English Idioms Commonly Used

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Do the exercise on comparatives and superlatives

Put the adjectives between brackets in the correct form


My brother has a (tidy) room than me.


Australia is (big) than England.


I'm (good) now than yesterday.


She's got (little) money than you, but she doesn't care.


He thinks Chinese is (difficult) language in the world


Valencia played (bad) than Real Madrid yesterday.


Cats are not (intelligent) as dogs.


Show me (good) restaurant downtown.


(hot) desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa.


Who is (talkative) person in your family?

Complete the sentences.

Use the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1.Who is the(tall) person in your family?

2.My mum is the(good) cook in the world.
3.December is the(cold) month of the year in my country.
4.What's the(dangerous) animal in the world?
5.Ethan is the (happy) boy that I know.
6.Where are the(nice) beaches in your country?
7.She bought the(big) cake in the shop.
8.Who is the(famous) singer in your country?

Some Questions to Think About

1) Who is the best looking celebrity in your country? How about the worst looking
2) What restaurant has the most delicious food you have ever eaten?
3) What is the best song ever?
4) Who is the most creative celebrity in your country? Why?
5) Where is the best place to buy handmade things in your country? Have you
bought anything there?
6) What is the strangest product you have ever seen?
7) Who is the most creative person you know?
8) Where is the best place to go in your country for a holiday?
9) Who was the most important inventor in history?
10) When is the happiest time of a persons life?
11) What is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten?
12) What is the saddest movie you have seen?

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