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2nd Semester 2005-06

Roland L. Aparece, MA

Social Science Department

College of Liberal Arts
University of Bohol
411-3484 loc. 37



1. Be highly sensitive to the material culture of Pre-Hispanic and Hispanic Filipinos.

2. Try to be very observant in your museum visit.
3. Be open for new surprises. The only mistake in museum visit is to say, Ive
seen this before.
4. Select three (3) objects that attract your attention. Discern here what captivate
your imagination. Be aware of the feelings evoke within in this encounter.
5. Analyze what is the non-material culture (cognitive component: knowledge and
belief; normative component: values, norm-folkways, mores, law, and symbolic
component- signs and language) that influenced the creation of these material
6. If something builds up your curiosity, try to ask the assistance of the museum
7. Be very careful not to accidentally destroy

any items found in the museum.

II. Bohol Museum:

This displays the ancient and Hispanic culture of the different towns here in
Bohol. Try to appreciate the tools, arts works and weapons displayed. See also the
history of each town as reflected in the material culture available in the area.
III. Baclayon Museum:

the strong religious culture of the Boholanos during the Hispanic

colonial government. An impressive display of religious icons, vestments and

paraphernalia could be found here. Try to imagine how the Spanish Missionaries
evangelized the people and how the people responded to their missionary works as
reflected in the objects displayed in this museum.

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