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Name __________________________ Test Date ____________________ Extra Credit


5-4.1 and 5-4.2 Social Studies Study Guide: Roaring 20s, Harlem Renaissance, and Great Depression

1. What did African Americans do during the Harlem

Renaissance? (5-4.1)

10. What caused the Dust Bowl?

2. What was the

CAUSE of African Americans
migrating into cities? (5-4.1)

11. Which region of the United States was most

affected by the dust bowl?

3. What was the purpose of the 19th


12. How did the dust bowl affect farmers?

4. What was the purpose of the 21st Amendment?

13. What was the publics opinion on President

Hoover as shown through Hoovervilles and Hoover
blankets? (5-4.2)

5. List a few causes of the Great Depression.

6. What did stockholders do as a result of the slowing

economy during the 1920s? (5-4.2)
7. What happened to bank customers in the 1930s?

8. Many people lost confidence in the banking

system, and withdrew their money. What happened
as a result of this loss in confidence?

14. What is another name for unemployed young men

and women who took the highways and rails, seeking
work or handouts? (5-4.2)

15. Who was the Harlem Renaissance

figure who created several series of
paintings that showed African American
life and history? (5-4.1)
16. How did working life change for
women during the 1920s? (5-4.1)
17. How did the Great Depression affect
the lives of many Americans? (5-4.2)

9. What event does the graph above illustrate?


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