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One of the most anxiously awaited occasions in any school is its annual day.

excitement and hurried activities are visible all around. The prize-winners and those
who are participating in the cultural programme to be presented on that day are
especially elated. Even those who are not actively, involved are excited to have a
study-free day in school, filled with fun, frolic and amusement.
The preparations for the annual day begin much ahead of the day itself. The school
gets a complete face-lift with all the classrooms thoroughly cleaned and charts on all
subjects, carefully made by the students and artistically displayed on the walls.
This is done to impress the Chief Guest, other guests and parents. The venue of the
function is decorated with Writings, balloons, banners and lights.
Another important feature of the preparation is the regular practice session of the
cultural programme to be staged on the appointed day. Students, participating in the
dance, drama and music programmes, are called for long rehearsals.
Again, those who have stood first in class in academics and various inter-class and
inter-school competitions, are made to undergo the actual practice for the day
through a mock-session, so that they know how to conduct themselves in the
presence of the august audience. The Head Boy is made to write out his speech
under the guidance of a teacher and he too is required to rehearse it.
The long-awaited day, finally, arrives and everyone seems to be immensely busy and
hectic, rushing here and there for one reason or the other.
All, including the principal, the teachers and the participants in the cultural
programmes seem greatly excited and worried. Those who are supposed to come to
the stage tremble in excitement and fear. The rest of the students help to arrange the
stage and look forward to a day of fun and frolic.
As the Chief Guest arrives, the school-band springs into tune. He is escorted by a
reception-committee, including the members from the Managing Committee, the
principal, teachers and students.
To start with, the principal delivers a speech, in which he first welcomes the Chief
Guest and then details the highlights of the school-results in the Boards
Examinations and the awards that the students have won in various activities.

Then the Chief Guest is requested to deliver his speech. It is followed by a speech
from the Head-Boy, who thanks the teachers for their affectionate guidance and
teaching, provided by them. He also expresses gratitude to the Chief Guest for
accepting their invitation and for all the compliments/ he has conferred on the school.
Finally, the Chief Guest is requested to give away the prizes to the students. The
prize- giving-ceremony is also an interesting event to behold. Each time the name of
a prize winner is called out, the band strikes inarching tune and the student
marches up to receive the prize and thanks the Chief Guest.
The cultural programme begins after the prizes have been awarded. Songs are sung
by the students, the dance and drama items are presented and one sees the hard
work, the students have put in during the rehearsals, reaching its culmination. The
function ends with the manager of the school giving a vote of thanks to the Chief
Guest and the parents for sparing their valuable time to be in the school.
The last to come is the National Anthem, at the tune of which, all those who are
present stand in attention. Then there is a controlled movement towards the exit.
Parents wait outside for their children. Those who have won prizes and those who
have performed on the stage are lovingly received by their parents. Finally,
everybody goes home, bidding adieu to each other.

Television is one of the most important invention of Science. Scientifically, it is only
a higher form of the radio. In addition to its old function of passing on sounds, it
transmits and receives visual images using electromagnetic radiation.
First developed in UK by John Logie Baird in 1926, TV has today evolved into the
most powerful instrument of audio-visual communication.
To our common folk this instantaneous reproduction of both sight and sound still
appears magical. They are simply overwhelmed with wonder and joy as they see
and hear people who may be thousands of miles away. Even when they leave,
wonder does not seem to have gone out of their eyes.

1. Relief from anxiety and monotony: Television delights and instructs us in
various ways. Artistic programs including drama, song and dance give us relief from
the anxieties and monotony of daily life and take us to the realm of imagination. We
all get very tired when we return home after working outside for the entire day. We

can watch television shows while relaxing on the sofa at our drawing room. It fills our
life with vigor.
2. Entertainment: It is said that variety is the spice of life and television offers a
variety of entertainment channels. There is no doubt for the fact the television offers
wide variety of entertainment both for the adults and the kids as well. We can choose
from the series of plays, serials, movies, and sports televised. Television offers
entertainment for every one of us. For adults, there are movie-channels, newschannels, live shows, reality shows, serials, etc. For small children, there are
cartoon-networks, educational-networks, etc.
3. Media interviews: The media men have regular interviews with eminent writers,
scholars, scientists and other celebrities. These extend our awareness of various
subjects and sharpen our desire for knowledge and understanding. When we watch
interviews of our celebrities, we understand how they overcame their earlycareer difficulties. We get inspired by watching these interviews of great and
successful personalities.
4. Live shows: There is no end to the pleasures. It caters to millions of people of all
age. They are thrilled as they witness live-cast shows of important games and
incidents. We become very excited when we see the live matches of cricket, football,
soccer, tennis, etc. Major international games such as Olympics are shown live on
the television. Live events of various music shows, award functions, etc. are
telecasted live on television.
5. Moral lessons: But, besides entertainment, many television shows are aimed at
teaching moral lessons to the society. Though, mass television campaigns, efforts
are made to boost a sense of integrity and moral-values among the common people.
Various documentaries are also made to raise the consciousness of the people so
that the society can be benefited by their actions. The harmful effects of drug,
alcohol, smoking, etc. are displayed to encourage the viewers to stay from these

In spite of its popularity, television is not free from disadvantages. That calls forth
certain criticisms.
1. Negatively effects the studies of the children: The young children spend more
time watching television than sitting with books. It greatly affects their studies.
Parents should ensure that the study of their children doesnt get negatively affected
in any way.
2. Dull and indecent programs: Some of the television programs are often dull and
indecent. It divert the attention of the youth. It creates certain feelings in them which
are detrimental to their future.

3. Distraction: Some of the cinema shows and advertisements are unhealthy for
youngsters. The youth should use television carefully so that their mind doesnt get
4. Wastage of time: People steal out of their work at times and gaze at Television
shows in marts for hours together. They waste immense time doing nothing while
watching television.
5. Quality of educational programs: The national educational programs are yet to
come up to our expectations. The number of quality education programs are few.
Very often, they fail to meet the expectation of the students.
6. Develop idleness: The excessive love for Television leads to idleness,
sentimentalism and weakening of our sense organs and imagination. During
holidays, instead of going out in the open and play some sports, the youngsters
prefer to remain idle watching television.
7. People read fewer books: During leisure time, people get enough time to read
books or do other acts of recreation. However, people are more interested in
watching television than reading books.
8. Alienates us society and elements of nature: Too much dependence on
Television alienates us from society and nature, the direct touch of which alone can
revitalize our senses and imagination.
Conclusion: In spite of the fact that television has some disadvantages, the utility
and importance of television in modern world cannot be denied.

What is a Newspaper? A newspaper is a form of printed media consisting of a
number of sheets of printed papers. It contains informative articles on news,
education, events, reviews and advertisements.
The newspaper is a necessity in modern life. It is now printed in almost all languages
and in all countries of the world.
It gives us news of what is happening in the world. We get various information
relating to politics, religion, economy, society, movies, food, etc. from the newspaper.

Formerly newspapers contained only news. But now they contain not only news but
also views on various subjects. Thus, now, there are various classes of papers. They
can be classified according to the number of times they appear in a year. Some are

printed daily, some twice in a week, some weekly, some fortnightly, and some

Advantages of Newspaper
Newspaper provides us all sorts of information, local, national, and international. We
must know about the events that is happening everyday in the fields of politics, civic
life, industry, commerce, fashion, sports, scientific achievements, arts and so on.
Newspapers serve many purposes. They wield much influence and power.

They keep us informed of what is happening in other parts of the country and
the world. They give us information about the latest inventions, researches,
discoveries, etc. and new ideas.

The traders advertise their goods in the papers. This helps to push up the sale
of their goods. Business, in modern times, cannot thrive without advertisement.
Thus, newspapers help a good deal in trade.

They build the nation and also guide the Government of the country. They
generally make healthy criticisms of the activities of the Government. They
point out its mistakes and set it on the right path.

The social malpractices are brought to the notice of common people through
this medium of communication.

The news journalists report various incidents. They send accounts of wars
and sporting events right from the place of occurrence.

Newspaper quote inspiring speeches of famous and successful personalities.

The importance of Newspaper can never be denied. They serve as a link between
the people and the Government.

Essay on the Importance

of Newspaper
Article shared by Subha Sarkar
Each morning we need a cup of tea and the daily newspaper. How much do we feel
irritated if the newspaperman does not bring to us the newspaper at the appointed
The newspaper becomes more important than even the cup of tea. Newspapers are
also like a potion to which we seem to be so deeply addicted.

As the newspaper gets dropped within our gate all those in the family try to have a
glance at it as per their interest. If one is interested in what is happening on the
political front, the other is interested to have a look at the share-rates while the
younger folk might like to know the latest regarding the details of the cricket match.
A newspaper thus has its immediate need for practically everyone in the family.
Newspapers have a large part to play in providing us with the latest on the national
and the international front. During the period of a war newspaper gives an hour to
hour report of the war front.
How great had been the keenness even of the common man to know details of the
Kargil war with Pakistan the heroic deeds of our martyrs our officers and
Newspapers do not only inform us; they even instruct us and help us, influence us to
form our opinion on important issues.
The leading articles appearing in the newspapers or their editorials created an
awareness regarding the CTBT or about the Pokhran nuclear test, the environmental
pollution. We hear about these Otters but newspapers through articles by the
specialists on the subject educated us, and enlighten us.
It is not that newspapers have only a passing importance they are used as a very
potent means of propagating a policy or a programme and this is the reason why
political parties bring out their own newspapers with a total emphasis on the concept
of their political views.
Though of course, this is not a very correct approach in journalism but that is what is,
newspapers really need to give unbiased views to enable the widely reading public
to form their own opinion and their own views on men and matters.
Newspapers are a mirror of public opinion too. Through their columns, the public can
present their views on subjects of national and international issues. Letters to the
Editor is one very important part of a newspaper.
Business houses also make great use of the newspapers to advertise their products
and to reach out to their customers. The alluring advertisements have a great impact
on popular mind and that is the purpose of such advertisements.

But there is one great responsibility which devolves upon the newspapers. This
responsibility is to give the correct news, not to distort it or misrepresent it for some
error motive.
The newspaper should avoid havocs propaganda as also to avoid news or such
which may cause acrimony or conflict among still correctness of the news demands
it, interests of the society such exciting news need to be toned down.
Distortion of the news of against the true spirit of journalism. Sensationalism not
journalism. Yellow journalism as the crude and obscene in the field of journalism
is described should be avoided as it strikes at the root of the journalist ethics.
Journalism flourishes well only in a democracy where there is no State ruled Press,
but the newspapers also need to understand their responsibility in enlarging and
encouraging the democratic spirit through an impartial appraisal of issues and by
creating a true spirit of amiability and concord.

Republic Day Essay 6 (400 words)

Our Motherland India was slave under the British rule for long years during which Indian people
were forced to follow the laws made by British rule. After long years of struggle by the Indian
freedom fighters, finally India became independent on 15 th of August in 1947. After two and half
years later Indian Government implemented its own Constitution and declared India as the
Democratic Republic. Around two years, eleven months and eighteen days was taken by the
Constituent Assembly of India to pass the new Constitution of India which was done on 26 th of
January in 1950. After getting declared as a Sovereign Democratic Republic, people of India
started celebrating 26th of January as a Republic Day every year.
Celebrating Republic Day every year is the great honour for the people living in India as well as
people of India in abroad. It is the day of great importance and celebrated by the people with big
joy and enthusiasm by organizing and participating in various events. People wait for this day
very eagerly to become part of its celebration again and again. Preparation work for the republic
day celebration at Rajpath starts a month before and way to India Gate becomes close for
common people and security arrangement done a month before to avoid any type of offensive
activities during celebration as well as safety of the people.
A big celebration arrangement in the national capital, New Delhi and State capitals takes place all
over the India. Celebration starts with the National Flag unfolding by the President of India and
singing National Anthem. Following this Indian army parade, state wise Jhankis, march-past,

awards distribution, etc activities takes place. At this day, the whole environment becomes full of
the sound of National Anthem Jana Gana Mana.
Students of schools and colleges are very keen to celebrate this event and starts preparation
around a month before. Students performing well in the academic, sports or other fields of
education are honoured with the awards, prizes and certificates on this day. Family people
celebrate this day with their friends, family and children by participating in activities organized at
social places. Every people become ready in the early morning before 8 am to watch the
celebration at Rajpath, New Delhi in the news at TV. At this day of great honour every Indian
people should sincerely promise to safeguard the Constitution, maintain peace and harmony as
well as support in the development of country.

473 words essay on My

Favorite Leader
Mahatma Gandhi
Article shared by Smruti
473 words essay on My Favorite Leader Mahatma Gandhi. There have been many
leaders who have led differently this world. Some worked for social reforms, while
many worked for social awareness. Several of them worked for the upliftment of
There have been many leaders who have led differently this world. Some worked for
social reforms, while many worked for social awareness. Several of them worked for
the upliftment of society. They all have impressed society in their own way. But of
them all, I like Mahatma Gandhi most. He is my favorite leader.
Mahatma Gandhi was a great man. He was born on 2nd October 1869 at Kathiwar in
Gujarat, in a middle class family. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
His father Karamchand Gandhi was the Diwan of Rajkot. His mother Putli Bai was a
religious lady.
Mahatma Gandhi had his early education at Porbander. Later he went to England for
higher studies. He was an average student in his early childhood. In his childhood
Mahatma Gandhi was very shy and honest. He passed his Entrance Examination at
the age of 17. In England he studied Law and became a barrister. When he returned
to India, he started his practice at the Bombay High Court. But he was not interested

in his legal profession. He abandoned his blooming career and jumped into the
freedom movement of India.
Mahatma Gandhis visit to South Africa proved an important event in his life. In fact, it
turned his life. In South Africa he was moved to see the plight of the non-white at the
hands of the whites. He himself had to suffer humiliation due to his being a nonwhite. He fought for the rights of the Indians living there. He was a very simple man.
His sympathy and love for the underprivileged inspired him to fight for them.
In 1913, Mahatma Gandhi came back to India. He joined politics. He could not
tolerate the plight of the masses by the foreign ruler. He fought for them. He
undertook pains and sufferings for them. He was put to jail several times. His whole
life is a saga of sufferings and sacrifice. Mahatma Gandhi started his political career
in India from Champaran Satyagraha. He went to Bihar and fought against the
injustices done on the farmers. He started non-cooperation movement in 1922. The
tools with which he fought against the Britishers were truth and non-violence.
Mahatma Gandhi worked hard to eradicate the social evils from Indian society. He
advocated Hindu-Muslim unity and condemned the untouchability, casteism,
communalism, etc. He loved the downtrodden and called those Harijans. He
promoted women education and criticised child marriage, purdah system, etc. Under
his leadership India got independence on 15 August 1947. Unfortunately this noble
soul, apostle of peace and love was shot dead by a frantic Nathu Ram Godse on 30
January 1948.
In true sense of the word, he was a great leader of the masses. His entire life was a
life of service, devotion, sacrifice and dedication. He had great qualities. He
deserves to be adorned.

Essay on Wildlife Conservation!

Like forests, wildlife is also a national resource, which not only
helps in maintaining the ecological balance but is also beneficial
from economic, recreational and aesthetic points of view. There was
a time when human interference was minimum the number of wild
animals was quite high and there was no problem of their
protection or conservation. But, with the expansion of agriculture,
settlement, industrial and other developmental activities and
mainly due to greed of man, the number of wild animals gradually
became lesser and lesser. With the result that several species of

animals have become extinct and several, others are on the verge of
being so.
Deforestation is also one of the main reasons for the loss of wildlife.
Mass killings of wild animals for their meat, bones, fur, teeth, hair,
skin, etc., are going on throughout the world. Therefore, the need
for wildlife conservation has now become a necessity.
Population growth, expansion of agriculture and livestock raising
building of cities and roads, and pollution are among the many
pressures on the natural habitat of wildlife. Along with illegal
hunting, habitat reduction and its degradation has threatened the
bio-diversity of the regions where these are rampant.
Preservation of wildlife does not mean a blanket protection to all
faunal and floral species; rather, it implies a proper, judicious
control over the multiplication of plants and animals, which interact
together to provide a proper environment to man whose very
existence is in peril today.
Due to the irrational use of natural and biotic resources of the earth
in the past, most of the wildlife has been destroyed beyond retrieval.
It is our urgent duty to protect the natural splendor of ecosystems
and to evolve a system of co-existence with every living creature
upon the earth.
Although must countries of the world are very particular regarding
conservation of wildlife, the number of wild animals is reducing day
by day. World Wild Life Fund is the international agency, which is
doing commendable work in promoting the protection of wildlife.
There are national agencies also engaged in the conservation of
Some steps in the direction of wildlife conservation could
be as follows:
(i) To survey and collect all the information about wildlife,
especially, their number and growth.
(ii) To protect habitat by protecting forests.

(iii) To delimit the areas of their natural habitat.

(iv) To protect wildlife from pollution and from natural hazards.
(v) To impose complete restriction on hunting and capturing of
(vi) To impose restrictions on export and import of wildlife products
and severe punishment to be given to those who indulge in this
(vii) To develop game sanctuaries for specific wild animals or for
general world life.
(viii) To make special arrangements to protect those species whose
number is very limited.
(ix) To develop general awareness at national and international
level regarding protection of wildlife.
(x) To adopt a system of wildlife management through trained
India is a good example where several steps have been taken for
wildlife conservation. It is a country of varied wildlife, where more
than 500 types of wild animals, 2,100 types of birds and about
20,000 types of reptiles and fishes have been found. According to
an estimate, in India, about 200 species of wild animals and birds
have already become extinct and another 2,500 are on the verge of
Some of them are black buck, chinkara, wolf, swamp deer, nilgai,
Indian gazelle, antelope, tiger, rhinoceros, gir lion, crocodile,
flamingo, pelican, bustard, white crane, grey heron, mountain quail,
etc. In India, the government and NGOs are taking keen interest in
the protection of wildlife. The Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 has
several provisions for the conservation of wildlife.
As many as 165 game sanctuaries and 21 national parks have been
developed to protect the natural habitat and wild animals. Apart

from this, a Wild Life Conservation Week is also celebrated from 7th
of October every year. But still there is a long way to go in this

Free sample essay on

Forest and Wildlife
Article shared by Aliva Manjari
Protection and conservation of forests and wildlife are essential to maintain the
earths health and environment. The earth is the only known living planet and it is
because of its special environment and ecology which are life-supporting. Forests
are part and parcel of our environment.
They are one of the most valuable resources and gifts of nature. They play a key role
in the maintenance climate, rain-patterns, water and soil conservation.
They are the natural home of much type- of animals, birds, reptiles, insects etc. They
supply timber, fuel, medicines, and wood for peeper-pulp and raw materials for many
industries. The increasing depletion and destruction of wildlife is a source of great
concern. One out of every seven persons of the world live in India
India has 16 per cent of the worlds population with only 2.4 percent of its land area.
There is much pressure on our natural resources including forests. In these times of
increasing consumerism and nature- hostile activities, the forest-cover is depleting
and deteriorating very fast.
The conservation of wildlife which includes native plants and animals, depends on
protection of forests. Wildlife is the direct product of the land resources and habitat
conditions. The neglect of forests moans the destruction of the wild animals.
Wildlife, like we human beings, need food, water, and shelter. Destruction of forests,
wetlands, marshes, points, grasslands etc. eliminates their sources of food, water
and habitat. The National wildlife action Plan launched in 1983 provides the
framework of strategy as well as programme for conservation of wildlife.
The protected area network till 1 993 consisted of 75 national parks and 421
sanctuaries covering 4.5 per cent of the total geographical area, which was proposed

to be increased to 5.1 per cent. The wildlife protection Act, 1972 governs wildlife
conservation and protection of endangered species. The Act prohibits trade in rare
and endangered species.
India is a signatory to the Convention on International Trade of Endangered species
of Wild Flora and Fauna. Under this export or import of these endangered species is
subject to strict control. Commercial exploitation such species is prohibited. The Wild
Life Protection Act, 1972 has been suitably amended to make the provisions more
effective. Endangered species of plants and animals have been brought under the
purview of ten acts.
India is very rich both in flora and fauna but many plant and animal species are
already extinct and many other are on the road to extinction. In spite of various acts
and rules- regulations against exploitation of wildlife, the real conservation has one
of the major wildlife producer counties of the world and yet there is a skeleton staff to
safeguard the interests of wildlife. Poachers are on the prowl even in sanctuaries
and protected forest areas.
They have become fertile hunting grounds for illegal hunting and killing of animals.
The rich and influential people and traders in, animal-skins, horns, etc. have been
indulging in hunting, killing and trading of wildlife with impunity. They carry telescopic
rifles and other weapons, use traps and poison food and kill the animals.
As a result of ecological imbalances and depleting forest-cover, the wild animals
come out at night in search of food in the villages and attack human beings and
domestic animals and fowls. In some parts of Uttar Pradesh the hyena and wolfmenace was very much in the news. Many children were killed by the wolves and
Similarly, in Pauri Garwal district of UP some leopards turned into man-eaters. Faced
with the scarcity of animals for prey in the forest and continuing attacks from
poachers, they become man- eaters. And once a man-eater is always a man- eater
because man is the softest target.
On many an occasion, the villagers injure more animals then they kill and so the
injured animals turn into man-eaters and attack villages at night for food. When a
human kill takes place, every leopard or tiger is regarded as man-eater and there is
indiscriminate killing consequently, the number of these felines is decreasing fast.

Thousands of snails, frog, rats, earthworms, cockroaches and other animals are
killed for dissection in schools, colleges and laboratories for experiments. Snakes
are also killed indiscriminately out of ignorance as greed. This destroys and disturbs
the fragile ecological balance. Tigers are subjected to utmost brutality by man, the
most intelligent and evolved animal on the earth.
There is mindless destruction of forests for timber, firewood and fuel. Every year
there is a loss of about 1.3 hectares of forest area in India because of large and
indiscriminate clearing of forests for cultivation, quarrying and large dams and
irrigation projects.
Then there is intensive and indiscriminate logging for commercial purposes by
contractors and timber-merchants. Over-grazing has also taken its toll. The result is
serious ecological imbalance and environment degradation. There is much pressure
on forests and the relation between men and forests has reached the lowest depth.
Conservation of forests and wildlife is also important from aesthete point of view.
They make life beautiful and colourful. Without them human life will lose much of its
beauty, charm and meaning. Their proper protection and conservation also means a
continuous and adequate supply of food, fodder, medicines, timber etc.
Forests and wildlife and renewable resources which need to be diligently protected,
preserved and increased in a planned way. There is a need to spread the awareness
about forest and wildlife conservation. Social forestry can be taught in schools as a
More and more trees should be planted, protected and seen growing and maturing.
There should be a ban on mobile zoos and animal rights activists should come
forward to wage a war on behalf of the mute and innocent animals.
The destruction and degradation of forests in upper reigns like Himalayas causes
such other ruins as erosion of top soil erratic rainfall, and recurring floods.
Deforestation is a great social and national evil and should be checked on priority
basis. It results in loss of productivity and environment degradation among much
other harm.
Encroachment on forests should also be checked and, if possible, banned, Non
government agencies, village communities; trials etc. should be involved in social
forestry and regeneration of degraded forest lands. They should be allowed to share

the benefits of these schemes in a judicious manner. The forest and wildlife
conservation laws should be made more stringent and practiced scrupulously.
Veerappans continued bloody trade in ivory and sandalwood trade upsets all
concerned. Throughout the Nilgiris, it is now almost impossible to spot a large tusker.
The full blown assault on forest and wildlife saddens all the Indians and wildlife
lovers in foreign countries.

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