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1. Lymph and blood are key mechanism by which cancer cells spread.
Angiogenesis, a mechanism by which tumor cells are ensured of blood
supply. The most common mechanism of metastasis is:

a. Angiogenesis

b. Direct Extension

c. Hematogenous

d. Lymphatic spread

2. Dietary factors contributing to the decreasing incidence of cancer are the

following, except:

a. High fiber and low fat

b. Vitamin E, C, zinc rich foods

c. Cruciferous and carotenoids vegetables

d. Low fiber and high fat diet

3. Schistosoma haematobium is associated with:

a. Bladder

b. Cholangiocarcinoma

c. Kaposi’s sarcoma

d. Ionizing radiation

4. A child who is on a course of chemotherapy for osteogenic carcinoma

develops neutropenia. It is important for the nurse to include which of
these measures in the child’s care plan?

a. Applying a lanolin based emollient to the child’s skin

b. Determining whether the child has pain in the lower extremities

c. Observing the child for signs of infection

d. Encouraging the child to drink fluids high in vitamin C

5. The nurse is teaching a wellness promotion course to make college

students. The nurse should indicate the importance of doing testicular
self-examination at which time?

a. weekly at the same time of the day

b. monthly after warm bath or shower

c. Whenever they experience pain in or itching of the scrotum

d. Every other month until the age of 40

6. A client receiving IV chemotherapy is experiencing nausea. Which of the

following would be best to lessen the severity of nausea?

a. Administer Antiemetics when the client complains of nausea

b. Offer warm liquids during chemotherapy

c. Administer Antiemetics before chemotherapy

d. Encourage the client to eat a full meal before receiving chemotherapy

7. The radiation oncologist marks specific locations for radiation treatment

using a semi-permanent type of ink. Treatment is usually given for how

a. 1 hour, 4 days per week, for for 1 to 2 weeks

b. Depends on the doctors order

c. 15 to 30 minutes, 5 days per week, for 2-7 weeks

d. 30 minutes to 1 hour, 3-5 days, for 3-5 weeks

8. Which of the following anticipatory guidance related to hair loss (alopecia)

and regrowth is true and correct except:

a. Loss of hair occurs over a period of days to weeks

b. Regrowth usually occurs 6 to 8 weeks after completion of therapy

c. Color and texture of regrown hair is no different from hair
growth prior to loss

d. Encourage client to obtain scarves, turbans, caps, and / or wigs prior

to hair loss

9. Which of the following clinical manifestations would be most significant

when assessing a patient who is suspected of having breast cancer?

a. Nipple discoloration

b. Breast enlargement

c. Breast tenderness

d. Nipple retraction

10. The following are characteristics of benign neoplasms. Select all

that apply:

a. Rate of growth is usually slow

b. Gains access to the blood and lymphatic channels and metastasizes to

other areas of the body

c. Tumor grows by expansion and does not infiltrate the surrounding

tissues; usually non-encapsulated

d. Localized phenomenon

e. Often causes extensive tissue damage

f. Does not usually cause death


Correct Answers: 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A/D/F

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