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SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 Key: ‘A-- confidential informant 8 -Innocent 3rd party INTRODUCTION ¢- Undisclosed reason 1 Ravi Narine Misir, of the City of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, 1 Peace Officer, MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT; APPENDIX Lain a member of the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) and have so been employed for over fourteen (14) years. I am presently assigned as the Major Crime Coordinator in Division 43, 1 pat of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. My duties include but are not limited to: judicial writing, providing consultation to other investigators, file management, hate crimes reporting and analysis, risk management, research, report preparation, conducting police involved shooting reviews, and working on investigative projects, During my tenure as the Major Crimes Coordinator I have written hundreds of judicial authorizations for criminal investigations including but not limited to: criminal organization, murder, and eonspi cases. 1 am currently designated by the Minister of Public Saféty and Emergency Preparedness to on intercept private communications under authorization or to observe, by means of televis camera or other similar electronic device ifthe offeace under investigation is one in respect of which proceedings, if any, maybe instituted at tae instance of the Government of Canada and conducted by or on behalf ofthe Attomey General of Canada. | have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this application, except where those facts are stated to be based upon information and belief from other sources, Other sources may include reports, interviews and/or affidavits | have read from other peace officers who have been jiavolved in this investigation, of the witnesses involved, Consequently, | have accepted and adopted some of these conclusions as my own. In these cases I also believe the facts to be true and accurate. knowledge of the facts hereinafter deposed to except where same are stated J have personal information and belief, In both cases I also believe the fucts to be true and to be based upon accurate, tof 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIA — dated September 13, 2018 All of Lie physical locations and addresses mentioned hereafter are in the city of Winni Province of Manitoba unless otherwise specified, SECOND APPLICATION ‘On September 14, 2016 Judge Carlson of the Provineial Court of Manitoba, after reviewing, my application for a search warsant had rejected it for the reasons cited in her honour's Jetter attached hereto us Exhibit "3". 1 huve addressed these errors and made the appropriate corrections by correcting the address in paragraph 39(@)(ii} and removing paragraph 34K), which had been entered in error. 1 also indicated in perageaph 33 how il is we have confirmed thal 31 Aspen Drive is indeed Trent Milan's address. OVERVIEW OF ALLEGATIONS Constable Trent Milan (Milan) is the primary handler of confidential informant, SOURCE. “

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