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House and Home idioms

safe as houses = very safe

get on like a house on fire = get on very well with someone:
on the house = free (in a restaurant/caf, etc):
to home in on = become closer to your target:
home and dry = successful/past the difficult part of a process
to make yourself at home = make yourself comfortable:
to hit home = force you to understand something unpleasant/difficult:
home truth = an uncomfortable fact:
homesick = missing your home
the lights are on but theres nobody home =used to mean someone is stupid or

Complete the following using the expressions above:


"This plan is as _________________________. It can't fail!"

"I'm glad we've got that new client. We're ________________________________ now."
"He only went away for two weeks, but was terribly _________________________."
"Police are ___________________________ the suspects."
"Come in! _______________________________. Can I get you a drink?"
"She's going to have to sit down and hear some ________________________."
"Those two ________________________________________, theyre always laughing
8. "Dont expect John to answer, look at him! - _______________________________
9. "The criticism of her performance really began to ___________________________."
10. "Sorry we brought you the wrong meal, this one is ______________________________?"

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