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Television is considered a vast media for communication. Television is at the same time
considered a media running in everyones home carrying misinformation. Likewise, there are
so many debates on the advantages and disadvantages of television. Strictly speaking, this is
true. Television carries the news from one corner of the world to another at the same time it
carries so many unwanted programs.
The educational programs in television are innumerable. Lots of programs are available on
Science and Technology. Current news is made available with audio and visuals through
television. Many learning programs and social programs are also telecasted in many channels.
This will be a great way to induce/motivate people to know and excel in their field of
Women at home rely on television as their best companion. Women today at home cannot
imagine a day without television. They can also find television as a medium to bring
everyone in the family together for some time.
Many animated programs and cartoon channels are telecasted for kids and children. Programs
that are informative and teach them easily are also available in such channels. This also
occupies the children when they are done with their assignements!
For people who work the whole day, Television is a big stress buster. Watching various
channels, fun programs and songs would give them great relief.
With the growth of television channels, competition between various channels has slowly
increased through years. In such a scenario, relying on information telecasted becomes a
challenge. Channels telecast news depending upon their media requirements.
Children start to become addicts to Television. This ultimately spoils their studies. Though
educational programs are telecasted in Television, kids and children tend to watch only
cartoon programs and time consuming programs.
Another great disadvantage is that watching Television for long hours might disturb a
persons sleep cycle, routine and severely affect ones health too.
Television definitely induces people to shift from needs to wants. The advertisements
telecasted in TVs attract people to change their brands, increase their needs and wants; most
important is children start pestering for stuff that are telecasted on Television.
Though television played a vital role in carrying news and information across the world, after
the advent of computers and internet, it has considerably lost its importance in the society.

In favour of Books:

Books are important to raise our concept about important subjects affecting our life,
like science, nature, or health.

The materials we learn from books can help us to become more competitive in our
real life, at our job or study.

Books increase our abstract thinking. We will be able to have better conceptual
thoughts if we analysis them before by reading more books.

Books improve our self-confidence. Reading about experts opinions, we will able to
rely more on performance in practice.

Books can help us to become successful businesspersons than those who just rely on
their experience.

Books present us true facts, history, subject matter expertise, story and knowledge that
we need to evolve as a true human.

Books are the primary source of knowledge and enhance our horizon. Without
reading, we cannot home our brain.

In favour of Practical Experience:

Practical lessons help us to have more deeply understanding, while theory learned
from books will be forgotten far easier.

Having a better experience, we can save our time. We may have to review several
times a book to learn about its subjects, while by having enough experience it is not
necessary we review them.

By having more practice, we will become more flexible to critical conditions.

Experience assists us to become more socially active. Instead of studying materials in

an isolated condition, for example in a library, we can meet more people by practising

Without experiencing things we cannot learn how to deal with difficulties.

Our life experience also gives us wisdom, knowledge and teaches us lessons to
become the better persons we are.

Experience gathered in life also provides us guideline and wisdom to broaden our

experiences give us firsthand knowledge.

Fashion industry
1. Copy Cat- The world of fashion is so competitive that designers and imposters are stealing
designs. Some emulate the exact style and sell them for more, some sell them for cheaper and
some sell them for full price, but claims the product is the real deal. Even top designers copy
the designs of other well known and classic designs, this leads to nothing new and fresh.
2. Negative Influence- With the big popularity of fashion it has the power to be influential.
Many people not only follow the latest trends, but they also believe and emulate the images
of stick skinny that are projected by the fashion industry. Young women do their best to
achieve this image and can lead to dangerous eating disorders. The fashion industry is
sending out the wrong idea that in order to be beautiful you must be tall and skinny.
3. Askew portrayal of women- The Fashion business sells their products through branding
and advertising with the use of barely developed really thin models. The average women has
curves and is not all a size zero. They are displaying inaccurate portrayal of the real women.
20 years ago, bodies like Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor were appreciated and
accepted for their curves and for how relatable their body image were to women in society.
Today, figures that are 5'10 tall weighing at 100 pounds is considered the ideal beauty and
what a real women should look like. The influence the showcasing of these images lead
women to feel insecure of their body. Women feel that their body image is not ideal.
4. Stick skinny- Although the fashion industry is positive in that it is the expression of art
and gives opportunity to people. The negative is the support of the use of really thin and
unhealthy models. Years before, the average model weighed 8% less than the average
woman, today she weighs 23% less. It seems as if the standard for thinness in the fashion
industry is growing in a negative rate.
5. Materialistic/Superficial- Fashion put so much emphasis on appearance and pressure to
have all of the latest trends and expensive brands, it teaches young people that clothes and
materialistic items are the most important thing. It sends the wrong message that in order to
be pretty and popular, you must have the newest outfits and the latest brands. This gives off
the impression that personality is not a factor in shaping who you are.
6. Sweatshops/Child labor- Sweatshops and child labor has been an issue in the fashion
industry. Big fashion companies search for cheap and less developed countries to hire young
children to work for long hours and low wages. These fashion company takes advantage of
these young children desperation for money. Because most of these countries do not have
laws to protect children form being exploited they can not negotiate their wages with these
big fashion companies.
7. Fashion defines us?- We let fashion tell us whether or not we are pretty or if we are cool
enough. The fashion industry sends the message that to be beautiful. We let fashion influence
what we feel about ourselves. Self-esteem is the major motivator to why consumers purchase
these products because we are brain washed that these products will help us be ideal.
8. The trap- Fashion magazines contains more than 60% of ads in their magazines, telling us

what is hot and what is not. they project an impossible lifestyle to keep up with. Their goal is
to trap consumers into buying their products by telling them to change their wardrobe, and to
change the way they do their make up. People spends thousands of thousands of dollars to try
to recreate these ideal images and eventually go into debt.
9. Influence on others- fashion can influence the what others thinks of us.
10. Distortion- The way the fashion industry portray women, it can influence and warp the
way we feel about our bodies. People feel that their body is not ideal compared to models on
fashion runways and fashion magazines and can lead insecurities.

We can argue whether or not the fashion industry has more of a positive or negative effect on
people of today, regardless we can agree that the fashion industry has grown to become very
popular and influential. It seems as if everyone is trying to pursue a career in this field. Here
are 10 positives of the fashion industry.
1. New designs- designers are able to create new designs for those people who have a love
for fashion. It is an enjoyment they feel when seeing a new trend get started because fashion
is unpredictable.
2. Discovering new talents- It is always a refreshing to see a new and creative designer come
into the spotlight. Fashion is a very competitive industry and at times trends are duplicated.
So it is nice to see an up and coming designer bring something new and different to the table.
3. Inspiration- Fashion inspires others to be creative and to want to build a career from it.
Fashion motivates others to further their knowledge by attending fashion schools and turning
dreams into a reality. There is an inspiration in fashion to influence you to be different.
4. Freedom of expression- Fashion is one of the ultimate way to express yourself. One of the
first impression people have of you is from your appearance. But one of the great aspects of
fashion is that you are free to be whoever you want to be with your choice of fashion. With
fashion you have that ability to mix and match wardrobes according to your mood, attitude
and feeling.
5. Connected- The world is huge, filled with diversity and culture. Fashion is like one
language that everyone can understand. It connects people internationally because fashion
travels from city to the next.
6. Attraction- People stays stylish and fashionable to attract the opposite sex to get noticed
by someone they like. With the help of fashion you can look the part and get acknowledge.
7. Popularity- Fashion is one of the most popular items to purchase and one of the most
popular topics spoken about on television. With their popularity they can influence many
8. Trends- Fashion is endless! Trends comes from ideas, designers and the streets, there is
always some new trend in development that can potentially become a classic like the little

black dress (LBD).

9. Opportunities- Fashion is not only dressing up and making clothes, you can build many
careers from a fashion degree. The fashion industry opens numerous of doors for people
whether you are interested in being in front of the camera, behind the camera or styling and
making the garment. The possibilities are truly endless.
10. Discrimination is not evident- The world of fashion is so diverse, discrimination is not
evident. The way you dress is what people view you as.

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