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TABLE2.1 Convolution Table No ®) x(t) nO ¥ nl) = (9 2409 1 x0) ae-7) x@-7) 2 ult) u@) 1" 3 u(t) u(t) u(t) 4 oul) eu) SE nee 5 eu eu tu(e) 6 teu() eu) Feu) » . Nie Nutt 1 ato _ out) Me 0 area Ho o 1, MON! sae 8 Mu) ute) aw, a . 7 ete Gadde 9 tut) emu) amo Mes Ne MEN! wnsigty(s) 10 Meu) Heruto) wim Men wet (EMI + ete 1 Metal) Med'u(e) eas BiG, ar MO (NIUE + Diet dite Ek Av biG eT HO cos @ — dye — os (61 +0 ~ 9) 2 a eu Mul) ue) cos (Bt + O)u(t) u(t) Varig = tar -Ba tn) b eee out) emote HO) Rey > Red 2" 14 eu (—t) e*u(—t) i u(-t) a= CHAPTER4 CONTINUOUS-TIME SYSTEM ANALYSIS TABLE 4.1 A Short Table of (Unilateral) Laplace Transforms . No. x(t) x) 1 a) 2 u(t) 3 mu(t) 4 u(t) 5 Mult) 7 ‘ oe 8a cos bt u(t) PR » sin Brut) por 9a cos btu(t) wa 9 e-* sin Brule) ore 108 re-* cos (bt + 8) u(t) ee Bet eens een 10b re" cos (bt +8) u(t) oe us oe 100 re* cos (ot +8) ul) Faas va As+B 42a te TABLE 4.2 The Laplace Transform Properties Operation x(b X(s) Addition x(t) + 2(t) X1(s) + Xa(s) Scalar multiplication kx(t) kX(s) Time differentiation & sX(s)—x(0-) , aay 2x 07) — x0" aa #°X(s) —sx(0-) — £0") @ o #X(s) — s°x(0") — sk(0-) — 80") Fa * a 5"X(5) — s#x"Y.0-) dt" m1 Time integration Time shifting ‘Frequency shifting Frequency differentiation Frequency integration Scaling Time convolution Frequency convolution Initial value Final value [ x(t) dr - | x(n) de x(t = t)u(t — to) x(e™ —tx(t) xO t x(at),a>0 xi) #220) x@xn(t) x(0*) x(00) 1x6) s o bot x(t)at s st. X(sje* ty > 0 X(s — so) dX(s) ds [ X(z) dz (2) alt Xi(5)Xa(s) 1 ye * X2(s) lim sX(s)_ (n> m) lim sX\ (s) [poles of sX (s) in LHP] TABLE 7.1 Fourier Transforms No x() X(@) 1 e-*"u(t) 1 a>0 atjo 2 e"u(—1) a>0 3 eat . a>0 4 te*'u(e) ' a>0 ° @+ jor - n! ee a>0 5 te*u(t) aha > 6 3) 1 7 1 2nB(o) 8 eis 40. 2m8(@ — 0) 9 cos wot [8(wo — 0) + 8(@ + @)] 10 sin oot jn [8 + a) —8(@— 0) 1 ul uy) 5(@) + = jo D sent 2 en a 13 cos aot u(t) 7 18(w — a) + 8@ + on) + 5 2 wa 4 sin aot u(t) Flo — en) 80+ andl net & 15 e-*" sin apt u(t) atjarral a>0 _, at+jo 16 = tS > e-*" cos ont u(t) Greta oa 7 rect () sinc ($) z 2 w 18 = sine (Wt) rect (=) rt) F sinc? (4) © te) 2W 2 on > (cw — neo) 2 : zs OFF 2 oN Ine OF? TABLE 7.2 Fourier Transform Operations Operation x(t) X@) Scalar multiplication kx(t) kX(@) Addition *1(t) + x2(f) Xi (@) + X2(@) Conjugation xO X*(-0) Duality xi) 2nx(-w) 1 Scaling (a real) x(at) —x (2) lal” \a Time shifting x(t — ty) X jeter Frequency shifting (wo real) x(r)e/*0" X(w— a) Time convolution x1 (t) *x9(t) Xi (@)X2(@) 1 Frequency convolution x1 (t)x2(t) Jy 1 @) * X2(@) a Time differentiation = (jo)"X(@) 4S . x : Time integration / x(u) du XO) 5X (0)5(0) 00 jo TABLE3.1 Convolution Sums No. mile) xaln] ___xalbe] «afl = ale] + xsl] 1 8[n—k] x[n] x(n —k) _yt 2 yruln] ula (5 y |e = 3 u(n) un) (n+ Vuln} eet yptt 4 yfutn) vysuln) —] uh) ondtn 5 uly nu] re We —Dt+nd-y) yal (nl [ wae = 7 nln} nun) dala — 1) 0+ Yule] 8 ytuln) Yule) 4 Dy"uln] 9 nyfuln) vuln] cr [enw Pm] unl nd M- ny 10 |yilcos(n+0)uln) yfuln} eee @1—y*¥ cos @ — #)]uln} | yp real Mo yfufn] veut +1) a = [In +7? - 2intrcos 6] tan? | nl ole co: nt ula] aa yen (@+D1_— Inl> Int ie TABLE 5.1 (Unilateral) z-Transform Pairs ' No. xin] _ a”) 2 ufn] 3 mula ens 2 xe+1) 4 wuln) Gi) ; et t4e+1) 5 ulm ar 6 y"uln) Tin m7 ve 8 ny"u[n) wr vee+7) ° @-P ae 10 Gy . x(2~ Ives A) Ha [yl cos prt) eee zly|sin B lb Iy|"sin Bn ufn] F=Qivicor Ae FHP releeos 6 ~Iyleos 8 ~ 99) A) 2 Qlyleos Bz +ivF 12) rlyl"cos (Bn +8)uln] y= Iylel# ude +B) 24 2az +lyP 12e rly" cos (Bn + 8)uln] [MiyP +B Pe TABLE5.2 z-Transform Operations Operation xn] x(a _ Addition xy [n] + x2[n] Xi[z] + Xolz] Scalar multiplication ax[n] aX{[z) Right-shifting x[n— mun — m) zee [n= mu] 2 xtas Late ln — mul axate> 1 x(n — luln] {Xl +x) 1 1 x(n —2}utn) Xtal + Lat) + x21 art; s)u(n) xt + Stn) + tata} +313) x(n — 3]uln pxld+ 2 wt Left-shifting x[n + mluln] 2"Xtq)—2" So xt" Multiplication by y* ‘Multiplication by Time convolution Time reversal Initial value Final value xin-+ Yuba} xln + 2huln) x{n-+3]ufn] y"x{nju[n] nx[n]ufn) xi] *x2fn] x[-n] (0) jim, LN] a 2X[z] — zx[0] 2Xtd— 2x10) = eal), 2 Xz) — 23x10] ~ xf] — ex[2] fi] y a 2g Xt) Xil2)Xole) XU1/2] lim Xz] lim@~)X{z]__ poles of (@ ~ 1)X{z] inside the unit circle

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