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This are questions I faced.

If u have any screen shots for any one of the question

provide that one also.
1. We have standard info objects given in sap why you created zinfo objects can u
tell me the business scenario
2. We have standard info cubes given in sap why you created zinfo cubes can u tell
me the business scenario
3. In keyfigure what is meant by cumulative value, non cumulative value change and
non cumulative value in and out flow.
4. when u creating infoobject it shows reference and template what is it
5. what is meant by compounding attribute tell me the scenario?
6. I have 3 cubes for that I created multiprovider and I created a report for that but I
didnt get data in that report what happen?
7. I have 10 cubes I created multiprovider I want only 1 cube data what u do?
8. what is meant by safety upper limit and safety lower limit in all the deltas tell me
one by one for time stamp, calender day and numberic pointer?
9. I have 80 queries which query is taking so much time how can you solve it
10. In compression level all requests are becoming zero which data is compressing
tell me detail
11. what is meant by flat aggregate?explain in detail
12. I created process chain 1st day it taking 10 min after that 1st week it taking 1
hour after that next time it taking 1 day with a same loads what happen how can u
reduce the time of loading
13. how can u know the cube size? in detail show me u have screen shots
14. where can we find transport return codes
15. I have a report it taking so much time how can I rectify
16. what is offset? Without offset we create queries?
17. I told my process chains nearly 600 are there he asked me how can u monitor I
told him I will see in rspcm and bwccms he asked is there any third party tools is
there to see? Any tools are there to see tell me what it is
18. how client access the reports
19. I dont have master data it will possible to load transaction data? it is possible is
there any other steps to do that one
20. what is structure in reporting?
21. which object based you created extended star schema?
22. what is line item dimension tell me brief
23. what is high cardinality tell me brief
24. process chain is running I have to stop the process for 1 hour after that re runn

the process where it is stopped?

in multiprovider can I use aggregations
25. what is direct schedule and what is meta chain
26. which patch u used presently? How can I know which patch that one?
27. how can we increase data packet size
28. hierarchies are not there in bi?why
29. remodeling is applied only on info cube? why not dso/ods?
30. In jump queries we can jump any transactions just like rsa1, sm37 etc it is
possible or not?
31. why ods activation fail? What types of fails are there? What are the steps to
32. I have a process chain is running the infopackage get error dont process the
error of that info package and then you can run the dependent variants is it
Give me any performance and loading issues or support issues
Reporting errors, Loading errors, process chain errors?

Tables in BW

v_rszglobv = variables
/BIC/F (cubename) is the fact table of a content cube
/BIC/D (cubename) P is the package dimension of a content cube
/BIC/D(cubename) U is the unit dimension of a content cube
/BIC/D(cubename) T is the time dimension of a content cube
/BIC/D(cubename) <1-9>, A,B,C,D is the userdefined dimension of a content cube
/BIC/M (InfoObject name) master data of object
/BIC/T (InfoObject name) text data of object
/BIC/H (InfoObject name) hierarchy data of object
/BIC/S(InfoObject name) SID table of the object.
/BIC/P(InfoObject name) Time-independent Master Data
/BIC/Q(InfoObject name) Time-dependent Master Data
/BIC/X(InfoObject name) table to link SID with SIDs for Time-independent Navigational Attributes
/BIC/Y(InfoObject name) table to link SID with SIDs for Time-dependent Navigational Attributes
/BIC/H(InfoObject name) Hierarchy Tables
/BIC/K(InfoObject name) Hierarchy SID Tables
/BIC/I(InfoObject name) SID Hierarchy Structure
/BIC/J(InfoObject name) Hierarchy Interval Tables

you can replace the BIC with BI0 for business content object and cubes
RSDIOBJ - index of all InfoObjects
RSSELDONE - Monitor: Selections for executed request
RSREQDONE - Monitor: Saving of the QM entries, state of the uploads, all info about the upload via
request number, field: RNR
ODS Table names
1.New data: /BIC/A (ODS NAME)40
2.Active data: /BIC/A (ODS NAME)00
3.Change log: /BIC/B ( NUMBERS)
RSRREPDIR which is the table containing all your reports.
RSTSODS - table that contain relation between "ODS Name" and PSA Table.
TBDLS - Logical system customization, when you run TA: BDLS
EDP21 - Partner Profile, when you run TA: WE20
RSBASIDOC - Assignment of source systems to BIW systems incl. IDoc type
In V_COMPDIR_COMPIC you can also see all your reports. The advantage is that you can see the
name/text of the query, not only the technical id.
RSDCUBEIOBJ Objects per InfoCube (where-used list)
RSDODSOATRNAV InfoObject in ODS (navigational attributes)
RSDIOBJT InfoObject texts
RSDIOBJ Directory of all InfoObjects
RSDKYF Key figures
RSDBCHATR Master data attributes
RSBBSQUERYDIR BW: Directory of the Query Sender
RSBBSQUERY BW: Query Receiver
RSBBSQUERYT BW: Texts for Query Receiver
TQOP Compare Operators for View Maintenance Query
TQOPT Compare operators for view maintenance query (texts)
TQLOT Logical operators for view maintenance query (texts)
ROMSDIOBJ BIW: Assignment of master data attributes to InfoObjects
RODCHA BIW: InfoObjects / characteristics
RODIOBJCMP BIW: InfoObjects / compounding
RODKYF BIW: Key figures
ROAPPLT BIW: Name of the application components
RSUICDONE BIW: Selection table for user-selection update ICs
RODTIM BIW: Time characteristics
RSIST InfoSource texts
RSIS InfoSource (transaction data)
RSISOSMAP Mapping Between InfoSources and OLTP Sources
RSOSFIELDMAP Mapping Between OLTP Source Fields and InfoObjects
RSUPDDAT Update rules key figures
RSUPDKEY Update rule: Key per key figure
RSUPDROUT Update rules - ABAP routine - check table
RSRWBINDEXT Titles of binary objects (Excel workbooks) in InfoCatalog
RSRWORKBOOK 'Where-used list' for reports in workbooks
RSDDIME Dimensions directory
RSDDIMEIOBJ InfoObjects per dimension (where-used list)
RSDDIMET Dimension Texts
RSZCOMPDIR Directory of reporting components
RSZELTATTR Attribute selection per dimension element
RSZELTDIR Directory of the reporting component elements

RSZELTTXT Texts of reporting component elements

RSZELTXREF Directory of query element references
RSZGLOBV Global Variables in Reporting
RSDCUBET Texts for the InfoCubes
SMEN_BUFFC-Table for Storing Favorites.

BW InfoProvider Design Specifications- (0SD_C03) - Sample

InfoProvider Identification
InfoProvider Name:

InfoCube: 0SD_C03 Sales: Overview



Std.Business Content


w/ Modifications











Other (specify):

Document History
Created By:

Date Created:

Approved by:

Date Approved:

Change History (To track changes to Request spec. after the specifications have been approved)




Brief Description of Change

Sample Data Flow





1. Business Content Installation

1.1. R/3: Data Transfer to the SAP Business Information Warehouse

Standard Business Content
Standard Business Content w/ Modifications

Refer to: __________

Refer to: __________

1.1.2. In each of the designated source systems, transfer the following DataSource(s):



Source System:
F Box (Development Client TBD)

G Box (Development Client TBD)

E Box (Development Client TBD)
Note: This assignment has been activated per standard business content. No modifications have
been made.
Use R/3 Menu Path:
Data Transfer to the SAP Business Information Warehouse Business Content DataSources Transfer
Business Content DataSources

1.2. BW: Set up InfoSource / DataSource Assignment


Standard Business Content
Standard Business Content w/ Modifications


Refer to: __________

Refer to: __________

Modeling: Source Systems: Replicate the DataSources of the following Application Components:
Application Component(s): Sales & Distribution


In each of the designated source systems, assign the following DataSource - InfoSource relationships:
















Source System:
F Box (Development Client TBD)
G Box (Development Client TBD)
E Box (Development Client TBD)


Install the Transfer Rules and Communication Structure.

Note: This assignment has been activated per standard business content. No modifications have
been made.

1.2. Activate InfoCube: 0SD_C03


Standard Business Content
Standard Business Content w/ Modifications

Refer to: __________

Refer to: __________

1.1.1. From the Business Content area of the Administrator Workbench:

Set Grouping to:

Only Necessary Objects
In Data Flow Before
In Data Flow Afterwards
In Data Flow Before & Afterwards

Set Collection Mode to:

Collect Autmatically
Start Manual Collection

Refer to: __________

Insert the following object(s) for Collection:

Object: 0SD_C03


Note: This object has been activated per standard business content. No modifications have been

Dimensional Model (Include InfoProvider, master data, related ODS, and related
aggregated cubes)

Types of Attributes

Attributes are InfoObjects that exist already, and that are assigned logically to the new
Navigational Attributes
A Navigational Attibute is any attribute of a Characteristic which is treated in very similar
way as we treat as Characteristic while Query Designer. Means one can perform drilldowns,
filters etc on the same while Query designing.
Imp Note:

While Creating the Info Object -- Attributes Tab Page -- Nav Attri butes to be
switched on .

While Designign the Cube we need to Check mark for the Nav. Attributes to make
use of them.
Features / Advantages

Nav. Attr. acts like a Char while Reporting. All navigation functions in the OLAP
processor are also possible

Filters, Drilldowns, Variables are possible while Reporting.

It always hold the Present Truth Data .

Historic Data is not possible through Nav. Attributes.

As the data is fetching from Master Data Tables and Not from Info Cube.

Leads to less Query Performance.

In the enhanced star schema of an InfoCube, navigation attributes lie one join
further out than characteristics. This means that a query with a navigation attribute has to
run an additional join

If a navigation attribute is used in an aggregate, the aggregate has to be adjusted

using a change run as soon as new values are loaded for the navigation
Transitive Attributes

A Navigational attribute of a Navigational Attributes is called Transitive Attribute. Tricky right

Let me explain
If a Nav Attr Has the further more Nav. Attributes ( as its Attributes ) in it those are
called Transitive Attributes .

For Example Consider there exists a characteristic Material .It has Plant as its
navigational attribute. Plant further has a navigational attribute Material group. Thus
Material group is the transitive attribute. A drilldown is needed on both Plant and Material

And again we need to have both Material & Plant in your Info Cube to Drill down. (To
fetch the data through Nav. Attrs. we need Master Data tables hence, we need to check
mark/select both of them in the Cube )
If Cube contains both Material and Plant
Dimension table having both Material and Plant will have Dim ID, Sid of Material, and Sid
of Plant. Since both the Sids exists reference of each navigational attribute is made

If Cube contains only 'Material

Dimension table having only Material will have Dim ID, Sid of Material. Since Sid for first
level navigational attribute (Plant) does not exists, reference to navigational attribute is not
made correctly.
Exclusive Attributes / Attributes Only/ Display Attribute
If you set the Attribute Only Indicator(General Tab page for Chars / Addl Properties tabpage
for Key Figs) for Characteristic while creating, it can only be used as Display Attribute for
another Characteristic and not as a Nav. Attr.

And it cannot be included in Info Cubes

It can be used in DSO, Infoset and Char as InfoProviders. In this Info Provider , the
char is not visible during read access (at run time)

This means, it is not available in the query. If the Info Provider is being used as
source of Transformation or DTP the characteristic is not visible.

It is just for Display at Query and cannot be used for Drill downs while reporting.
Exclusive attributes:
If you choose exclusively attribute, then the created key figure can only be used as an
attribute for another characteristic, but cannot be used as a dedicated key figure in the

While Creating A Key Figure -- The Tabpage:Additional Properties -- Check Box for
Attributies Only

Interview Questions I faced - 2012

1) In a process chain scheduled to run daily, the infopackage is not picking up the file. What
might be the reason? How you will rectify it?
2) How to find out when the last statistical setup was run?
3) When will you go for an infosource in BI 7.0?
4) What is BIA?
5) Describe step by step procedure to define exceptions, conditions, variable offsets?
6) What is a text variable? Where will you define it?
7)What are the different performance optimization methods you have used?
8) When will you go for aggregates?
9) What is exceptional aggregation?
10) Are you aware of HANA?

11) What is in-memory appliance?

12) What are dataservices? How is it used in BW 7.3?
13) Describe step by step procedure of one full extraction from ECC?
14)What is pseudo-delta mechanism?
15) Can you calculate the difference in date between 2 date fields during reporting?
16) There is a multiprovider which access 2 infocubes which has some same InfoObjects. How
will access in a report?
17) If its an Infoset in the above question, how to access it?
18) Can you access a .exe file from a Process Chain?
19) What is a DB Connect? What are RFCs?
20) How can I allow special Characters?
21) How to correct an error in PSA?
22) How does reconstruct work?
23) When will you go for Aggregates?
24) What are flat aggregates?
25) What is a degenerated dimension?
Tables for Process Chains Details
RSCOMPTLOGOT - Process Chain Component
RSEVENTCHAIN Event Chain Processing Event Table
RSEVENTHEAD Header for the event chain
RSEVENTHEADT Header for the event chain
RSPCCHAIN Process chain details
RSPCCHAINATTR Attributes for a Process Chain
RSPCCHAINEVENTS Multiple Events with Process Chains
RSPCCHAINT Texts for Chain
RSPCCOMMANDLOG System Command Execution Logs (Process Chains)
RSPCLOGCHAIN Cross-Table Log ID / Chain ID
RSPCLOGS Application Logs for the Process Chains
RSPCPROCESSLOG Logs for the Chain Runs
RSPCRUNVARIABLES Variables for Process Chains for Runtime
RSPC_MONITOR Monitor individual process chains

A Guide to the new SDN/SCN from BI perspective

Often a newbie to SCN (SAP Community Network- ) gets
quite bewildered by its vastness and becomes unable to corner to an area of
interest. I have collected this informations over a period of time and I hope it
will help you to understand the new SDN in a better way, on how it is
organized, how to start a discussion, how to search, and how to optimize the
maximum potential.
The SCN is divided into Spaces for each technology. Here I am listing the BI
spaces and the links to access it.
BI Spaces in SCN
1) Data-warehousing
1a) SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse in Data-warehousing
1b) Business Content and Extractors in Data-warehousing
2) Business Intelligence

3) SAP Business Explorer

4) BI Dashboards

5) Business Intelligence Old Forum (Read Only Archive)
6)SAP Training and Education

6a) SAP Certification in SAP Training and Education

Asset Types
In each of these spaces, the contents are divided in to the following ones
known as Asset Types.

Collaborative document
Wiki page

Eg. In case you want to post a question, First login, go to create a

discussion, choose a space, and type in your question.

How to share Your Knowledge in SCN Topic Spaces

Please check this link

The new content submission (Publishing White papers)

SCN now accepts only SAP submissions and the community will submit their articles
directly inthe respective spaces by creating Jive docs. If you are not an SAP employee
the system won't let you in, other community members should be creating documents in
Jive by clicking on Create a document.
For more information

Points in SCN (Contributor Reputation Program)
All the above are collected to the best of my knowledge. If any one has
something to addon, I request to please do so, and share with the

"The more you share your knowledge, the more you get"

Error: Setup Table for SD not getting deleted

Error: Need to delete the setup table for SD module , in LBWG, upon clicking the execute button
, a confirmation window opens up asking "Data will be lost , Do u wantto delete the restructure
tables" , I click on YES and after that there is no further status message (that whether the delete
was sucessfull or not). Now when i go to RSA3 and test the extraction( for 2LIS_11_VAITM) , it
still shows some records . indicating that the setup table has not been deleted
1. Call T/A SE14 --> Enter table name MC11VA0ITMSETUP -->Select radio button "tables" -->
click on Edit -->Select processing type "Background" --> Click on "Activate and Adjust
2. Here before performing the Activate and Adjust database function -- first try to check the data
base object (click on check button and select database object --ok) if every thing is ok then
proceed with the above steps.
3. Next try to delete the setup tables and check.
Also check if the data source is active or not before deleting the setup tables.

Important SAP Tables

Sales & Distribution Tables
VBAK - Sales document header data
VBAP - Sales document item data.
VBLK - Sales document Delivery note header.
VBBE - Sales requirements.
VBFA - Sale sdocument flow
VBUK - Sales document heade status.
VBUP - Sales document item satus.
VBEH - Scheduleline history.
VBEP - Sales document schedule line data.

VBPA - Sales document Partner.

VBRK - Billing header data.
VBRP - Billing item data .
LIKP - Delvery header data
LIPS - Delivery Item data.
Material Management
MARA : General Material Data (Transparent Table)
Development Class : MG
Delivery Class : Application Table
(Master & Transaction Data)
Text Table : MAKT
Important Fields
MANDT Client
MATNR Material Number
ERSDA Creation Date
ERNAM Name of person who created.
MTART Material Type.
MATKL Material Group.
MEINS Base Unit of Measure.
ZEINR Document Number.
ZEIAR Document Type.
WRKST Basic Material.
NTGEW Net Weight.
VOLUM Volume.
VOLEH Volume Unit.
SPART Division.
KZKFG Configuration Material.
VHART Shipping Material Type.
MAGRV Material Group Shipping Material.
DATAB Valid from Date.
ATTYP Material Category.
PMATA Pricing reference material.

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