because navigation has ceased, More- over, 700 tons of potatoes and 350 tons of vegetables are on the railway which can not be forwarded because of a lack of railroad cars, Because of the cold there is ‘a danger that the potatoes will freeze, Kazan! shall store 10, 000 tons of potatoes. te Approved For Release 2000108103 : TPPRBRGREH0492000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : ODPRBEGRETO492’000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION (29) The procurement organizations of the Azerbajdzhan Republic are to supply to special consumers the following: 11,000 tons Potatoes 4,500 tons Vegetables, including: 1,000 tons Cabbage 2,000 tons, Onions. (20) Thru 6 October the Azerbajdzhan Vegetable and Fruit Trading (Office) ‘had supplied the following: 207 tons Potatoes, 10% of the yearly plan 1,200 tons Vegetables, 17% of ‘the yearly plan (31) The following imports arrived in Erevan during the period 1-20 October: From Tabriz: 1,316 tons Beans From Dehulfs 108 tons Flour From Pablevi: 451 tons Beans (32) The Baku Grain Procurement (Office) received 315 tons of flour on 4 November from "‘Iransovtrans."" On 5 November the following supply was on hand: 125 tons Flour 32 tons salt 541 tons Beans 850 tons Rice (33) The Armenian NK for the Meat and Dairy Industry in Erevan pur- chased only 180 tons of milk for butter production during the first 9 months of 1943 as compared to 1, 246 tons of milk during 1942. Fulfillment of the yearly production glan for butter and cheese is thus placed in doubt. (34) The November production plan of the Grozny) City Dairy has been set as follows: 15 tons Meat 70 tons Meat products 10 - Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : EQPREREBEb04924000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : COPRBEGEETO482/000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION (35) The Nal'chik Meat Combine shall procure the following in November: 50 tons Meat 70 tons Meat prodxts (36) The Sovkhoz Trust at Rostov/Don sold 1, 000 suckling pigs to "Rostov- Coal" and other organizations. It requests permission to sell an additional 1, 500. {37) In Leningrad the Meat Combine of the Oblast’ Animal Slaughter Procure- ment (Office) received to date only 890 tons of beas fox slaughter of the total allot- ment of 1,400 tons, (38) ‘The meat industry in Tbilisi has procured thru 4 October 1, 641 sheep for the liberated oblasti (39) Thru 16 October 18, 842 head of live stock had been driven {rom Dzhani- bek to the Restov/Don Oblast’, including: 32,197 head of Horned cattle 78,999 head of Sheep 7,645 head of Horses (40) The herds of cattle are approaching West Kazakhstan. (4) Rostov/Don requests an increased supply of preserved meat because the meat supply of the coal workers of the NKVD and other offices and enterprises is extremely scarce. In the first 20 days of October only 15tons of cattle were delivered; nevertheless 1,100 tons were anticipated for the fourth quarter. (42) ‘The following NKRF offices should receive from Gorkij Fish Sales the following additional fish deliveries: 5 tons Bor, Plant "Molotov" 8 tons Bor, Plant ""Teplokhod" 5 tons Gorodets Shipyard 4 tons Gorodets - NERF 2 tons Voskresensk - NKRF 6 tons Chkalovsk - NKRF (43) Krasnovodsk - NKRF had a salt supply of 1, 338 tons on 1 November. (44) The Rostov Oblast! Trade Division should receive in November from the: Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : EPPRERSBE%04924000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/0S : PEIPREEOREN0422A000100010001-0 SECURITY. INFORMATION #1. Kuban Sugar Factory 30 tons #2, Kuban Sugar Factory 12 cars of sugar as well as 200 tons of imported sugar. (45) ‘The NK for the Food Industry in Ashkhabad should receive 8 tank cars of alcohol from the alcohol factory in Bijsk and 4 tank cars of alcobol from the alcohol factory in Dzhambul. Up to now two tank cars have been despatched from Bijsk. (46) ‘The NK for the Food Industry in Krasnodar announces that, as of 1 October, 23% of the cultivated fields of the tobacco Sovkhozes were harvested. (47) Erevan received 15 tons of tobacco worth 1.3 million rubles. 12 tons of tobacco have been sent to Moscow. 3 tons of tobacco remain provisionally in, the warehouse of Worker’ Supply in Erevan. (48) On 1 November the following food rations were fixed for more workers of the enterprises of the NK Oil in Turkmen doing drilling work (per person per month): 5 kg. Meat, fish 29 Fat 5 Sugar goods Groats, Macaroni 2 Potatoes Bread (daily) For the workers who are active in reconstruction work, the following food rations were fixed according to an order of 2 October (per person per month): kee Meat, fish Fat Sugar 2. ° °. L Groats, Macaroni In addition, the food rations for the second warm meal (factory ration) are: 1.5 kgs Meat, fish 0.3. Fat us Macaroni =e Approved For Release 2000/08103 “TEMR-FGRKERES0492000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : HEAPREEERBYO492A000100010001-0, SECURITY INFORMATION (49) According to an order of 2 October 1943, ration cards for bread, sugar, groats shall be given out to two categories of workers in the Workers' Settlements in Grozny}, In those cities, in which cards for meat, fish, fat, groats and macaroni exist, the following food rations will be introduced (per person per month): Meat, fish Fat Sugar and sugar goods Groats, macaroni Bread (daily) In the liberated oblasti bread (daily) 0.5 kg. (50) In the Sovkhozes of the Krasnodar Rajon there are 593 tractors on hand, of which 409 are in need of repair. (51) For the wine combines in Novorossijsk there will be required for the cultivation of the vineyard: 10,000 units spades 10,000 units picks 5,000 units hoes 5,000 units garden saws 5,000 units pruning knives Authorizations Consignee Quantity Type Cons (52) Astrakhan-NKRF 30 Tons Potatoes Stalingrad (53) Baku, Food Industry 43 " Vegetable --- oil (54) Baku, Coke Factory 10 “Margarine Baku "Oil & Fat!" (55) Beslan, Combine 7,000 " Maize === Beslan, Combine 10,000 "Maize --- (56) Esentuki Cattle 600 Head Large —_Stayropol, Fodder cattle Cattle Supply (57) Frunze, Oblast" 1,500 Tons Rice Tiflis, Flour Directorate (58) Groznyj-NK for 500“ Cattle. -—_Local Departments Food Industry ” 200" —Gattle-—‘Stavropol " 500 " Gattle_-—- Dagestan " 600" = Meat == (59) Yakatsk- NERF 49" Grain Irkutsk, Grain fodder Procurement <2. Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TOR-RE®BES00492000100010001-0 ‘Remarks For 4th quar- ter For November For December In November In 4th quarter (60) (on, (62) 463) (ea (65) (66) wn (68) (69) (70) m «ny 3) may (75) (76) a) (78) Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : COPRBEGRETO4S2000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION Yagnovataya 50, 000 liters Alcohol "Red Army" Supply Yurevets-NKRF 1, 124 tons Rye Kara-Mursa, 850 tons Canned Food Supply of meat the "Red Army" Kotlyarevskaya,, 300 head Large Cattle Fodder cattle Provisionary Krasnodar, 30 tons Sugar Chief Wine Di- rectorate " 40, 000 liters Alcohol Krasnodar, Food 20 tons Sugar Industry " 2,000 liters Alcohol Krasnodar Fish Trust Krasnodar, Food Supply North Caucasus, Military Okrug 100 tons Salt, 500 tons Sugar 180 tons Sugar Makhachkala 25 tons Groats Cannery Trust Leninakan, 50 tons Groats Meat Combine Leningrad Fish Sales 5,250 tons Fish ” 4,250 Fish " 1,000 liters Canned fish : 100 tons Caviar Moscow 120 tons Salmon Krasnodar, Fruit & Vegetable Trust 6,000 liters Alcohol Krasnodar, Food 2,000" Alcohol Industry Omsk, NKRF 70 tons Grain fodder Poti, Black Sea 30 tons Milk & Fleet dairy products ” 1,5tons Cheese Rostov, Cold 20 tons Mille Storage Building Rostov, Oblast! 30 tons Sugar Trade Division oie Novocherkassk In November Ordzhonikidze Two trans- Depot No. 42 ports up to 25 cars Nalchik Cattle In November Supply Krasnodar, For 4th quarter Sugar Sales Pyatigorsk " Alcohol Trust Makhachkala Salt Directorate Girej, Sugar In November Factory Makhachkala 7 Grain Procurement Erevan Grain Pro- Viadivostok In November & " December by Murmansk " transports Arkhangelsk, Norel! Fish Indus~ try Pyatigorsk In 4th quarter Alcohol Trust Omsk, Grain Pro- Additional Krasnodar, Sales In November for Meat and Dairy Products dried milk is to replace the in- sufficient supply of regular milk. Rostov, Milk Com- In 4th quarter bine Girej Sugar Factory In Nov. & Dec. Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TAA -REFREE00492A000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : UDPRBEGRET0492A000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION. (19) Tikhoretsk, Oil 65 tons -—=Vegetable Girej-Sugar In Nov. & Dec. Depot oi Factory Deliveries (80) Krasnodar, Food 255 liters Canned Makhachkala Fish Sales Supply of the "Red fish Army" (81) Leningrad "Volk- 740 tons Syrup, In 60 tank cars hovstroj" (82) Leningrad «27,93 tons._-——~Potatoes, By 2 November " 855 tons Onions. By 2 November (83) Leningrad, 32 tons —~Potatoes Directorate of Flax and Cotton Industry (84) Rostov, Oblast! 7,450 tons Flour === In November ‘Trade Division " 320tons Goats. =~ In November 3.) Metal Supply (85) The Azerbajdzhan Oil Combine in Baku is to receive material for industrial installations from: Works in Vyksunsk gas pipe Works in Pervouralsk flue pipe Works in Zimarskaya thin water pipe Ghief Directorate of Metal Sales in Baku Steel 200 tons. Gast iron 260 (86) In the port of Baku there were stored on 1 Octobe: 900 tons of brass 60 tons of steel (87) ‘The barrel factory of the Oil Sales of Azerbajdzhan in Baku should receive 100 tons of iron hoops. These days they come to Baku via "Iransovtrans." (88) In the course of 25 days in October 24,193 tons of manganese ore arrived at the Metal Sales in Baku. In an equal period 30,547 tons of manganese ore were despatched, The remainder amounted to 9,043 tons of manganese ore. =. Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : COPREFEREb0492A000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : TIDPRBEGREV0482000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION (89) On 30 and 31 October 790 tons of scrap metal were pro- cessed in Bataisk. 1,254 tons of scrap metal were delivered, of which 890 tons were from stolen stocks. A shipment could not be carried out because of the ab- sence of cars. (90) Blagoveshchensik, Plant 428, requires the immediate shipment of 20 tons of zinc from the Technical Oil Supply for Azerbajdzhan in Baku. The lack of zinc is hindering the carrying out of special instructions. (91) The Groznyj Scrap Metal Collection Point is to undertake the follow- ing deliveries in the fourth quarter according to plan: to the Karbardino Balkar Enterprises 100 tons to the North Osetian Enterprises 80 tons to the Checheno-Ingush Enterprises 100 tone to the Dagestan Enterprises 50 tons to the Plant-#182 of the Shipbuilding Industry 250 tons to the Electro works of "Ordzhonikidse Power" 20 tons to the Power Combine in Baksan 10 tons 3, 086 tons of scrap metal remain there and cannot be shipped because of lack of cars and the absence of authority. (92) Grozny}, Plant "Krasny} Trud", should deliver at least 2 tons of scrap metal in the fourth quarter. (93) Krasnodar, Plant "Krasnolit', should receive: fzom Plant 774 sheet iron {amount not given) from Plant in Alapaevo (?)sheet iron 16.5 tons from Plant 764, sheet iron 7 tons from Plant in Severskaya sheet iron 16,5 tons from Plant 774 hoop iron 1 (94) ‘The 185 tons of metal which arrived in Makhachkala on barges are to be distributed to the following plans which are subordinate to Astrakhan “Raidtanker": Plant 709 35tons Plant 368 «36 tons Plant 182 40tons «Plant 23940 tons. Plant 638 16tons —Plant 205 «18 tons -16- Approved For Release 2000/0803 TOR-ABBBES004920000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : DOPRBEGREVO4S2’000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION, (95) Makhachkala "Iransovtrans" had from 15 to 20 October a balance of (96) Rostov/Don, Agricultural Machine Building, should receive in Nover- ber from Nizhne-Turinsk Factory one car of sheet iron and from Enakievo Works one car of rolled metal. (97) The scrap iron yard in Rostov/Don has to process 205 tons scrap iron in November according to plan, (98) Sverdlovsk, NK for Coal, should receive from Krasnovodsk "Iransov- trans" 300 tons of sheet iron. The shipment has not arrived, (99) Tifis, Scrap Iron Yard has procured: 1 983 tons Ferrous metal 94 tons Non-ferrous metal Shipped were: 1 266 tons Ferrous metal 69 tons Non-ferrous metal Requirements Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (100) Sutin, "Krasnyj Immediate Solin" Works 40 tons -Ferro- == delivery is manga. being delayed Authorizations Gon Plant 77 50tons Sheet Yaroslavl (102) Plant 77 30tons Corru- Yaroslavl gated sheet (103) Plant 182 500 meters pipe Baku Metal Sales (104) Armavir Meat 30tons sheet ~—-Dzhulfa “Iransovtrans" Canning Trust metal shipped at once (105) Baku, Chief 60 tons rolled ~—-Magnitogorsk Fac- Metal Sales fron tory i " 40tons rolled —_—Beloretsk Factory - nae Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TER-6ABFS004920000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : TDPRSEGREP0422A000100010001-0 ‘SECURITY INFORMATION (106) Kazan, Supply of 10 tons Rotary Nizhnaya-Salda Local Industry planers Factory #2, Sverdlovsk Oblast! (107) Leningrad So tons Sheet. ~—-Novotagilsk Metal~ iron _lurgical Works (108) Magnitogorsk Sotons —--Ferro-Zestafoni Iron Metal Combine silicon Foundry (109) Novosibirsk NKRF 200 tons sheet_—-‘Novosibirsk Chief ‘Metal Sales (110) Rostov/Don Agri- 100 tons plows -—-Rubtsovsk, Farm Deliveryin‘ cultural Supply Machine Industry fourth quarter (il) Rostov/Don Farm 17 tons ferro.“ Mzhne-Tagilsk, For November Machine Industry silicon Factory (12) Shakhty Electric 34 tons —rolled—-Magnitogorsk, Grid iron Factory (13) Shakhty "Rostovugol"" Station Grazhdan- 20tons Gable skaya drums (14) Chelyabinsk Armor 134 tons Import- Makhachkala Supply metal (15) Lower-Irtysh, 2.5tons Steel. © Omsk-NKRF. Steamship Agency (116) Uryupino Meat «50 tons © Sheet ©—-Dzhhulfa "Iransov- Combine trans!" Deliveries (17) Kizit-arvat, 34,5 tons - Roofing’ Nizhne-Turinsk Vehicle and Re- sheet Metal Works pair Plant (18) Kuznetsk Metal- 20 tons = Manganese Baku Metal Sal works ore (119) Magnitogorek Metal- works 5, 192 tons " ” 4.) Oil Supply, (120) There is a Petroleum Technical School in Baku. (121) According to the November plan Grozny} Oil Supply is to despatch 15, 318 tons of mazut. (122) Karasu Cotton Procurement trust in Kirgiz was to receive from Baku by 25 October: 140 tons naphtha 1 truck of oil Workhas halted because of lack of oil. -18- Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TER-ABEBE00492A000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : TDPREEGREV0482A000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION 23) The fuel supply of Rostov Oblast! was fulfilled in October a follow: Petroleum 44% Gasoline 68% Diesel oil 18% As a result of irregular supply, almost all the oil supply depots of the oblast have no Benzin and Ligroin; Petroleum is scarce. (124) Shakhty, Combine "Rostovugol" received no avtol or machine oil in September and October. In order to avoid interruption of requisition and shipment of coal, the Combine proposes the immediate delivery of 630 tons Av- tol and 60 tons machine ofl. (125) Groznyj Oil Supply was to send to these coal combines by 25 October: "Stalinugol" in Stalino "Rostovugol" in Shalehty "Voroshilovgradugol" in Voro~ shilovgrad 100 tons Auto gasoline 160 tons Auto gasoline 200 tons of Autogasoline Because of lack of auto gasoline, shipment of coal from the above combines has been suspended. (126) The restored Plant "Andreev" in Taganrog is idle for the third day because of lack of mazut. It is to receive immediately from Grozny} Oil Supply 900 tons of mazut and an additional shipment of 600 tons by 15 November. Requirements Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (127) Astrakhan, Plants 10,000 tons Pyrolitie Groznyj Oil Sales of NK for Oi charge stock (128) Izhevsk "Planeta" 50 tons. Machine Baku Oil Supply For October oil (129) Krasnodar 42tons —Petrol---- For field cum cultivation in Krasnodar 10 tons —Ligroin =-~ spring (130) Krasnoyarsk, 25 tons Motor oil Krasnovodsk Oil Plant of NK for Supply Urgent, Armaments " 25tons Cylinder" " oil " 25 tons Turbine oi i ” 31) Leningrad B0tons —Petrole- =~ " 20tons Gasoline --- -a9- Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TOR-ABEBES004920000100010001-0 32) (33) 34) (35) (36) (37) (38) 039) 40) aay (142) 4s) (4a) (145) (146) a7) (4a) 49 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : UOPRBEGRE¥O492/000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION Plant #38 Plant #78 of NK for Munitions Plant #112, Plant #410 Plant 742 of NK for Rubber Industry Armenia, Road Directorate Azerbajdzhan, NK for Wood Astrakhan, Armor ‘Supply Baksan, Electric Power Combine Rostov/Den, Azov-Black-Sea Power Voronezh, Power Combine Baku, NK for Iron Baku - NKVD Baku, Salt Industry 25 tons 50 tons 50 tons 200 tons 30 tons 200 tons 40 tons 20 tons 10 tons 10 tons 6 tons 10 tons 16 cars 3 tons 1.5 tons 42 tons 26 tons 15 tons 5 tons 5 tons 7 tons 8 tons 15 tons 16 tons 4 tons 15 tons 20 tons Balakovo, Ship- 1,000 tons Repair Yard Dokshukino, ‘Acetone Plant Donbas, Trust for Hydroelectric Sta- tions 20 tons 50 tons Authorizations Gylinder Baku Oil Supply =~ oil Gas oil Baku Oil Supply For November Motor oi! Krasnovodsk For October Oi Supply. Diesel oil Nebit Dag Oil Industry Gasoline" Benzol Baku Oil Supply For November Gasoline Tbilisi, Division Petroleum Gasoline Diesel oil Ligroin Diesel oil Petrol- Gasoline Diesel Oil Petroleum Gasoline Petroleum Gasoline Diesel oil Motor of Petroleum Gasoline Diesel oil Motor oil Gas oil Diesel oil -20- of lubricants and fuels Baku Oil Supply For November : For November Baku Oil Supply Astrakhan NKRF Baku Oil Supply Grozny} Oil Supply For November Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TER-A6ABES00492000100010001-0 150) asi) (152) 453) (54) (155) 56) 057) se) 059) (160) ey 162) (63) (164) Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : RUPREREREPO492A000100010001-0 Filino (Yaroslav ") Plant 151 Gorkij, NKRF 1, Izhevsk Steel Plant 71 Enakievo Metal Plant Kalach-NKRF Kam-Ust'e - NKRF ‘SECURITY. INFORMATION 25t. Gas ofl Baku Oil Supply 500 100 10 25 200 50 2 Mazut Chief Directorate, Oil Sales Petrol- " Gasoline " Ligroin " Diesel oil " Motor oil " Machine oil Baka Oil Supply Gasoline Krasnodar Oil Supply Petrol-Chief Directorate Oil Sales Gasoline " Ligroin ” Diesel O11 ” Motor O11 " 2,000 tons Motor Astrakhan NKRF Kazakhstan Oil Supply Kemerovo anda Kirov-NKRF 1, Kizel, Repair Plant "Molotov- ‘ugol"” Kotovsk "Boevik" Krasnodar Wine Combine Krasnodar Plant “Oxtyabs" Krasnovishersk Paper Combine Krivoshchekovo Combine 179 20 35 25 000 25 25. 7 Ls 30 1 6 6 2 50 50 50 ‘oi Petrol- Gorkij NERF. Turbine Baku Oil Refinery ol Spindle Krasnovodsk Oil Supply on Mazut Ufa Lube ofl Krasnodar Oil Supply Viscosin Baku Oil Sales Nafta’ Krasnodar Oil Supply Petrol- Nafta " Diesel O11 " Machine " Cylinder Oil Baku Oil Supply Turbine Of =" Gas Oil Krasnovodsk O11 Supply a. Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TOR-SHEREF00492A000100010001-0 For November For November For November For November For November For November For 4th quarter For Oct, 465) (166) er) (068) (169) (70) any ary 73) a7) ans) 76) om ary a9) 180) 181) (182) (183) isa) Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : yRPRERSREPO422A000100010001-0 Consignee Quantity Kuijpyshev Oil 1,000 Tons Sales Leningrad 0 2,000 Supply Lipetsk, Tractor 50 Factory Makeevka Metal 50 Works Miass, Motor 100 Vehicle Factory * 100 ” 7 Moscow, Factory #330 25 Nal'chik "“Turnuaus 10 Combine" North Osetia, NK 40 fortron . 50 " 220 Novosibirsk Plant 50 #88 7 50 Pervomajskoe 50 Sovkhos Industry “Industria - : : 5 Rostov "Stal- 5 montazh'" Rybinsk, Shipyard 150 "Volodarskij" Semiluki Chamotte 50 Facto: Plant "Svobodayj 50 Sokol" Stalingrad Lower- 1, 000 Volga Steamship Agency Stalingrad - NKRF 12, 950 Lower Volga Steam- ‘ship Agency. Stalin Metal Works 50 Stalino Iron Supply 100 Shadrinsk Motor 50 Vehicle Factory Shatura 25 SECURITY INFORMATION. Type Consignor Nafta Astrakhan Oil Sales Nafta Syktykvar Oil Supply Gasoline Gasoline Krasnodar Oil Supply Machine Oil " Spindle O11 " Cylinder O11 ” il products Baku Oi Supply For Nov. Grozny} Oil Supply For 4th quarter For Nov. For Nov. For Nov. Aviation ofl Petroleum Gasoline - Motor oil ee Machine ofl Krasnodar ofl Supply Spindle ofl ” Petroleum, Rostov Oil Sales Gasoline " Ligroin " Diesel off Mazut Gorkij NKRF Gasoline Grozny} Oil Supply Gasoline 7 Nafta Astrakhan Oi - Sales Mazut on - Gasoline Krasnodar Oil Supply Gasoline Krasnodar Oil ‘Supply Spindle Ou Krasnoyarsk Oil ‘Supply Cylinder of ‘Baku Oil Sales - 22 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 ‘ROMR-PSBEREHD0422000100010001-0 (18s) 1186) (87) (se) < 189) ‘190) as) age) 93) asa) 95) 1196) 497) Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : DOPRBEGREIO492’000100010001-0 Schlusselburg, 5 tons Factory #6 NK Munitions ™ 1 " 1 " 2 " 40 Saratov, 25 Factory 236 ™ 2 i 28 " 25 Sulin, Metal 347 Plant "Krasny} Sulin' Syzran Plant 12 "Volga" ial 12 Syaran Plant 418 50 ‘Taganrog, Plant "Andreev" 1,500 ” 50 ‘Taganrog, Plant “Trubostal" — 1,500 Chelyabinsk, | 50 Motor Vehicle Factory " 50 " 150 Chelyabinsk 24 varaeaie Ulyanovsk, 1, 000 OU Depot Voronezh Construction’ ‘Trust #2 100 " 100 Voronezh Ore 50 Directorate " 50 Plant "Voro- shilov" 50 SECURITY INFORMATION, Machine oil Spindle oil Solidot Traneformer oil ‘Vaseline oil Machine oil Motor off Gas oil Viscosin Mazut Cylinder oi ‘Transformer oil ‘Turbine off Cylinder oi Mazut Gasoline Mazut Machine oil Spindle oil Cylinder oi Oil products Motor oil Diesel oil Gasoline Diesel oil Gasoline Gasoline -23- Baku Oil Supply Grozny} O11 Supply Baku, Oil Plant Baku, Tech. (Oil Supply Groznyj Oil Supply Krasnodar Oil ‘Supply Grozny} Krasnodar oil Supply Grozny) Oi Supply ‘Astrakhan NKRF Grozny} Oi Supply Grozny) Oil Supply Krasnodar (O11 Supply Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TOR-8BABES00492000100010001-0 Fourth quarter, Fourth quarter For November For November For November For November For November For November Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : UDPRBEGRET0492A000100010001-0 ‘SECURITY INFORMATION Consignee Quantity Consignor Remarks (098) Plant 76 25 i products Groznyj Oil Supply (199) Baku on 800 Oleum Supply (Petroleum?) Voskresensk (200) Makhachkala, 1,097 Tank car Groznyj Oi In September Factory Pyrolitic crude Supply (201) Moscow, a 180 " " " factory (202) Moscow, Motor 72 Avtolit Baku Oil Industry ~ Vehicle Plant ‘8° 203) Shakhty, 200 Gasoline Groznyj Oi! Supply "Rostovagol" 204) Stalingrad, 1,250 Avtol Tuapse ‘Till 21 Sept. i! Supply, Sarepta Station (205) Stalingrad 2 Gasoline Groznyj Oi! Tractor Factory Supply (206) Taganrog iz Mazut " “Trubostal"” 5.) Textile Supply (207) "Iransoverans'', Dzhulfa, shall deliver to the food enterprises of Armenia 50, 000 bags and 10 tons of twine. 208) The Baku Port Directorate has erroneously shipped 15, 600 new bags from its, stocks to Gor'kij, The Directorate requests the allotment of material from “Iransov trans" for the manufacture of 20,000 bags. 209) At the Baku Oblast! Export (Office) are the following supplies of overcoat material: for Moscow 22 care for Kazan’ 13 cars for Kujbyshev Bears for Ulyanov Scare ‘There is no material for uniforms on hand, (210) The NK for Agriculture in Grozny} requires 5,000 bags. Lack of bags is disrupting shipment of millets, (211) Shakhty requires 500 bags. Lack of bags is delaying transport of flour for baking bread for the miners 24 Approved For Release 2000108103 : YAE-RBEASbo492000100010001-0 ‘Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : WOPREEGRETO492A000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION (212) The Transcaucasian Republics have the following stores of goat wool: jn Erevan 70 tons in Baku 20 tons in Thilisi 20 tons (213) ‘The Aircraft Industry Supply (office) in Tbilisi requires the following for the "Bugov" Plant: 1,000 pairs felt boots 1 ton felt for technical use. (214) On the basis of allocations, Tbilisi has shipped the following to the Grozny} Tech- nical Naphtha Supply (Office): 8,225 paire of mittens 1,216 sete of undershirts and stockings 291 mattresses 300 suits 11, 000 blankets 262 vests 1, 389 sheets procured but not yet shipped: 1,775 pairs mittens 800 meters linen and cloth material Shipments Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (215) Kamuste, Power 80 sets Special clothing Moscow, Power --- Station Construc- Station Construc- tion tion Directorate (216) Kujpyshev, Tech-40, 000 meters Canvas Baku, Technical --- nical Naphtha Naphtha Supply Supply (Office) (Office) (217) Rostov/Don, 110,000 sets Body linen. Moscow, Light For 4th quarter Light Industry. Industry Direc- torate (218) Rostov/Don, 10 tons Flax fiber Kalinin, Flax For December ‘Oblast! Indus~ Trust trial Technical Supply (Office) 25 - Approved For Release 2000/08/03 :'S?R-#856443004924000100010001-0 (219) (220) ea i222) (223) (22a) (225) (226) (227 (228) (229) (230) (ean) (232) (233) (234) (235) (236) Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : EOPRBEGBET04922000100010001-0 ‘SECURITY INFORMATION Sulin, Metal 2,000 pairs Canvas mittens Plant "Krasnyj Solin" Authorizations Plant "Kirov" 1,000 pairs Belts 800 pairs Cotton-padded trousers. Plant "Stal" 1,500 pairs Belts Camp 958 of 30, 000 sq. mtrs. the NK for Imported tar- Defense paulin NK for Munitions 1,000 pairs Neat's leather shoes Aral Steamship 20,000 sq. Tent cloth “Agency Drydock mirs. Yaroslavl", Tech- Stons. Silke nical Supply of the NK for Fores- try. Krasnodar, 10,000 sq. —Sailcloth Naphtha Indus- meters try, Krasnodar, tons Felt Harness Fac- tory " lbtons Felt, Makhachkala, 25tons Assorted autumn NK for Local wool Industry, Novosibirsk, Stons Ropes NKRF Rostov/Don, Raw 25,000 meters Fabric Material Procure~ ment Rostov/Don, Oblast! Labor Office 6,000 pairs Shoes Rostov/Don, Indus- 10 tons Flax fiber trial Supply Shakhty, "Rostovu- 500 pairs Felt boots gol" Stalingrad, Tractor 1,200 pairs Belts Plant 1,200 pairs Cotton-padded Commissariat 15,000 pairs Half-boots of the Southern Front ‘Thilisi, Light Stons Felt Industry Supply and Sales = 26- Moscow, NK a for Iron. Baku, Harness --- Plant Rostov/Don, Light For Industry Sales 4th quarter Leningrad, Flax --- Trost Baku, Naphtha --- Supply (Office) Moscow, "Tech- nical Felt" For 4th quarter Voskresensk Velvet Plant, (Moscow Oblast!) Makhachkala Raw Material Procure. ment (Office) Novosibirsk, Flax --- Sales Baku, NK for Tex- tiles For 4th quarter For 4th quarter Baku, Oblast! Shoe --- Industry Kalinin, Flax Delivery in Trust December Rostov/Don, Shoe Delivery in Plant "Mikoyan" fourth quarter NK for Munitions Approved For Release 2000/08/03 JOR.A6FBES004924000100010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : WOPREEGREDO482A000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION. Deliveries (237) Offices of 285,000 meters Fabric Received on Workers! 10ct, for 4th Supply quarter me 72,175 pairs Footwear fi ‘ 20 tons Gotton " 12,800 pairs Stockings " 19,100 pairs Socks " 1,000 meters Silke " for 180,000 rubles Sewing cotton --- " 6,322 pairs Wool gloves " . 16, 587 Felt caps " Groznyj, NKVD 7, 000 Bandages Directorate for On 10 October NKVD Camp Supplies in Dagestan " 8,000 Cotton- " " padded knee breeches 6.) Other Industries (239) The Military Reconstruction Directorate of the Don-Kuban Oblast! anticipates for 1944 the establishment of inland navigation with 165 ships including: 6 Freight/passenger ships totalling 900 tons 9 Tugs totalling 2,015 tons 30 Gas driven tug-cutters totalling 1,207 tons 14 Metal tank barges totalling 3,110 tons 106 Wooden barges. totalling 19, 100 tons (240) The Water Transport Base in Molotov shall receive an additional 250, 000 rubles for ship repairs. (241) Because of a lack of metal and special workers, the NKRF Plant in Chardzhou is not in a position to prepare the ship components required by Ili NKRF. (242) ‘The Motor Vehicle Plant at Kozhukhovo shall receive 125 sets of auto tires thru Dzhulfa from "Iransovtrans". (243) The Tbilisi Technical Naphtha Supply (Office) shall ship: To the Technical Naphtha Supply (Office) of Azerbajdsham, 806 sets auto tires, To the Turkmen Naphtha Industry 220 sets auto tires, To "Turkmenozokerit" 106 sets auto tires. 27. Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TORR.REPBES004924000100010001-0 ‘Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : RRVPRERSREPO422A000100010001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION (244) ‘The Azerbajdzhan Procurement (Office) for Animal Raw Materials in Baku proposes an allotment for the fourth quarter of 4,950 cow hides and 78, 750 calf and sheep skins. (245) The Krasnodar Boot Factory shall receive in the fourth quarter 600 kg. of sole leather and 2, 700 square meters of chrome leather from the local leather factory. (246) ‘The Krasnodar Shoe Factory shall receive in the fourth quarter 9 tons of sole leather and 35, 900 square meters of chrome leather from the local leather factory. (247) In the fourth quarter the Taganrog Leather Plant shall ship 60 tons of sole leather and 15, 000 square meters of Russian leather or chrome leather to the Shoe Plant "Mikoyan" in Rostov. (248) “Transovtrans" in Baku shall expedite the shipment of 4, 000 pairs of shoes for Samarkand “Lenta,"" (249) According to plan, the Groznyj Shoe Plant shall produce 4, 000 pairs of wooden soles in the fourth quarter. (250) For the manufacture of bags a fertilizer plant in Sumgait shall receive a railroad car of wrapping paper from Plant 316. (251) For the fourth quarter 117.8 tons of newsprint are proposed for the news~ paver publishers of the Rostov Oblast'. (252) The fishpacking headquarters at Astrakhan prepared 21,252 cases of fish during 25 days of October. (253) The Armavir Glass Plant in the Krasnodar Kraj shall ship the following in Novernber: To the regional office of the Military Okrug in Kujbyshev 1 railroad car lampglass To the regional office of the Chernigov Okrug 1 railroad car lampglase To military unit number 92 &ll in Kharkov 1 railzoad car lampglass = 28- Approved For Release 2000/08/03 TOR-SHENEHIO422000100010001-0

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