Religion Impact On Gender Roles and Ideas Caribbean Studies

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Religion impact on gender roles and ideas

Religion has shaped our perception, our ideas about the proper ways for our
males and females. Religion has also prescribed the roles and behaviours that
both male and female should exhibit.e.g religion have affected the way women
and men are viewed in some institutions. In the past, women were not allowed to
be leaders of organisations or institutions because they were seen as being
submissive according to biblical principles women were also prevented from
working in certain areas that were considered to be masculine e.g the
construction industry they were geared in accepting positions in the work force
that are considered feminine such as teaching and nursing.
Additionally women were prevented from being the leaders in the different
churches e.g a female could not be a priest in the Anglican or catholic churches
in the brethren women were not allowed to be vocal nor accept leadership
positions women were not seen as the head of households despite the fact many
of them might be single parents or residing in an extended family household. In
the Indian communities Hindu and Islamic teachings greater emphasis on home
caring were made women role in society it was expected will leave the home to
look for work, attend school or collages or associate herself in any institution or
organisation without consent from the male.
The impact of religion on health and diet
Religion has impacted on Caribbean peoples health and diet practices in a
tremendous way through it teachings e.g the church as taught its members that
cleanliness is close to godliness and thus Caribbean people have been taught to
practice good hygiene some churches taught it members from unholy practices
that can affect their health some of these were
1. to abstain from eating certain foods(pork and beef)
2. Jehovah witness will not accept blood even though their life depends on it
3. Some churches demand that their members life a vegetarian life,
Rastafarians were taught not to eat salt or prepare their food with it as
well as not to eat any meat of any kind nor substitutes they were also
thought to eat food in their natural state
4. During certain religious seasons, Caribbean people would give up certain
habits or would eat only a specific type of food e.g during the lengthen
season some Caribbean people would give up certain pleasures or habits
5. Be monogamous
The impact of religion on education
Religion have impact Caribbean schools in a calendar of activities, most schools
plan a curriculum to coincide with religious holidays all schools are closed to
observe the Easter and Christmas holidays. Some Caribbean territories have
national holidays for the Hindu and Muslim festivals. Some Caribbean countries
have school that are run by different denominations and there in cooperated
aspects of their religious books in the curriculum.

The impact of the justice system on the Caribbean people

The justice system in the Caribbean comprised mainly of police force, law course,
prison system

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