Testlets 3

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Tomato Allergy


Old woman mentally compromised allergic to tomato has 5 year old clavicle fracture
takes meds for mental issues and antihistamines has painful ulcer on palate aggravates
as she eats and gingival bleeding as probed.
a.Reason for ulcer
b.reason for gingival soreness,
c.epithelium of ulcer
d.fracture question

a.Reason for ulcer is Vit c deficiency coz of no tomato
Because she is mentally compromised she wont be able to maintain proper oral hygeine
b.And gingival soreness is coz of: medication
c.Epithelium will be keratinized stratified squamous epi.
d.Fractue is remodelled bone since its 5 year old

3)Child found dead with snake bite

Case- 10 year boy was found dead with a broken jaw deviating to the right, had bruising
on the side of his face and was bite by a rattle snake on the lateral side of his forearm.

1)Sensations from the left face and teeth are interpreted in? Right parietal lobe

2).What will u find in the site of injury? Ischemic Necrosis (because snake venom
causes hemolysis and muscular necrosis at site of injury/bite)

3). What bone u found in the lateral of the forearm? Radial

4). All of these are used to recognize the pt except : Answer D (A. teeth B. DNA C.
Mitochondrial RNA D. Skull suture)

5). You found lateral supraorbital hemorrhage, what is the bone and the artery
damaged? Supraorbital artery and bone is frontal bone.
6). Pt has flourosis ..where do u expect to see it? teeth (dentin and enamel) and long

4)**testlet women found dead, described something about her body.

1.blood in her nose from what? Epistaxis

2.overgrowth vagina causes what? Leiomyoma

3.lateral shift in spine? Scoliosis

5) Testlet saying a lady 30yrs has ulcers on palate, gingiva, tongue, buccal mucosa,
labial mucosa; erythema of oral cavity. History of surgery to remove cystic ovary 3 yrs
ago. And decay of upper 1st molar. biopsy of gingival ulcer and surrounding tissue is

1- what epithelium is of normal surrounding epi of biopsy? Stratified (Keratinized)
squamous epithelium

2- what cells are seen in the superior of the ulcer? Cells could be dead and dying
inflammatory cells/ fibrous tissue exudate...

3- x ray of 1st molar, radiolucency is seen over teeth- what can it be? Probably could be
carious tooth or periapical problem

4- what is the name of the surgery performed 3 yrs ago? Oophorectomy

5) A lady met with an accident few days before now comes to u with the complaint of
loose teeth (both max central incisors) she has black pigmentation around her left eye

1- which fibers were not responsible for the teeth to become loose- interradicular

2- what can be the reason for radiolucency between the teeth: Reason for radiolucency
could be so many I don't know honestly but probably tear of the fibers and cracks in the
alveolar bone and inflammatory cells infiltration ... They all show radiolucency

3- what is it called that is formed around her eye? Periorbital ecchymosis or raccoon

4- what can be time her accident has happened- 2days/ 7days/ 14 days / 30 days? Ans-


Woman with hysterectomy 20 years ago and hypothyroidism and takes meds for her

1)overdose of hypothyroidism drug what wont it cause ? Options tachychardia,
Increased level of TSH, hyperthermia. Ans Increased level of TSH

2) overdose will lead to tachy cardia and hyper thermia.

7)SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOUS SLE has now become systemic.

1)Why is there increase in level of Rhematoid Factor?

increase in rheumatoid factor(RF) shows presence of SLE, and also other diseases like
rheumatoid arthritis, and it is formed due to antibodies formation against

The higher the level of RF the greater the probability of destructive articular disease.

2)Increase In ESR tells what about patient?

increase in ESR tells about level of inflammation in patient.

if there is inflammation, the RBCS fall more rapidly so level of ESR is high(Erythrocyte
sedimentation rate: ESR) - is a non-specific sign of inflammation.

In lupus patients, the ESR may be elevated with active disease or with concomitant
infection. It is a non-specific inflammatory marker that is useful for monitoring disease
flares and therapeutic response to treatment.

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