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Department of Culture and Tourism of the Regional Nganjuk)

Sefira Ryalita Primadany, Mardiyono it, Brian Department of Public Administration, Faculty of
Administration, University of Brawijaya, Malang E-mail:
Abstract: Nganjuk Regency is one of the most potential regency in East Java to develop its tourism.
Nganjuk Regency has four local tourism objects governed by the local Department of Tourism and
Culture: Sedudo Waterfall, Water Creeping Roro Kuning, Taman Anjuk Recreation Field (Tral), Margo
Tresno Cave. Tourism of Nganjuk offers many tourism attraction Whose objects and features are
distinctive in Reviews those places. Nonetheless, the lack of attention given by the government particularly in terms of promotion that has Become a hurdle to the advancement of tourism in Nganjuk.
Therefore, it is essential that the relevant authorities must have awareness and introduce Several
regulations to advance the tourism development. Developing tourism sector requires strategies roomates
equipped by well-arranged plan of developing tourism in order to optimize the tourism potential. The role
of local government is therefore important as the main generator and afterwards, giving the Nganjuk
Regency Tourism and Culture Department full authority to create and implement strategies developing
tourism. In this thesis, the writer is encouraged to acknowledge and review the role of Nganjuk Regency
Tourism and Culture Department in improving the tourism potential. It is acquired by settling the
statement of the problem on first, the strategies of Nganjuk Regency Tourism and Culture Department to
develop its tourism sector and second, the factors affecting the improvement of tourism in Nganjuk
Regency. This research applied research method descriptive in nature by Employing qualitative
approach. The resources were grouped into two, primary and secondary data is data. The techniques of
data collection were observation, interviews, and documentation. The collected Data were Analyzed by
following the procedures: the data collection, the data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
Keywords: strategy analysis, tourism, government
Abstract: Nganjuk is one area in East Java that has the potential to develop tourism in the region. In
Nganjuk attractions there are four areas that are managed directly by the Department of Culture and
Tourism of the Regional. Fourth attractions are: Niagara Sedudo, Air Propagating Roro Kuning, Tral, and
Margo Tresno Goa. Nganjuk Tourism offers a number of attractions to appeal each. However, there is still
a lack of effort from the local government has not been up to promote it resulted in potential attractions
that are not held to develop optimally. Hence the importance of the rules and awareness of local
governments carry out development in the tourism sector. The tourism sector requires a strategy of
tourism development pattern that is planned or structured to have the potential that can be developed in
an optimal way. In promoting the tourism sector at the regional level is the local government's role as a
driving force which in turn gives full authority to the Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism
Nganjuk in defining strategies for tourism development. The writer wanted to know the extent to which the
strategy of Culture and the Regional Tourism Nganjuk in developing the tourism potential of the region, so
there are two problems: first how the strategy of the Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism
Nganjuk in the development of regional tourism, the two factors that influence the development of tourism
area in Nganjuk. This study uses descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Source data used are
primary data and secondary data. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and
documentation. Data analysis data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
Keywords: strategic analysis, tourism, local governments
Journal of Public Administration (JAP), Vol. 1, No. 4, Hal. 135-143

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of regional development is one part of the national development can not be separated from
the principle of local autonomy. To support the implementation of the regional autonomy needed
broad authority, real, and responsibility in each such area. To follow up the implementation of
regional autonomy with the issuance of Law No. 32 of 2004 concerning Government policy area
that is born in order to respond and meet the demands of the spirit of reform and renewal of the
democratization of the relationship between central and local and regional empowerment
efforts. Indonesian state as we know is one of the developing countries that have a wide range
of tourism potential, both natural attractions and cultural tourism because Indonesia has various
tribes, customs, and culture as well as the geographical location of Indonesia as a tropical
country that produces beauty nature and wildlife.
Indonesia has a vast territory with the support of the natural resources of diverse potential
to be processed and utilized. Besides the Indonesian state is also rich in cultural arts, customs,
heritage and historical past that is no less interesting is the beauty of its natural scenery is
enough potential to be developed properly. It turned out that tourism can be relied upon to
improve people's welfare and national development (Yoeti 2008, H.4). There are also many
attractions that exist in Indonesia which has known not only in the country and abroad.
Therefore, the development of tourism in Indonesia carried out by all regions in Indonesia will be
established Ministry of Culture and Tourism at the national level and the Department of Culture
and Tourism Region at the local level.
According Yoeti (1987, h.286) Department of Tourism is a body established by the
government tourism as an entity that is given responsibility in the development and fostering of
tourism in general, national or regional level. Indonesian tourism potential in the form of 17,508
Journal of Public Administration (JAP), Vol. 1, No. 4, Hal. 135-143

stretched as far as 5,120 km with a cool tropical climate both on land and on the beach and sea.
But according to statistics from the World Tourism Organization rating of 1.3 billion people in the
world only four million who visited Indonesia while the remaining lots to Malaysia, Thailand and
European countries. See the above problems means that the interest of tourists to visit
attractions Indonesian and the local low, because during this time the Indonesian tourism is still
less than the maximum in its development.
East Java province which is one of the provinces in Indonesia also has many tourist places
were nice and no less manarik with other provinces. Nganjuk as one of the areas in East Java
province which have tourism potential quite a lot with very promising prospects for the future.
Attraction developed by the Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism Nganjuk among
other natural attractions Niagara Sedudo, Water Creeping yellow Roro, Recreation Park Golf
Anjuk (Tral), and the latter Goa Margo Tresno. But the lack of the role of local government has
not been up to promote it so that it is possible Attraction potentialities can not develop optimally.
A lot of barriers and obstacles to overcome, especially if it is not supported by the people
around these sights. Hence the importance of the rules and awareness of local governments
carry out development in the tourism sector. The tourism sector requires a strategy with the
pattern of tourism development planned or arranged so that their potential can be developed. In

advancing the tourism sector at the regional level of local government's role as a driving force
and thus give full authority to the Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism Nganjuk in
determining the strategies of construction is tourism.

From the above description, this study wanted to know the strategy undertaken by
Department of Culture and the regional tourism Nganjuk in developing tourism in the
region as well
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supporting factors and obstacles in the development of the tourist attraction.

Literature 1.Local Government
According to theAct No. 32 of 2004 is the regional government is organizing pemerintaha
affairs of local government and parliament according to the principle of autonomy and duty of
assistance to the principle broad autonomy within the system and the principles of the Republic
of Indonesia as stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945.
Meanwhile, according to Widarta (2005, h.38- 39) states that the local government is the
performance of the functions of local governments who do by local government agencies,
namely the local government and regional Representatives Council (DPRD). The regional
governments in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of
regional autonomy needs to consider the relationship between levels of government and among
local governments, potential and diversity of the regions.
1.the concept ofTourism
Understandingtourism by Norvalin Muljadi and nurhayati (2002, h.80) is the overall activities
related to the entry, stay and movement of foreign residents inside or outside a country, city, or
According to a broader definition proposed by Kodhyat (1983, H.4) tourism is traveling from
one place to another is temporary, done individually or in groups, as the search for balance and
happiness with the environment in the social, cultural, nature and science. Furthermore,
according to Musanef (1995, h.11) defines tourism as a journey undertaken for a while, which is
carried from one place to another to enjoy the trip sightseeing and recreation.
According Yoeti (2008: 8) tourism must meet four criteria below, namely: 1) the trip is done from
one place to another, the trip is done outside the residence where it usually resides;
Journal of Public Administration (JAP), Vol. 1, No. 4, Hal. 135-143

2) the purpose of the trip is done purely for fun, without making a living in a country, city or DTW
visited. 3) The travelers spent the money taken from his home country, where he can live or
silent, and not be obtained because of the results of operations during the trips undertaken; and
4) the trip is done at least 24 hours or
In terms of tourism, there are four factors that must exist within the confines of a definition
of tourism. These factors are trip was carried from one place to another, the trip must be
associated with people who travel solely as a visitor tourist destinations.
2.Tourism Development Strategy
According to theSuryono (2004, h.80) strategy in principle relevant to the issues: policy
implementation, determining the goals to be achieved, and determining ways or methods of use
of infrastructure. The strategy has always been about three things: the objectives, the means
and ways. Therefore, the strategy should also be supported by the ability to anticipate
opportunities. In carrying out the functions and role in the development of regional tourism, local
governments should make efforts in the development of tourism infrastructure.

Type of research used in this research is descriptive study using a qualitative approach.
Here the researchers intend to describe the analysis of the development strategy in the tourism
sector in the region and their Nganjuk inhibiting factor in the development of the tourism in the
region. The focus of this study are: 1. Strategy committed the Department of Culture and the
Regional Tourism Nganjuk in developing tourism in the region, which include: a) the provision
offacilities and
tourisminfrastructure;b) tourism development areas;

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c) enhancement of public participation; and d) an increase in the participation of the private

sector. 2. Factors affecting the development of regional tourism in Nganjuk, including: a)
supporting factors; and b) a limiting factor.
In this study, the research location is Nganjuk and that became the site of research is the
Department of Culture and Tourism of the Regional Nganjuk. Data collected through interviews,
observation, and documentation. Data analysis using descriptive analysis model developed by
Miles and Hubberman (2007, h.289) which argued that there are three categories of analysis:
data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
Nganjuk has considerable tourism potential which offers a diversity of tourist attraction. The
types of tourism, among others:
a) nature: Niagara Sedudo, Goa Margo Tresno, Air Propagating Roro Kuning; b) cultural tourism
or arts: art jamasan library is a ritual to purify, cleanse and care for the great historic heirlooms
stored in the building heritage Ngliman village. There was also a dance art Mungdhe and
Puppet typical Timplong Nganjuk; c) culinary tour: Rice muddy, which is
typical food Nganjuk; and d) artificial tourism: Recreation Park Anjuk fields and Monuments
Anjuk Field.
Of the types of tourism offered by Nganjuk, Department of Culture and the Regional
Tourism Nganjuk only focus on four types of attractions that need development, namely
attraction Niagara Sedudo , Air Propagating Roro Kuning, Goa Margo Tresno and Recreation
Anjuk Field (Tral).
Journal of Public Administration (JAP), Vol. 1, No. 4, Hal. 135-143

1. Strategies conducted the Regional Department of Culture and Tourism Nganjuk in

developing a Regional Tourism. Provision of Infrastructures Attractions in Nganjuk
In carrying out the functions and role in the development of regional tourism. The local
government should make efforts in the development of facilities and infrastructure. Means
according to its name providing basic needs that will determine the success of a region into a
tourist destination. Facilities available to provide services to the tourists, either directly or
indirectly. Tourism facilities are divided into three main parts, namely:
a) Means of Tourism Principal (Main Tourism superstructures) b) Supplementary means of Tourism (Susan
plementing Tourism superstructures). c) Supporting Facilities Tourism (soup
ported Tourism superstructures) Meanwhile, according Yoeti (1996, h.189) is a tourist
infrastructure are all the facilities to enable the economy to run smoothly such that it can enable
people to be able to meet their needs. The role of the Regional Office of Culture and Tourism
Nganjuk in the provision of facilities and infrastructure that exist in Nganjuk are as follows: 1)
hotels or lodges in Nganjuk as many as 13 hotels; 2) eating houses or restaurants or food stalls
totaling 17 units and already have a business license; 3) transport facilities, in the district of
Ngan- juk is already available in the form of public transportation such as mini bus, bus, and
rural transport (rickshaw and wagon); 4) The souvenir shop, there are plenty of souvenir shops

selling souvenirs typical Nganjuk; and 5) regional utilities, a network to communicate quite well,
electricity and water are already available to the villages in Nganjuk.
I. Provision Infrastructures Sedudo Niagara
Falls Sedudo is a waterfall and tourist attraction located in the village

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Ngliman Sawahan, Nganjuk, East Java. The waterfall is located at an altitude of 1.438m above
sea level (asl) on the east side of Mount Wilis area with a waterfall of about 105m high.
Attractions Niagara Sedudo a natural tourist attraction visited by many tourists from outside the
City Nganjuk. The charm of the waterfall is very high with the surrounding forests in the region
make cool plus Niagara Sedudo. Providing facilities and infrastructure standards that exist in
Niagara Sedudo good enough. But it remains to be added as the shower rinse that will be built
this year and also the expansion of a car park, a motor for the visitors as expressed by the Head
of Objects and attractions in the Office of Culture and the Regional Tourism Nganjuk.
II. Provision of Infrastructures Water CreepingRoro Kuning
vines RoroAir Kuning located at an altitude of 600 m above sea level and has a height of
10-15 m. This creeping water flow from three sources from Mount Wilis flowing creeping in
between the rocks padas under pine trees. Attraction in Roro Yellow creeping water facilities
and infrastructure provided has been provided but needs to be refurbished. Given the massive
landslide in 2010 resulted in some damaged facilities and infrastructure have not been repaired
because of the limited funds of the local government, especially the Department of Culture and
the Regional Tourism Nganjuk.
III. Provision Infrastructures Anjuk Recreation Park Field
A beautiful garden is located around the sports stadium Anjuk Ladang, only 2 km to the
south downtown. A shady and cool garden and also has a collection of animals one deer.
Recreation Park Golf Anjuk Attraction is made in only one in Nganjuk. In Tral own infrastructure
and facilities have been provided by the department of culture. And there is also a souvenir
shop that provides merchandise and souvenirs typical of Nganjuk. All infrastructure facilities are
still well-preserved,
Journal of Public Administration (JAP), Vol. 1, No. 4, Hal. 135-143

only path that is in the Tral area should be improved so as not to look like neglected. And in mid2013 will be the development in total by the Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism
Nganjuk order Tral more modern look.
IV. Provision of Infrastructures Goa MargoTresno
Margo TresnoGoa is a tourist attraction in the form of a cave that had been there from time
immemorial. Located in the village of the District Sugihwaras Ngluyu 35 km north of the city
Nganjuk. lua Goa Margo Tresno approximately 15x50 m. Attractions Goa Margo Tresno with
road conditions in the asphalt, and all the way to Goa Margo Tresno a panoramic view of the
sprawling rice fields and teak forests on either side of the road. Margo Tresno in Goa also has
provided infrastructure facilities to meet the needs of visitors. However, the road infrastructure
leading to the cave that still needs a lot of improvement for the convenience of visitors and
walkers, the path which still slippery and damaged by lack of maintenance.
Development of Regional Tourism Development Objects in the field of tourism is an effort to
develop and manage objects and tourist attraction that has been owned by a local so much
better. Because in every area certainly has a wealth of beautiful nature and diversity of artistic
traditions and ancient culture and heritage of different. Here the Department of Culture and the
Regional Tourism Nganjuk is the agency authorized to manage and develop existing tourist

attraction in the area Nganjuk.

According Yoeti (2008, h.273) is the development of a business or a way to promote and
develop something that already exists. The development of tourism in a tourist destination
always be weighed against the benefits and benefits to the people around him. The
development of tourism must be in accordance with careful planning so beneficial to people,
both also in terms of economic, social and cultural as well.

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In the conduct of local government tourism development Nganjuk give responsibility to the
Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism Nganjuk to continue to develop the potential of
tourism in each tiap- attractions in Nganjuk. One attempt to preserve nature and the natural
environment is to develop tourism according to the needs of each tourist attraction.
The concentration for the development of tourist objects in Nganjuk done by developing
attractions that already have names or are already known to many people as Niagara Sedudo
and further development in Nganjuk other attractions. So, indirectly, the four do development
because collided with funds acquired by the Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism
I. Development of Attractions Niagara Sedudo
Located in the village of Ngliman. Kecapatan Sawahan, Nganjuk, East Java and at an
altitude of 1,438 m above sea level about 30 km to the south of the city Nganjuk. Scenery
beautiful waterfall with a height above average, unspoiled and cool make Sedudo region very
interesting to visit. This attraction is included in the attraction developed and preserved in
Nganjuk and also the icon Nganjuk.
Whereas in the development of attractions Niagara Sedudo there have been plans that
have been prepared by the Department of Culture and Tourism with the coordinator Niagara
Sedudo that in the years 2012-2013 will be built again the arrangement of clean water to rinse
and shower because now there is only one place only. Furthermore, there will also be the
making plengsengan on a cliff near Niagara Sedudo for the convenience of visitors that is not
slippery in the rainy season, and the last will further develop the tradition of being washed
sedudo are still popular among the tourists from out of town.
Journal of Public Administration (JAP), Vol , 1, No. 4, Hal. 135-143

II. Development of Attractions Water Creeping Roro Kuning

development conducted by the Department of Culture and Tourism Nganjuk to attraction
Water Creeping Roro Kuning been conducted since 2008 by adding supporting facilities such as
built bridges near water merambatnya and pool with water that flows directly from Creeping
water source Roro Kuning. But in 2010 occurred a massive landslide that resulted in damage to
bridges and large rocks that are around water Propagating Roro Kuning moved up unfocused.
After the landslide had been drawn up plans to renovate in stages, from cleaning and
painting the toilet near Creeping water Roro Kuning. But under renovation or rectification
thoroughly in Roro Kuning has not been done by the Department of Culture and Tourism
Regions because they memproritaskan for other attractions. Thus, in the years 2012- 2013
development plan for Roro Kuning still not a lot, which was developed in the near future is the
outbound travel.
III. Development Anjuk Attractions Recreation Park Field (Tral)
Year 2012-2013 is Tral already planning the development for a total sump mengu- building
and repairing to make it look more modern. By the potential for attraction of artificial Tral most
visited by tourists from within the City Nganjuk.
From the government side, in this case the Department of Culture and the Regional
Tourism Nganjuk which makes the program or site plan Recreation Park Anjuk Field

preparations are 80%, and around mid-year 2013 will begin development work Tral.
IV. Development Goa AttractionsMargo Tresno
Goa MargoTresno the surrounding nature has a mountain panorama is quite lovely and
cool Sugihwaras located in the Village District of Ngluyu 35 km north of the city Nganjuk. Goa
Margo Tresno which covers approximately 15x50 m, there are


Alsoother caves in the vicinity which are connected to each other, namely Weak Jeblong Goa,
Goa Lawa, Bale Goa, Goa Pawon. Margo Tresno in Goa is also famous for various rituals.
In its development, the Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism Nganjuk has made
various additions of supporting facilities for the convenience of visitors. In 2012 the plan was to
develop in part to an expansion Ubalan ie land for parking in the pool Ubalan, and in paving to
make it more presentable. And will also be made the way out the door to visitors because until
now the entrance and exit of Goa Margo Tresno still finished one place, so it needs to be a way
out so that visitors do not get confused and feel uncomfortable. Moreover, in 2013 it will also be
added rides children to be more variable again.
Public Participation In developing the attractions area in Nganjuk is urgently required active
participation of the local community. Because indirect regional tourism development efforts will
be an effect also on improving the welfare of the community around itself. To increase public
participation, the Department of Culture and the Regional Tourism Nganjuk taken several steps
aimed at increasing the participation of local communities, namely:
1) conduct coaching, outreach to the surrounding community attraction to create a conscious
society travel; 2) participates in the community in preserving and protecting nature and forests in
particular; 3) encourage local communities to maintain cleanliness at tourist sites to be possible
to hold community work together; 4) Participate preserve the cultural mores surrounding
attractions, culinary culture, and others; and 5) invites the public to participate in creating tourist
charms or abbreviated 5K, namely: safety, cleanliness, order,
Journal of Public Administration (JAP), Vol. 1, No. 4, Hal. 135-143

beauty and friendliness towards visitors

Participation of the Private Sector is still minimal role of private parties to assist in the
development of tourism in Nganjuk. The government still tend to be passive in seeking
assistance to outsiders. However, local governments, especially the Office of Culture and
Tourism is still kept open the opportunity if the private sector wants to help develop the potential
of the existing tourist attraction in the area Nganjuk.
1. Factors Influencing the Development of Tourism in Nganjuk a. Supporting Factor
1) attractions that are well known and
recognized by the public. Niagara Sedudo already known by the public around East Java, it
also affects the interest of tourists who want to visit to see the Waterfall Nganjuk Sedudo. In
addition, the charm of other attractions such as the Air Propagating Roro Kuning, Tral, and Goa
Margo Tresno start getting ogled by tourists who visit the city Nganjuk for each attraction that
has its own charm. 2) The role of government and thecommunity.
surrounding The existence of a direct role of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the
Regional form of guidance and involvement of the fieldwork sites in collaboration with local
communities in developing tourism in Nganjuk is one contributing factor in the development of
regional tourism. 3) Easy coordination between the parties
involved. The existence of good relations between the department of culture and tourism
with their respective coordination fourth guard attractions in Nganjuk. If there is any damage
immediately reported and the department can directly accept criticism and advice given by the

coordinators of each attraction.

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4) of Law No. 9 1990

ofon tourism. The existence of these laws encourage the Government Nganjuk to explore
the potential of tourism in Nganjuk. From the above description can be seen that people in the
tourist area also supports a program conducted by the Department of Culture and the Regional
Tourism Nganjuk.
b. Obstacles
1) Funds are limited and do not factor affecting the smooth development of tourism in Nganjuk
is lack of funding. The tourism sector is the sector of choice not a sector that must be preceded
by local governments. The government should also seek Nganjuk optimally in the budget in the
field of tourism as an area of tourism assets and can increase revenue (PAD) Nganjuk own. 2)
The geographical location attractions. For attractions that are in the mountains or around the
woods like Niagara Sedudo, Air Propagating Roro Kuning, and Goa Margo Tresno, very difficult
to reach if you want to add facilities other facilities and infrastructure. With its location as it is
feared will be the high cost of freight, and others if heading to the area of the attraction. 3) The
status of land ownership withparty
another(Perum Perhutani). The ownership status of existing forests around Niagara Sedudo,
Roro Kuning and Goa Margo Tresno a collaboration with Perum Perhutani of Kediri and
Nganjuk. So, if you want to plans pengemba- Attraction Ngan it involves Perum Perhutani in
running these programs.
Based on the results of research conducted by researchers in the field either through
observation, interviews, and documentation obtained relating to
the Journal of Public Administration (JAP), Vol. 1, No. 4, Hal. 135-143

problems in the research, it can be concluded that:

1. In Nganjuk Attraction actually has a lot of potential to attract tourists from within and from
outside the region Nganjuk. There are four local attraction that is also managed by the local
government, especially under the supervision of the Department of Culture and Tourism
Nganjuk as the tourism operators. Keempat objek wisata yang dikelola oleh Dinas Kebudayaan
dan Pariwisata Daerah meliputi: tiga objek wisata alam dan satu objek wisata buatan, yaitu
objek wisata Air Terjun Sedudo, Air Merambat Roro Kuning, Goa Margotresno, dan objek wisata
buatan Taman Rekreasi Anjuk Ladang. 2. Keempat objek wisata tersebut masing-masing
mempunyai daya tarik tersendiri, akan tetapi pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Nganjuk masih
kurang optimal dalam mengem- bangkan potensi yang dimiliki di tiap- tiap objek wisata tersebut.
Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Daerah Kabupaten Nganjuk masih belum maksimal dalam
melakukan pengem- bangan objek wisata Nganjuk. Buktinya belum berjalannya programprogram terkait pengembangan wisata daerah karena terhalang dengan dana yang terbatas,
sedangkan objek wisata yang perlu perbaikan dan pengembangan banyak. 3. Belum adanya
aturan hukum atau peraturan daerah (PERDA) yang mengatur khusus tentang strategi
pengembangan sektor pariwisata di daerah Kabupaten Nganjuk sehingga rencana-rencana
atau program yang telah dibuat oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Daerah kabupaten
Nganjuk dengan para koordinasi lapangan di empat objek wisata tersebut belum bisa

dilaksanakan dengan baik dan menyeluruh. 4. Terkait dengan pengembangan pari- wisata
daerah Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata tetap optimis untuk bisa menjalankan programprogram yang

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sudah dibuat untuk mengembangkan lagi wisata di Kabupaten Nganjuk karena mereka yakin
potensi wisata
yang dimiliki Kabupaten Nganjuk tidak kalah menarik dengan daerah- daerah lain.
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