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When you catch a cold, you tend to feel miserable.

You are tired of sneezing and

blowing your nose _________________ the time. When someone in your house has a
cold, you are _________________ to get it too. This is because the cold virus
_________________ easily. _________________ a person who has a cold blows his nose,
his _________________ could carry the cold virus. This virus is then deposited
_________________ whatever he touches such as doorknobs, telephone handles
_________________ shower handles. People who also touch the surfaces of
_________________ things and then clean their nose would obtain the virus as well. To
_________________ your cold from spreading, here is a piece of good
_________________: wash your hands with soap and water frequently _________________
that the cold virus would have _________________ chance to survive.
There is no actual _________________ for the common cold. The medicine that you
take makes you feel _________________ but it cannot _________________ rid of the cold
virus completely. Most people tend to recover _________________ colds within a week.
When you have a cold, the best thing to do is to get _________________ of rest. You
should go to bed early and not over exert _________________. You must also
_________________ more water as fluids help to cool the throat _________________
relieve nasal passages.

Dr. Miller sneezed for the twentieth time this morning. He was ________________ most
unwell. His throat was ________________ sore that it ached every time he
________________ to swallow. In addition, he was ________________ a high temperature.
He was also extremely tired ________________ sneezing and had almost
________________ up an entire box of tissues.
"Whoever says doctors don't ________________ sick?" he wondered to himself. He was
sure that he ________________ caught his cold from one of his patients.
He wished that he could go home for a good ________________. However, he had
promised his son, Kenneth, that he would ________________ a talk during Kenneth's
school assembly in half an hour's ________________. He glanced ________________ his
prepared speech and groaned. He could now ________________ the beginnings of a
bad headache.
In the end, he ________________ that he could not possibly' give a speech
________________ his condition. He drove quickly to Kenneth's school and
________________ profusely to the Principal. Dr. Miller felt bad that he had to cancel
his ________________ as he was not feeling ________________.

During assembly that day, the Principal ________________ an announcement, "Due

________________ unforeseen circumstances, Dr. Miller's talk on 'How to Keep Fit' has
been cancelled."

Karate is more than just an ________________ of self-defense in ________________ of

trouble. It builds character and ________________ its exponents in shape.
In karate, individuals learn to ________________ their minds and bodies, replacing
aggression ________________ tolerance, and pride with humility. They also
________________ that fighting is always the ________________ resort in solving a
________________. Karate instills ________________ iron-clad discipline, tutoring
________________ to stretch their tolerance and humility ________________ levels
beyond their normal sphere ________________ experience. ________________ the
discipline, an exponent ________________ learns, one cannot master the martial art.
Unfortunately, there are ________________ misconceptions about karate. Most of this
misunderstanding ________________ from the violent shows ________________
television or on the big screen. ________________ to all these movies, karate has now
become misused ________________ a lack of understanding of ________________ basic

All the furniture _______________ still intact in the living room. The chairs, the table
and the sofa were covered with big white sheets. In the far corner, covered with a
thick _______________ of dust, stood an old-fashioned grandfather's clock. According
_______________ a neighborhood legend, it had stopped _______________ exactly at the
same time _______________ the owner had died.
"Just _______________ the ghost stories I often hear," Lily thought, and giggled
nervously. It didn't seem _______________ funny, though, as when she was
_______________ her group of friends out in the warm sunshine. Here, _______________
the cold wind seemed to blow right _______________ one's bones, it was a different
_______________ she froze. There was no outlet for the wind to _______________ the
house! Furthermore, there was no _______________, so the fans could not have been
working. Fear filled her heart. It seemed to _______________ faster, _______________
just like the ticking of a clock ... a big grandfather clock. Lily _______________ very
slowly to look at the clock in the corner. It was _______________ very loudly!
Lily screamed and ran out of the _______________. A ghostly laugh, mixed
_______________ the cry of the wind, _______________ her hasty escape.

When you catch a cold, you tend to feel miserable. You are tired of sneezing and
blowing your nose all the time. When someone in your house has a cold, you
are likely to get it too. This is because the cold virus spreads easily. When a
person who has a cold blows his nose, his hands could carry the cold virus. This
virus is then deposited on whatever he touches such as doorknobs, telephone
handlesor shower handles. people who also touch the surfaces of these things and
then clean their nose would obtain the virus as well. To prevent your cold from
spreading, here is a piece of good advice : wash your hands with soap and water
frequently so that the cold virus would have no chance to survive.
There is no actual cure for the common cold. The medicine that you take makes
you feel better but it cannot get rid of the cold virus completely. Most people tend
to recover from colds within a week. When you have a cold, the best thing to do is
to get plenty of rest. You should go to bed early and not over exert yourself. Your
must also drink more water as fluids help to cool the throat andrelieve nasal
Dr Miller sneezed for the twentieth time this morning. He was feeling most unwell.
His throat was so sore that it ached every time he tried to swallow. In addition, he
was running a high temperature. He was also extremely tired ofsneezing and had
almost used up an entire box of tissues.
"Whoever says doctors don't get sick?" he wondered to himself. He was sure that
he had caught his cold from one of his patients.
He wished that he could go home for a good rest. However, he had promised his
son, Kenneth, that he would give a talk during Kenneth's school assembly in half an
hour's time. He glanced at his prepared speech and groaned. He could nowfeel the
beginnings of a bad headache.
In the end, he decided that he could not possibly give a speech in his condition. He
drove quickly to Kenneth's school and apologized profusely to the Principal. Dr
Miller felt bad that he had to cancel his talk as he was not feeling well.
During assembly that day, the Principal made an announcement,
"Due tounforeseen circumstances, Dr Miller's talk on 'How to Keep Fit' has been
Karate is more than just an art of self-defence in times of trouble. It builds
character and keeps its exponents in shape.
In karate, individuals learn to control their minds and bodies, replacing
aggression with tolerance, and pride with humility. They also learn that fighting is
always the last resort in solving a conflict. Karate instils an iron-clad discipline,
tutoring exponents to stretch their tolerance and humility to levels beyond their

normal sphere of experience. Without the discipline, an exponent soon learns, one
cannot master the martial art.
Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about karate. Most of this
misunderstanding results from the violent shows on television or on the big
screen. Due to all these movies, karate has now become misused through a lack of
understanding of its basic principles
All the furniture were still intact in the living room. The chairs, the table and the
sofa were covered with big white sheets. In the far corner, covered with a
thickfilm of dust, stood an old-fashioned grandfather's clock. According to a
neighborhood legend, it had stopped ticking exactly at the same time that the
owner had died.
"Just like the ghost stories I often hear," Lily thought, and giggled nervously. It
didn't seem as funny, though, as when she was with her group of friends out in the
warm sunshine. Here, where the cold wind seemed to blow right throughone's
bones, it was a different story.
Suddenly she froze. There was no outlet for the wind to enter the house!
Furthermore, there was no electricity, so the fans could not have been working.
Fear filled her heart. It seemed to beat faster, sounding just like the ticking of a
clock ... a big grandfather clock. Lily turned very slowly to look at the clock in the
corner. It was ticking very loudly!
Lily screamed and ran out of the room. A ghostly laugh, mixed with the cry of the
wind, followed her hasty escape.

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