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The sun dusted her face with freckles and the breeze pulled her like it was trying to lead
her on some adventure. Through her oversized sunglasses, the girl looked out onto the ocean.
The water always seemed calmer in the morning when all the people were eating their muffins
inside or were still sleeping in their cabins. The oceans seemingly infinite horizon made her feel
Dad, did you know that people have only explored less than 30 percent of the oce--
Listen, he mumbled as he licked his finger to turn the page of his book.

Ok, Im listening. She sat there, fidgeting with her fingers, ready for him to look at her.
What am I listening to? He didnt respond, nor did he stop reading his book. What am I
listening to? she said louder than before.
Nothing, he said, turning his page.
Can you just stop yapping for once he growled, and just listen for god sake.
Listen to what?
Sighing, he said, Silence!

She bit her lip to stop herself from mouthing her thoughts. He brought me on a family
cruise for what? Sinking down into her seat, she furrowed her brows and folded her arms.I
guess because he had to drag me along. No one else to dump me with. She couldnt help
herself from peeking at her father every few seconds. With each crush of a wave against the
ship, she resented him further, but also longed for a quick smile or a rub on the head like her
mother used to do. If I fell overboard, he would rush to ask what happened when I got dragged
back on board. He would beg for me to tell him everythi--

She jumped straight out of her chair like something had possessed her and walked up to
the top deck of the ship. She pulled her body over the railing to see nothing blocking the view of
the water straight down. Odd. On the other side of the deck, there was no one but a little old

man wearing oversized black sunglasses. P

Hello, sir. Nice day, right? she said, smiling straight at him.
Still facing the ocean, the man said, Indeed. I just love the whispering of the wind and
the droplets of water that come from the waves.
Yeah, its beautiful, too, she said, nervously glancing at the deep dark depth of the
I bet, he chuckled, now tilting his face toward the breeze away from the girl. He
continued to mumble about something, but his words were fleeing her mind.
The life saver and the stream of people that would line the railing of the boat, was
making her heart pound a little faster. The lifeguards would touch her forehead, check her
breathing, as her dad pushed his way to her. The little old man would tell everyone how the
wind swept this poor girl off the boat and that he was lucky to see it and save her. She was
planning every word of his speech in her head.
The girl put both feet over the short railing on the edge of the deck. Holding her breath
and closing her eyes, she bit her shaking lip before she jumped. Her arms kept fastened to her
side and before she could even let out a smile, she went under water.
Bringing her head above the water, she yelled and yelled, Help! Help! but the wind
seemed to carry and run off with her words. Her arms starting to shake and burn from waving
and waving. He was now facing her direction but the gaze of his thick black sunglasses seemed
to be far off into the distance.

As he was enjoying the whooshing sound and pinching touch of the breeze, a woman
came and touched his arm.
I just met a wonderful young girl, he said.
Oh really? she said, Where is she now?
I wish I could see where she went. He picked up the cane he held in between his legs
and pointed it in front of him as the woman, hand on his back, lead him towards the stairs.
The girl yelled and yelled till she could no longer see his black sunglasses. She silently
drifted, feeling the sun dust freckles on her face. It was just her in an infinite horizon of ocean

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