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Cupid and Pscyhe Vocabulary (Chap.

discursus, -s (m.), running about
investig, -re, to track, trace, search after
qu (adv.), where, to what place
vestgium, - (n.), footstep, step
drig, -ere, -rex, -rectum, to direct, arrange
abscond, -ere, -did, -ditum, to hide
invtbilis, -e, unavoidable, inescapable
masculus, -a, -um, masculine, manly
sm, -ere, sumps, sumptum, to take up, put
on, wear
ultr (adv.), of ones own accord
srus, -a, -um, late, too late
impetus, -s (m.), attack, assault; fury
mtig, -re, to mellow, calm, soften
illic (adv.), there, in that place
exitium, - (n.), destruction
perg, -ere, -rex, -rectum, to go, proceed;
continue to + inf.
occur, -ere, -curr, -cursum + dat. to meet
ancilla, -ae, maidservant
nequissimus, -a, -um, worst
bene quod = its good that
cachinnus, - (m.), laugh
dignor, -r, -tus sum, to think worthy; deign,
socrus, -s (f.), mother-in-law
potius (adv.), rather
percltor, -r, -tus sum, to be in danger
esto = future imperative of sum
excipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum, to take out,
remove; receive, welcome
norus, -s (f.), daughter-in-law
decet, -ere, -uit, to befit, become, be proper
sollicitd, -inis (f.), anxiety, concern
tristitia, -ae (f.), sadness
torque, -re, tors, tortum, to twist; torment
flagellum, - (n.), whip
caed, -ere, cecd, caesum, to cut, fell; strike,
beat, hack; kill, murder
risus, -s (m.), laugh; smile

miserti, -inis (f.), pity, compassion

commve, -re, -mv, -mtum, to stir up
avia, -ae (f.), grandmother
ed, -ere, -did, -ditum, to give out; utter
dlacer, -re, to tear to pieces
discind, -ere, -scid, -scissum, to rend
faba, -ae (f.), bean
cumulus, -s (m.), heap, pile
discern, -ere, -crv, -crtum, to separate
semen, -inis (n.), seed
grnum, - (n.), grain, seed
rit (adv.), properly, duly
opus, -eris (n.), work, task
confici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, to finish
tot (indecl. adj.), as many, so many
concd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, to depart
immnits, -ttis (f.), enormity
silens, -entis, silent
obstupesc, -ere, -u, to be struck dumb
formca, -ae (f.), ant
ade, to such an extent (+ ut of result)
misereor, -r, -itus sum, to pity
discurr, -ere, -curr, -cursum, to run about
naviter (adv.), busily, zealously
ru, -ere, ru, rutum, to rush, dash
dger, -ere, -gss, -getum, to distribute
acervus, - (m.), heap, pile
spartim (adv.), separately
genus, -eris (n.), type, kind
made, -ere, -u, to be wet, be soaked
imm, or rather, and also
frustum, - (n.), bit, scrap
pnis, -is (m.), bread
partim, partly
grav, -re, to increase, aggravate
distend, -ere, -tend, -tentum, to separate
taeter, -tra, -trum, foul, ugly
subrde, -re, -rs, to smile
vertex, -icis (m.), top, summit
ter, -tra, -rum, black

fuscus, -a, -um, dark

pals, -dis (f.), swamp, marsh
defer, -ferre, -tl, -ltum, to bring down
gradum celerre, to pick up the pace
culmen, -inis (n.), top, peak
illic (adv.), there, in that place
ltlis, -e, deadly, lethal
fauces, -ium (, jaws, throat
dextr et laev (adv.), to the right and left
cautes, -is (f.), crag, rock
cav, -re, to hollow out
proserp, -ere, -serps, serptum, to creep
drac, -nis (m.), dragon
subinde (adv.), from time to time
mls, -is (f.), huge mass, greatness
aqula, -ae (f.), eagle
ob (prep.), in front of; on account of
os, oris (n.), mouth
furor, -r, -tus sum, to steal, pilfer
conting, -ere, -tig, tactum, to touch
formdbilis, -e, terrifying
saevi, -re, -i, -tum, to rage, be fierce
lbr, -re, to balance, poise
propiti, -re, to propitiate, appease
comminor, -r, -tus sum, to threaten
maga, -ae (f.), witch
perag, -ere, -g, -actum, to complete
adhuc (adv.), still
modicum, - (n.), a little bit
delin, -ere, -lv, -litum, to smear, cover
turris, -is (f.), tower
reor, rr, ratus sum, to think, deem
rect (adv.), by a direct route, directly
prorump, -ere, -rup, -ruptum, to break
forth; break out
subitus, -a, -um, sudden
auscult, -re, to listen, hear
dvus, -a, -um, out of the way
sprculum, -, vent, breathing hole
inhi, -re, to open wide, gape, yawn
invius, -a, -um, without a road, trackless

ambo, -ae, -o, both

stips, -is (f.), small coin
sutilis, -e, sown together, patched up
cumba, -ae (f.), boat, skiff
squlidus, -a, -um, dirty, dingy, rough
praeditus, -a, -um, endowed, provided
excub, -re, -u, -itum, to stand guard
comiter (adv.), courteously, politely
saevitia, -ae (f.), savageness
redim, -ere, -m, -emptum, to buy back
avarus, -a, -um, greedy
recol, -ere, -colu, -cultum, to till again;
inspici, -ere, -spx, -spectum, to look into
vticinor, -r, -tus sum, to prophesy
metus, -s, channel, course
rabis (f.), rage, fury
lgtio, -inis (f.), embassy, mission
ltrtus, -s (m.), barking
dlb, -re, to sip, taste
reser, -re, to unlock, open
crassus, -a, -um, thick
collabor, -lab, -lapsus sum, to collapse
cadver, -eris (n.), corpse
revalesc, -ere, -u, to regain ones strength,
recover, convalesce
cubiculum, -, bedroom
cohibe, -ere, -ui, -itum, to confine
fenestra, -ae, window
refici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, to repair
aliquantus, -a, -um, considerable
quis, -itis (f.), quiet, rest
vlox, -cis, swift
deterge, -re, -ters, -tersum, to wipe away
curis (adv.), carefully
recond, -ere, -did, -ditum, to put back


innoxius, -a, -um, harmless

pere, -re, -iv, -tum, to die, perish
provincia, -ae (f.), task
exsequor, -sequ, -secutus sum, to follow out;

egomet = emphatic of ego

pernix, -icis, agile, swift
vicis (gen.), change, alteration
sidus, -eris (n.), constellation
assiduus, -a, -um, continual
crber, -ra, -rum, frequent
foed, -re, to make hideous
laed, -ere, laes, laesum, to injure, harm
greglis, -e, common
for, fr, ftus sum, to speak
conti, -inis (f.), meeting, assembly
coetus, -s (m.), meeting
nummus, - (m.), coin
profect (adv.), certainly
prv, -re, to deprive of (+ abl.)
perfruor, -fru, -frutus sum, to fully enjoy
impar, -pris, unequal, uneven
ilico (adv.), instantly
porrigo, -ere, -rx, -rectum, to stretch out
digredior, -gred, -gressus sum, to move
apart, separate
affluens, -entis, luxurious rich
salt, -re, to dance

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