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Music Video Action Translation: "Soap" - Melanie Martinez

1. Melanie Martinez est volteando en el grifo. ( Melanie Martinez is turning on the faucet).
2. Ella est sentando en la tina. (She is sitting in the bathtub).
3. Martinez est cantando hasta la cmara. (Martinez is singing to the camera).
4. Ella est abrazandose. (She is hugging herself).
5. Ella est teniendo una barra de jabn. ( She is holding a bar of soap).
6. Melanie Martinez est agarrando la cabeza. ( She is grabbing her head).
7. Ella est balanceando la
cabeza. ( She is swinging her head).
8. Ella est gritando con la ojos cerrando. ( She is yelling with her eyes closed).
9. Melanie Martinez est negando la cabeza. ( She is shaking her head).
10. Melanie Martinez est gritando fuertemente. ( Melanie Martinez is screaming loudly).
11. Ella est hundiendo por debajo del agua. ( She is sinking underwater).
12. Melanie Martinez est escupiendo agua. (Melanie Martinez is spitting water).
13. Ella est teniendo de a la tina. (She is holding on to the bathtub).
14. Melanie Martinez est apretando el puos. ( Melanie Martinez is clenching her fists).
15. Ella est balanceando de ac para all. ( She is rocking back and forth).

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