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(Sart ve Wis In Resor JUIN LUMMANUEK, VS. muin-rage MAKIHA SYLVIA COMMANDER SYLVIA COMMANDER, MAY 8, 2007 Page 222 Page 224 . Does he still advise you about investments? | 1 for me. A.No. 2 MR. PIKE: ~is they are not material or 1 2 3 Q. When did he stop advising you about 4 investments? 5 A He never told me. 6 — Q.Do you still work for him on occasion? 7 AN. 8 MR. BANKS: Mark these as 13 and 14. 9 (Deposition Exhibit No. 13 and 14 marked 10 for identification.) 11 A. Lalso have a cat there that's mine, her name 12 is Jasmine and I want my cat. 13 Q. Lam handing you what's been marked as, 14 Exhibits 13 and 14. 1 want you to look at those, Did 15 you write those? 6A. Tam not going to answer because this is like 17 in the court and they shouldn't have these ere 18/WOn't answer because it's totally out of . There is a signature on the last page of 20 Exhibit No. 13. Is that your signature? a MR. PIKE: Which one is 13, counsel? 2 MR. BANKS: The three-page one. 3 A, This letter is the one that the crazy man 4 wrote and made me sign it and it's been a trauma to 5 And T don't want to answer. If you want to be accused of be 3 relevant to any matters concerning the marriage between 4 these parties, so they are not relevant to this case or 5 this deposition. And I haven't had an opportunity to 6 read these completely, but they appear to contain hearsay 7 and are hearsay. I object to their entry as a deposition 8 exhibit, they are not material or relevant or competent. 9 Q Are you refusing to testify on the grounds of, 10 a privilege? 11 A. No, 1am not refusing it's just, simply put 12 it doesn't apply and I have the right, if T de 13. answer, I don't answer, 14 MR PIKE: It's not relevant to the 15 deposition, counsel. 1 object to the questios J!6 @ Are you refusing to answer that? MR PIKE: Counsel, I object to the qu: 18 1am going to instruct Sylvia to not answer 19 question. It's not relevant, it's not material 120 is no foundation as to the authorship, and it 121 calculated to harass the witness without adc 22 issues in this particular case, And we have 23 previous objection. It's inflammatory, prej 24 material or relevant to the issues in this cas 25. when I have time to look at it further, I mig Page 293 1 discrimination, that's your business, but I am not goisg. 2 to answer. 3 @. Did you sign this {a 1999? 4A. Lam not going to and ion" ask me 5 anymore, | 6. Q. Exhibit No. 14 also appears to have your 7 signature -- 8 A. Lam not going to answer in any Tanguage. Q. Why won't you answer questions about — ‘A. Because it doesn't apply. 2 Q. Tam just asking, did you type these 12 documents? 33 9 0 ANo. it No. 14 is a three -- Exhibit No ‘A. You are wasting your time. Q. Did you sign that in 19992 21 A. Lam not listening to you anymore. lao MR. PIKE: 1am going to object to the l23 Exhibits 13 and 14. My first objection, they do not 24 appear to be originals, ‘The second objection ~ 25a. 1am not mad, counselor, it's just a trauma BUCHANAN REPORTING SERVICE, P.O.BOX 4173 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83205 (208)233-0816 1 1 think of some more, 2 MR.BANKS: You are on a roll right now. 3. Q. Lam going to move to continue the deposition. are a number of questions that [have asked that 5 youlhave refused to answer either on your own volision or 6 on the instruction of counsel, so I am not going to end 7 this deposition, but I am going to seek a court order that you come back in and answer the questious that you 9 have refused to answer today. That's all I have. NS MR PIKE: For the record, counsel, I do not 11 agree to continue the deposition to allow you to seek a 12 court order. You may do as you see fit, but as far as 1 13 am concerned this deposition is ended ~~ 14 THE WITNESS: Tam not coming. 15 MR.PIKR: Sylvia, please. ~- as far as I am 16 concerned this deposition is ended at this time, 17 THE WITNESS: I don't feel well, I am right 18 now ready to pass out, I am tired, 19 MR.BANKS: Lassume that means you don't have J20 any questions, then 21 MR. PIKE: No, I don't have any questions at 2 this time. [23 (Witness excused at 5:55 p.m.) 2s 25 Page 222 - Page 225

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