ECE C394 Compre Paper PDF

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Hyderabad Campus
Second Semester 2010-2011
Course Title
: Communication Networks
Course Number : ECE C394
: Comprehensive Examination
: 2.00PM 5.00 PM
Date: 02/05/11
Day: Monday
Max Marks
: 120
1. Attempt all questions
2. Closed Book Examination
3. Only one A4 Hand Written Sheet with Formulae is allowed. It should not be a printed
or photocopied version.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cumulative marks
Question 1: (4 X 1M)
How long does it take to send a file of 1000 Bytes and receive 1 Byte acknowledgement over
lossless 10kbps & 10Gbps lines on a circuit board with a node separation of 10cm and over a
metropolitan network with node separation of 100 Km. You may assume a signal speed of 230
meters/s on the lines. Provide the results in the tabular form. Comment on the results.
10 cm
100 Km
Question 2: (4 X 2M)
Which OSI layer is responsible for the following? Give 2 important features of each of these
(a) Determining the best path to route packets.
(b) Providing end-to-end communications with reliable service.
(c) Providing node-to-node communications with reliable service.
(d) Transferring a file from Station A to Station B
Question 3: (5X2M)
Identify the address class of the following IP addresses: Show the working clearly.
a); b); c); d); e)

Question 4: (2X 2M)

Suppose the population of the world is 6 billion, and that there is an average of 1000
communicating devices per person. How many bits are required to assign a unique host
address to each communicating device? Suppose that each device attaches to a single
network and that each network on average has 10000 devices. How many bits are required to
provide unique network IDs to each network?
Question 5: (2X2M+1M)
Suppose that a link between two telephone offices has 50 repeaters. Suppose that the
probability that a repeater fails during a year is 0.01, and that repeaters fail independently of
each other. What is the probability that the link does not fail at all during one year? What
happens if there are 10 repeaters with failure probability of 0.04? Which one (50 or 10)
repeater case is desirable from reliability perspective?
Question 6: (7+3) M
ATM uses an eight-bit CRC on the information contained in the header. The header has six
fields: First 4 bits: GFC field ; Next 8 bits: VPI field ; Next 16 bits: VCI field ; Next 3 bits: Type
field; Next 1 bit: CLP field ; Next 8 bits: CRC. The CRC is calculated using the generator
polynomial: x8+ x2+ x+ 1.
Find the CRC bits if the GFC, VPI, Type, and CLP fields are all zero, and the VCI field is 00000000
00001111. Assume the GFC bits correspond to the highest-order bits in the polynomial. How
many types of errors can this code detect? Give reasons.
Question 7: (6+4)M
To transfer a file from server to a client, the server breaks it into blocks of 1024 Bytes and
adds a header of 128 Bytes. Find the efficiency of transmission for a Stop-and-Wait protocol,
in transmitting a 10MB file over a 10 Mbps Ethernet LAN to a node at a distance of 250
meters. The ACK frames are 64 Byte long. Assume a signal propagation speed of 5 micro
seconds per kilometer over the Ethernet cables. The bit error rate in the channel is 10-5. What
is the impact on the efficiency if bit rate of the channel is 10-4 and data block size is 2048

Question 8: (3+2)M
A 3 stage switch with 1024 line input has a 1 stage switch with 32 inputs. How many 2 stage
switches are needed for the switch to be non -blocking? What is the percentage of reduction
in the number of cross points of this switch compared to a single stage cross bar switch?
(assume the number of switches at any stage can only be of type 2L , L being an integer).
Question 9: 10M
A sequence of fixed-length packets carrying digital audio signal is transmitted over a packet
network. A packet is produced every 10 ms. The transfer delays incurred by the first 10
packets are 45 ms, 50 ms, 53 ms, 46 ms, 30 ms, 40 ms, 46 ms, 49 ms, 55 ms, 51 ms. Find the
delay that is inserted for each packet at the receiver to produce a fixed end-to-end delay of 75
ms. Arrange your answers in a tabular form.
Question 10: (6+4)M
a) For the packet network, shown in Figure, apply Bellman-ford algorithm, till convergence, to
find the set of shortest paths from all nodes to destination node 2. For every node, at each
iteration, indicate all the (next node, candidate path delay) combinations and highlight
the chosen combination. Clearly indicate the shortest paths on a similar but separate
diagram, hiding the unused connections.
b) Continue the algorithm, to find the shortest paths, if the link between node 2 & 4 goes
down. Clearly indicate the shortest paths on a similar but separate diagram, hiding the
unused connections.








Question 11: (3+4+3M)

A pseudorandom sequence generator is defined by a primitive generator polynomial
g(x) = 1+x2+x3. Draw the corresponding shift register circuit. Obtain first 8 output bits
(pseudorandom sequence) as clock ticks, assuming the registers to contain 0s initially.
Calculate the maximum autocorrelation value of the pseudorandom sequence by replacing
each 0 by 1 and each 1 by +1.
Question 12: (5X2M)
A packet switch multiplexes the data into any of the available 3 output lines, each operating at
128Kbps. The packets arriving into the switch from each of 10 sources are Poisson distributed
with an average rate of 100 packets per minute. The packet lengths are exponentially
distributed with a mean of 1600 Bytes. Find the
a) Average number of packets in Queue, b) Average number of packets in the system,
c) Average packet waiting time in the queue, d) Probability of 5 packets in the system and
e) Probability of an arriving packet has to wait in the queue.
Question 13: (2X 2M)
Suppose an application layer entity wants to send an L-byte message to its peer process, using
an existing TCP connection. The TCP segment consists of the message plus 20 bytes of header.
The segment is encapsulated into an IP packet that has an additional 20 bytes of header. The
IP packet in turn goes inside an Ethernet frame that has 18 bytes of header and trailer. What
percentage of the transmitted bits in the physical layer correspond to message information, if
L = 100 bytes, 1000 bytes?
Question 14: (2X5M)
Suppose that a 1 MHz channel can support a 1 Mbps transmission rate. The channel is to be
shared by 10 stations. Each station receives frames with exponential inter arrivals and rate =
50 frames /second and frames are constant length L = 1000 bits. Compare the total frame
delay of a system that uses FDMA to a system that uses TDMA.
Question 15: (2X5M)
a) Using the RSA algorithm, obtain the public key for the case with: p = 3, q = 11, e = 7 and
using this public key, obtain the Encrypted value C for P = 12.
b) Using the data in bit a), obtain the private key and obtain the decrypted value for C, using
this private key.

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