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vote, and come up with a final deci-

Nine justices form the highest court in the sion. The chief justice expresses his
opinion first, then each justice, in

The Supreme Court is the nation’s nation, and make decisions that affect all order of seniority, weighs in. It is
sometimes a lively debate, other times
highest appellate court, which means an orderly recitation. After everyone
the vast majority of its work involves
re-examining cases that have already
Americans. Here, we look at what goes on has spoken, the justices take a vote,
and opinions are assigned based on the
been handled in lower courts. results.
Parties that lose at trial or on their
initial appeals can petition the high
in the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court. If the chief justice is among those
voting with the winning side, he gets
court’s nine justices for a final review By Stephen Henderson, McClatchy Newspapers to assign who writes the opinion. If
of the case. he’s on the losing side, the justice with
The justices agree to hear cases the most seniority on the winning side
when they find a so-called “federal” gets to assign the majority opinion.
issue to resolve: conflicting interpreta- The justices on the losing side will fre-
tions of federal laws, regulations or the quently write dissents. Once the opin-
U.S. Constitution. ions are finished, they’re circulated
The justices get first crack at among all the justices, who may sug-
resolving only cases that raise ques- gest edits or changes to the majority
tions beyond the jurisdiction of any opinion. Sometimes at this stage, a
lower court, such as disputes between justice in the majority finds himself
states. (Think of arguments over water more persuaded by a minority opinion,
rights, for example.) and switches his vote. That could
The high court does not hold trials, result in a dissent becoming a majority
with witnesses, evidence and a jury. opinion, or vice versa. The justices’
Instead, lawyers argue their cases deliberations are secret, however, and
directly to the justices, first in written they never explain how the decisions
briefs and then during a live session. are reached.
Once a case is heard, it can take any-
where from a month to six months for
the justices to issue a decision.
Their rulings are as final as it gets
in the law: No other court can undo
their decisions.

Unlike other American courts, the

U.S. Supreme Court has nearly free
rein to decide which appeals it will
hear, and which it will reject. The
court’s jurisdiction is set by Congress, Justice David Souter was nomi-
but within that jurisdiction, the justices nated by George H.W. Bush, but
themselves choose which disputes to became a liberal fixture on the
resolve and which to ignore. Court.
The idea is that the court should
reserve its judgment for only the most
important matters, those involving fun-
damental questions about the
Constitution or federal law. Because the court has an odd num-
Each term, the justices receive ber of members, many cases are decid-
requests to hear more than 8,000 cases ed by a single-vote margin. And
filed throughout the country by people because the current membership of the
in all walks of life: high-powered court is split between more conserva-
lawyers representing big clients; tive and more liberal justices, the jus-
death-row inmates writing out their tice closest to the political middle is
appeals longhand from their cells; often described as holding the swing
ordinary citizens trying to resolve dis- vote. As that justice goes, so goes the
putes over their local school boards. court.
The justices generally agree to full Particularly in socially charged
review of only about 80 of those cases cases — those involving issues such as
each year; they also resolve another 20 abortion or affirmative action or med-
to 40 summarily, without accepting ical marijuana — that swing vote
briefs or hearing oral arguments. It becomes the center of attention for the
generally takes four justices to agree press and interest groups that organize
to hear a case; in rare instances — around court issues. The court doesn’t
such as some death-penalty appeals — always have a swing voter; when one
five votes are necessary. side has a prohibitive majority, for
example, it can pretty much do what it
Before her retirement in 2005,
Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was
considered by many to be the court’s
According to federal law, the swing vote. O’Connor was a conserva-
Supreme Court must begin each term tive, the first appointee by President
the first Monday in October, and each Ronald Reagan. But on many hot-but-
session generally ends during the last ton social issues, she took a more
week of June. moderate view and swung the court’s
During the session, they hear argu- C O U R T E S Y O F T H E U. S . S U P R E M E C O U R T decisions in a more liberal direction.
ments approximately six days per Justices hear cases in the U.S. Supreme Court’s courtroom. Each term, the court receives more than She was the “swing” vote in pivotal
month — two Mondays, Tuesdays and 8,000 petitions to hear cases. cases involving abortion and affirma-
Wednesdays. They hear two cases on tive action, for example.
each of those days, then meet privately With O’Connor’s departure and
to discuss the arguments. They also sorts. He or she answers the door if regarding which cases will be heard on replacement by a more solidly conser-
meet most Fridays in private to discuss someone knocks, and gets coffee for argument Mondays as well as a third vative justice in 2006, the court’s
cases that have been argued and to the other justices. Justice Joseph Story Monday each month. Opinions are proverbial middle was taken up by
decide which cases will be heard. (who was appointed to the court in the announced in the courtroom by the Justice Anthony Kennedy. Kennedy
These sessions are attended only by early 1800s) was junior justice for a justice who wrote the majority opin- cast key votes in cases on affirmative
the nine justices; even clerks aren’t record nine years and nearly seven ion, who also reads a short summary The justices use the briefs submit- action, free speech and abortion. With
allowed inside. months. of the decision. In some cases, a dis- ted and the question-and-answer ses- the 2009, seating of Justice Sonia
Tradition holds that the “junior jus- The court generally announces senting justice feels so strongly about sions at oral argument to decide how Sotomayor and the recent nomination
tice,” the one with the least amount of opinions on Tuesday and Wednesday his or her disagreement that he or she they’ll vote in each case. After argu- of Elena Kagan, the court’s dynamic
seniority, must act as a gopher of argument days, and releases “orders” also will read from the bench. ment, they meet to discuss how they’ll shifts once again.

The job of Supreme Court justice the time of their appointments. But Justice Antonin Scalia, for example,
is one of the few that’s defined in many others have not been. John is a strident adherent to the idea that
the Constitution, but not accompa- Marshall, perhaps the most impor- the court should decide cases exclu-
nied by a list of qualifications. tant chief justice of the United sively by trying to divine the origi-
Justices, the Constitution says, are States, was a Virginia congressman nal or “textual” meaning of the
to be appointed by the president and secretary of state before he was Constitution and federal laws.
with the “advice and consent” of the appointed. Earl Warren, who led the Justice Stephen Breyer, on the
Senate, and they shall serve “during court through the tumultuous 1960s, other hand, believes that the justices
good behavior,” which in practical was governor of California. Chief ought to merely consider original
terms means the rest of their lives. Justice William H. Rehnquist, who meaning in their quest to decide
But there is no age requirement. died in 2005, had previously worked cases in a way that expands citizens’
And the Constitution doesn’t say the in the Department of Justice as chief role in democratic institutions. But
G A RY FA B I A N O / A B A C A P R E S S / M C T justices have to be judges, or even counsel to the Attorney General. both were legal academics, govern-
U.S. Supreme Court justices (front row, from left) Anthony Kennedy, lawyers. Technically, the The current justices are an eclec- ment lawyers and lower court judges
John Paul Stevens (retiring), Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., Constitution does not even require tic mix of personalities and judicial before they were nominated to the
Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Back row, from left: Samuel that justices be U.S. citizens. philosophies, but all were accom- Supreme Court. For the first time in
Alito Jr., Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Throughout history, many of the plished lawyers or judges before many years, the court has no mem-
Sotomayor. justices have, indeed, been judges at being appointed to the high court. ber who held elective office.



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