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Cupid and Pscyhe Vocabulary (Chap.

vigilia, -ae (f.), wakefulness; watch
perag, -ere, -g, actum, to carry through,
soltus, -a, -um, usual, customary
pressura, -ae (f.), pressing
palpebra, ae (f.), eyelid
cg, -ere, -g, -actum, to collect; force
sede, -re, sd, sessum, to sit
pr ver = in truth, for a fact
comperi, -re, -, -tum, to ascertain, learn
immnis, -e, huge, enormous, monstrous
vennum, - (n.), poison
noxius, -a, -um, harmful
clam (adv.), in secret, secretly
trux, trucis, savage, grim, fierce
colnus, -, farmer; settler
vnor, -r, -tus sum, to hunt
vesper, -eris (m.), evening
pastus, -s (m.), fodder, food, feeding
sagin, -re, to fatten
cum primum = as soon as
dcern, -ere, -crv, -crtum, to decide
utrum (conj.), whether
dcln, -re, to avoid, shun
sepeli, -re, -iv (-i), -pultum, to bury
viscera, -rum (, guts, innards
rs, rris (n.), the country, countryside
vclis, -e, having a voice, talking, speaking
venntus, -a, -um, poisonous
officium, - (n.), duty
rapio, -ere, rapu, raptum, to seize
tristis, -e, sad
formdo, -inis (f.), fear, dread
moniti, -inis (f.), reminder
permane, -re, -mans, -mansum, to last,
continue, persist

vald (adv.), very much

unquam = umquam, never
consenti, -re, -sns, -sensum, to agree
opem ferre + dat., to bring help
percltor, -r, -tus sum, to be in danger
succurr, -ere, -curr, -cursum, to run to
cgitti, -inis (f.), thought, thinking
sals, -tis (f.), health, welfare, prosperity
novcula, -ae (f.), razor
torus, - (m.), couch, bed
sole, -re, solitus sum, to be accustomed
abscond, -ere, -did, -ditum, to hide
lucerna, -ae (f.), oil lamp
oleum, - (n.), oil
mic, -re, to twinkle
subd, -ere, -did, -ditum, to put under
tegmin, -inis (n.), covering, cover
cuble, -is (n.), bed, couch
conscend, -ere, -d, -sum, to climb up
prm, -ere, prmps, prmptum, to bring
out, draw out; produce, reveal
tlum, - (n.), weapon; missle
audcter (adv.), boldly
toll, -ere, sustul, subltum, to raise, lift
ictus, -s (m.), blow, stroke
validus, -a, -um, strong, powerful
iung, -ere, iunx, iunctum, to join, unite
deser, -ere, -u, -tum, to desert, abandon
metu, -ere, -u, -utum, to fear
abe, -re, -iv (-i), -itum, to go away
relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum, to leave behind
scut (conj.), just as
aestus, -s (m.), surge, tide, wave
pelagus, - (n.), sea
fluctu, -re, to waver, fluctuate

adhuc (adv.), thus far, till now; as yet, still

titub, -re, to waver, stagger
appartus, -s (m.), equipment
proelum, - (n.), battle
sopor, -oris (m.), deep sleep, slumber
profer, -ferre, -tl, -ltum, to bring
forward, advance; produce, reveal
arripi, -ere, -u, -reptum, to snatch, seize
inceptum, - (n.), undertaking
claresc, -escere, -u, to become clear
mitis, -e, mild
resd, -ere, -sd, to settle, subside
ferrum, (n.), iron; weapon
saepius (adv.), again and again
intueor, -r, -itus sum, to look at, gaze upon
arcus, -s (m.), bow
pharetra, -ae (f.), quiver
dprm, -ere, -promps, -promptum, to
take down; bring out, produce
experior, -r, -tus sum, to try, test; prove
pollex, -icis (m.), thumb
pung, -ere, pupug, punctum, to prick, stab
suavior, -r, -tus sum, to kiss
perfidius, -a, -um, treacherous
invidia, -ae (f.), envy, jealousy
vom, -ere, -u, -itum, to spew out
stilla, -ae (f.), drop
ferve, -ere, to boil, seethe
humerus, - (m.), shoulder
adustus, -a, -um, scorched, burned
exsili, -ere, -u, to jump up
crs, crrus (n.), leg
sublm (adv.), on high, aloft
veh, -ere, -vex, -vectum, to lift up, raise
nisi (conj.), if not, unless, except
fessus, -a, -um, worn out, tired
solum, - (n.), ground
nubes, -is (m.), cloud; veil

cacmen, -inis (n.), point, tip

adfor, -r, -tus sum, to speak to, address
potius (adv.), rather
sclicet (adv.), of course, evidently
excd, -ere, -cd, -csum, to cut off, cut out
tantum (adv.), only, merely
pinna, -ae (f.) wing
proripi, -ere, -u, -reptum, to drag, rush
prospicio, -ere, -spex, -spectum, to see from
afar, have a view of
praecipit, -re, to thrown oneself headlong
fluvius, - (m.), stream, river
perg, -ere, -rex, -rectum, to proceed,
continue, go
err, -re, to wander
confici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, to make;
complete; exhaust, tire
nuntium, - (n.), message
sude, -re, sus, susum + dat., to urge,
perim, -ere, -m, -emptum, to destroy, kill
aspici, -ere, -spex, -spectum, to view, look
lnis, -e, soft, gentle, mild
quis, -tis (f.), quiet; rest; calm
sopi, -re, -iv (-I), -tum, to put to sleep
casus, -s (m.), chance; accident, mishap
discd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, to go away
praecipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum + dat., to
ultra + acc., beyond
terminus, - (m.), boundary, limit
fl, -re, to blow, breathe
necdum, and not yet, nor yet
vsnus, -a, -um, mad, furious
libd, -inis (f.), desire, longing
stimulus, - (m.), goad, stimulus
vis, -ere, -, -um, to go to look at; visit
prtinus (adv.), immediately, at once

saltus, -s (m.), jump, leap

cauts, -is (f.), sharp rock, crag
lacer, -re, to tear, mangle
intere, -re, -iv (-i), -itum, to die
errbundus, -a, -um, wandering
gradus, -s (m.), step, gait
decipio, -ere, -cp, -ceptum, to deceive
festn, -re, to hasten, hurry
gavia, -ae (f.), seagull
dmerg, -ere, -mers, -mersum, to sink,
dubius, -a, -um, doubtful
male audre, to speak ill of, slander
scortor, -r, -tus sum, to associate with
succd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, to climb,
advance, go to
leps, -ris (m.), charm, attractiveness
tener, tenera, tenerum, tender
sollicit, -re, to molest, annoy, disturb
ministerium, - (n.), service; attendants
loquax, -cis, talkative
conticesc, -ere, -cu, to fall silent
efflicte (adv.), desperately
proper (adv.), hastily
reperi, -re, repper, repertum, to find
aeger, -ra, -rum, sick, ill
foris, -is (f.), door, gate
calc, -re, to tread upon
licenter (adv.), boldly, freely
lusus, -s (m.), game, sport
fors (adv.), outdoors; outside
infestus, -a, -um, hostile

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