IELTS Exam Preparation - Writing Task One - Single Line Graph

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IELTS Exam Preparation - Writing task one: single ine raph FELTS Listening Tost Witing Task 1A IELTS General outs ELIS Sample Exam 1ELTS Tes IELTS vrting Sampies TELTS Lite Ste wi ing task one: single line graph Gal. 45 peor ison You will be given a graph with a single line. Yourtask is to write a 150 word report to {describe the information given In the graph. You are not asked to give your opinion. ‘You should spend around twenty minutes on the task. Task one Is not worth as ‘many marks as task two and 0 you should make sure that you Keep within the recommended twenty minute time frame What is being tested is your ability to: objectively deserbo the nfrmation glvon to you Use suitable language to desenbe the gragh ‘Sample task You shoul spend about 20 minutos ths tack, Wine a report for a university lacturer describing the Information inthe graph below, Cases Whon you've finished th tak How good is your answer? Chack the guicel nos eellow and reac tho samp answer Guidelines for a good answer Does the report have a suitable structure? (Does it incude comective wots to mske the wing eahesive within sentences and paragashs? Does the report use suitable grammar and vocabulary? Doce it incude vay of setonce structires? ose it ncude a ange of appropiate vocabulary’? hpuhwuriolts-2xam neiproparingl iting task_one_single ine oraphi208/ O Cieza We 8016 IELTS Exam Preparation - Writing task one: single ine raph Does the report meet the requirements of the task? ‘oe it meet the word iit requirements? [oes it describe the wrale graph adea.stely? Doss it focus onthe impart tends presented nthe grapic infomation? ‘Sample answer ‘Tho graph shows the numberof eases ofX ease n Semeland between the years 1960 and 1995, [Asan overall end its clear iat the umber of cases of te seas increased fay rapidly unt tha mi seventies, remained constant fer round a decade at 600 cases before cropping to ze in tha ate 0, 1 1960, he number of eas stood at sppreximately 100 That number O58 steady {0200 by 1889 and then more shay to 800 in 1877, At this pin the ruber of cases remained stable unl 1884 before plummeting to zo by 1868, From 1985 to 1995 Soraland was ree ofthe disease, In conclusion, th graph sons that te disease was neeasiglyarvalant until ne 19408 when i was eradicated from Someland What do you think? ‘What is your opinion ofthis sample answer? How wall does I moot the rqurements of the uielinas? Read the taacners comments on tis anew. ‘Teacher's comments on the sample answer “The report structure is easy lo fol and lial wih clear inreduction, body and conclusion, The candidate uses cohesive words fo connect piace of information ard make th wetng ow such as ‘unt and ‘ofors in no sacond sent ‘varety of grammatical structures and vocabulary so thal she wring snot repetitive. we, The candidate uses 3 Usd as an example does not have sufficient infomation forthe candidate te eoserib, Inthe real IELTS tost he graph wll have mot information and so the need o lok fo trond ll be coven greater thn inthis example. Strategies for improving your IELTS score Selecting intormation It is impocant ra you deserbe tne whale graph fly, However, this dose not men that you should rote every deal, In most ease thee wll be foo much nfemation for you to mention each gue, You wil therefor need to summarise the graph by viding i into main pas. Ths i whal we mean by desebing the trends Fr example In ehvonclegcal ine graph it might seem sens be to describe the Information year The numberof cases of X deeaee started a 89m 1965 and hen went uo gradually to 100 in 1965 and continued up o 200m 1970 andthen went up mare sharply to 280 in 1975 ‘Wie ths way of deserting the infomation may beacuse, des rot mesningllly sum up the information nth graph, fact, the infomation nthe graph wosld most mearingfuly be described in four ehencegical sections follwing the shape ofthe oraph trends: In the Sample Task, the graph shows four mai second, a steeper incase rom 1988 0 1977 hpuhwuriolts-2xam neiproparingl iting task_one_single ine oraphi208/ 26 8016 IELTS Exam Preparation - Writing task one: single ine raph Fourth a drop trom 7083 to 1988 The stele of the repo must show these four main ends clear Report structure Your reper shoul be structed simply wih an inosucton, body and conclusion. Tenses shouldbe used appro. Introduction Use two standard opening sentoncos fo iroducs your ropor. Thase oparing sentonces should ‘make up the fist peragraph, Senlnce one should define wha ne graph fe abot: that, the dato, location, what is boing Ssserbed inthe graph tc. For exarle: The graph shows the number of casos efX dgoase in Sameland between the years 1960 ond 1995 "Notoe the tense used. Eventhough t describes infomation frm the past the graph shows the Infomation nt present tine, ‘mater. Copied sentences wil ot be asseeeod by the examiner and co you waste Your tie Iresing thor Describing the overall wend Sentence two (and poss: tree) might sum up the over trend, For example can be cleeny seen tht X osease inreased rapidly to 600 cases around the 1980s and then copped to zer before 1099, while Y cleeace fel concltesly fram 2 high pit of nest E00 Notice the Lense used, Hore we ae taking about the occurence ofthe ssa in he past Describing the graph in deta The body of the rear wil dsenbe the graph or raph in deta. You wil ned o decide on ne most clear and lal order to present the mater you Iovate vp the information woul, most probably be trom eae olatest. Bar gaps, ro chars are erganisd in ioront ways ane so you noo to deco onthe omanisation ofeach ene Concluding sentences ‘Your rar ay end wth ane or two sentences which surnmarise your repo to aw a relevant conehiion, Grammar and vocabulary ‘Avoiding repetition ‘You wil ecoive 9 Ngher mark if your writing uses a ange of stetures and vocabulary corel rathor than a tmted umber. For exampla, tho caeate who writes ‘The numberof cases of X deeaee stat a 80 1968 and hen went upto 200 in 1870 and then wen up to 500 n 1980 and then went down fo zero in 1990. wil loge marks for boing repetive, You should efor practise urtng reports using a wie vaoty Cf temns to descnbe the ciferent movements inte graphs anderen sructuos to vary your wetting Deserbing te Trond are changes or movements. These changes are normaly expresso In numeic toms, for ‘example, population, production volanes or unemployment. Thao are three basi trends: hpuhwuriolts-2xam neiproparingl iting task_one_single ine oraphi208/ a6 8016 IELTS Exam Preparation - Writing task one: single ine raph [Expressing movement nouns and verbs ‘verb of change, or example: Unamploymant loves fl (Or we can use 2 related noun, fr example: Tore was 9 fal in urampleymont ovals Direction Verbs Rose (to) Increased (0) Went up tt} Climbed (te) Fell (to) Declined (to) Decreased (to) Dipped (to) Dropped (to) Went down (to) ‘lumped (to) Reduced (to) Levelied out (t) Did not change Remained stable (a) > romained steady (at) Stayed constant (et) Maintained the same level Fluctusted (around) Pakod (at) Piateaved (at) Stood at (we use this ph {focus on a particular point, ‘movement, for oxample: Inthe iret yar, unemployment stood at...) Describing the movement: adjectives and adverbs [Unemployment el rapidly ast year the spe of change) increase sth), hpuhwuriolts-2xam neiproparingl iting task_one_single ine oraphi208/ Fr each rend tera are a numberof vers and noun to express the move We can use 2 Anise ‘An increase Growth ‘An upwerd vand Adecrease ‘A slump (a dramatic fall) Areduction A lovelting out No change Attuctuation Reached a peak (of) Reached at plateau (at) Somatimes wo need to give mora infemation about ato as fllows: There has been 9 slg increase in ho value of the dtr degree of change) Remember hat we molly @ noun wth an active (8 ag increase) and aver wth an adver to Deseribing the degree of change 48 8016 IELTS Exam Preparation - Writing task one: single ine raph Adjectives Adverbs amatic dramatically sap sharply ereemaus enormously stoop stecpy betel substanialy cersicorate considerably sinter signticany raked markecly rodeo moderately smal inimal minimally Describing the speed of change Adverbs resily ely owt ‘wity -sxssen sory steady stoadty gradual eradualy slow stay Exercise 1 Use the fotowing tems and any athrs necessary to daseribe the graph baow ‘Number ofcases of XdiseaseinSomeland between 1983 - 1092 Iria, soos at, eipleippod, peakpeak Levelloveled out We can describe a trend by looking a the stlerence between two levels the ond point of the trond hpuhwuriolts-2xam neiproparingl iting task_one_single ine oraphi208/ 56 8016 IELTS Exam Preparation - Writing task one: single ine raph This yosr unomploymont has inraased by 2,000 casas (ho darn botwoon ths year and laet yor is 20,000 cases), ‘Ths yoo" thor has beon an increase in unemploymant of 5 (vn he var) and an increase of (th the noun) ‘This yoar unemployment has risen to 10% fh end rests that unemployment is up fo 10%). This yoar thee has beon ane in unemoloyment to 10% Novice the prepositions, We use tose to (vith tne verb) ands fo (ith the noun), Exercise 2 ite 3 sontonces describing the graph below using by, of ant, Number fchirenin Xt erphanage Expressing approximation ‘Wo use words to oxoress approximation when the pont we a eying to dasene is Between rilstonos on ho raph wot under roughly approximately about just over well over eary «Previous Next » puhwuriots-2xam neiproparingyritng task one_single ine eraphi208/

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