8b.bom 125th

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8B Thursday, November 17, 2016


The Republic-Monitor www.perryvillenews.com

125 Years is impressive!

The Bank of Missouri is a

The Bank of Missouris success is a real testament to

great bank to do business with, it

its core values. It goes without saying that customer care

is an asset to our community to

and satisfaction, finance and guidance to make dreams

have the home office in Perryville.

a reality, and active community involvements are just a

They are very benevolent in

few of the banks outstanding business practices.

helping out community charitable

The Bank of Missouri continues to grow in

organizations, according to Rick

communities outside of Perryville, due in part to its

Schemel, Sr.Hope Center. I

conservative lending practices and hometown values that

have dealt with them for 70 years,

capture its customers trust. Year after year, even with its

my most memorable experience

rapid growth, the bank continues to receive the highest

with them is when I was in college

ratings from its financial constituents.

and ran out of money before I

I have worked with individuals at The Bank of

graduated. Bob Wirth, the bank

Missouri for as long as Ive been banking. I continue

president at that time loaned

to be impressed by the stability in its workforce, as

me the money to finish (without

it exemplifies the banks dedication to customer

collateral) and told me we would

commitment. Im very proud to be a part Perryville,

work out the repayment structure

and equally proud of this fine bank for its success and

after I graduated and started

unwavering commitment to this community.

earning money. He had great

Many thanks to The Bank of Missouri for your

insight in dealing with people. If

continued support, and sincere congratulations on

they continue doing business the

125 years of excellence.

same way they have for the last


125 years, their success will be

Todd Huber

unlimited. Congratulations on

President, TG Missouri

your anniversary.

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