Behaviour Board: Remember: Be Consistent and You WILL See Results!

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Behaviour Board

I wouldnt necessarily recommend using it with Sam students. However, if

there is a really difficult group you could try using it.
For Marcia it can be really helpful.
This is how it works:
It is a tool at our disposal to help with classroom management. Every day,
ALL students start on green. Every day is a fresh start. Students, depending
on their behaviour, can move up and down the board. Poor behaviour can be
Purple=exceptional behaviour and effort in class.
Green = good behaviour.
Yellow = poor behaviour and is a warning.
Red = very bad behaviour.
At the end of class, students will be rewarded according to where they are
on the board:
Purple= a star sticker or golden one.
Green = a green sticker.
Yellow = a yellow sticker.
Red = a red sticker and a chat with Mum and Dad about the childs
It is always better to recognise good behaviour by moving children up the
board to purple before chastising children for behaving poorly by moving
them down to yellow. Often when children see that somebody is going to get
a star, they will want one too, and will shape up to try earning a star as well.
Try not to favour students. Give stars to a variety of children in your class
throughout the year. Stars for exceptional behaviour dont necessarily have
to be given out each day.
Remember: be consistent and you WILL see results!

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