Pina Colada

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Marketing management

Executive Summary
Our brand is malee and this brand is intended to identify our product and differentiate it
from competing products. Branding, identify or distinguish our product from others and
thus are key marketing activities that help position our product appropriately for its target

Manufacture’s brand:-

Our brand is a manufacture’s brand as it is initiated and owned by the

manufactures to identify a product from the point of production to the point of purchase.

About malee:-
Malee is a leading Thai Canned fruits and fruit juices processor has been
recognized for over 30 years for the exceptional quality and taste of its various topical
fruit products. The company manufactures several main product lines, namely canned
pine apple, canned fruits, pine apple juice concentrate, canned sweet corn, fruit juices
UHT milk and other beverages. Malee has received the ISO 9002 standard certification
and awards that include Prime Minister’s export Award, the 7th International food award,
World Tech 95 Award and Best Products Award at the ASEAN food conference in
Singapore in 1997,

Malee in Pakistan:-
Malee products were introduced in Pakistan by Canon Traders in
1992. Canon Traders is a leading distribution house of Pakistan engaged in the business
of import, distribution and marketing of the house ware and fruit items with its branch
offices at all major cities and through its strong marketing network, Canon Traders Pvt.
Limited is achieving its goal and objectives to provide the customers with the quality
food products, “Healthier Life……happier life…..MALEE”

We under Malee brand are launching the refreshing drink “Pina
colada” in a packaged form. No brand through out the world has launched Pina colada in
packaged form but to provide our customers satisfaction and to obtain our marketing
goals we are first time introducing pina colada in a packaged form. Our product is a set of
tangible of attributes that includes packaging, color, price, quality and brand. How these
attributes are linked with our product is shown below:
Pina colada

We know that when customer will buy our product he will buy much more than just
a set of attributes. We are introducing this product with the vision of satisfying our
customers. Our product is perfectly customer-oriented
Pina colada is a famous tropical cocktail that can be enjoyed by the whole family as a
non alcoholic drink. It is a fabulous cocktail that so loved by everyone and is excellent on
a hot summer s evening for that tropical feeling. Pina colada comes from the Spanish
word pina meaning pineapple and colada meaning stained. So Pina colada in essence,
means’’ strained pineapple”

The bartender who invented the Pina Colada, probably the famous among cocktails,
was named Ricardo Garcia and came from Barcelona, Spain. By 1950 Ricardo owned a
bunch of several bars and restaurants in Barcelona through many years of hard working.
However, he moved to Puerto Rico to work in a hotel. It had a house-made drink, the
Coco-Loco, a mix of coconut cream, juice and rum. As this used to be served in a fresh
coconut, Ricardo found himself in serious trouble when he discovering one day that all +
coconut trees around his bar where cut. Anyhow he decided to use his creativity and took
some of the pineapples of which a large supply was located next to his door. His
experience of customer response to the new mix told him right away that confirmed he
had found something special. To enhance the taste of it, he added some crushed ice and
strained pineapple, clarifying the cocktails name: Pina Colada is simply Spanish for
strained pineapple.


• Coconut cream
• Pineapple juice
• Sugar syrup
• Ice cubes

Consumer product:-
Our product (Pina-colada) is a consumer product as it is
intended for personal consumption. It will provide direct satisfaction to our customer and
will fulfil their needs.

Convenience product:-
Moreover, our company even categorized our pina colada
as a convenience product as our customer will not have to spend more time in thinking
whether to buy this product or not. In addition they don’t have to gather additional
information about our product and they can have it with a minimum of efforts. And our
product will satisfy their wants immediately

Development of Pina colada: -

We are launching pina colada as a new
product. And in this aspect it has three distinct categories which can be understand by the
following points:

• Pina colada in a packaged form is truly a unique product. And no brand has
launched this before.
• Pina colada in a packaged form is significantly different from existing products in
terms of form, function and most important benefits provided
• This product is new for our organization but not to the market as customers are
well-aware of pina colada because it is known as a best cocktail of most of the
Marketing environmental analysis

Marketing objectives:-

Following are the marketing objectives of pina colada

• To obtain the customer satisfaction by providing good quality product
• To increase sales of the company
• To gain maximum market share and beat competitors.
• To strenthgthen the reputation of a company
• To increase customer loyalty

Product mix and product line:-

As far as Malee’s product mix is concerned, the brand
offers a variety of product to the consumers. The breadth the range of all kinds of
products offered which, in case of Malee, are fruit juices, tropical juices, veggie juices,
canned pineapple and sweet corn. We will, for now, consider the category of juices the
depth of which can be described by the different flavours and kinds of fruit juices
available. The company has launched ready-to-drink Pina Colada for the very first time.

Product mix strategies:-

To be successful in obtaining marketing goals our company has
carefully designed subsequent product mixes:-

Positioning strategy:-
Malee has a lot of summer drinks and canned fruits. The company has
used several planning and strategies to attract their target market. So, for the accurate
positioning of this ready-to-drink Pina colada, the company has planned to use following
strategy for the positioning of this scrumptious drink.

Positioning in relation to a product class or attribute:-

Our company’s positioning strategy entails associating our
product with product class and attribute.

Product mix expansion strategy:-

To increase the number of products launched by Malee and to
compete with its competitors our company has used the following strategy .
Line extension:-
As Pina colada has gained immense popularity in the past few years, it is
now being offered in many restaurants and cafés across Pakistan. But since it has never
been available in package form, it is an entirely new product and the company is adopting
line extension by adding a new similar product to its existing line of goods.

Product life cycle:-

As this is an entirely new product, it is in its introductory phase as of
now in the product life cycle. Malee is presently working on the full-scale marketing
program of the ready-to-drink Pina Colada drink. At this point, the company is adding to
an existing product category as processed or formulated drinks were not largely available
in the market before and as this is the first formulated drink that Malee is offering, it adds
to the company’s product breadth.
At this point, the trickle-down fashion-adaptation process is taking
place as it is offered to the upper or upper-middle class and will later become popular
with the lower socio-economic groups.

Marketing mix:-
The marketing mix of our product is the use of the four ps which are
product, price, place and promotion, describing the strategic position of our product in
our chosen market place.
These four ps are the parameters with which our marketing management
is control the internal and external constraints of marketing environment. The goal is to
make decisions that center our four ps on the customer in the target market in order to
create perceived value and generate a positive response.

Product decision:-

Mallee is producing a tangible product that is ready-made Pina-colada. It is

a consumer product and is beneficial for all customers. Our product decision

• Brand name
• Functionality
• Benefits
• Packaging
• Quality

Price decision:-
According to our research we come to know that most of our customers are
willing to pay 90 to 100 rupees for our ready made Pina-colada. And we have selected
99rupees for this product. There are some factors with which we have selected our price.
These factors are

• Market share of our company

• Price of competitors
• Material costs used in making our product
• Product identity
• Customers perception for our product

Distribution (place) decisions:-

We have planned our distribution in such manner so that we can supply our
product at right time, to right place and in right quantity. Our distribution decisions
includes following dynamics:-

• Channel of distribution
• Intensity of distribution
• Numbers of retailers

Promotion decisions:-
For making customers well aware of our product we are using following
items for promotion

• Advertising
• Public relations
• Publicity

Evaluation of current marketing mix

We have worked a lot on our product and we are sure of its success due to following
• The price of product is very reasonable as compared to the benefits provided by
our product.
• Our management is working hard to deliver this product on time to our customers.
• We are providing special attention and resources to our product.
• It is different from all the existence packaged products.
• It is beneficial for saving time of our customer.
It also provides the opportunity to our customer to enjoy their free time, decrease their
tensions and refresh themselves

Consumer survey and its results:-

Consumer’s survey for the Brand of the year
Award reveals that Malee has been declared as the best and most wanted juice brand in
Pakistan. The brand has been voted most for its quality as the most contributing attribute
for the success of Malee brand. Affordability has been rated as the second most voted
criterion of Malee indicating its pricing is acceptable by the consumers. Availability has
been rated as the third tier contributor and highlights that the distribution and sales
network needs to be grossly developed and the brand needs to increase its presence in all
major markets and departmental stores in Pakistan.

Consumer voting reveals one most important aspect i.e. the Familiarity
has been rated as the last contributing attribute of Malee. It indicates that brand has to be
supported by strong advertising and promotional campaigns through electronic media so
as to make it a brand known by all. For any food brand to become the market leader,
Quality and Familiarity are two vital attributes and should be at the top in the overall
contribution to the brand. Malee needs strong Familiarity
and this may only be done by objective advertising, or by introducing interesting product
that can attract the customers.
Brand Name: Malee Juice

Category: Juice

Survey Ratings: B

To increase the familiarity with the brand Malee is now introducing Pina colada
with high quality and with strong advertising

Marketing Research:-

The objective:-
The objective of our research is to find out how people will respond to our
new product and what should our target market be. It is also carried out in order to decide
different aspects of the product for example its packaging, pricing and availability etc.
While launching a totally new product in the market it is very important that we know if
there are consumers who are ready to buy that particular product and what are their
preferences regarding its packaging, price, and availability. Also once we know there are
people who are going to buy the product we should know in which market segment they
mostly lie so that it is easy for us to target those people and convince them to buy our

Situation Analysis:-
After setting the objective for our research the next step is to conduct a
situation analysis. The process involves analyzing the company, its market, its
competition, and the industry in general. A background investigation is carried out that
helps refine the research problem.
As we have decided to launch ready-made Pina colada under the brand
‘Malee’ we obtained information about the company and its business environment by
means conversations with company officials.

Conducting Investigation:-
First we conduct an informal investigation which consists of gathering
readily available information from relevant people inside and outside the company-
middlemen, competitors, advertising agencies, and consumers.

However, while launching a new product in the market, informal

investigation is not enough and further study is needed in order to gather sufficient
information which would help us achieve our objective of the research. For this purpose,
we gathered primary data by conducting a questionnaire among random people to know
their opinion about a ready-made pinacolada.40 people filled the following questionnaire.
It carries questions regarding people’s demographics, their awareness about the product
and the brand malee and their preferences related to the packaging, pricing and
availability of the product.

Results and its Analysis:-

The first two questions of the questionnaire are based on demographics i-e age
and income. The results obtained are shown below in the form of bar charts.

Age Income
From the graphs shown above it can be concluded that most of the
questionnaires filled were by people aging from 15-25 years and their household
income is around 100,000 or above monthly. The reason the majority is from this age
group and particular income bracket is because these are the people who are usually
aware of drinks like Pina colada. Also our target market would be selected from
among such people because they are more likely to be potential buyers for a ready-
made Pina colada.

Third question asked in the questionnaire refers to people’s preference of

drinks in summers. They were asked if they like to have pinacolada or other drinks
like fresh juices, fizzy drinks or energy drinks. This question was designed to know
the approximate percentage of population who would buy our product. Results are
shown in the form of a pie chart below.

The chart shows that 38% people prefer having pinacolada in

summers rather than other drinks. The percentage might not be that much but if we
consider the competitors like coke, pepsi, sprite, red bull and other juices like nestle
and shezan, these brands are potentially much stronger and established. Under such
circumstances 38% for a newly launched product is good for a start

Fourth question of our survey was to know how often does people have
pinacolada. The results are shown below.
From the results it is concluded that 28% people have pinacolada once a
month. 26% have it occasionally, 23% once a week, 13 % never, and 10% daily.
Pinacolada might not be a drink which is consumed that often but this does not mean
there is no scope for it in the market.

As we decided to launch our product under the brand malee it is important

that we know if people are aware of this brand. To find this out we designed our fifth

Results show that 83% people know about malee juices.

Sixth question covers an important part of reserch. This was designed to know
people’s opinion regarding the launch of ready-made pinacolada.

Results show that 72% people agree that there is a need for ready-made
(packaged) pinacolada.

Next question refers to the availabilty and distribution of our product.

People were asked where should the pinacolada be availble. Results are shown in the
form of pie chart below.

Most of the people (33%) say shopping malls are more suitable. 29% selected
universities and colleges. 20% say general stores and bakeries while only 18%
selected petrol pumps and highways.
Eighteth question of the survey is regarding the packaging of the product.
Results are shown below in the form of bar chart.

From the results it can be seen that majority people think plastic glass is the
best packaging for ready-made pinacolada.

The last question of the survay is designed to know how much people pay for
regular pinacolada drink in a restraunt. This would help us set our price for the
product. Reults are shown below.

Around 44 people pay 90-100, 35 pay 125 or above 30 pay 100-125 and
approximately 28 pay 80-90 for a pinacolada in a restruant.

Situational analysis
SWOT Analysis:-
We have conducted a Swot analysis for ready made Pina colada to scan our
internal and external environment for strategic market planning. We are conducting
this analysis to match the firm’s resources with its competing environment. The
results of our analysis are shown below:-

At this point, the major strengths of the company are that Malee has
already established a good brand image in the minds of the consumers. Strength on
their part is the long summer season in this entire region including Pakistan where
juices and drinks do rather well as opposed to countries with cold climate. In addition,
Malee is the first brand launching ready-to-drink Pina Colada in the entire world.
These factors add to the differential advantage of the company.

The major weaknesses of the company include the fact that Pakistan being
a poor country will have a very little target market because a lot of people will not be
able to afford the drink. Apart from that, there are low barriers to entry for new
companies so if the product is successful, more competitors are expected to enter the
market. In addition, people have become very diet conscious with the increasing
awareness about health and Pina Colada being a very heavy drink might not be suited
to them. There are also many potential competitors in the market who have already
established their name in the market for juices and other similar beverages like
Nestle’ and Shezan.

Having no competitor in the market presently, Malee has a good
opportunity to launch this drink first. Pina Colada is a very highly appraised drink in
this region and it has been observed through questionnaires that people would like the
idea of Pina Colada in the form of a packaged drink.

Having low barriers to entry in the industry for new firms or companies is
a major threat to Malee. Also, the well established companies like Nestle’ and Shezan
could introduce substitutes in the future which is also a threat for the company.

We have designed our channel strategy within the context of
marketing mix. We have focussed on firm s marketing objectives. Moreover, we
concentrate on price, product and promotion. At this point we have absorbed all the
members which are involved in the process of delivering our product to ultimate
customers. For achieving our marketing goals understanding the role of distribution is
essential. Because our main motive is to deliver our product at right time, at right
place and by right person.
BCG Matrix:
In the BCG Matrix, Malee lies among the cash cows as the market growth
rate of beverages is very high and the industry growth rate of the company Malee is
relatively low because of the presence of many strong, established competitors in the
market. The company needs little investment. The company need to be managed for
continued profit - so that they continue to generate the strong cash flows that the
company needs for its Stars


Malee faces competition in the form other companies that offer similar
products that Malee offers like juices and other kind of beverages. The product itself
will face competition in the form of restaurants like Café Zouk, Aylanto and other
well-reputed places which are famous for their beverages and exotic drinks. Other
than that, ready-made Pina Colada is not available in the market.

The pricing strategy of the product is based on an in-depth analysis through
questionnaires and other market tests conducted by the company. The price of ready-
to-drink Pina Colada is Rs. 99.

Revised Objectives and Marketing Strategy

Following are the reasons of branding followed by Malee
• To make easier for our customer to identify our product
• For reducing price comparison
• To increase the customer loyalty
• To differentiate our product

Characteristics of our brand:-

• It is easy to pronounce
• It is effortless to remember
• It is simple spell

Branding strategies:-
We have used strategies for our brand so that our company can face
strategic decisions.

Producer’s strategy:
Our company as a producer have used the following strategy for our brand:-

Marketing entire output under producers own brand:

Our Company is strictly relying on its
own brand that is malee. We are refusing to produce items to be sold as retailers or
wholesaler s brand. Our company has designed a channel of distribution which not
only meets customer’s needs but also differentiate us. For this we have followed the
following steps:

Select the type of channel:-

After realizing the role of distribution we have selected to distribute
out pina colada to our customers with the help of retailers.

Determine intensity of distribution:-

After conducting marketing research and considering the
buying behaviour of our customer we have selected to have few numbers of
retailers .As our target market includes people with high income so we decided to
interact with only those retailers who has high repute and are well-known among high
class customers.

Choose specific channel members:-

In this stage we decided that which retailer we should use at
a particular place to distribute our product to our customers. According to our
research maximum people want to launch pina colada in shopping malls and
universities and colleges. So we are preferring retailers like AL-Fatah, Pace, Lse, Bnu
Sidiique trade center etc

Type of channel:-
The channel which we our using is a indirect channel of distribution
because we are not selling our product directly to our customer. We are
producing a product and then with the help retailers we are delivering these
products to customers.The channel which we are using to marketing our
tangible product to ultimate customers is given below:-

Many large resellers buy directly from us and then deliver them to
our customers under our brand.
We are selling our product through multiple, but not all
possible retailers in a market where might reasonably look for it
Distribution intensity:-
The option which our company is using to distribute its product is given

Selective distribution:-
We are using limited numbers of outlets in a geographical area to sell our
product. Our company is trying to choose the most appropriate and best performing
Sales Plan:
For creating awareness and knowledge of our brand in the market, we
will start creating hype through different promotional means. Through which we will
be able to position the image of our brand and what we are going to provide in the
customers' mind. We will rate the marketing media that includes newspapers,
magazines, television and website so that we can better get the knowledge of which
are the sources that gets the most attention by the public and where we are actually are
supposed to launch our promotional presence in the media. Moreover banners will be
placed in the city to make the people aware of our arrival that will attract people and
spread the word as well.
kohli & kotler 13th addition an asian

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