Substance Is One Without A Dipole, Meaning That It Has An Equitable Distribution of

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Names: Ozamiz , Princess April

Date Performed: Jan. 16, 2017

Maulana , Jackie

Date Submitted: Jan. 20, 2017

Bation , Mary Mae

Carampatana , Rafaim
Arquiza , Norafel
Strand/Block: ABM-1

Properties of Polar and Nonpolar Substances


A substance comprised of molecules that contain unbalanced localized
charges (dipoles) is a polar substance. Polar substances tend to interact with other polar
substances and rarely react to a significant degree with nonpolar substances. A nonpolar
substance is one without a dipole, meaning that it has an equitable distribution of
electrons in its molecular structure.


To differentiate polar and nonpolar substances


Ethyl Alcohol
6 Disposable Cups

Paint Thinner


Activity 1
1. Put 4 ml of water into container then add 4mL of paint thinner. Swirl or tap the
container. record your observation.
2. Put 4 ml of water of alcohol. Swirl or tap the container. Record your observation.
3. Put 4 ml of paint thinner into the 3rd container then add 4 ml of alcohol.
Activity 2
1. At exactly the same, place 1 drop of each liquid (acetone, ethyl alcohol, water) on your
arm chair .Watch them evaporate.
2. List the liquid, from first to evaporate to last evaporate.
Activity 3.
1. Run a small stream of water from the faucet.
2. Place the unrubbed balloon near the stream. Do you notice anything?


Activity 1:

Activity 2:

Activity 3:


Data and Analysis:

Activity 1: Mixing Liquids
1. Polar solids dissolve in (polar, nonpolar) liquids
2. Nonpolar solids dissolve in (polar, nonpolar) liquids
3. Polar liquids (mix, dont mix) with nonpolar liquids

4. Oil/s is for other oil/s only so they fixed together. Similar goes for water so they just
don't mix. The oil always floats on top of the water because the oil has a lower
density than water.

Activity 2: Evaporation
1. The first liquid to evaporate had the (most, finest) polar bonds.
2. Explain in three sentences intermolecular attraction

Activity 3: Bending of Water

1. Sketch the behavior of water with the rubbed balloon.
2. Explain why water bend when the rubbed balloon

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