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In the cultural period known as regional development. There was a powerful

and very warrior society well known as mochicas
It lasted between the year 100 to 700 A.C. It was established on the coast
north of Peru in the Valleys of Lambayeque,Jequetepeque ,Chicama, Moche,
Santa,Chao, Viru, Nepea,Huarme.
The culture Moche was discovered by Max Uhle in 1909, they were considered
the best ceramists of ancient Peru. Its name comes from the language called
Politically, they were organized into seigniories commanded by religious-military
authonites called , CURACAS.
They had a theocratic state ruled by the CURACA, it was a state of Ancient
Peru where they were organized under a system of government where religion
was determined who should govern.
Their principal god was aipaec called El Decapitator. Their principal religious
center was huaca de la luna, where the priests sacrificed humans as gifts to
their god.They made different kinds of ceremonious and rituals.
It was Based on agriculture and the construction of canals of artificial
irrigation.They used the guano in the planting of maize, beans, potatoes,
pumpkin, peanut (peanuts), fruit trees, etc.

Their representative colors were red, orange in some cases, black. The ceramic
Moche is one of the most varied in the world.
The Theme of thir craft was the most important social activities as the war, daily
life, artistic works, animals, etc.
They practiced the fishing in "Caballitos de Totora (they still exist in the northern
regions of Peru).

The mochicas were GREAT metallurgical workers that discovered the properties
of the gold, the silver and the copper.
They made cups, plates, clamps, shells, ornaments as necklaces, medals,
bracelets, ears, lips and noses earring, and also weapons such as blades or
They were great builders .They used the clay and the mud to built beautiful
temples, centers of sacrifice towns with a monumental, domestic and military
They were the first builders of pyramids in south America. Its main architectural
Huaca de la Luna
Huaca del Sol
Huaca Cao Viejo
Huaca Rajada

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