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Beyond Baker Street.

A game of deduction for 2-4 players.


1 Rule Book
3 Confirm Counters
1 Holmes Counter
1 Investigation Counter
2 Oversized Track Cards
8 Detective Cards
12 Case Files Cards
24 Evidence Cards
28 Lead cards, comprised of:
12 Suspect Cards
8 Motive Cards
8 Opportunity Cards

Object of the game.

30th June 1895
As a team, you must find the evidence necessary to bring your
investigations to a satisfactory and successful conclusion. You
must be ready to prove who did it, why and how.
This would be elementary, if it were not for two small problems:
Firstly, Holmes often remarks how the detectives of Scotland
Yard are bumbling fools his words, you understand, chaps.
Secondly, Sherlock is already on the case.
Hes quite interested if you can beat him to it this time. But he
doubts it. Hes ready to consult, when you need him. The game,
gentleman, is afoot!
Dr John Watson


Version 3.4


1. Shuffle the Case File Cards, select one and place it in the middle of the table.
2. Shuffle each of the individual Lead decks, and draw 3 cards from each of the
Suspect, Motive, and Opportunity Decks, and place them face down next to
the Case File, as illustrated.
3. Turn over the top card of each of these decks to reveal the Lead Suspect,
Lead Motive, and Lead Opportunity.
4. Place the remaining Suspect, Motive, and Opportunity Cards back in the box,
they will not be used this game.
5. Shuffle the Detective Cards, and give ONE to each player. Only use these
cards once you are familiar with the game.
6. Shuffle the Evidence Cards, and deal cards to each player based on the
number of players.
In a 2 player game each player gets 6 cards.
In a 3 player game each player gets 4 cards.
In a 4 player game each player gets 3 cards.
7. The remaining Evidence Cards are placed face down within reach of all
players. This becomes the Evidence Draw Deck.
8. Place the Investigation Counter on the Investigation Track on position 0.
9. Place the Holmes Counter on the Holmes Track according to the Case File.
10. Place the 3 Confirmed Tokens off to one sized.
11. Select a first player, for example the last person to read a Sherlock Holmes
9. Holmes Track and Counter

5. Detective

Confirmed 2/3. Motive Leads
1. Case

7. Evidence
Draw Deck
8. Investigation Track and

5. Detective


Version 3.4

Winning the game.

Players will either win the game together, or lose the game together.
Players will win the game if:
They Confirm the Suspect, Motive, and Opportunity Leads, and score
EXACTLY 20 on the Investigation track before the Holmes track reaches 0.
Players will lose the game if:
The Holmes track reaches 0 before all 3 Leads are Confirmed, and if they are
unable to score exactly 20 on the Investigation Track.
The players Confirm the third Lead before the Investigation track reaches 20.
The Investigation track ever exceeds 20.

Ending The Game.

The game ends immediately when:

The third and final Lead is CONFIRMED.
The Holmes Track reaches 0, in which case the players have lost the game.
The Investigation Track exceeds 20, in which case the players have lost the

Evidence Cards.

Players must ALWAYS hold their Evidence Cards facing AWAY from them.
In this manner you will not know which Evidence Cards you have, only seeing the
card backs of the cards in your hand, but seeing the cards held by the other players.
Evidence icons
This icon represents the detectives finding small
details at the scene of the crime and following up on
them in their investigations.

This icon represents the paper trail surrounding the
investigation: newspapers, legal documents, maps,
deeds, telegrams and photographs.

This icon represents the shoeprints and carriage
tracks the police can follow to ascertain the identity
or whereabouts of the suspect.

This icon represents the family, friends, neighbours
and passers-by interviewed by Scotland Yarders to
help corroborate their suspicions.


Version 3.4

Playing the game.

Players will take turns doing any ONE of the following actions (each action is
described in full in their own section below):

ASSIST. A player may tell another player ONE thing about their Evidence
Cards. Either the Evidence Number OR the Evidence Icon.
INVESTIGATE. A player may play an Evidence Card from their hand to one of
the Lead Sections on the Evidence Board.
CONFIRM. A player may CONFIRM the Lead in one of the sections on the
Evidence Board.
ELIMINATE. A player may play an Evidence Card from their hand to the
PURSUE. A player may discard the LEAD card from a Lead Section to the
Impossible, and then turn over the next Lead Card in that Lead Section.

Remember: Whenever you play a card, whether it is using an Investigate or Eliminate

action, you must draw a new card, if possible, from the Evidence draw deck.
Once a player has taken their turn check to see if the end game conditions have
been met.
If the game has not ended, play moves to the player on their left, and they may take
their turn. The game continues in this manner until the game ends.
All game play examples will be highlighted in a blue box
Playing the game example: John, Mary and Toby are playing a three-player game of Beyond Baker
Street. John has drawn Lestrade as his detective, Mary is Bradstreet and Toby is Gregson. They have
set up the game as shown on page 5 and been dealt 4 Evidence cards each. John read The Sign of Four
last week so he will be going first.
They hold their cards so that the other two players can see them.
John can see that Toby has two Clue cards, he tells him this
information by using the ASSIST action, pointing to the two
cards and saying These two are Clue cards. This is useful
information, since they will need to play 13 points of Clue
cards to prove Professor James Moriartys guilt. John also
moves the Holmes track from 15 (as shown on the Case File)
to 14.
Mary is sitting on Johns left, so she takes the next turn. She uses the ASSIST action. She can see that
John has three Tracks cards and three Documents. Since she is playing Bradstreet, she cannot reveal
that John has Documents (it is forbidden by the detective card). Mary tells John that he has three
Tracks cards in his hand. Mary moves the Holmes track from 14 to 13.
Toby is sitting on Marys left and takes the final turn in the round.


Version 3.4


A player may tell another player ONE thing about their Evidence Cards. They may tell
them about either one Evidence Number OR one Evidence Icon.
In either instance a player MUST indicate and identify all the cards of that type that
the player has in their hand.
EVERY time a clue is given to a player, the Holmes Counter is moved one space closer
to 0 on the Holmes Track.
Assist example: On his turn, Toby uses the ASSIST action. Since Mary has Clues, Documents and Tracks,
he decides that it may take too long to give her all that information. Instead he can see that three of
her cards are 6s. Toby knows that these will be important both in confirming Leads and when using
the Eliminate action.
Toby points to the three cards in Marys hand that are 6s. He moves the Holmes track from 13 to 12.


A player may play an Evidence Card from their hand to one of the Lead Sections,
provided that Lead Section has not already been Confirmed.
If the Evidence Icon matches that of the Lead Card in that Lead Section, then the
number on the Evidence Card will reduce the total of the Evidence required to
Confirm the Lead Card. If this total has been reduced to exactly 0, then on a future
turn any player may use the CONFIRM Action to Confirm the Lead.
If the Evidence Icon does NOT match the Lead Card, then the number will be added
to the total of the Evidence required to Confirm the Lead Card. Place the incorrect
Evidence card beneath the Lead card, so that the Evidence Number is still showing.
The added Evidence Icon is ignored.
If a player plays an Evidence Card to a Lead Section, and the total of the Evidence
required to Confirm the Lead Card would then be less than 0, then the Lead Card
becomes a Dead Lead and is moved to the Impossible. All Evidence Cards in that
section are shuffled back into the Evidence Deck. If there are no cards in the
Evidence Deck, then the shuffled cards create a new Evidence Deck.
Resolve this Dead Lead in the same manner as resolving a PUSRUE Action.
Whenever you play a card you must draw a new card, if possible, from the Evidence
draw deck. Your hand will always contain the starting number of cards until the
Evidence draw deck is exhausted.
Investigate example: John chooses to use the INVESTIGATE action on his turn. He selects a
card he knows is a Tracks and places it next to the Motive Lead card. It is a 3, therefore the
team know they need 6 more.


Version 3.4


If enough Evidence has been placed in a Lead Section such that the value of the Lead
Card is EXACTLY 0, then a player may spend an Action to place the respective
Confirmed Counter on the Lead Card.
All the Evidence Cards played to that Lead Section are turned face down, and may
not be looked at again.
You may then move the Holmes Counter one space away from 0 on the Holmes
Players may NOT play any more Evidence Cards to that section.
Players are one step closer to solving the crime.
Confirm example: Mary was subsequently told she had a Tracks card in her hand, which she
knew was a 6 given Tobys earlier information. She plays the INVESTIGATE action and adds
the 6 Tracks card to 3 Tracks John had already laid.
On his turn, Toby can see that the Motive Lead card (Revenge) which has a value of 9 Tracks
has been reduced to 0 by the 3 Tracks and 6 Tracks cards.
He uses the CONFIRM action to close this part of the case. He turns over the Evidence cards
next to the Motive Lead and places the correct Confirmed Counter on Revenge.
Finally, Toby moves the Holmes Counter from 7 to 8.


A player may play an Evidence Card from their hand to the Impossible. This evidence
is now considered to be a Dead Lead, and the Evidence Number on this Evidence
Card is added to the Investigation Track. Whenever you play a card you must draw a
new card, if possible, from the Evidence draw deck.
The Impossible may only contain a number of Evidence Cards equal to the number
indicated on the Case File. For each Evidence Card added to the Impossible in excess
of this value, the Holmes Counter is moved one space closer to 0 on the Holmes
When PURSUING new Leads, the Eliminated Lead Cards are placed face down. They
count towards the number of cards allowed in the Impossible, but do NOT add any
value to the Investigation Track.
Eliminate example: John uses his turn to tell Mary that the remaining 6 she has in her hand is
a Documents Evidence card, using the ASSIST action. Since the 2 Documents and 5
Documents cards have already been placed next to the Opportunity Lead card
(Premeditated) Mary knows she cannot use this card on that pile.


Version 3.4

On her turn, Mary uses the ELIMINATE action to play the 6 Documents card to the Impossible
section. This is added to the 4 Witness card played earlier. Mary moves the Investigation
track from 4 to 10.
Toby goes next, knowing he has a 5 in his hand. Toby also chooses the ELIMINATE action and
adds this to the Impossible. Since he is Gregson, the value of the card is doubled to 10. The
Investigation track is moved from 10 to 20.
The team can play no further Evidence cards to the Impossible, but may add Dead Leads.


A player may discard a Lead Card from a Lead Section to the Impossible, provided
there is another Lead Card available to him in that Lead Section. The discarded Lead
Card is placed face down, and is now a Dead Lead. The next Lead Card is then turned
face up.
Dead Lead cards count towards the number of cards allowed in the Impossible. Dead
Leads do not add to the Investigation Track.
Any Evidence Cards in the Lead Section, regardless of how they were played, are
then shuffled into the Evidence Deck. If the Evidence Deck is empty, then the
shuffled cards create a new Evidence Deck.
Pursue example: John is sure he has the 1 Documents Evidence card in his hand. Knowing the
team only need 1 more point of Documents Evidence to reduce the Opportunity Lead card to
0 he plays it. Unfortunately, it is a 1 Clue card. This is added to the required number of
Documents points needed, which now totals 9.
Mary knows that they now require 2 Documents points before they can CONFIRM the Lead
card. Since this card is already in play, the team realise that it will be much harder to
complete this Lead.
Mary uses her turn to PURSUE a new Lead. She discards the current Opportunity Lead card
face down to the Impossible and shuffles the Documents and misplaced Clue card back into
the Evidence Deck.
She turns over the top Opportunity card. This is now the new Lead. There are now 4 cards in
the Impossible.

The Impossible.

Holmes said, How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the
impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
Players will need to ensure that the evidence they gather is solid, to do this, they can
eliminate red herrings and unconfirmed Evidence and Leads, in order to bring the
Investigation Track to EXACTLY 0.


Version 3.4

Each Case File only allows a certain number of Impossible Evidence and Dead Leads
to be added to the Impossible before Holmes will step in to help with the
investigation. For each card added to the Impossible beyond this number, move the
Holmes Counter one closer to 0 on the Holmes Track.
ALL cards placed into the Impossible count towards the number of cards allowed in
the Impossible. Whenever you play a card you must draw a new card, if possible,
from the Evidence draw deck.
Evidence Cards played to the Impossible from a players hand using the ELIMINATE
Action, are placed face up, and the Evidence Number on the card should be added to
the Investigation Track (move the Investigation Counter closer to 20).
Leads played here using the PURSUE Action are placed face down, and do NOT count
towards the Investigation Track. These are considered Dead Leads.
The Impossible example: Luckily, Toby is playing Gregson. If he hadnt been then the 5 he
played would not have been doubled and the team would still require 5 Investigation points.
Since there are 3 Evidence cards and a Dead Lead in the Impossible any further cards they
might have needed to play here would move Holmes one place on his track.
The Case File has an Impossible limit of 4 without a penalty.

Detective Cards.

It may be that after playing the game, a few times, players find the game too easy. If
this is the case, we have included some Detective Cards, which can be randomly
distributed to players at the start of the
Six of the Detective Cards have a specific
role, which may hinder the Investigation
due to the limitations of that Detectives
Two of the Detective Cards have a role
that will help the investigation.
Using various combinations of these cards, it is possible to handicap or help players
of different abilities.
Note. If a player provides Evidence using the ASSIST Action that their Detective Card
otherwise prohibits them from saying the Holmes Counter should be moved one step
closer to 0 on the Holmes Track as a consequence.


Version 3.4

Glossary of Terms.

The following is a helpful guide of the keywords used within the game.
ASSIST The Action whereby a player tells another player one piece of information
about the Evidence Cards they have in their hand. This results in Holmes also
advancing his investigation.
Case File The case that the players are trying to solve, including information about
the setup of the game, and the number of cards that players are allowed in the
Impossible before Holmes steps in to assist.
Clue One of the 4 types of Evidence that is found on the Evidence cards, and must
be assigned to a Lead.
CONFIRM An Action that players can take in order to Confirm one of the 3 Leads.
Confirmed The result of Corroborating a Lead. Confirmed Leads cannot be reopened. Confirming the third lead is one way in which players can end the game.
Dead Lead Any Lead Cards that have been placed in the Impossible are considered
to be a Dead Lead. Dead Leads are placed face down.
Dead Leads will NOT increase the value on the Investigation Track.
Dead Leads will count towards the number of cards placed in the Impossible.
Detective The role players may choose to take at the start of the game. Using
Detective cards is optional, as each Detective has a certain handicap, and can result
in the game being easier or harder to play.
Documents One of the 4 types of Evidence that is found on the Evidence cards,
and must be assigned to a Lead.
ELIMINATE The Action that results in discarding Evidence to the Impossible.
Evidence Cards placed in the Impossible as a result of this action will increase the
value on the Investigation Track. They also count towards the number of cards
placed in the Impossible.
Evidence (Card) Evidence is made up of four types; Clues, Tracks, Documents, and
Witnesses. The strength of the Evidence is indicated in the card as the Evidence
Holmes The worlds greatest consulting detective. The game is a race to solve the
crime before Holmes does.
Holmes Track The track indicating how close Holmes is to solving the crime. If this
track ever reaches 0, then the players have lost the game.


Version 3.4

Impossible The section of the play area where unwanted Evidence Cards and Dead
Leads are discarded.
INVESTIGATE An Action by which players can associate Evidence with a Lead.
Investigation Track The depth of investigative research that players have gone into
in order to gather the evidence to convict a suspect, and solve the case. If this ever
exceeds 20, the Suspect will be scared off, and go into hiding, and players lose the
game. If this track is not at exactly 20 when players Confirm their third and final lead,
they have not gathered enough evidence for a watertight conviction, and they lose
the game.
Lead (Card) There are 3 types of Lead; Suspects, Motives, and Opportunities. Each
Case File is made up of 3 of these. However there is only ever one Active Lead of
each Lead type at a time. Players are gathering evidence to confirm the active lead.
Lead Cards can be changed (if possible) using the Pursue Action. Players must
Confirm all three Leads, if they are to win the game.
Lead Section The three areas of the play area where Lead Cards are placed (each
in their own section), and where Evidence Cards are placed to confirm the Lead.
Motive One of the 3 types of Lead Cards.
Opportunity One of the 3 types of Lead Cards.
PURSUE An Action by which (if there are more Leads available), a player can start a
new Lead, at the cost of discarding an old one, by placing it face down in the
Impossible as a Dead Lead. Attached Evidence is also discarded face down in the
Suspect One of the 3 types of Lead Cards.
Tracks One of the 4 types of Evidence that is found on the Evidence cards, and
must be assigned to a Lead.
Witness One of the 4 types of Evidence that is found on the Evidence cards, and
must be assigned to a Lead.



Version 3.4

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